Receive Zulip notifications from UptimeRobot! 1. {!!} 1. {!!} 1. {!!} 1. On UptimeRobot, go to **My Settings** and select **Add Alert Contact**. Set **Alert Contact Type** to **webhook**. 1. Set **Friendly Name** to a name of your choice, such as `Zulip`. Set **URL to notify** to the URL constructed above. Under **POST Value (JSON Format)**, select **Send as JSON (application/json)**. 1. Set **POST Value(JSON Format)** to: ``` { "monitor_url":"*monitorURL*", "monitor_friendly_name":"*monitorFriendlyName*", "alert_type":"*alertType*", "alert_type_friendly_name":"*alertTypeFriendlyName*", "alert_details":"*alertDetails*", "alert_friendly_duration":"*alertFriendlyDuration*" } ``` 1. Set **Enable Notifications For** to whichever events you want to notify on. Save the form. {!!} ![](/static/images/integrations/uptimerobot/001.png)