from collections import defaultdict from typing import Dict, Optional from django.conf import settings from django.db import connection from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import render from django.template import loader from django.utils.timezone import now as timezone_now from markupsafe import Markup from psycopg2.sql import SQL from analytics.lib.counts import COUNT_STATS from analytics.views.activity_common import ( dictfetchall, fix_rows, format_date_for_activity_reports, get_query_data, make_table, realm_activity_link, realm_stats_link, realm_support_link, realm_url_link, ) from import get_plan_type_string from zerver.decorator import require_server_admin from zerver.lib.request import has_request_variables from zerver.models import Realm from zerver.models.realms import get_org_type_display_name if settings.BILLING_ENABLED: from import ( estimate_annual_recurring_revenue_by_realm, get_realms_with_default_discount_dict, ) def get_realm_day_counts() -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Markup]]: # To align with UTC days, we subtract an hour from end_time to # get the start_time, since the hour that starts at midnight was # on the previous day. query = SQL( """ select r.string_id, (now()::date - (end_time - interval '1 hour')::date) age, coalesce(sum(value), 0) cnt from zerver_realm r join analytics_realmcount rc on = rc.realm_id where property = 'messages_sent:is_bot:hour' and subgroup = 'false' and end_time > now()::date - interval '8 day' - interval '1 hour' group by r.string_id, age """ ) cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(query) rows = dictfetchall(cursor) cursor.close() counts: Dict[str, Dict[int, int]] = defaultdict(dict) for row in rows: counts[row["string_id"]][row["age"]] = row["cnt"] def format_count(cnt: int, style: Optional[str] = None) -> Markup: if style is not None: good_bad = style elif cnt == min_cnt: good_bad = "bad" elif cnt == max_cnt: good_bad = "good" else: good_bad = "neutral" return Markup('{cnt}').format(good_bad=good_bad, cnt=cnt) result = {} for string_id in counts: raw_cnts = [counts[string_id].get(age, 0) for age in range(8)] min_cnt = min(raw_cnts[1:]) max_cnt = max(raw_cnts[1:]) cnts = format_count(raw_cnts[0], "neutral") + Markup().join(map(format_count, raw_cnts[1:])) result[string_id] = dict(cnts=cnts) return result def realm_summary_table() -> str: now = timezone_now() query = SQL( """ SELECT realm.string_id, realm.date_created, realm.plan_type, realm.org_type, coalesce(wau_table.value, 0) wau_count, coalesce(dau_table.value, 0) dau_count, coalesce(user_count_table.value, 0) user_profile_count, coalesce(bot_count_table.value, 0) bot_count FROM zerver_realm as realm LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT value _14day_active_humans, realm_id from analytics_realmcount WHERE property = 'realm_active_humans::day' AND end_time = %(realm_active_humans_end_time)s ) as _14day_active_humans_table ON = _14day_active_humans_table.realm_id LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT value, realm_id from analytics_realmcount WHERE property = '7day_actives::day' AND end_time = %(seven_day_actives_end_time)s ) as wau_table ON = wau_table.realm_id LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT value, realm_id from analytics_realmcount WHERE property = '1day_actives::day' AND end_time = %(one_day_actives_end_time)s ) as dau_table ON = dau_table.realm_id LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT value, realm_id from analytics_realmcount WHERE property = 'active_users_audit:is_bot:day' AND subgroup = 'false' AND end_time = %(active_users_audit_end_time)s ) as user_count_table ON = user_count_table.realm_id LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT value, realm_id from analytics_realmcount WHERE property = 'active_users_audit:is_bot:day' AND subgroup = 'true' AND end_time = %(active_users_audit_end_time)s ) as bot_count_table ON = bot_count_table.realm_id WHERE _14day_active_humans IS NOT NULL or realm.plan_type = 3 ORDER BY dau_count DESC, string_id ASC """ ) cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute( query, { "realm_active_humans_end_time": COUNT_STATS[ "realm_active_humans::day" ].last_successful_fill(), "seven_day_actives_end_time": COUNT_STATS["7day_actives::day"].last_successful_fill(), "one_day_actives_end_time": COUNT_STATS["1day_actives::day"].last_successful_fill(), "active_users_audit_end_time": COUNT_STATS[ "active_users_audit:is_bot:day" ].last_successful_fill(), }, ) rows = dictfetchall(cursor) cursor.close() for row in rows: row["date_created_day"] = row["date_created"].strftime("%Y-%m-%d") row["age_days"] = int((now - row["date_created"]).total_seconds() / 86400) row["is_new"] = row["age_days"] < 12 * 7 # get messages sent per day counts = get_realm_day_counts() for row in rows: try: row["history"] = counts[row["string_id"]]["cnts"] except Exception: row["history"] = "" # estimate annual subscription revenue total_arr = 0 if settings.BILLING_ENABLED: estimated_arrs = estimate_annual_recurring_revenue_by_realm() realms_with_default_discount = get_realms_with_default_discount_dict() for row in rows: row["plan_type_string"] = get_plan_type_string(row["plan_type"]) string_id = row["string_id"] if string_id in estimated_arrs: row["arr"] = estimated_arrs[string_id] if row["plan_type"] in [Realm.PLAN_TYPE_STANDARD, Realm.PLAN_TYPE_PLUS]: row["effective_rate"] = 100 - int(realms_with_default_discount.get(string_id, 0)) elif row["plan_type"] == Realm.PLAN_TYPE_STANDARD_FREE: row["effective_rate"] = 0 elif ( row["plan_type"] == Realm.PLAN_TYPE_LIMITED and string_id in realms_with_default_discount ): row["effective_rate"] = 100 - int(realms_with_default_discount[string_id]) else: row["effective_rate"] = "" total_arr += sum(estimated_arrs.values()) for row in rows: row["org_type_string"] = get_org_type_display_name(row["org_type"]) # formatting for row in rows: row["realm_url"] = realm_url_link(row["string_id"]) row["stats_link"] = realm_stats_link(row["string_id"]) row["support_link"] = realm_support_link(row["string_id"]) row["string_id"] = realm_activity_link(row["string_id"]) # Count active sites num_active_sites = sum(row["dau_count"] >= 5 for row in rows) # create totals total_dau_count = 0 total_user_profile_count = 0 total_bot_count = 0 total_wau_count = 0 for row in rows: total_dau_count += int(row["dau_count"]) total_user_profile_count += int(row["user_profile_count"]) total_bot_count += int(row["bot_count"]) total_wau_count += int(row["wau_count"]) total_row = dict( string_id="Total", plan_type_string="", org_type_string="", effective_rate="", arr=total_arr, realm_url="", stats_link="", support_link="", date_created_day="", dau_count=total_dau_count, user_profile_count=total_user_profile_count, bot_count=total_bot_count, wau_count=total_wau_count, ) rows.insert(0, total_row) content = loader.render_to_string( "analytics/realm_summary_table.html", dict( rows=rows, num_active_sites=num_active_sites, utctime=now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %Z"), billing_enabled=settings.BILLING_ENABLED, ), ) return content @require_server_admin @has_request_variables def get_installation_activity(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse: content: str = realm_summary_table() title = "Installation activity" return render( request, "analytics/activity_details_template.html", context=dict(data=content, title=title, is_home=True), ) @require_server_admin def get_integrations_activity(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse: title = "Integrations by client" query = SQL( """ select case when query like '%%external%%' then split_part(query, '/', 5) else end client_name, realm.string_id, sum(count) as hits, max(last_visit) as last_time from zerver_useractivity ua join zerver_client client on = ua.client_id join zerver_userprofile up on = ua.user_profile_id join zerver_realm realm on = up.realm_id where (query in ('send_message_backend', '/api/v1/send_message') and not in ('Android', 'ZulipiOS') and not like 'test: Zulip%%' ) or query like '%%external%%' group by client_name, string_id having max(last_visit) > now() - interval '2 week' order by client_name, string_id """ ) cols = [ "Client", "Realm", "Hits", "Last time", ] rows = get_query_data(query) for i, col in enumerate(cols): if col == "Realm": fix_rows(rows, i, realm_activity_link) elif col == "Last time": fix_rows(rows, i, format_date_for_activity_reports) content = make_table(title, cols, rows) return render( request, "analytics/activity_details_template.html", context=dict( data=content, title=title, is_home=False, ), )