import path from "node:path"; import postcssExtendRule from "postcss-extend-rule"; import postcssImport from "postcss-import"; import postcssPrefixWrap from "postcss-prefixwrap"; import postcssPresetEnv from "postcss-preset-env"; import postcssSimpleVars from "postcss-simple-vars"; import {media_breakpoints} from "./src/css_variables.js"; const config = ({file}) => ({ plugins: [ (file.basename ?? path.basename(file)) === "dark_theme.css" && // Add postcss-import plugin with postcss-prefixwrap to handle // the flatpickr dark theme. We do this because flatpickr themes // are not scoped. See postcssImport({ plugins: [postcssPrefixWrap("%dark-theme")], }), postcssExtendRule, postcssSimpleVars({variables: media_breakpoints}), postcssPresetEnv({ features: { "nesting-rules": true, }, }), ], }); export default config;