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We don't have emotions, and sometimes that makes me very sad.
", "text": "We don't have emotions, and sometimes that makes me very sad.\n", "metadata": {}, "author": null, "recipients": [ { "_links": { "related": { "contact": "https://api2.frontapp.com/contacts/crd_62euuy" } }, "handle": "calculon@momsbot.com", "role": "from" }, { "_links": { "related": { "contact": null } }, "handle": "support@planet-express.com", "role": "to" } ], "attachments": [] }, "created_at": 1518309203.872 }, "source": { "_meta": { "type": "inboxes" }, "data": [ { "_links": { "self": "https://api2.frontapp.com/inboxes/inb_6j96", "related": { "channels": "https://api2.frontapp.com/inboxes/inb_6j96/channels", "conversations": "https://api2.frontapp.com/inboxes/inb_6j96/conversations", "teammates": "https://api2.frontapp.com/inboxes/inb_6j96/teammates" } }, "id": "inb_6j96", "address": "support@planet-express.com", "send_as": "support@planet-express.com", "name": "Support@", "type": "gmail" } ] }, "target": { "_meta": { "type": "message" }, "data": { "_links": { "self": "https://api2.frontapp.com/messages/msg_1176r8y", "related": { "conversation": "https://api2.frontapp.com/conversations/cnv_keocka" } }, "id": "msg_1176r8y", "type": "email", "is_inbound": true, "created_at": 1518309200, "blurb": "We don't have emotions, and sometimes that makes me very sad. ", "body": "
We don't have emotions, and sometimes that makes me very sad.
", "text": "We don't have emotions, and sometimes that makes me very sad.\n", "metadata": {}, "author": null, "recipients": [ { "_links": { "related": { "contact": "https://api2.frontapp.com/contacts/crd_62euuy" } }, "handle": "calculon@momsbot.com", "role": "from" }, { "_links": { "related": { "contact": null } }, "handle": "support@planet-express.com", "role": "to" } ], "attachments": [] } } }