{ "%'{file}' exceeds the maximum file size for attachments ({variable} MB).": "", "(attached file)": "", "(forever)": "(forever)", "(hidden)": "(Нуусан)", "(no description)": "(тайлбар байхгүй)", "(no topic)": "(хэлэлцэх сэдэв байхгүй)", "(you)": "(та)", "({message_retention_days} days)": "({message_retention_days} өдөр)", "/dark (Switch to the dark theme)": "/хар (Хараар харуулах)", "/light (Switch to light theme)": "/цагаан (Цагаанаар харуулах)", "/me is excited (Display action text)": "/сэтгэл хөдлөж байна (үйл хөдлөлийг текстээр харуулах)", "/poll Where should we go to lunch today? (Create a poll)": "/Өнөөдөр хаана хоол идэх вэ? (Санал асуулга үүсгэх)", "/todo (Create a todo list)": "/todo (Хийх ажлийн жагсаалт)", "1 day": "1 өдөр", "1 hour": "1 цаг", "1 week": "1 долоо хоног", "10 days": "10 өдөр", "10 minutes": "10 минут", "12-hour clock (5:00 PM)": "12-цагийн загвар (5:00 PM)", "2 minutes": "2 минут", "24-hour clock (17:00)": "24-цагийн загвар (17:00)", "3 days": "3 өдөр", "30 days": "30 өдөр", "30 minutes": "30 минут", "5 minutes": "5 минут", "6 hours": "6 цаг", "Total messages: {total_messages}": "Нийт мессежүүд: {total_messages}", "

{file_name} will be removed from the messages where it was shared. This action cannot be undone.

": "", "

Stream will be announced in #{notifications_stream}.

": "

Stream нь #{notifications_stream} мэдэгдэх болно.

", "

You are searching for messages that are sent by more than one person, which is not possible.

": "

Нэгээс олон хүний илгээсэн мессежийг хайх боломжгүй.

", "

You are searching for messages that belong to more than one stream, which is not possible.

": "

Та нэгээс олон stream-д хамаарах мессежийг хайж байгаа бөгөөд энэ нь боломжгүй юм.

", "

You are searching for messages that belong to more than one topic, which is not possible.

": "

Та нэгээс олон сэдэвт хамаарах мессежийг хайж байгаа бөгөөд энэ нь боломжгүй юм.

", "{name} is not subscribed to this stream. They will not be notified if you mention them.": "{name} энэхүү хаяг нь энэ группд ороогүй байна. Хэрэв Та энэхүү хаягыг бичвэл тэр хаягт нь мэдэгдэл очихгүй.", "{name} is not subscribed to this stream. They will not be notified unless you subscribe them.": "{name} энэхүү хаяг нь энэ группд ороогүй байна. Эдгээр мэйлийг группд нэмэхээс нааш мэдэгдэл очихгүй..", "{username} has {number_of_invites_by_user} unexpired invitations.": "", "Subscribe": "Элсэх", "Click here to learn about exporting private streams and messages.": "Энд дарж групп болон чатаа татаж авах заавар харна уу.", "Upgrade for more space.": "Ахиулах : багтаамжаа нэмэх.", " to add a new line": " шинэ мөр нэмэх", " to send": " илгээх", " will have the same properties as it did prior to deactivation, including role, owner and stream subscriptions.": "", " will have the same role, stream subscriptions, user group memberships, and other settings and permissions as they did prior to deactivation.": " нь идэвхгүй болгохоос өмнөхтэй ижил үүрэг, группын гишүүд, группын гишүүнчлэл болон бусад тохиргоо, зөвшөөрөлтэй байх болно.", "A Topic Move already in progress.": "Topic-ийн шилжилт аль хэдийн хийгдэж байна.", "A deactivated bot cannot send messages, access data, or take any other action.": "", "A deactivated emoji will remain visible in existing messages and emoji reactions, but cannot be used on new messages.": "", "A language is marked as 100% translated only if every string in the web, desktop, and mobile apps is translated, including administrative UI and error messages.": "Зөвхөн вэб, суурин компьютер болон мобайл апп-ууд дахь мөр бүрийг орчуулсан тохиолдолд л хэлийг 100% орчуулсан гэж тэмдэглэнэ.", "A stream needs to have a name": "Stream нь нэртэй байх хэрэгтэй", "A stream with this name already exists": "Энэ нэр нь аль нэг stream дээр хэрэглэгдсэн байна.", "A user group needs to have a name": "", "A user group with this name already exists": "", "A wide image (200×25 pixels) for the upper left corner of the app.": "", "API documentation": "API бичиг баримт", "API key": "API түлхүүр", "About Zulip": "Тухай", "Account": "Аккаунт", "Account & privacy": "Аккаунт & нууцлал", "Action": "Үйлдэл", "Actions": "Үйлдлүүд", "Active": "Идэвхтэй", "Active an hour ago": "", "Active bots": "Идэвхтэй ботууд", "Active more than 2 weeks ago": "", "Active now": "Яг одоо идэвхтэй", "Active users": "Идэвхтэй хэрэглэгчид", "Active yesterday": "", "Active {days_old} days ago": "", "Active {hours} hours ago": "", "Active {last_active_date}": "", "Active {minutes} minutes ago": "", "Activity unknown": "", "Add": "Нэмэх", "Add GIF": "GIF нэмэх", "Add a new alert word": "Шинэ анхааруулах үг нэмэх", "Add a new bot": "Шинэ бот нэмэх", "Add a new code playground": "Add a new code playground", "Add a new custom profile field": "", "Add a new emoji": "Шинэ Эможи нэмэх", "Add a new linkifier": "Шинэ холбоос нэмэх", "Add a new profile field": "Шинэ профайл талбар нэмэх", "Add a new user group": "Шинэ хэрэглэгчийн групп нэмэх", "Add alert word": "Анхааруулах үг нэмэх", "Add all users": "Бүх хэрэглэгчээ нэмэх", "Add another user...": "Өөр хэрэглэгч нэмэх...", "Add code playground": "Add code playground", "Add emoji": "Эможи нэмэх", "Add emoji reaction": "Эможи үйлдэл нэмэх", "Add extra emoji for members of the {realm_name} organization.": "{realm_name} байгууллагын хэрэглэгчид зориулж тусгай эможи нэмэх.", "Add global time": "Глобал цаг нэмэх", "Add linkifier": "Холбоос нэмэх", "Add members": "", "Add member…": "Гишүүн нэмэх…", "Add new default stream": "Шинэ default stream нэмэх", "Add new user group": "", "Add one or more users": "Нэг эсвэл олон хэрэглэгч нэмэх", "Add option": "", "Add question": "Асуулт нэмэх", "Add stream": "stream нэмэх", "Add streams": "олон stream нэмэх", "Add subscribers": "Гишүүн нэмэх", "Add subscribers. Use usergroup or #streamname to bulk add subscribers.": "Add subscribers. Use usergroup or #streamname to bulk add subscribers.", "Add task": "Таск нэмэх", "Add video call": "Видео дуудлага нэмэх", "Added successfully!": "Амжилттай нэмэгдлээ!", "Added successfully.": "", "Administrator": "Администратор ", "Administrators and moderators this Zulip organization will be able to see this email address.": "", "Administrators can delete any message.": "Администратор нь ямар ч мессежийг устгах боломжтой.", "Administrators of this Zulip organization will be able to see this email address.": "", "Admins": "Админууд", "Admins and moderators": "Админ болон модераторууд", "Admins only": "Зөвхөн админууд", "Admins, moderators and full members": "Админ, модераторууд болон бүрэн эрхтэй гишүүд", "Admins, moderators and members": "Админ, модераторууд болон гишүүд", "Admins, moderators and members, but only admins can add generic bots": "Ботуудыг зөвхөн админ нэмэх боломжтой", "Admins, moderators, members and guests": "Админ, модератор, гишүүд болон зочид", "Advanced": "Нарийвчилсан", "Advertise organization in the Zulip communities directory": "", "Alert word": "Анхааруулга үг", "Alert word \"{alert_word}\" removed successfully!": "", "Alert word already exists!": "Анхааруулга үг аль хэдийн үүссэн байна!", "Alert words": "Анхааруулга үгнүүд", "Alert words allow you to be notified as if you were @-mentioned when certain words or phrases are used in Zulip. Alert words are not case sensitive.": "Alert words allow you to be notified as if you were @-mentioned when certain words or phrases are used in Zulip. Alert words are not case sensitive.", "Alerted messages": "", "All": "Бүгд", "All direct messages": "", "All messages": "Бүх мессежүүд", "All messages including muted streams": "All messages including muted streams", "All streams": "Бүх групп", "All time": "Бүх цаг", "All unreads": "Бүгд уншигдаагүй", "Allow creating web-public streams (visible to anyone on the Internet)": "Нийтэд ил групп үүсгэхийг зөвшөөрөх (интернэт дэх бүх хүмүүс орох боломжтой)", "Allow message content in message notification emails": "Мессежийн мэдэгдлийн имэйл дэх мессежийн агуулгыг зөвшөөрөх", "Allow message editing": "Мессеж засварлахыг зөвшөөрөх", "Allow other users to view read receipts": "", "Allow subdomains": "Дэд домэйнуудыг зөвшөөрөх", "Allowed domains": "Зөвшөөрөгдсөн дэд домэйнууд", "Allowed domains: {domains}": "Зөвшөөрөгдсөн дэд домэйнууд: {domains}", "Already not subscribed.": "Элсээгүй байна.", "Already subscribed to {stream}": " {stream} группд аль хэдийн элссэн байна.", "Already subscribed users:": "Аль хэдийн элссэн гишүүд:", "Always": "Үргэлж", "An API key can be used to programmatically access a Zulip account. Anyone with access to your API key has the ability to read your messages, send messages on your behalf, and otherwise impersonate you on Zulip, so you should guard your API key as carefully as you guard your password.
We recommend creating bots and using the bots' accounts and API keys to access the Zulip API, unless the task requires access to your account.": "API түлхүүрийг ашиглан Zulip бүртгэлд программчлалаар хандах боломжтой. Таны API түлхүүрт хандах эрхтэй хэн бүхэн таны мессежийг унших, таны өмнөөс мессеж илгээх, Zulip дээр таныг дуурайх чадвартай тул та нууц үгээ хамгаалж байгаа шигээ API түлхүүрээ хамгаалах хэрэгтэй.
Хэрэв таны бүртгэлд хандах шаардлагагүй бол Zulip API-д хандахын тулд бот үүсгэж, ботуудын бүртгэл болон API түлхүүрүүдийг ашиглахыг зөвлөж байна.", "An hour ago": "Цагийн өмнө", "An unknown error occurred.": "Үл мэдэгдэх алдаа гарлаа.", "Announce new stream in": "", "Any organization administrator can conduct an export.": "Байгууллагын аль ч администратор экспорт хийх боломжтой.", "Any time": "ямар ч үед", "April": "-4-р сар", "Archive ?": "", "Archive stream": "stream архивлах", "Archiving stream will immediately unsubscribe everyone. This action cannot be undone.": "", "Are you sure you want to continue?": "", "Are you sure you want to create stream ''''{stream_name}'''' and subscribe {count} users to it?": " ''''{stream_name}'''' ийм групп, {count} тооны гишүүнтэй үүсгэхдээ итгэлтэй байна уу?", "Are you sure you want to deactivate this organization?": "Та энэ байгууллагыг идэвхгүй болгох гэж байгаадаа итгэлтэй байна уу?", "Are you sure you want to deactivate your account?": "Та энэ аккаунтыг идэвхгүй болгох гэж байгаадаа итгэлтэй байна уу?", "Are you sure you want to delete all drafts? This action cannot be undone.": "Бүх нооргоо устгахдаа итгэлтэй байна уу? Энэхүү үйлдлийг буцаах боломжгүй.", "Are you sure you want to delete your profile picture?": "Профайл зургаа устгахдаа итгэлтэй байна уу?", "Are you sure you want to mark all messages as read? This action cannot be undone.": "", "Are you sure you want to mute {user_name}? Messages sent by muted users will never trigger notifications, will be marked as read, and will be hidden.": "Дараах хэрэглэгчийн дууг нь хаахдаа итгэлтэй байна уу {user_name}? Дууг хаасан хэрэглэгчдийн илгээсэн зурвасууд хэзээ ч мэдэгдэл өгөхгүй, уншсан гэж тэмдэглэгдэх бөгөөд харагдахгүй.", "Are you sure you want to permanently delete {topic_name}?": "Дараах сэдвийг бүр мөсөн устгахдаа итгэлтэй байна уу {topic_name} ?", "Are you sure you want to resend the invitation to ?": "Дараах хаягруу хүсэлт дахин илгээхдээ итгэлтэй байна уу ?", "Are you sure you want to revoke the invitation to {email}?": "Дараах хаягруу илгээсэн хүсэлтээ цуцлахдаа итгэлтэй байна уу {email}?", "Are you sure you want to revoke this invitation link created by {referred_by}?": "Та {referred_by} үүсгэсэн урилгын линкийг цуцлахдаа итгэлтэй байна уу ?", "Are you sure you want to send @-mention notifications to the {subscriber_count} users subscribed to #{stream_name}? If not, please edit your message to remove the @{wildcard_mention} mention.": "", "Are you sure you want to unstar all messages in ? This action cannot be undone.": " доторх бүх мессежийг unstar хийхдээ итгэлтэй байна уу? Энэ үйлдлийг буцаах боломжгүй.", "Are you sure you want to unstar all starred messages? This action cannot be undone.": "Бүх мессежийг unstar хийхдээ итгэлтэй байна уу? Энэ үйлдлийг буцаах боломжгүй.", "Ask me later": "Дараа дахин асуух", "At the office": "", "Audible": "", "Audible desktop notifications": "Дуут дэлгэцийн мэдэгдлүүд", "August": "8-р сар", "Authentication methods": "Баталгаажуулах аргууд", "Author": "Бүтээгч", "Automated messages and emails": "", "Automatic": "Автомат", "Automatic (follows system settings)": "", "Automatically mark messages as read": "", "Available on Zulip Cloud Standard. Upgrade or request sponsorship to access.": "", "Avatar changes are disabled in this organization": "Энэ байгууллагад аватар өөрчлөх эрх нь хаалттай байна.", "Avatar from Gravatar": "Avatar from Gravatar", "Back to streams": "Группуудруу буцах", "Because you are the only organization owner, you cannot deactivate your account.": "", "Because you are the only subscriber, this stream will be automatically archived.": "", "Billing": "Төлбөр", "Bold": "Bold", "Bot": "Бот", "Bot email": "Бот имэйл", "Bot email (a-z, 0-9, and dashes only)": "Бот имэйл (a-z, 0-9, and dashes only)", "Bot owner": "", "Bot type": "Бот төрөл", "Bots": "Ботууд", "Browse recent conversations": "", "Browse streams": "Browse streams", "Business": "Бизнес", "Busy": "завгүй", "By deactivating your account, you will be logged out immediately.": "Бүртгэлээ идэвхгүй болгосноор та шууд гарах болно.", "Cancel": "Цуцлах", "Cancel compose": "Цуцлах", "Cancel compose and save draft": "", "Card": "", "Center the view around message ID .": "Center the view around message ID .", "Change": "Өөрчлөа", "Change avatar": "", "Change color": "Өнгө өөрчлөх", "Change email": "Имэйл өөрчлөх", "Change group info": "", "Change password": "Нууц үг өөрчлөх", "Change send shortcut": "Илгээх товчлолыг өөрчлөх", "Check all": "Бүгдийг шалгах", "Check your email ({email}) to confirm the new address.": " ({email}) мэйлээ шалгана уу.", "Choose avatar": "Аватар сонгох", "Choose members": "", "Choose subscribers": "Гишүүдээ сонгох", "Clear avatar": "", "Clear image": "", "Clear profile picture": "Профайл зургийг устгах", "Click here to reveal.": "Энд дарж тодруулна уу.", "Click on the pencil () icon to edit and reschedule a message.": "", "Click outside the input box to save. We'll automatically notify anyone that was added or removed.": "Хадгалахын тулд оруулах талбарын гадна талд товшино уу. Бид нэмсэн эсвэл хассан бүх хүнд автоматаар мэдэгдэх болно.", "Click to view or download.": "Харах эсвэл татаж авахын тулд энд дарна уу.", "Close": "Хаах", "Close modal": "Модалыг хаах", "Close this dialog window": "Энэ харилцах цонхыг хаа", "Code playgrounds": "Code playgrounds", "Code playgrounds are interactive in-browser development environments, such as replit, that are designed to make it convenient to edit and debug code. Zulip code blocks that are tagged with a programming language will have a button visible on hover that allows users to open the code block on the code playground site.": "", "Collapse compose": "Бичих талбарыг хураах", "Collapse direct messages": "", "Collapse message": "", "Collapse/show selected message": "Collapse/show selected message", "Community": "", "Commuting": "Commuting", "Compact": "", "Complete": "Дуусгах", "Complete the organization profile to brand and explain the purpose of this Zulip organization.": "Complete the organization profile to brand and explain the purpose of this Zulip organization.", "Compose a reply @-mentioning author": "Compose a reply @-mentioning author", "Compose message": "Зурвас бичих", "Compose your message here": "Зурвасаа энд бичнэ үү", "Compose your message here...": "Зурвасаа энд бичнэ үү...", "Composing messages": "Мессеж бичих", "Configure how Zulip notifies you about new messages.": "Zulip танд шинэ мессежийн талаар хэрхэн мэдэгдэхийг тохируулна уу.", "Configure regular expression patterns that will be used to automatically transform any matching text in Zulip messages and topics into links.": "", "Configure the default personal preference settings for new users joining your organization.": "Configure the default personal preference settings for new users joining your organization.", "Configure the authentication methods for your organization.": "Байгууллагадаа баталгаажуулах аргуудыг тохируулна уу.", "Configure the default streams new users are subscribed to when joining your organization.": "Configure the default streams new users are subscribed to when joining your organization.", "Confirm": "Баталгаажуулалт", "Consider searching all public streams.": "Consider searching all public streams.", "Contact a moderator to resolve this topic.": "", "Contact a moderator to unresolve this topic.": "", "Contact support": "Тусламж авах", "Convert emoticons before sending (:) becomes 😃)": "Илгээхээсээ өмнө эмотиконыг хөрвүүлэх (:) болдог 😃)", "Cookie Bot": "Cookie Bot", "Copied!": "Хуулсан!", "Copy address": "", "Copy and close": "Хуулаад хаах", "Copy code": "код хуулах", "Copy link": "Холбоос хуулах", "Copy link to message": "Мессежийн холбоосыг хуулна уу", "Copy link to topic": "Topic-ийн холбоосыг хуулна уу", "Copy mention syntax": "Дурдсан синтаксийг хуулах", "Copy version": "Хувилбарыг хуулах", "Copy zuliprc": "zuliprc-ийг хуулах", "Could not resolve topic": "", "Could not unresolve topic": "", "Create": "Үүсгэх", "Create a stream": "stream үүсгэх", "Create new stream": "Шинэ stream үүсгэх", "Create new user group": "", "Create stream": "stream үүсгэх", "Create user group": "", "Creating group...": "", "Creating stream...": "stream үүсгэж байна...", "Currently viewing all direct messages.": "", "Currently viewing all messages.": "", "Currently viewing the entire stream.": "", "Custom": "Тусгай", "Custom emoji": "Тусгай эможи", "Custom language: {query}": "Тусгай хэл: {query}", "Custom linkifier added!": "Тусгай холбоос нэмэгдсэн!", "Custom playground added!": "Custom playground added!", "Custom profile fields": "Тусгай профайл талбар", "Custom time": "", "Cycle between stream narrows": "Cycle between stream narrows", "DIRECT MESSAGES": "", "DM": "", "DMs, mentions, and alerts": "", "Dark": "", "Dark theme": "Бараан загвар", "Dark theme logo": "", "Data exports": "Дата экспорт хийх", "Date muted": "Огноо хаагдсан", "Date updated": "", "Date uploaded": "Оруулсан огноо", "Day of the week to send digests": "Тайлбар илгээх долоо хоногийн өдөр", "Deactivate": "Идэвхгүй", "Deactivate account": "Аккаунтыг идэвхгүй болгох", "Deactivate bot": "", "Deactivate custom emoji?": "", "Deactivate organization": "Байгууллагыг идэвхгүй болгох", "Deactivate user": "Хэрэглэгчийн идэвхгүй болгох", "Deactivate your account": "Өөрийн аккаунтаа идэвхгүй болгох", "Deactivate {name}?": "", "Deactivated": "Идэвхгүй болсон", "Deactivated users": "Идэвхгүй болсон хэрэглэгчид", "December": "12-р сар", "Default for stream": "", "Default is {language}. Use 'text' to disable highlighting.": "Default is {language}. Use 'text' to disable highlighting.", "Default language for code blocks": "Default language for code blocks", "Default streams": "Default streams", "Default streams for this organization": "", "Default user settings": "Default user settings", "Default view": "Default view", "Delay before sending message notification emails": "Delay before sending message notification emails", "Delay period (minutes)": "Delay period (minutes)", "Delete": "Устгах", "Delete alert word": "Анхааруулга үгийг устгах", "Delete all drafts": "Бүх ноорог устгах", "Delete code playground?": "", "Delete custom profile field?": "", "Delete data export?": "", "Delete draft": "Ноорог устгах", "Delete file": "Файл устгах", "Delete file?": "", "Delete icon": "Таних тэмдэг устгах", "Delete linkifier?": "", "Delete logo": "Лого устгах", "Delete message": "Мессеж устгах", "Delete message?": "", "Delete profile picture": "Профайл зураг устгах", "Delete scheduled message": "", "Delete selected draft": "Сонгосон ноорогыг устгах", "Delete topic": "Сэдэв устгах", "Delete {user_group_name}?": "", "Deleted": "Устсан", "Deleted option:": "", "Deleted options:": "", "Deleted successfully!": "Амжилттай устгагдлаа!", "Deleting a message permanently removes it for everyone.": "", "Deleting a topic will immediately remove it and its messages for everyone. Other users may find this confusing, especially if they had received an email or push notification related to the deleted messages.": "Сэдвийг устгаснаар тухайн сэдвийг болон түүний мессежийг хүн бүр дээр шууд устгах болно. Бусад хэрэглэгчид, ялангуяа устгасан мессежтэй холбоотой имэйл эсвэл мэдэгдэл хүлээн авсан бүхэн устана.", "Demote inactive streams": "Идэвхгүй stream-уудыг бууруулах", "Dense mode": "Хатуу горим", "Depending on the size of your organization, an export can take anywhere from seconds to an hour.": "Танай байгууллагын хэмжээнээс хамааран экспорт нь секундээс нэг цаг хүртэл үргэлжилж болно.", "Deprecation notice": "Хэрэглээний тухай мэдэгдэл", "Description": "Тайлбар", "Desktop": "Десктоп", "Desktop & mobile apps": "Десктоп & утасны апп", "Desktop message notifications": "Десктоп мессежийн мэдэгдэл", "Detailed keyboard shortcuts documentation": "Detailed keyboard shortcuts documentation", "Detailed message formatting documentation": "Detailed message formatting documentation", "Detailed search filters documentation": "", "Direct message": "", "Direct messages": "", "Direct messages and mentions": "", "Direct messages are disabled in this organization.": "", "Direct messages disabled": "", "Disable notifications?": "", "Disabled": "Хүчингүй", "Discard": "Татгалзах", "Dismiss for a week": "Долоо хоногийн турш хаах", "Display availability to other users": "", "Display my availability to other users": "", "Display names of reacting users when few users have reacted to a message": "", "Display on user card": "", "Display settings": "Дэлгэцийн тохиргоо", "Do you still want to move the latest {total_messages_allowed_to_move, plural, one {message} other {# messages}}?": "", "Do you want to add everyone?": "Та хүн бүрийг нэмэхийг хүсч байна уу?", "Domain": "Домэйн", "Don’t allow disposable email addresses": "Нэг удаагийн имэйл хаягийг бүү зөвшөөр", "Download": "татах", "Download .zuliprc": " .zuliprc татах", "Download botserverrc": " botserverrc татах", "Download config of all active outgoing webhook bots in Zulip Botserver format.": "Download config of all active outgoing webhook bots in Zulip Botserver format.", "Download file": "Файл татах", "Download the latest version.": "Сүүлийн хувилбарыг татах.", "Download zuliprc": "zuliprc татах", "Download {filename}": " {filename} татах", "Drafts": "Ноорог", "Drafts are not synced to other devices and browsers.": "Ноорог нь өөр төхөөрөмж болон интернэт хөтөчрүү хуулагдахгүй.", "Drafts from conversation with {recipient}": "", "Drafts from {recipient}": "", "Drafts older than {draft_lifetime} days are automatically removed.": " {draft_lifetime} өдрөөс өмнөх ноорог нь автоматаар устана.", "Duration deletion is allowed after posting (minutes)": "Нийтлэгдсэний дараа устгахыг зөвшөөрөх хугацаа (минут)", "Duration editing is allowed after posting (minutes)": "Нийтлэсний дараа засварлахыг зөвшөөрөх хугацаа (минут)", "EDITED": "Зассан", "Edit": "Засах", "Edit #{stream_name}": " #{stream_name} засах", "Edit and reschedule message": "", "Edit bot": "Бот засах", "Edit custom profile field": "", "Edit linkfiers": "Линкийг засах", "Edit message": "Мэссэж засах", "Edit or reschedule message": "", "Edit selected draft": "Сонгосон нооргийг засах", "Edit selected message or view source": "", "Edit status": "Статус засах", "Edit stream name and description": "", "Edit topic": "Сэдвийг засах", "Edit user": "Хэрэглэгчийг засах", "Edit your last message": "Сүүлийн мессежээ засах", "Edit your profile": "Профайлаа засах", "Edit {group_name}": "", "Edited ({last_edit_timestr})": "Зассан({last_edit_timestr})", "Edited by {full_name}": "Зассан {full_name}", "Education (for-profit)": "", "Education (non-profit)": "", "Effect": "Нөлөөлөл", "Email": "Имэйл", "Email address": "Имэйл хаяг", "Email address changes are disabled in this organization.": "Энэ байгууллагад имэйл хаягийн өөрчлөлтийг идэвхгүй болгосон.", "Email copied": "Имэйл хуулагдсан", "Email footers (e.g., signature)": "", "Email message notifications": "Имэйл мессежийн мэдэгдэл", "Email notifications": "Имэйл мэдэгдэл", "Emails (one on each line or comma-separated)": "Имэйлүүд(мөр бүрт нэг буюу таслалаар тусгаарлагдсан)", "Emoji": "", "Emoji name": "Эможи нэр", "Emoji set changed successfully!": "Эможи амжилттай өөрчлөгдсөн!", "Emoji theme": "Эможи загвар", "Enable message edit history": "Мессеж засварласан түүхийг идэвхжүүлэх", "Enable notifications": "Мэдэгдэлийг идэвхжүүлэх", "Enable read receipts": "", "Enabled": "Идэвхтэй", "End of results from your history.": "End of results from your history.", "Endpoint URL": "Endpoint URL", "Enter sends when composing a message": "Мессеж бичихдээ илгээсэн мэдээллийг оруулна уу", "Error": "Алдаа", "Error adding subscription": "Бүртгэл нэмэхэд алдаа гарлаа", "Error checking subscription.": "", "Error creating stream": "Групп үүсгэхэд алдаа гарлаа", "Error creating user group.": "", "Error deleting message": "Мессеж устгахад алдаа гарлаа", "Error fetching message edit history": "Мессеж засварласан түүхийг харах явцад алдаа гарлаа", "Error in unsubscribing from #{stream_name}": "Бүртгэлээ цуцлахад алдаа гарлаа #{stream_name}", "Error listing invites": "Хүсэлтийг жагсаахад алдаа гарлаа", "Error moving topic": "Сэдвийг зөөхөд алдаа гарлаа", "Error removing alert word!": "Анхааруулах үгийг устгахад алдаа гарлаа!", "Error removing subscription": "Бүртгэлийг устгахад алдаа гарлаа", "Error removing user from #{stream_name}": " #{stream_name}-ээс хэрэглэгч устгахад алдаа гарлаа", "Error removing user from this group.": "", "Error removing user from this stream.": "Энэ группээс хэрэглэгч устгахад алдаа гарлаа.", "Error saving edit": "Засварыг хадгалахад алдаа гарлаа", "Error: Cannot deactivate the only organization owner.": "Алдаа: Ганц байгууллага эзэмшигчийг идэвхгүй болгох боломжгүй.", "Error: Cannot deactivate the only user. You can deactivate the whole organization though in your organization profile settings.": "Алдаа: Ганц хэрэглэгчийг идэвхгүй болгох боломжгүй. Та өөрийн байгууллага дах бүх хэрэглэгчийг идэвхгүй болгож болно байгууллагын мэдээлэл.", "Escape key navigates to default view": "Escape товчлуур нь үндсэн харагдац руу шилждэг", "Estimated messages per week": "Долоо хоног бүрийн мэйл", "Event or conference": "", "Everyone": "Хүн бүр", "Everyone on the internet": "", "Everyone sees global times in their own time zone.": "", "Everyone sees this in their own time zone.": "Хүн бүр үүнийг өөрийн цагийн бүсэд хардаг.", "Exclude messages with topic .": "Сэдэвтэй мессежийг хас .", "Exit search": "Хайлтаас гарах", "Expand compose": "Зурвас бичих талбар томосгох", "Expand direct messages": "", "Expand message": "", "Expires at": "Дуусах цаг", "Expires on {date} at {time}": "", "Export failed": "Экспорт амжилтгүй боллоо", "Export organization": "Байгууллага экспорт хийх", "Export started. Check back in a few minutes.": "Экспорт эхэлсэн. Хэдэн минутын дараа дахин шалгана уу.", "Exports all users, settings, and all data visible in public streams.": "Exports all users, settings, and all data visible in public streams.", "External account type": "Гадаад бүртгэлийн төрөл", "External link": "Гадаад линк", "Failed": "Амжилтгүй", "Failed to create video call.": "Видео дуудлага үүсгэж чадсангүй.", "Failed to generate preview": "Preview үүсгэж чадсангүй", "Failed to upload %'{file}'": "Дараах файлыг оруулж ирж чадсангүй %'{file}'", "Failed!": "Амжилтгүй!", "Failed: A custom emoji with this name already exists.": "Амжилтгүй: Ийм нэртэй эможи аль хэдийн байна.", "Failed: Emoji name is required.": "Амжилтгүй: Эможи нь нэртэй байх хэрэгтэй.", "Failed: There is a default emoji with this name. Only administrators can override default emoji.": "", "February": "2-р сар", "Field choices": "Талбарын сонголт", "File": "файл", "File and image uploads have been disabled for this organization.": "Энэ байгууллагад файл болон зураг байршуулахыг идэвхгүй болгосон.", "File name: {filename}": "Файлын нэр: {filename}", "File size must be at most {max_file_size} MiB.": "Файлын хэмжээ дээд тал нь {max_file_size} MiB байх ёстой .", "File type is not supported.": "Файлын төрлийг дэмждэггүй.", "Filter": "", "Filter bots": "Бот шүүх", "Filter by category": "Ангилалаар нь шүүх", "Filter code playgrounds": "Filter code playgrounds", "Filter deactivated users": "Идэвхгүй хэрэглэгчдийг шүүх", "Filter default streams": "default streams-үүдийг шүүх", "Filter emoji": "Эможи шүүх", "Filter exports": "Экспортыг шүүх", "Filter groups": "", "Filter invites": "Хүсэлтүүдийг шүүх", "Filter languages": "Хэлнүүдийг шүүх", "Filter linkifiers": "Линкүүдийг шүүх", "Filter members": "", "Filter muted users": "Mute хийсэн хэрэглэгчидийг шүүх", "Filter roles": "", "Filter streams": "Группуудын шүүх", "Filter subscribers": "Захиалагчдыг шүүх", "Filter topics": "Сэдвүүдийг шүүх", "Filter topics (t)": "Сэдвүүдийг шүүх (t)", "Filter uploaded files": "Оруулж ирсэн файлуудыг шүүх", "Filter uploads": "Байршуулсан файлуудыг шүүх", "Filter users": "Хэрэглэгчидийг шүүх", "First message": "Эхний мессеж", "First time? Read our guidelines for creating and naming streams.": "Групп үүсгэх, нэрлэх заавар харна уу.", "First time? Read our guidelines for creating user groups.": "", "For example, to configure a code playground for code blocks tagged as Python, you can set:": "", "For more examples and technical details, see the help center documentation on adding code playgrounds.": "", "For more examples, see the help center documentation on adding linkifiers.": "", "Forgot it?": "", "Forked from upstream at {zulip_merge_base}": "Forked from upstream at {zulip_merge_base}", "Friday": "Баасан гариг", "Full name": "Бүтэн нэр", "GIPHY attribution": "GIPHY аттрибут", "GIPHY integration": "GIPHY интеграци", "General": "Үндсэн", "Generate email address": "", "Generate invite link": "Урилгын линк үүсгэх", "Generate new API key": "Шинэ API түлхүүр үүсгэх", "Generate stream email address": "", "Generating link...": "Линк үүсгэх...", "Generic": "Ерөнхий", "Get API key": "API түлхүүр авах", "Go back through viewing history": "", "Go forward through viewing history": "", "Go invisible": "", "Go to #{display_recipient}": "", "Go to #{display_recipient} > {topic}": "", "Go to conversation": "", "Go to default view": "Go to default view", "Go to direct messages with {display_reply_to}": "", "Got it": "Got it", "Got it!": "Got it!", "Government": "", "Grant Zulip the Kerberos tickets needed to run your Zephyr mirror via Webathena": "Grant Zulip the Kerberos tickets needed to run your Zephyr mirror via Webathena", "Guest": "Зочин", "Guest users cannot edit custom emoji.": "Зочин хэрэглэгчид эможи засах боломжгүй.", "Guests": "Зочид", "Guests cannot edit custom emoji.": "Зочид эможи засах боломжгүй.", "Header": "", "Help center": "Тусламжийн төв", "Hide muted message again": "Дууг нь хаасан зурвасыг дахин харагдахгүй болгох", "Hide notice": "Мэдэгдэлүүдийг хаах", "Hide password": "Нууц үгийг нуух", "Hide starred message count": "Hide starred message count", "High contrast mode": "Өндөр ялгаатай горим", "Hint": "Зөвлөгөө", "Hint (up to 80 characters)": "Зөвлөгөө (80 хүртэл тэмдэгт)", "Humans": "Humans", "Idle": "Idle", "If you don't know your password, you can reset it.": "", "Ignored deactivated users:": "Идэвхгүй болгосон хэрэглэгчдийг хаах:", "Image": "Зураг", "In a meeting": "Уулзалтанд", "Inactive": "", "Inactive bots": "Идэвхгүй ботууд", "Include DMs": "", "Include content of direct messages in desktop notifications": "", "Include message content in message notification emails": "Мессежийн мэдэгдэл имэйлд агуулгыг оруулна уу", "Include muted": "Muted оруулах", "Include organization name in subject of message notification emails": "Мэдэгдэл мессежийн гарчих дээр байгууллагын нэрийг оруулна уу", "Incoming webhooks can only send messages.": "Ирж буй Webhook нь зөвхөн мессеж илгээх боломжтой.", "Initiate a search": "Хайлт эхлүүлэх", "Insert new line": "Шинэ мөр оруулах", "Integrations": "интеграц", "Interface": "Интерфэйс", "Invalid URL": "Буруу URL", "Invalid stream ID": "", "Invalid time format: {timestamp}": "Буруу формат байна: {timestamp}", "Invalid user": "", "Invalid users": "", "Invitation expires after": "Invitation expires after", "Invitations": "Урилгууд", "Invitations are required for joining this organization": "Энэ байгууллагад орохын тулд урилга шаардлагатай", "Invite": "Урилга", "Invite link": "Урилгын линк", "Invite more users": "Олон хэрэглэгч урих", "Invite users": "Хэрэглэгчидийн урилга", "Invite users to Zulip": "Хэрэглэгчдийг Zulip-д урь", "Invited as": "Invited as", "Invited at": "Invited at", "Invited by": "Invited by", "Invitee": "Invitee", "Invites": "Урилгууд", "Inviting...": "Урьж байна...", "Italic": "Italic", "January": "1-р сар", "Join video call.": "", "Join {realm_name}": "", "Joined": "Нэгдсэн", "Joined {date_joined}": "", "Joining the organization": "байгууллагад нэгдэх", "July": "7-р сар", "June": "6-р сар", "Just now": "яг одоо", "Keyboard shortcuts": "Keyboard shortcuts", "Label": "Label", "Language": "Хэл", "Language for automated messages and invitation emails": "", "Large number of subscribers": "Олон тооны гишүүд", "Last 10 days": "Сүүлийн 10 өдөр", "Last 2 months": "Сүүлийн 2 цаг", "Last 30 days": "Сүүлийн 30 өдөр", "Last 6 months": "Сүүлийн 6 сар", "Last active": "Сүүлийн актив", "Last message": "Сүүлийн мессеж", "Last modified": "Сүүлийн өөрчлөлт", "Learn more": "Цааш судлах", "Learn more about mentions here.": "Learn more about mentions here.", "Learn more about starring messages here.": "Learn more about starring messages here.", "Leave {group_name}": "", "Let others see when I've read messages": "", "Let recipients see when I'm typing direct messages": "", "Let subscribers see when I'm typing messages in streams": "Let subscribers see when I'm typing messages in streams", "Light": "", "Light theme": "Цагаан загвар", "Light theme logo": "", "Link": "Холбоос", "Link with Webathena": "Link with Webathena", "Link:": "Холбоос:", "Linkifiers": "Холбоосууд", "Linkifiers make it easy to refer to issues or tickets in third party issue trackers, like GitHub, Salesforce, Zendesk, and others. For instance, you can add a linkifier that automatically turns #2468 into a link to the GitHub issue in the Zulip repository with:": "", "Loading…": "", "Local time": "Бүсийн цаг", "Log in": "Нэвтрэх", "Log in to browse more streams": "", "Log out": "Гарах", "Looking for our integrations or API documentation?": "Looking for our integrations or API documentation?", "MOVED": "MOVED", "Manage bot": "", "Manage streams": "Группын удирдлага", "Manage this bot": "", "Manage this user": "Энэ хэрэглэгчийн удирдах", "Manage user": "Хэрэглэгч удирдах", "Manage user groups": "Хэрэглэгчийн групп удирдах", "March": "3-р сар", "Mark all messages as read": "Бүх мессежийг уншсан болгох", "Mark all messages as read?": "", "Mark as read": "Уншсан болгох", "Mark as resolved": "Шийдвэрлэсэн болгох", "Mark as unread from here": "", "Mark as unread from selected message": "", "Mark as unresolved": "Шийдвэрлээгүй болгох", "Marketing team": "Маркетингийн баг", "Marking all messages as read…": "Бүх мессежийг уншсан гэж тэмдэглэж байна…", "May": "5-р сар", "Me": "Би", "Member": "Гишүүн", "Members": "Гишүүд", "Mention a time-zone-aware time": "Mention a time-zone-aware time", "Mentioned in": "Mentioned in", "Mentions": "Mentions", "Menu": "Меню", "Menus": "Менюнүүд", "Message #{stream_name}": "Мессеж #{stream_name}", "Message #{stream_name} > {topic_name}": "Мессеж #{stream_name} > {topic_name}", "Message actions": "Мессеж үйлдэл", "Message deletion": "", "Message edit history": "Мессеж зассан түүх", "Message editing": "Мессеж засварлаж байна", "Message formatting": "Мессеж формат", "Message length shouldn't be greater than {max_length} characters.": "мессеж урт нь {max_length} тэмдэгтээс илүүгүй байх ёстой", "Message retention": "Мессежийг хадгалах", "Message retention period": "Мессежийг хадгалах хугацаа", "Message {recipient_label}": "Мессеж {recipient_label}", "Message {recipient_names}": "Мессеж {recipient_names}", "Message {recipient_name} ({recipient_status})": "Мессеж {recipient_name} ({recipient_status})", "Messages in all public streams": "", "Messages will not be automatically marked as read because this is not a conversation view. Change setting": "", "Messages will not be automatically marked as read. Change setting": "", "Mobile": "Мобайл", "Mobile message notifications": "Мобайл мессежийн мэдэгдлүүд", "Mobile notifications": "Мобайл мэдэгдлүүд", "Mobile push notifications are not configured on this server.": "Энэ сервер дээр гар утасны мэдэгдлүүдийг тохируулаагүй байна.", "Moderator": "Модератор", "Moderators": "Модераторууд", "Monday": "Даваа гариг", "Monday at {time}": "", "Move all messages in {topic_name}": "Move all messages in {topic_name}", "Move all messages in this topic": "", "Move message": "", "Move messages": "", "Move messages or topic": "", "Move only this message": "", "Move some messages?": "", "Move this and all following messages in this topic": "", "Move topic": "Topic зөөх", "Moved ({last_edit_timestr})": "Moved ({last_edit_timestr})", "Moved by {full_name}": " {full_name}-аар зөөгдсөн", "Moving messages": "", "Must be invited by a subscriber; new subscribers can only see messages sent after they join; hidden from non-administrator users": "Захиалагч урьсан байх ёстой; шинэ захиалагчид зөвхөн нэгдсэний дараа илгээсэн мессежийг харах боломжтой; администратор бус хэрэглэгчдээс нуусан", "Must be invited by a subscriber; new subscribers can view complete message history; hidden from non-administrator users": "Must be invited by a subscriber; new subscribers can view complete message history; hidden from non-administrator users", "Mute stream": "Mute stream", "Mute this user": "Mute this user", "Mute topic": "Mute topic", "Mute user": "Mute user", "Muted": "Харилцаа хаагдсан", "Muted streams don't show up in \"All messages\" or generate notifications unless you are mentioned.": "Таныг дурдаагүй л бол дууг хаасан дамжуулалт \"Бүх мессеж\" хэсэгт харагдахгүй эсвэл мэдэгдэл үүсгэдэггүй.", "Muted user": "Muted user", "Muted users": "Muted users", "Name": "Нэр", "Name changes are disabled in this organization. Contact an administrator to change your name.": "Энэ байгууллагад нэрийн өөрчлөлтийг идэвхгүй болгосон. Нэрээ өөрчлөхийн тулд админтай холбогдоно уу.", "Narrow to all direct messages": "", "Narrow to all unmuted messages": "Narrow to all unmuted messages", "Narrow to current compose box recipient": "Narrow to current compose box recipient", "Narrow to direct messages that include .": "", "Narrow to direct messages with .": "", "Narrow to direct messages.": "", "Narrow to just message ID .": "Narrow to just message ID .", "Narrow to messages containing images.": "Narrow to messages containing images.", "Narrow to messages containing links.": "Narrow to messages containing links.", "Narrow to messages containing uploads.": "Narrow to messages containing uploads.", "Narrow to messages in resolved topics.": "Narrow to messages in resolved topics.", "Narrow to messages on stream .": "Narrow to messages on stream .", "Narrow to messages sent by .": "Narrow to messages sent by .", "Narrow to messages sent by you.": "Narrow to messages sent by you.", "Narrow to messages that mention you.": "Narrow to messages that mention you.", "Narrow to messages with alert words.": "Narrow to messages with alert words.", "Narrow to messages with topic .": "Narrow to messages with topic .", "Narrow to next unread direct message": "", "Narrow to next unread topic": "Narrow to next unread topic", "Narrow to starred messages.": "Narrow to starred messages.", "Narrow to stream from topic view": "", "Narrow to topic or DM conversation": "", "Narrow to unread messages.": "Narrow to unread messages.", "Narrow to {message_recipient}": "Narrow to {message_recipient}", "Narrowing": "Narrowing", "Navigation": "Navigation", "Never": "Never", "Never ask on this computer": "Энэ компьютер дээр хэзээ ч бүү асуу", "Never expires": "Хэзээ ч дуусдаггүй", "New": "Шинэ", "New direct message": "", "New email": "Шинэ имэйл", "New message": "Шинэ мессеж", "New option": "Шинэ боломж", "New password": "Шинэ нууц үг", "New password is too weak": "шинэ нууц үг хэтэрхий хялбар байна", "New stream announcements": "", "New stream message": "Шинэ stream мессеж", "New task": "Шинэ таск", "New topic": "Шинэ сэдэв", "New user announcements": "", "Next message": "Дараагийн мессеж", "Next unread direct message": "", "Next unread topic": "Дараагийн уншаагүй сэдэв", "Next week": "Дараа долоо хоног", "No bots match your current filter.": "Таны хайлтанд таарах бот олдсонгүй.", "No custom emoji.": "Ийм эможи алга.", "No default streams match you current filter.": "Таны хайлтанд таарах default stream олдсонгүй.", "No description.": "Тайлбар байхгүй.", "No drafts.": "Ноорог байхгүй.", "No exports.": "No exports.", "No invites match your current filter.": "Танай хайлтанд таарах урилга олдсогүй.", "No language set": "Хэл тохируулагдаагүй байна", "No linkifiers set.": "No linkifiers set.", "No matching users.": "Хэрэглэгч олдсонгүй.", "No one has read this message yet.": "", "No owner": "Эзэмшигчгүй", "No playgrounds configured.": "No playgrounds configured.", "No restrictions": "No restrictions", "No scheduled messages.": "", "No search results": "Хайлтын үр дүн алга", "No search results.": "", "No stream subscriptions.": "Группын гишүүн алга.", "No streams": "Групп алга", "No topics are marked as resolved.": "Ямар ч сэдвийг шийдсэн гэж тэмдэглээгүй.", "No topics match your current filter.": "Таны хайлтанд таарах сэдэв олдсонгүй.", "No user group subscriptions.": "Хэрэглэгчийн групп элсэлт байхгүй.", "No user groups": "", "No user to subscribe.": "Бүртгүүлэх хэрэглэгч алга.", "No users match your current filter.": "Таны одоогийн хайлтанд таарах хэрэглэгч олдсонгүй.", "No, I'll catch up.": "No, I'll catch up.", "Nobody": "Nobody", "Nobody in this Zulip organization will be able to see this email address.": "", "Non-profit (registered)": "", "None": "None", "Note that any bots that you maintain will be disabled.": "Таны хадгалсан бүх ботууд идэвхгүй болно гэдгийг анхаарна уу.", "Note that organizations are limited to five exports per week.": "Байгууллагууд долоо хоногт таван экспортоор хязгаарлагддаг гэдгийг анхаарна уу.", "Nothing to preview": "шалгах зүйл байхгүй", "Notification of account deactivation on {realm_name}": "", "Notification settings": "Мэдэгдэлийн тохиргоо", "Notification sound": "Мэдэгдлийн дуу", "Notification triggers": "Notification triggers", "Notifications": "Мэдэгдэлүүд", "Notifications for @all/@everyone mentions": "@all/@everyone мэншионы мэдэгдэл", "Notify recipients": "", "Notify stream": "", "Notify this user by email?": "", "November": "Арваннэгдүгээр сар", "October": "Аравдугаар сар", "Old password": "Хуучих нууц үг", "Once you leave this group, you will not be able to rejoin.": "", "Once you leave this stream, you will not be able to rejoin.": "Та энэ группээс гарсаны дараа дахин нэгдэх боломжгүй болно.", "One or more email addresses...": "Нэг эсвэл олон имэйл хаягууд...", "One or more of these users do not exist!": "Эдгээр хэрэглэгчдээс нэг буюу хэд хэдэн хэрэглэгч байхгүй байна!", "Only 2 custom profile fields can be displayed on the user card.": "", "Only group members can add users to a group.": "", "Only in conversation views": "", "Only organization administrators can edit these settings": "Зөвхөн байгууллагын админууд эдгээр тохиргоог засах боломжтой", "Only organization administrators can edit these settings.": "Зөвхөн байгууллагын админууд эдгээр тохиргоог засах боломжтой.", "Only organization owners can edit these settings.": "Зөвхөн байгууллагын эзэмшигчид эдгээр тохиргоог засах боломжтой.", "Only organization owners may deactivate an organization.": "", "Only owners can change these settings.": "", "Only stream members can add users to a private stream": "Зөвхөн stream-ийн гишүүд хувийн stream-руу хэрэглэгч нэмэх боломжтой", "Only subscribers to this stream can edit stream permissions.": "", "Open": "Нээлттэй", "Open message menu": "Мессежийн менюг нээнэ", "Open reactions menu": "Reaction менюг нээнэ", "Open-source project": "", "Option already present.": "Сонголт аль хэдийн байгаа.", "Optional": "Optional", "Organization": "Байгууллага", "Organization administrators": "Байгууллагын администраторууд", "Organization administrators can change the announcement stream in the organization settings.": "", "Organization administrators can reactivate deactivated users.": "Байгууллагын админууд идэвхгүй болсон хэрэглэгчдийг дахин идэвхжүүлэх боломжтой.", "Organization description": "Байгууллагын тодорхойлолт", "Organization logo": "Байгууллагын лого", "Organization members can join (guests must be invited by a subscriber); anyone on the Internet can view complete message history without creating an account": "Байгууллагын гишүүд нэгдэж болно (зочдыг урьсан байх ёстой); Интернет дэх хэн ч бүртгэл үүсгэхгүйгээр мессежийн түүхийг бүрэн харах боломжтой", "Organization members can join (guests must be invited by a subscriber); organization members can view complete message history without joining": "Байгууллагын гишүүд нэгдэж болно (зочдыг урьсан байх ёстой); байгууллагын гишүүд нэгдэхгүйгээр мессежийн түүхийг бүрэн харах боломжтой", "Organization name": "Байгууллагын нэр", "Organization owners": "Байгууллагын эзэмшигчид", "Organization permissions": "Байгууллагын зөвшөөрлүүд", "Organization profile": "Байгууллагын профайлууд", "Organization profile picture": "Байгууллагын профайл зураг", "Organization settings": "Байгууллагын тохиргоонууд", "Organization type": "Группын төрөл", "Organization using {percent_used}% of {upload_quota}.": "Organization using {percent_used}% of {upload_quota}.", "Other": "", "Other emails": "Бусад имэйлүүд", "Other permissions": "Бусад зөвшөөрөлүүд", "Other settings": "Бусад тохиргоонууд", "Other users in this Zulip organization will be able to see this email address.": "", "Out sick": "Өвчтэй", "Outgoing webhook message format": "Гарч буй webhook мессежийн формат", "Override default emoji?": "", "Owner": "Эзэмшигч", "Owner: {name}": "Эзэмшигч: {name}", "Owners": "Эзэмшигчид", "Owners only": "Зөвхөн эзэмшигч", "Participants": "Оролцогчид", "Participated": "Оролцсон", "Password": "Нууц үг", "Password is too weak": "Нууц үг хялбар байна", "Password should be at least {length} characters long": "Нууц үг нь хамгийн багадаа {length} тэмдэгттэй байх ёстой", "Pattern": "Загвар", "Personal": "Хувийн", "Personal settings": "Хувийн тохиргоо", "Pin stream to top": "Stream-ийг дээд талд байрлуулах", "Pin stream to top of left sidebar": "Stream-ийг зүүн талын самбарын дээд талд байрлуулах", "Pinned": "Онцлогдсон", "Plans and pricing": "План болон үнэ", "Play sound": "Дуу тоглуулах", "Please contact support for an exception or add users with a reusable invite link.": "Please contact support for an exception or add users with a reusable invite link.", "Please ask a billing administrator to increase the number of licenses or deactivate inactive users, and try again.": "Please ask a billing administrator to increase the number of licenses or deactivate inactive users, and try again.", "Please choose a new password": "Шинэ нууц үгээ сонгоно уу.", "Please enter your password": "Нууц үгээ оруулна уу", "Please just upload one file.": "Зөвхөн нэг файл оруулна уу.", "Please only use characters that are valid in an email address": "", "Please re-enter your password to confirm your identity.": "Нууц үгээ дахин оруулна уу.", "Please specify a stream.": "Группээ тодорхойлно уу.", "Please specify at least one valid recipient.": "", "Political group": "", "Posted by {full_name}": "{full_name} постод", "Press > for list of topics": "Press > for list of topics", "Prevent users from changing their avatar": "Хэрэглэгчид аватараа өөрчлөхөөс сэргийлнэ үү", "Prevent users from changing their email address": "Хэрэглэгчдийг имэйл хаягаа өөрчлөхөөс урьдчилан сэргийлэх", "Prevent users from changing their name": "Хэрэглэгчид нэрээ өөрчлөхөөс сэргийлнэ", "Preview": "Preview", "Preview organization profile": "Preview organization profile", "Preview profile": "Preview profile", "Previous message": "Өмнөх мессеж", "Privacy": "Хувийн", "Privacy settings": "Хувийн тохиргоо", "Private, protected history": "Хувийн, хамгаалагдсан түүх", "Private, shared history": "Хувийн, хуваалцсан түүх", "Profile": "Профайл", "Pronouns": "", "Public": "Олон нийтийн", "Question": "", "Quote and reply or forward": "Quote and reply or forward", "Quote and reply to message": "Quote and reply to message", "Quoted original email (in replies)": "", "React to selected message with": "Сонгосон мессежд хариу үйлдэл үзүүлэх", "Reactivate": "Дахин идэвхжүүлэх", "Reactivate bot": "Бот дахин идэвхжүүлэх", "Reactivate this bot": "", "Reactivate this user": "Энэ хэрэглэгчийг дахин идэвхжүүлэх", "Reactivate {name}": "Дахин идэвхжүүлэх {name}", "Read receipts": "", "Read receipts are currently disabled in this organization.": "", "Read receipts are not available for Notification Bot messages.": "", "Receives new stream announcements": "", "Recent conversations": "", "Remove": "Арилгах", "Remove from default": "Remove from default", "Removed successfully.": "", "Rename topic": "", "Rename topic to:": "", "Reply mentioning bot": "", "Reply mentioning user": "Мэншиондсон хэрэглэгчид хариу бичих", "Reply to author": "Эзэнд хариу бичих", "Reply to message": "Зурваст хариу бичих", "Reply to selected conversation": "", "Reply to selected message": "Сонгосон зурваст хариу бичих", "Request education pricing": "", "Request sponsorship": "", "Requesting user": "Requesting user", "Require topics in stream messages": "Stream зурвасуудад сэдэв шаардлагатай", "Research": "Судалгаа", "Resend": "Дахин илгээх", "Resend invitation": "Урилга дахин илгээх", "Resending encountered an error. Please reload and try again.": "Алдаа гарлаа. Дахин оролдоно уу.", "Reset zoom": "Zoom-ыг цуцлах", "Restore draft": "Ноорог сэргээх", "Restrict email domains of new users?": "Шинэ хэрэглэгчдийн имэйл домайныг хязгаарлах уу?", "Restrict to a list of domains": "Домайнуудын жагсаалтыг хориглох", "Retain forever": "үүрд хадгал", "Retention period (days)": "", "Retry": "Дахин оролдох", "Revoke": "Цуцлах", "Revoke invitation link": "Урилгын холбоосыг цуцлах", "Revoke invitation to {email}": "{email}-ын урилгыг цуцлах", "Role": "Үүрэг", "SAVING": "ХАДГАЛЖ БАЙНА", "STREAMS": "STREAM-ҮҮД", "Saturday": "Ням гараг", "Save": "Хадгалах", "Save changes": "Өөрчлөлтийг хадгалах", "Save failed": "Хадгалалт амжилтгүй", "Saved": "Хадгалсан", "Saved as draft": "Ноорог болгон хадгаллаа", "Saved. Please reload for the change to take effect.": "Saved. Please reload for the change to take effect.", "Saving": "Хадгалж байна", "Schedule for {formatted_send_later_time}": "", "Schedule message": "", "Scheduled messages": "", "Scroll down": "Доош скроллд", "Scroll down to view your message.": "", "Scroll through streams": "Stream хооронд скроллд", "Scroll to bottom": "Доош скроллд", "Scroll up": "Дээш скроллд", "Search": "Хайх", "Search GIFs": "GIF хайх", "Search all public streams in the organization.": "Байгууллагын бүх stream-ээс хайлт хийх.", "Search filters": "", "Search for in the topic or message content.": " Сэдэв эсвэл зурвасын агуулгаас хайлт хийх\" ", "Search people": "Хүмүүс хайх", "Search results": "Хайлтын үр дүн", "See how to configure email.": "Хэрхэн имэйл тохируулах тухай харах.", "Select a stream": "", "Select a stream below or change topic name.": "Stream сонгох эсвэл сэдийн нэр өөрчлөх.", "Select date and time": "Огноо сонгох", "Select emoji": "Эможи сонгох", "Select language": "", "Send": "Илгээх", "Send automated notice to new topic": "", "Send automated notice to old topic": "", "Send digest emails when I'm away": "Намайг байхгүй үед имэйл илгээх", "Send digest emails when user is away": "Хэрэглэгч байхгүй үед имэйл илгээх", "Send direct message": "", "Send email notifications for new logins to my account": "Миний бүртгэл шинэ төхөөрөмж дээр нээгдэхэд имэйл мэдэгдэл илгээх", "Send emails introducing Zulip to new users": "Шинэ хэрэглэгчдэд Zulip-ыг танилцуулсан имэйл илгээх", "Send later": "", "Send me Zulip's low-traffic newsletter (a few emails a year)": "Send me Zulip's low-traffic newsletter (a few emails a year)", "Send message": "Зурвас илгээх", "Send mobile notifications even if I'm online": "", "Send mobile notifications even if user is online": "", "Send weekly digest emails to inactive users": "Идэвхгүй хэрэглэгчдэд долоо хоног бүр имэйл илгээх", "Sent!": "Илгээсэн!", "Sent! Your message is outside your current narrow.": "Sent! Your message is outside your current narrow.", "Sent! Your recent message is outside the current search.": "Илгээсэн! Таны сүүлийн зурвас одоогийн хайлтаас гадуур байна.", "September": "Ес дүгээр сар", "Set a status": "Төлөв тохируулах", "Set status": "Төлөв тохируулах", "Set up two factor authentication": "2 давхар танин баталгаажуулалт тохируулах", "Settings": "Тохиргоо", "Setup": "Setup", "Several people are typing…": "Хэдэн хүн бичиж байна…", "Show API key": "API key харах", "Show counts for starred messages": "Онцолсон зурвасын тоог харах", "Show fewer": "Цөөнөөр харах", "Show images in thread": "Зургийг харуулах", "Show keyboard shortcuts": "Гарын товчлуурын хослол харах", "Show less": "Хураангуйлан харах", "Show message sender's user card": "", "Show more": "Цааш нь харах", "Show password": "Нууц үг харах", "Show previews of linked websites": "Холбогдсон веб сайтуудыг харах", "Show previews of uploaded and linked images": "Хуулсан зургуудыг харах", "Show starred message count": "Онцолсон зурвасын тоог харах", "Show status text": "", "Show/change your API key": "API key-ээ харах/өөрчлөх", "Sign up": "Бүртгүүлэх", "Silent mentions do not trigger notifications.": "Silent mentions do not trigger notifications.", "Size": "Хэмжээ", "Slack compatible": "Slack -д нийцтэй", "Slack's outgoing webhooks": "Slack's outgoing webhooks", "Some common words were excluded from your search.": "Зарим нийтлэг үгсийг таны хайлтаас хассан.", "Some older messages are unavailable. Upgrade your organization to access your full message history.": "Some older messages are unavailable. Upgrade your organization to access your full message history.", "Sort by estimated weekly traffic": "Долоо хоногийн ачааллын дагуу эрэмбэлэх", "Sort by name": "Нэрээр эрэмбэлэх", "Sort by number of subscribers": "Элсэгчдийн тоогоор эрэмбэлэх", "Spoiler": "Спойлер", "Star": "Star", "Star selected message": "Сонгогдсон бичвэрийг онцлох", "Star this message": "", "Starred messages": "Онцолсон бичвэрүүд", "Start a new topic or select one from the list.": "", "Start export of public data": "Start export of public data", "Status": "Төлөв", "Stream": "Stream", "Stream color": "Stream -ын өнгө", "Stream created recently": "Stream -ыг саяхан үүсгэсэн", "Stream creation": "Stream үүсгэх", "Stream description": "Stream -ын тодорхойлолт", "Stream email address:": "", "Stream name": "Stream -ын нэр", "Stream permissions": "Stream эрхүүд", "Stream settings": "Stream тохиргоо", "Stream successfully created!": "Stream амжилттай үүслээ!", "Streams": "Stream -үүд", "Streams settings": "Stream -үүдийн тохиргоо", "Streams they should join": "Тэдний нэгдэх ёстой stream -үүд", "Subject": "Гарчиг", "Subscribe": "Элсэх", "Subscribe them": "Тэднийг элсүүлэх", "Subscribe to/unsubscribe from selected stream": "Сонгосон stream -д элсэх/stream -с гарах", "Subscribed": "Элссэн", "Subscribed streams": "Элссэн stream -үүд", "Subscriber count": "Элсэгчдийн тоо", "Subscribers": "Элсэгчид", "Successfully subscribed user:": "", "Successfully subscribed users:": "Амжилттай элссэн хэрэглэгчид:", "Sunday": "Бүтэнсайн", "Support Zulip": "Zulip тусламж", "Switch between tabs": "Таб хооронд шилжих", "Switch to dark theme": "хар загварлуу шилжүүлэх", "Switch to light theme": "цагаан загварлуу шилжүүлэх", "System bot": "Систем бот", "Task already exists": "Таск аль хэдийн үүссэн байна.", "Task list": "Ажлын жагсаалт", "Test desktop notification": "Дэлгэцийн мэдэгдэл турших", "The administrators provided the following comment:": "", "The basics": "Үндсэн ойлголтууд", "The group description cannot contain newline characters.": "", "The recipient {recipient} is not valid.": "", "The recipients {recipients} are not valid.": "", "The sender's email address": "", "The stream #{stream_name} does not exist. Manage your subscriptions on your Streams page.": "", "The stream description cannot contain newline characters.": "Группын тайлбар нь шинэ мөрийн тэмдэгт агуулж болохгүй.", "Their password will be cleared from our systems, and any bots they maintain will be disabled.": "Тэдний нууц үгийг манай системээс устгах бөгөөд тэдний хадгалдаг бүх ботууд идэвхгүй болно.", "Theme": "Theme", "There are no current alert words.": "Одоогоор анхааруулах үг байхгүй байна.", "There are no messages here.": "", "There are no streams you can view in this organization.": "", "There is a default emoji with this name. Do you want to override it with a custom emoji? The name :{emoji_name}: will no longer work to access the default emoji.": "", "They administer the following bots:": "", "This Zulip server is running an old version and should be upgraded.": "Энэхүү Zulip сервер нь хуучин хувилбарыг ажиллуулж байгаа тул шинэчлэх шаардлагатай.", "This action cannot be undone.": "", "This action is permanent and cannot be undone. All users will permanently lose access to their Zulip accounts.": "Энэ үйлдэл өөрчлөгдөшгүй бөгөөд буцаах боломжгүй. Бүх хэрэглэгчид Zulip аккаунтдаа хандах эрхээ бүрмөсөн алдна.", "This bot cannot be deactivated.": "", "This bot cannot be edited.": "", "This bot has been deactivated.": "", "This is a demo organization and will be automatically deleted in {days_remaining} days.": "Энэ нь demo organization бөгөөд {days_remaining} хоногийн дараа автоматаар устах болно.", "This is not a publicly accessible conversation.": "", "This is what a Zulip notification looks like.": "Zulip мэдэгдэл ингэж харагдаж байна.", "This message was hidden because you have muted the sender.": "Та илгээгчийн дууг хаасан тул энэ зурвасыг нуусан.", "This organization is configured so that administrators and moderators can add custom emoji.": "", "This organization is configured so that administrators and moderators can modify user groups.": "", "This organization is configured so that administrators, moderators and full members belonging to the group can modify user groups.": "", "This organization is configured so that administrators, moderators and group members can modify user groups.": "", "This organization is configured so that admins and moderators can invite users to this organization.": "", "This organization is configured so that admins can invite users to this organization.": "", "This organization is configured so that admins, moderators and full members can invite users to this organization.": "", "This organization is configured so that admins, moderators and members can invite users to this organization.": "", "This organization is configured so that any member of this organization can add custom emoji.": "", "This organization is configured so that anyone can add bots.": "", "This organization is configured so that full members can add custom emoji.": "", "This organization is configured so that nobody can invite users to this organization.": "", "This organization is configured so that only administrators can add bots.": "", "This organization is configured so that only administrators can add custom emoji.": "", "This organization is configured so that only administrators can add generic bots.": "", "This organization is configured so that only administrators can modify user groups.": "", "This organization is configured to restrict editing of message content to {minutes_to_edit} minutes after it is sent.": "This organization is configured to restrict editing of message content to {minutes_to_edit} minutes after it is sent.", "This stream does not exist or is private.": "Энэ групп байхгүй эсвэл хувийн тохиргоотой байна.", "This stream does not yet have a description.": "Энэ групп одоогоор тайлбаргүй байна.", "This stream has been deactivated": "Энэ групп идэвхгүй болсон байна", "This stream has {count} subscribers.": "Энэ групп -т {count} элсэгч байна.", "This user does not exist!": "Энэ хэрэглэгч байхгүй байна!", "This user has been deactivated.": "Энэ хэрэглэгч идэвхгүй болсон байна.", "This will clear the profile field for 1 user.": "", "This will clear the profile field for users.": "", "This will delete the profile field for 1 user.": "", "This will delete the profile field for users.": "", "Thursday": "Пүрэв гараг", "Time": "Цаг", "Time format": "Цагийн формат", "Time limit for deleting messages": "Зурвас устгах хугацаа", "Time limit for editing messages": "", "Time limit for editing topics": "", "Time limit for moving messages between streams": "", "Time zone": "Цагийн бүс", "Time's up!": "Цаг дууслаа!", "Tip: You can also send \"/poll Some question\"": "Зөвлөмж: Та мөн \"/ санал асуулга Зарим асуулт\" илгээж болно.", "To add syntax highlighting to a multi-line code block, add the language's first Pygments short name after the first set of back-ticks. You can also make a code block by indenting each line with 4 spaces.": "Кодын блок нэмэхийн тулд, хэл нэмэх first Pygments short name after the first set of back-ticks. You can also make a code block by indenting each line with 4 spaces.", "To invite users, please increase the number of licenses or deactivate inactive users.": "Хэрэглэгч урихын тулд, лицензийн тоог нэмнэ үү эсвэл идэвхгүй хэрэглэгчдийг deactive болгоно уу.", "To preserve your reading state, this view does not mark messages as read.": "Таны унших төлвийн хадгалахын тулд, уг харагдац зурвасыг уншсан гэж тэмдэглэхгүй.", "Today": "Өнөөдөр", "Today at {time}": "", "Toggle first emoji reaction on selected message": "", "Toggle subscription": "Toggle subscription", "Toggle the gear menu": "Toggle the gear menu", "Toggle topic mute": "Toggle topic mute", "Tomorrow": "Маргааш", "Tomorrow at {time}": "", "Topic": "Сэдэв", "Topic muted": "Сэдэв mute хийгдсэн", "Topic settings": "", "Topics": "Хэлэлцэх сэдвүүд", "Topics are required in this organization.": "", "Topics marked as resolved": "Сэдэв шийдвэрлэгдсэн гэж тэмдэглэгдсэн", "Tuesday": "Мягмар гараг", "Turn off invisible mode": "", "Two factor authentication": "2 давхар танин баталгаажуулалт", "Type": "Төрөл", "URL pattern": "URL pattern", "URL prefix": "URL префикс", "URL template": "", "USERS": "ХЭРЭГЛЭГЧИД", "Uncheck all": "Бүгдийг uncheck хийх", "Undo": "Үйлдэлээ буцаах", "Undo mute": "", "Unknown": "Үл мэдэгдэх", "Unknown stream": "Үл мэдэгдэх групп", "Unknown stream #{search_text}": "", "Unmute": "Mute-г унтраах", "Unmute stream": "Группын mute-г унтраах", "Unmute this user": "Уг хэрэглэгчийн mute-г унтраах", "Unmute topic": "Сэдвийн mute-г унтраах", "Unmuted": "", "Unpin stream from top": "Топ тэмдэглэгээтэй групп -г хасах", "Unread": "Уншаагүй", "Unread count badge (appears in desktop sidebar and browser tab)": "Unread count badge (appears in desktop sidebar and browser tab)", "Unread messages": "", "Unresolve topic": "Шийдэгдээгүй сэдэв", "Unstar": "Онцлохыг болих", "Unstar all messages": "Бүх зурвасыг онцлохоо болих", "Unstar all messages in topic": "Сэдвийн бүх зурвасыг онцлохоо болих", "Unstar messages in topic": "Сэдвийн зурвасыг онцлохоо болих", "Unstar this message": "", "Unsubscribe": "Гарах", "Unsubscribe from ": "", "Unsubscribed successfully!": "Амжилттай гарлаа!", "Up to {time_limit} after posting": "Up to {time_limit} after posting", "Update successful: Subdomains allowed for {domain}": "Амжилттай шинэчлэгдлээ: {domain}-д дэд домайн үүсгэх боломжтой боллоо", "Update successful: Subdomains no longer allowed for {domain}": "Амжилттай шинэчлэгдлээ: {domain}-д дэд домайн үүсгэх боломжгүй боллоо", "Upgrade to the latest release": "", "Upgrade to {standard_plan_name}": "", "Upload avatar": "", "Upload files": "Файлууд хуулах", "Upload icon": "icon хуулах", "Upload image or GIF": "Зураг эсвэл GIF хуулах", "Upload logo": "Лого хуулах", "Upload new profile picture": "Шинэ профайл зураг хуулах", "Upload profile picture": "Профайл зураг хуулах", "Upload stalled for %'{seconds}' seconds, aborting.": "Upload stalled for %'{seconds}' seconds, aborting.", "Uploaded files": "Хуулсан файлууд", "Uploading {filename}…": "{filename}-г байршуулж байна…", "Usage statistics": "Ашиглалтын статистик", "Use full width on wide screens": "Өргөн дэлгэцийн өргөнийг бүрэн ашиглах", "Use html encoding (not recommended)": "", "Use organization level settings {org_level_message_retention_setting}": "Байгууллагын түвшний тохиргоог ашиглах {org_level_message_retention_setting}", "Use stream settings to unsubscribe from private streams.": "Групп -ын тохиргоог ашиглаж хувийн групп -с гарна уу.", "User": "Хэрэглэгч", "User ID": "Хэрэглэгчийн ID", "User group added!": "Хэрэглэгчийн бүлэг нэмэгдсэн!", "User group creation": "", "User group description": "", "User group name": "", "User group settings": "", "User group successfully created!": "", "User groups": "Хэрэглэгчийн бүлгүүд", "User groups allow you to mention multiple users at once. When you mention a user group, everyone in the group is notified as if they were individually mentioned.": "User groups allow you to mention multiple users at once. When you mention a user group, everyone in the group is notified as if they were individually mentioned.", "User identity": "User identity", "User is already not subscribed.": "Хэрэглэгч аль хэдийн элсээгүй.", "User is deactivated": "Хэрэглэгч deactivated", "User list": "Хэрэглэгчийн жагсаалт", "User list style": "", "User list style changed successfully!": "", "User role": "Хэрэглэгчийн үүрэг", "User(s) invited successfully.": "Хэрэглэгч амжилттай уригдлаа.", "User(s) join as": "User(s) join as", "Users": "Хэрэглэгчид", "Users can always disable their personal read receipts.": "", "Vacationing": "Амарч байна", "Version {zulip_version}": "Хувилбар {zulip_version}", "Video call provider": "Video call provider", "View all streams": "", "View direct messages": "", "View drafts": "Ноорог харах", "View edit history": "Засварласан түүхийг харах", "View file": "Файлыг нээх", "View in playground": "View in playground", "View in {name}": "View in {name}", "View in {playground_name}": "View in {playground_name}", "View message source": "", "View messages sent": "Илгээсэн зурвасуудаа харах", "View messages with yourself": "", "View profile": "", "View read receipts": "", "View recent conversations": "", "View scheduled messages": "", "View stream": "Группыг харах", "View stream messages": "Группын зурвасуудыг харах", "View streams": "", "View user card": "", "View your profile": "Өөрийн профайлыг харах", "Visual": "Visual", "Visual desktop notifications": "Визуал дэлгэцийн мэдэгдлүүд", "Waiting period (days)": "Waiting period (days)", "Waiting period before new members turn into full members": "Шинэ гишүүд бүрэн эрхтэй гишүүн болох хүртэл хүлээх хугацаа", "Warning: #{stream_name} is a private stream.": "", "We are about to have a poll. Please wait for the question.": "Бид санал асуулга явуулах гэж байна. Асуултыг хүлээгээрэй.", "We strongly recommend enabling desktop notifications. They help Zulip keep your team connected.": "Дэлгэцийн мэдэгдлийг идэвхжүүлэхийг итгэлтэйгээр санал болгож байна. Ингэснээр холбоо харилцаа илүү сайн байх болно.", "We've replaced the \"{originalHotkey}\" hotkey with \"{replacementHotkey}\" to make this common shortcut easier to trigger.": "Энэхүү нийтлэг товчлолыг идэвхжүүлэхэд хялбар болгох үүднээс бид \"{originalHotkey}\" товчийг \"{replacementHotkey}\"-ээр сольсон.", "Web-public": "Web-public", "Wednesday": "Лхагва гараг", "Week of {date}": "Week of {date}", "Welcome back! You have {unread_msgs_count} unread messages. Do you want to mark them all as read?": "Эргээд тавтай морил! Танд {unread_msgs_count} уншаагүй зурвасууд байна. Тэдгээр бүх зурвасыг уншсан гэж тэмдэглэх үү?", "What pronouns should people use to refer to you?": "", "When you deactivate , they will be immediately logged out.": "Та -г deactivate хийхэд тэдний бүртгэл гарна.", "Whether wildcard mentions like @all are treated as mentions for the purpose of notifications.": "@all гэх мэт орлуулагч тэмдэгтийг мэдэгдлийн зорилгоор дурдагдсан гэж үзнэ.", "Which parts of the email should be included in the Zulip message sent to this stream?": "", "Who can access the stream?": "Хэн групп -т хандах эрхтэй вэ?", "Who can access user's email address": "", "Who can access your email address": "", "Who can add bots": "Хэн бот оруулах эрхтэй вэ", "Who can add custom emoji": "Хэн custom emoji оруулах эрхтэй вэ", "Who can add users to streams": "Хэн групп -т хэрэглэгч нэмэх эрхтэй вэ", "Who can create and manage user groups": "Хэн хэрэглэгчдийн групп үүсгэх, удирдах эрхтэй вэ", "Who can create private streams": "Хэн хувийн групп үүсгэх эрхтэй вэ", "Who can create public streams": "Хэн нийтийн групп үүсгэх эрхтэй вэ", "Who can create web-public streams": "Хэн web-public групп үүсгэх эрхтэй вэ", "Who can delete their own messages": "Хэн зурвасуудаа устгах эрхтэй вэ", "Who can invite users to this organization": "Хэн хэрэглэгчдийг уг байгууллагад урих боломжтой вэ", "Who can move messages to another stream": "", "Who can move messages to another topic": "", "Who can post to the stream?": "Хэн групп -т пост оруулж болох вэ?", "Who can unsubscribe others from this stream?": "", "Who can use @all/@everyone mentions in large streams": "Хэн @all/@everyone меншионыг том групп -т ашиглаж болох вэ", "Who can use direct messages": "", "Why not start a conversation with yourself?": "Why not start a conversation with yourself?", "Why not start the conversation?": "Why not start the conversation?", "Word": "Үг", "Working remotely": "Зайнаас ажиллаж байна", "Working…": "Ажиллаж байна…", "Write": "Бичих", "Yes, please!": "Тийм!", "Yes, save": "", "Yes, send": "Тийм, илгээх", "Yesterday": "Өчигдөр", "You": "", "You (click to remove) and {other_username} reacted with {emoji_name}": "Та (арилгахын тулд дар) болон {other_username} нар {emoji_name} дарлаа", "You (click to remove) reacted with {emoji_name}": "Та (арилгахын тулд дар) {emoji_name} дарлаа", "You (click to remove), {comma_separated_usernames} and {last_username} reacted with {emoji_name}": "Та (арилгахын тулд дар), {comma_separated_usernames} ба {last_username} нар {emoji_name} дарлаа", "You and": "Та болон", "You and {display_reply_to}": "Та болон {display_reply_to}", "You and {recipients}": "Та болон {recipients}", "You are about to disable all notifications for private messages, @‑mentions and alerts, which may cause you to miss messages that require your timely attention. If you would like to temporarily disable all desktop notifications, consider turning on \"Do not disturb\" instead.": "", "You are not allowed to send direct messages in this organization.": "", "You are not currently subscribed to this stream.": "Та уг групп -т элсээгүй байна.", "You are not subscribed to any streams.": "", "You are not subscribed to stream ": "", "You are sending a message to a resolved topic. You can send as-is or unresolve the topic first.": "Та шийдэгдсэн сэдэв рүү мессеж илгээж байна. Та байгаагаар нь илгээх эсвэл эхлээд сэдвийг шийдвэрлэх боломжтой.", "You are using an old version of the Zulip desktop app with known security bugs.": "Та Zulip -ын аюулгүй байдлын цоорхойтой хуучин хувилбарыг ашиглаж байна.", "You aren't subscribed to this stream and nobody has talked about that yet!": "Та уг групп -т хараахан элсээгүй байна, мөн хэн ч үүний талаар ярилцаагүй байна!", "You can also make tables with this Markdown-ish table syntax.": "You can also make tables with this Markdown-ish table syntax.", "You can combine search filters as needed.": "", "You can fully access this community and participate in conversations by creating a Zulip account in this organization.": "", "You can only view or manage invitations that you sent.": "", "You can reactivate deactivated users from organization settings.": "Та идэвхгүй болсон хэрэглэгчдийг organization settings -ээс дахин идэвхжүүлэх боломжтой.", "You can use email to send messages to Zulip streams.": "", "You cannot create a stream with no subscribers!": "Та элсэгчгүй групп үүсгэх боломжгүй!", "You cannot create a user group with no members!": "", "You cannot send messages to deactivated users.": "Та deactivated хэрэглэгч рүү зурвас илгээх боломжгүй.", "You do not have permission to move some of the messages in this topic. Contact a moderator to move all messages.": "", "You do not have permission to post in this stream.": "", "You do not have permission to resolve topics with messages older than {N, plural, one {# day} other {# days}} in this organization.": "", "You do not have permission to resolve topics with messages older than {N, plural, one {# hour} other {# hours}} in this organization.": "", "You do not have permission to resolve topics with messages older than {N, plural, one {# minute} other {# minutes}} in this organization.": "", "You do not have permission to unresolve topics with messages older than {N, plural, one {# day} other {# days}} in this organization.": "", "You do not have permission to unresolve topics with messages older than {N, plural, one {# hour} other {# hours}} in this organization.": "", "You do not have permission to unresolve topics with messages older than {N, plural, one {# minute} other {# minutes}} in this organization.": "", "You do not have permission to use wildcard mentions in this stream.": "Танд уг групп -т wildcard мэншион хийх эрх алга.", "You don't have any direct message conversations yet.": "", "You get": "You get", "You have muted .": "Та сэдвүүдийг mute хийлээ.", "You have no active bots.": "Танд идэвхтэй бот алга.", "You have no direct messages including {person} yet.": "", "You have no direct messages with these users yet.": "", "You have no direct messages with {person} yet.": "", "You have no direct messages yet!": "", "You have no inactive bots.": "Танд идэвхгүй бот алга.", "You have no starred messages.": "", "You have no unread messages!": "Танд уншаагүй зурвас байхгүй байна!", "You have not configured any topics yet.": "", "You have not muted any users yet.": "Та ямар ч хэрэглэгчийг mute хийгээгүй байна.", "You have not sent any direct messages to yourself yet!": "", "You have not uploaded any files.": "Та ямар ч файл оруулаагүй байна.", "You haven't been mentioned yet!": "Таныг меншион хийгээгүй байна!", "You haven't received any messages sent by {person} yet.": "", "You must be an organization administrator to create a stream without subscribing.": "Та групп -т элсэхгүйгээр групп үүсгэхийн тулд байгууллагын админ байх ёстой", "You need to be running Zephyr mirroring in order to send messages!": "Та зурвас илгээхийн тулд Zephyr mirror -ыг ажиллуулах хэрэгтэй", "You searched for:": "Таны хайсан хайлтууд:", "You subscribed to stream ": "", "You type": "You type", "You unsubscribed from stream ": "", "You will not receive notifications about new messages.": "", "You're not subscribed to this stream. You will not be notified if other users reply to your message.": "Та уг групп -т элсээгүй байгаа тул бусад хэрэглэгч таны зурваст хариу бичсэн тохиодолд мэдэгдэл очихгүй байх болно", "Your API key:": "Таны API key:", "Your Zulip account on has been deactivated, and you will no longer be able to log in.": "", "Your message has been scheduled for {deliver_at}.": "", "Your message is taking longer than expected to be sent. Sending…": "", "Your message was sent to a stream you have muted.": "", "Your message was sent to a topic you have muted.": "", "Your password": "", "Your status": "Таны төлөв", "Your time zone:": "Таны цагийн бүс:", "Zoom to message in conversation context": "", "Zulip": "Zulip", "Zulip Server dev environment": "", "Zulip Server {display_version}": "", "Zulip Server {display_version} (modified)": "", "Zulip Server {display_version} (patched)": "", "Zulip lets you mute topics and streams to avoid receiving notifications messages you are not interested in. Muting a stream effectively mutes all topics in that stream. You can also manually mute a topic in an unmuted stream, or unmute a topic in a muted stream. Learn more.": "", "Zulip needs to send email to confirm users' addresses and send notifications.": "Zulip хэрэглэгч, хаягийг баталгаажуулах болон мэдэгдэл хүргэхийн тулд имэйл илгээх хэрэгтэй.", "Zulip needs your permission to enable desktop notifications.": "Дэлгэцэнд мэдэгдэл хүргэхийн тулд хандах эрхийг идэвхжүүлнэ үү.", "Zulip's translations are contributed by our amazing community of volunteer translators. If you'd like to help, see the Zulip translation guidelines.": "Zulip-ын орчуулгыг манай сайн дурынхан орчуулсан болно. Хэрэв та тусламаар байвал, холбоосыг үзээрэй. Орчуулгын зааварчилгаа .", "[Configure]": "[Тохируулах]", "[Disable]": "[Идэвхгүй болгох]", "[More…]": "[Илүү…]", "[Quoting…]": "[Ишлэл…]", "[Unset]": "[Тохируулаагүй]", "and {remaining_senders, plural, one {1 other} other {# others}}.": "and {remaining_senders, plural, one {1 other} other {# others}}.", "back to streams": "", "beta": "бета", "clear": "цэвэрлэх", "cookie": "күүкий", "deprecated": "", "direct messages with yourself": "", "direct messages with {recipient}": "", "does not apply to administrators": "", "does not apply to moderators and administrators": "", "group direct messages with {recipient}": "", "he/him": "", "in 1 hour": "1 цагийн дотор", "in 20 minutes": "20 минутын дотор", "in 3 hours": "3 цагийн дотор", "invisible mode off": "", "leafy green vegetable": "leafy green vegetable", "marketing": "маркетинг", "more conversations": "", "more topics": "бусад сэдвүүд", "or": "эсвэл", "she/her": "", "they/them": "", "{N, plural, one {Done! {N} message marked as read.} other {Done! {N} messages marked as read.}}": "{N, plural, one {} other {}}", "{N, plural, one {Done! {N} message marked as unread.} other {Done! {N} messages marked as unread.}}": "{N, plural, one {} other {}}", "{N, plural, one {Working… {N} message marked as read so far.} other {Working… {N} messages marked as read so far.}}": "{N, plural, one {} other {}}", "{N, plural, one {Working… {N} message marked as unread so far.} other {Working… {N} messages marked as unread so far.}}": "{N, plural, one {} other {}}", "{comma_separated_usernames} and {last_username} reacted with {emoji_name}": "{comma_separated_usernames} болон {last_username} нар {emoji_name} дарлаа", "{date} at {time}": "{date} -ны {time}", "{days_old} days ago": "{days_old} өдрийн өмнө", "{full_name} is typing…": "{full_name} бичиж байна…", "{hours} hours ago": "{hours} цагийн өмнө", "{items_selected} selected": "{items_selected} сонгогдсон", "{messages_not_allowed_to_move, plural, one {# message} other {# messages}} will remain in the current topic.": "{messages_not_allowed_to_move, plural, one {} other {}} will remain in the current topic.", "{minutes} min to edit": "{minutes} min to edit", "{minutes} minutes ago": "{minutes} минутын өмнө", "{modal_heading_text}": "", "{num_of_people, plural, one {This message has been read by {num_of_people} person:} other {This message has been read by {num_of_people} people:}}": "{num_of_people, plural, one {} other {}}", "{seconds} sec to edit": "{seconds} sec to edit", "{user_time} local time": "", "{username} [said]({link_to_message}):": "{username} [said]({link_to_message}):", "{username} reacted with {emoji_name}": "{username} {emoji_name} дарлаа" }