import * as Sentry from "@sentry/browser"; import $ from "jquery"; import _ from "lodash"; import {z} from "zod"; import {page_params} from "./base_page_params"; import * as blueslip from "./blueslip"; import * as reload_state from "./reload_state"; import {normalize_path, shouldCreateSpanForRequest} from "./sentry"; import * as spectators from "./spectators"; // We omit `success` handler from original `AjaxSettings` type because it types // the `data` parameter as `any` type and we want to avoid that. type AjaxRequestHandlerOptions = Omit & { url: string; ignore_reload?: boolean; success?: | (( data: unknown, textStatus: JQuery.Ajax.SuccessTextStatus, jqXHR: JQuery.jqXHR, ) => void) | undefined; error?: JQuery.Ajax.ErrorCallback; }; type PatchRequestData = | {processData: false; data: FormData} | {processData?: true | undefined; data: Record}; export type AjaxRequestHandler = typeof call | typeof patch; let password_change_in_progress = false; export let password_changes = 0; export function set_password_change_in_progress(value: boolean): void { password_change_in_progress = value; if (!value) { password_changes += 1; } } function call(args: AjaxRequestHandlerOptions): JQuery.jqXHR | undefined { if (reload_state.is_in_progress() && !args.ignore_reload) { // If we're in the process of reloading, most HTTP requests // are useless, with exceptions like cleaning up our event // queue and blueslip (Which doesn't use channel.js). return undefined; } const existing_span = Sentry.getCurrentHub().getScope().getSpan(); const txn_title = `call ${args.type} ${normalize_path(args.url)}`; const span_data = { op: "function", description: txn_title, data: { url: args.url, method: args.type, }, }; let span: Sentry.Span | undefined; if (!shouldCreateSpanForRequest(args.url)) { // Leave the span unset, so we don't record a transaction } else { if (!existing_span) { span = Sentry.startTransaction({...span_data, name: txn_title}); } else { /* istanbul ignore next */ span = existing_span.startChild(span_data); } } // Remember the number of completed password changes when the // request was initiated. This allows us to detect race // situations where a password change occurred before we got a // response that failed due to the ongoing password change. const orig_password_changes = password_changes; // Wrap the error handlers to reload the page if we get a CSRF error // (What probably happened is that the user logged out in another tab). const orig_error = args.error ?? (() => { // Ignore errors by default }); args.error = function wrapped_error(xhr, error_type, xhn) { if (span !== undefined) { span.setHttpStatus(xhr.status); span.finish(); } if (reload_state.is_in_progress()) { // If we're in the process of reloading the browser, // there's no point in running the error handler, // because all of our state is about to be discarded // anyway. blueslip.log(`Ignoring ${args.type} ${args.url} error response while reloading`); return; } if (xhr.status === 401) { if (password_change_in_progress || orig_password_changes !== password_changes) { // The backend for handling password change API requests // will replace the user's session; this results in a // brief race where any API request will fail with a 401 // error after the old session is deactivated but before // the new one has been propagated to the browser. So we // skip our normal HTTP 401 error handling if we're in the // process of executing a password change. return; } if (page_params.page_type === "home" && page_params.is_spectator) { // In theory, the spectator implementation should be // designed to prevent accessing widgets that would // make network requests not available to spectators. // // In the case that we have a bug in that logic, we // prefer the user experience of offering the // login_to_access widget over reloading the page. spectators.login_to_access(); } else if (page_params.page_type === "home") { // We got logged out somehow, perhaps from another window // changing the user's password, or a session timeout. We // could display an error message, but jumping right to // the login page conveys the same information with a // smoother relogin experience. window.location.replace(page_params.login_page); return; } } else if (xhr.status === 403) { if (xhr.responseJSON === undefined) { blueslip.error("Unexpected 403 response from server", { xhr: xhr.responseText, args, }); } else if ( z.object({code: z.literal("CSRF_FAILED")}).safeParse(xhr.responseJSON).success && reload_state.csrf_failed_handler !== undefined ) { reload_state.csrf_failed_handler(); } } orig_error(xhr, error_type, xhn); }; const orig_success = args.success ?? (() => { // Do nothing by default }); args.success = function wrapped_success(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { if (span !== undefined) { span.setHttpStatus(jqXHR.status); span.finish(); } if (reload_state.is_in_progress()) { // If we're in the process of reloading the browser, // there's no point in running the success handler, // because all of our state is about to be discarded // anyway. blueslip.log(`Ignoring ${args.type} ${args.url} response while reloading`); return; } orig_success(data, textStatus, jqXHR); }; try { const scope = Sentry.getCurrentHub().pushScope(); if (span !== undefined) { scope.setSpan(span); } return $.ajax(args); } finally { Sentry.getCurrentHub().popScope(); } } export function get(options: AjaxRequestHandlerOptions): JQuery.jqXHR | undefined { const args = {type: "GET", dataType: "json", ...options}; return call(args); } export function post(options: AjaxRequestHandlerOptions): JQuery.jqXHR | undefined { const args = {type: "POST", dataType: "json", ...options}; return call(args); } export function put(options: AjaxRequestHandlerOptions): JQuery.jqXHR | undefined { const args = {type: "PUT", dataType: "json", ...options}; return call(args); } // Not called exports.delete because delete is a reserved word in JS export function del(options: AjaxRequestHandlerOptions): JQuery.jqXHR | undefined { const args = {type: "DELETE", dataType: "json", ...options}; return call(args); } export function patch( options: Omit & PatchRequestData, ): JQuery.jqXHR | undefined { // Send a PATCH as a POST in order to work around QtWebkit // (Linux/Windows desktop app) not supporting PATCH body. if (options.processData === false) { // If we're submitting a FormData object, we need to add the // method this way"method", "PATCH"); } else { = {, method: "PATCH"}; } return post(options); } export function xhr_error_message(message: string, xhr: JQuery.jqXHR): string { let parsed; if ( xhr.status >= 400 && xhr.status < 500 && (parsed = z.object({msg: z.string()}).safeParse(xhr.responseJSON)).success ) { // Only display the error response for 4XX, where we've crafted // a nice response. const server_response_html = _.escape(; if (message) { message += ": " + server_response_html; } else { message = server_response_html; } } return message; }