"use strict"; const _ = require("lodash"); const channel = require("./channel"); const echo = require("./echo"); const reload = require("./reload"); const reload_state = require("./reload_state"); const sent_messages = require("./sent_messages"); const server_events_dispatch = require("./server_events_dispatch"); const ui_report = require("./ui_report"); // Docs: https://zulip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/subsystems/events-system.html let waiting_on_homeview_load = true; let events_stored_while_loading = []; let get_events_xhr; let get_events_timeout; let get_events_failures = 0; const get_events_params = {}; // This field keeps track of whether we are attempting to // force-reconnect to the events server due to suspecting we are // offline. It is important for avoiding races with the presence // system when coming back from unsuspend. exports.suspect_offline = false; function get_events_success(events) { let messages = []; const update_message_events = []; const post_message_events = []; const clean_event = function clean_event(event) { // Only log a whitelist of the event to remove private data return _.pick(event, "id", "type", "op"); }; for (const event of events) { try { get_events_params.last_event_id = Math.max(get_events_params.last_event_id, event.id); } catch (error) { blueslip.error( "Failed to update last_event_id", {event: clean_event(event)}, error.stack, ); } } if (waiting_on_homeview_load) { events_stored_while_loading = events_stored_while_loading.concat(events); return; } if (events_stored_while_loading.length > 0) { events = events_stored_while_loading.concat(events); events_stored_while_loading = []; } // Most events are dispatched via the code server_events_dispatch, // called in the default case. The goal of this split is to avoid // contributors needing to read or understand the complex and // rarely modified logic for non-normal events. const dispatch_event = function dispatch_event(event) { switch (event.type) { case "message": { const msg = event.message; msg.flags = event.flags; if (event.local_message_id) { msg.local_id = event.local_message_id; sent_messages.report_event_received(event.local_message_id); } messages.push(msg); break; } case "update_message": update_message_events.push(event); break; case "delete_message": case "submessage": case "update_message_flags": post_message_events.push(event); break; default: server_events_dispatch.dispatch_normal_event(event); } }; for (const event of events) { try { dispatch_event(event); } catch (error) { blueslip.error( "Failed to process an event\n" + blueslip.exception_msg(error), {event: clean_event(event)}, error.stack, ); } } if (messages.length !== 0) { // Sort by ID, so that if we get multiple messages back from // the server out-of-order, we'll still end up with our // message lists in order. messages = _.sortBy(messages, "id"); try { messages = echo.process_from_server(messages); if (messages.length > 0) { for (const message of messages) { message_store.set_message_booleans(message); } const sent_by_this_client = messages.some((msg) => sent_messages.messages.has(msg.local_id), ); // If some message in this batch of events was sent by this // client, almost every time, this message will be the only one // in messages, because multiple messages being returned by // get_events usually only happens when a client is offline. // But in any case, insert_new_messages handles multiple // messages, only one of which was sent by this client, // correctly. message_events.insert_new_messages(messages, sent_by_this_client); } } catch (error) { blueslip.error( "Failed to insert new messages\n" + blueslip.exception_msg(error), undefined, error.stack, ); } } if (home_msg_list.selected_id() === -1 && !home_msg_list.empty()) { home_msg_list.select_id(home_msg_list.first().id, {then_scroll: false}); } if (update_message_events.length !== 0) { try { message_events.update_messages(update_message_events); } catch (error) { blueslip.error( "Failed to update messages\n" + blueslip.exception_msg(error), undefined, error.stack, ); } } // We do things like updating message flags and deleting messages last, // to avoid ordering issues that are caused by batch handling of // messages above. for (const event of post_message_events) { server_events_dispatch.dispatch_normal_event(event); } } function show_ui_connection_error() { ui_report.show_error($("#connection-error")); $("#connection-error").addClass("get-events-error"); } function hide_ui_connection_error() { ui_report.hide_error($("#connection-error")); $("#connection-error").removeClass("get-events-error"); } function get_events(options) { options = {dont_block: false, ...options}; if (reload_state.is_in_progress()) { return; } // TODO: In the future, we may implement Tornado support for live // update for web_public_visitor, but until then, there's nothing // to do here. if (page_params.is_web_public_visitor) { return; } get_events_params.dont_block = options.dont_block || get_events_failures > 0; if (get_events_params.dont_block) { // If we're requesting an immediate re-connect to the server, // that means it's fairly likely that this client has been off // the Internet and thus may have stale state (which is // important for potential presence issues). exports.suspect_offline = true; } if (get_events_params.queue_id === undefined) { get_events_params.queue_id = page_params.queue_id; get_events_params.last_event_id = page_params.last_event_id; } if (get_events_xhr !== undefined) { get_events_xhr.abort(); } if (get_events_timeout !== undefined) { clearTimeout(get_events_timeout); } get_events_params.client_gravatar = true; get_events_params.slim_presence = true; get_events_timeout = undefined; get_events_xhr = channel.get({ url: "/json/events", data: get_events_params, idempotent: true, timeout: page_params.poll_timeout, success(data) { exports.suspect_offline = false; try { get_events_xhr = undefined; get_events_failures = 0; hide_ui_connection_error(); get_events_success(data.events); } catch (error) { blueslip.error( "Failed to handle get_events success\n" + blueslip.exception_msg(error), undefined, error.stack, ); } get_events_timeout = setTimeout(get_events, 0); }, error(xhr, error_type) { try { get_events_xhr = undefined; // If we're old enough that our message queue has been // garbage collected, immediately reload. if ( xhr.status === 400 && JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).code === "BAD_EVENT_QUEUE_ID" ) { page_params.event_queue_expired = true; reload.initiate({ immediate: true, save_pointer: false, save_narrow: true, save_compose: true, }); } if (error_type === "abort") { // Don't restart if we explicitly aborted return; } else if (error_type === "timeout") { // Retry indefinitely on timeout. get_events_failures = 0; hide_ui_connection_error(); } else { get_events_failures += 1; } if (get_events_failures >= 5) { show_ui_connection_error(); } else { hide_ui_connection_error(); } } catch (error) { blueslip.error( "Failed to handle get_events error\n" + blueslip.exception_msg(error), undefined, error.stack, ); } const retry_sec = Math.min(90, Math.exp(get_events_failures / 2)); get_events_timeout = setTimeout(get_events, retry_sec * 1000); }, }); } exports.assert_get_events_running = function assert_get_events_running(error_message) { if (get_events_xhr === undefined && get_events_timeout === undefined) { exports.restart_get_events({dont_block: true}); blueslip.error(error_message); } }; exports.restart_get_events = function restart_get_events(options) { get_events(options); }; exports.force_get_events = function force_get_events() { get_events_timeout = setTimeout(get_events, 0); }; exports.home_view_loaded = function home_view_loaded() { waiting_on_homeview_load = false; get_events_success([]); $(document).trigger("home_view_loaded.zulip"); }; let watchdog_time = $.now(); exports.check_for_unsuspend = function () { const new_time = $.now(); if (new_time - watchdog_time > 20000) { // 20 seconds. // Defensively reset watchdog_time here in case there's an // exception in one of the event handlers watchdog_time = new_time; // Our app's JS wasn't running, which probably means the machine was // asleep. $(document).trigger("unsuspend"); } watchdog_time = new_time; }; setInterval(exports.check_for_unsuspend, 5000); exports.initialize = function () { $(document).on("unsuspend", () => { // Immediately poll for new events on unsuspend blueslip.log("Restarting get_events due to unsuspend"); get_events_failures = 0; exports.restart_get_events({dont_block: true}); }); get_events(); }; exports.cleanup_event_queue = function cleanup_event_queue() { // Submit a request to the server to cleanup our event queue if (page_params.event_queue_expired === true || page_params.no_event_queue === true) { return; } blueslip.log("Cleaning up our event queue"); // Set expired because in a reload we may be called twice. page_params.event_queue_expired = true; channel.del({ url: "/json/events", data: {queue_id: page_params.queue_id}, ignore_reload: true, }); }; window.addEventListener("beforeunload", () => { exports.cleanup_event_queue(); }); // For unit testing exports._get_events_success = get_events_success; window.server_events = exports;