{{#if (eq zulip_view "inbox")}} {{#tr}}The inbox view provides an overview of your conversations with unread messages.{{/tr}} {{else if (eq zulip_view "recent_conversations")}} {{#tr}}The recent conversations view provides an overview of all the ongoing conversations.{{/tr}} {{/if}} {{#tr}} In Zulip, a conversation is either a direct message thread, or a topic in a channel. {{#*inline "z-link-direct-message"}}{{> @partial-block }}{{/inline}} {{#*inline "z-link-channel-topic"}}{{> @partial-block }}{{/inline}} {{/tr}} {{#if (eq zulip_view "inbox")}} {{t 'The colored bars indicate which channel the conversation is in.' }} {{/if}}

{{t 'Click on a conversation to view it. To return here, you can:'}}