set_global('$', global.make_zjquery()); zrequire('narrow_state'); zrequire('stream_data'); zrequire('Filter', 'js/filter'); zrequire('MessageListData', 'js/message_list_data'); zrequire('unread'); zrequire('narrow'); zrequire('search_pill'); set_global('blueslip', {}); set_global('channel', {}); set_global('compose', {}); set_global('compose_actions', {}); set_global('current_msg_list', {}); set_global('hashchange', {}); set_global('home_msg_list', {}); set_global('message_fetch', {}); set_global('message_list', {}); set_global('message_scroll', {}); set_global('message_util', {}); set_global('notifications', {}); set_global('page_params', {}); set_global('search', {}); set_global('stream_list', {}); set_global('top_left_corner', {}); set_global('ui_util', {}); set_global('util', {}); set_global('unread_ops', {}); set_global('search_pill_widget', { widget: { clear: function () {return true;}, appendValue: function () {return true;}, }, }); var noop = () => {}; // // We have strange hacks in narrow.activate to sleep 0 // seconds. global.patch_builtin('setTimeout', (f, t) => { assert.equal(t, 0); f(); }); function stub_trigger(f) { set_global('document', 'document-stub'); $('document-stub').trigger = f; $.Event = (name) => { assert.equal(name, 'narrow_activated.zulip'); }; } set_global('muting', { is_topic_muted: () => false, }); var denmark = { subscribed: false, color: 'blue', name: 'Denmark', stream_id: 1, in_home_view: false, }; stream_data.add_sub('Denmark', denmark); function test_helper() { var events = []; function stub(module_name, func_name) { global[module_name][func_name] = () => { events.push(module_name + '.' + func_name); }; } stub('compose_actions', 'on_narrow'); stub('hashchange', 'save_narrow'); stub('message_scroll', 'hide_indicators'); stub('message_scroll', 'show_loading_older'); stub('notifications', 'clear_compose_notifications'); stub('notifications', 'redraw_title'); stub('search', 'update_button_visibility'); stub('stream_list', 'handle_narrow_activated'); stub('top_left_corner', 'handle_narrow_activated'); stub('ui_util', 'change_tab_to'); stub('unread_ops', 'process_visible'); stub('compose', 'update_stream_button_for_stream'); stub('compose', 'update_stream_button_for_private'); stub_trigger(() => { events.push('trigger event'); }); blueslip.debug = noop; message_util.add_messages = (messages, target_list, opts) => { // The real function here doesn't do any more than this // that we care about here. target_list.add_messages(messages, opts); }; return { clear: () => { events = []; }, push_event: (event) => { events.push(event); }, assert_events: (expected_events) => { assert.deepEqual(expected_events, events); }, }; } function stub_message_list() { message_list.MessageList = function (opts) { var list = this; =; this.view = { set_message_offset: function (offset) { list.view.offset = offset; }, }; return this; }; message_list.MessageList.prototype = { get: function (msg_id) { return; }, empty: function () { return; }, select_id: function (msg_id) { this.selected_id = msg_id; }, }; } run_test('basics', () => { stub_message_list(); var helper = test_helper(); var terms = [ { operator: 'stream', operand: 'Denmark' }, ]; var selected_id = 1000; var selected_message = { id: selected_id, type: 'stream', stream_id: denmark.stream_id, }; var messages = [selected_message]; var row = { length: 1, offset: () => { return {top: 25}; }, }; current_msg_list.selected_id = () => { return -1; }; current_msg_list.get_row = () => { return row; }; message_list.all = { all_messages: () => { return messages; }, get: (msg_id) => { assert.equal(msg_id, selected_id); return selected_message; }, fetch_status: { has_found_newest: () => true, }, empty: () => false, first: () => { return {id: 900}; }, last: () => { return {id: 1100}; }, }; var cont; message_fetch.load_messages_for_narrow = (opts) => { cont = opts.cont; assert.deepEqual(opts, { cont: opts.cont, then_select_id: 1000, use_first_unread_anchor: false, }); }; narrow.activate(terms, { then_select_id: selected_id, }); assert.equal(message_list.narrowed.selected_id, selected_id); assert.equal(message_list.narrowed.view.offset, 25); assert.equal(narrow_state.narrowed_to_pms(), false); helper.assert_events([ 'notifications.clear_compose_notifications', 'notifications.redraw_title', 'ui_util.change_tab_to', 'message_scroll.hide_indicators', 'unread_ops.process_visible', 'hashchange.save_narrow', 'compose.update_stream_button_for_stream', 'search.update_button_visibility', 'compose_actions.on_narrow', 'top_left_corner.handle_narrow_activated', 'stream_list.handle_narrow_activated', 'trigger event', ]); current_msg_list.selected_id = () => { return -1; }; current_msg_list.get_row = () => { return row; }; util.sorted_ids = () => { return []; }; narrow.activate([{ operator: 'is', operand: 'private' }], { then_select_id: selected_id, }); assert.equal(narrow_state.narrowed_to_pms(), true); = (opts) => { assert.equal(opts.url, '/json/report/narrow_times'); helper.push_event('report narrow times'); }; helper.clear(); cont(); helper.assert_events([ 'report narrow times', ]); });