class zulip_ops::zmirror_personals { include zulip_ops::base include zulip_ops::apt_repository_debathena include zulip::supervisor $zmirror_packages = [# Packages needed to run the mirror 'libzephyr4-krb5', 'zephyr-clients', 'krb5-config', 'krb5-user', 'debathena-kerberos-config', 'debathena-zephyr-config', # Packages needed to build pyzephyr 'libzephyr-dev', 'comerr-dev', 'python3-dev', 'python-dev', 'cython3', 'cython', ] package { $zmirror_packages: ensure => 'installed', require => Exec['setup_apt_repo_debathena'], } file { ['/home/zulip/api-keys', '/home/zulip/zephyr_sessions', '/home/zulip/ccache', '/home/zulip/mirror_status']: ensure => directory, mode => '0644', owner => 'zulip', group => 'zulip', } file { '/etc/cron.d/test_zephyr_personal_mirrors': ensure => file, owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0644', source => 'puppet:///modules/zulip_ops/cron.d/test_zephyr_personal_mirrors', } file { '/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/zulip_zephyr_mirror': require => Package[nagios-plugins-basic], recurse => true, purge => true, owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0755', source => 'puppet:///modules/zulip_ops/nagios_plugins/zulip_zephyr_mirror', } # TODO: Do the rest of our setup, which includes at least: # Building patched libzephyr4-krb5 from davidben's roost branch and installing that # ( # (to add ZLoadSession/ZDumpSession). # Building python-zephyr after cloning it from # (Patched with }