import * as internal_url from "../shared/js/internal_url"; import {page_params} from "./page_params"; import * as people from "./people"; import * as stream_data from "./stream_data"; export function get_hash_category(hash) { // given "#streams/subscribed", returns "streams" return hash ? hash.replace(/^#/, "").split(/\//)[0] : ""; } export function get_hash_section(hash) { // given "#settings/profile", returns "profile" // given '#streams/5/social", returns "5" if (!hash) { return ""; } const parts = hash.replace(/\/$/, "").split(/\//); return parts[1] || ""; } export function get_current_hash_category() { return get_hash_category(window.location.hash); } export function get_current_hash_section() { return get_hash_section(window.location.hash); } export function build_reload_url() { let hash = window.location.hash; if (hash.length !== 0 && hash[0] === "#") { hash = hash.slice(1); } return "+oldhash=" + encodeURIComponent(hash); } export function encode_operand(operator, operand) { if (operator === "group-pm-with" || operator === "pm-with" || operator === "sender") { const slug = people.emails_to_slug(operand); if (slug) { return slug; } } if (operator === "stream") { return encode_stream_name(operand); } return internal_url.encodeHashComponent(operand); } export function encode_stream_name(operand) { // stream_data prefixes the stream id, but it does not do the // URI encoding piece operand = stream_data.name_to_slug(operand); return internal_url.encodeHashComponent(operand); } export function decode_operand(operator, operand) { if (operator === "group-pm-with" || operator === "pm-with" || operator === "sender") { const emails = people.slug_to_emails(operand); if (emails) { return emails; } } operand = internal_url.decodeHashComponent(operand); if (operator === "stream") { return stream_data.slug_to_name(operand); } return operand; } export function by_stream_url(stream_id) { // Wrapper for web use of internal_url.by_stream_url return internal_url.by_stream_url(stream_id, stream_data.maybe_get_stream_name); } export function by_stream_topic_url(stream_id, topic) { // Wrapper for web use of internal_url.by_stream_topic_url return internal_url.by_stream_topic_url(stream_id, topic, stream_data.maybe_get_stream_name); } // Encodes an operator list into the // corresponding hash: the # component // of the narrow URL export function operators_to_hash(operators) { let hash = "#"; if (operators !== undefined) { hash = "#narrow"; for (const elem of operators) { // Support legacy tuples. const operator = elem.operator; const operand = elem.operand; const sign = elem.negated ? "-" : ""; hash += "/" + sign + internal_url.encodeHashComponent(operator) + "/" + encode_operand(operator, operand); } } return hash; } export function by_sender_url(reply_to) { return operators_to_hash([{operator: "sender", operand: reply_to}]); } export function pm_with_url(reply_to) { const slug = people.emails_to_slug(reply_to); return "#narrow/pm-with/" + slug; } export function huddle_with_url(user_ids_string) { // This method is convenient for callers // that have already converted emails to a comma-delimited // list of user_ids. We should be careful to keep this // consistent with hash_util.decode_operand. return "#narrow/pm-with/" + user_ids_string + "-group"; } export function by_conversation_and_time_url(message) { const absolute_url = window.location.protocol + "//" + + "/" + window.location.pathname.split("/")[1]; const suffix = "/near/" + internal_url.encodeHashComponent(; if (message.type === "stream") { return absolute_url + by_stream_topic_url(message.stream_id, message.topic) + suffix; } return absolute_url + people.pm_perma_link(message) + suffix; } export function stream_edit_url(sub) { const hash = `#streams/${sub.stream_id}/${internal_url.encodeHashComponent(}`; return hash; } export function search_public_streams_notice_url(operators) { const public_operator = {operator: "streams", operand: "public"}; return operators_to_hash([public_operator].concat(operators)); } export function parse_narrow(hash) { // This will throw an exception when passed an invalid hash // at the decodeHashComponent call, handle appropriately. let i; const operators = []; for (i = 1; i < hash.length; i += 2) { // We don't construct URLs with an odd number of components, // but the user might write one. let operator = internal_url.decodeHashComponent(hash[i]); // Do not parse further if empty operator encountered. if (operator === "") { break; } const raw_operand = hash[i + 1]; if (!raw_operand) { return undefined; } let negated = false; if (operator[0] === "-") { negated = true; operator = operator.slice(1); } const operand = decode_operand(operator, raw_operand); operators.push({negated, operator, operand}); } return operators; } export function is_overlay_hash(hash) { // Hash changes within this list are overlays and should not unnarrow (etc.) const overlay_list = [ "streams", "drafts", "groups", "settings", "organization", "invite", "keyboard-shortcuts", "message-formatting", "search-operators", "about-zulip", ]; const main_hash = get_hash_category(hash); return overlay_list.includes(main_hash); } // this finds the stream that is actively open in the settings and focused in // the left side. export function is_editing_stream(desired_stream_id) { const hash_components = window.location.hash.slice(1).split(/\//); if (hash_components[0] !== "streams") { return false; } if (!hash_components[2]) { return false; } // if the string casted to a number is valid, and another component // after exists then it's a stream name/id pair. const stream_id = Number.parseFloat(hash_components[1]); return stream_id === desired_stream_id; } export function is_create_new_stream_narrow() { return window.location.hash === "#streams/new"; } export const allowed_web_public_narrows = [ "streams", "stream", "topic", "sender", "has", "search", "near", "id", ]; export function is_spectator_compatible(hash) { // Defines which views are supported for spectators. // This implementation should agree with the similar function in zerver/lib/ const web_public_allowed_hashes = [ "", "narrow", // full #narrow hash handled in narrow.is_spectator_compatible "recent_topics", "keyboard-shortcuts", "message-formatting", "search-operators", "all_messages", "about-zulip", ]; const main_hash = get_hash_category(hash); if (main_hash === "narrow") { const hash_section = get_hash_section(hash); if (!allowed_web_public_narrows.includes(hash_section)) { return false; } return true; } return web_public_allowed_hashes.includes(main_hash); } export function current_hash_as_next() { return `next=/${encodeURIComponent(window.location.hash)}`; } export function build_login_link() { let login_link = "/login/?" + current_hash_as_next(); if (page_params.development_environment) { login_link = "/devlogin/?" + current_hash_as_next(); } return login_link; }