const render_stream_privacy = require('../templates/stream_privacy.hbs'); const render_stream_sidebar_row = require('../templates/stream_sidebar_row.hbs'); const IntDict = require('./int_dict').IntDict; let has_scrolled = false; exports.update_count_in_dom = function (unread_count_elem, count) { const count_span = unread_count_elem.find('.count'); const value_span = count_span.find('.value'); if (count === 0) { count_span.hide(); if (count_span.parent().hasClass("subscription_block")) { count_span.parent(".subscription_block").removeClass("stream-with-count"); } value_span.text(''); return; }; if (count_span.parent().hasClass("subscription_block")) { count_span.parent(".subscription_block").addClass("stream-with-count"); } value_span.text(count); }; exports.stream_sidebar = (function () { const self = {}; self.rows = new IntDict(); // stream id -> row widget self.set_row = function (stream_id, widget) { self.rows.set(stream_id, widget); }; self.get_row = function (stream_id) { return self.rows.get(stream_id); }; self.has_row_for = function (stream_id) { return self.rows.has(stream_id); }; self.remove_row = function (stream_id) { // This only removes the row from our data structure. // Our caller should use build_stream_list() to re-draw // the sidebar, so that we don't have to deal with edge // cases like removing the last pinned stream (and removing // the divider). self.rows.del(stream_id); }; return self; }()); function get_search_term() { const search_box = $(".stream-list-filter"); const search_term = search_box.expectOne().val().trim(); return search_term; } exports.remove_sidebar_row = function (stream_id) { exports.stream_sidebar.remove_row(stream_id); exports.build_stream_list(); exports.stream_cursor.redraw(); }; exports.create_initial_sidebar_rows = function () { // This code is slightly opaque, but it ends up building // up list items and attaching them to the "sub" data // structures that are kept in stream_data.js. const subs = stream_data.subscribed_subs(); _.each(subs, function (sub) { exports.create_sidebar_row(sub); }); }; exports.build_stream_list = function () { // This function assumes we have already created the individual // sidebar rows. Our job here is to build the bigger widget, // which largely is a matter of arranging the individual rows in // the right order. const streams = stream_data.subscribed_streams(); if (streams.length === 0) { return; } // The main logic to build the list is in stream_sort.js, and // we get three lists of streams (pinned/normal/dormant). const stream_groups = stream_sort.sort_groups(streams, get_search_term()); if (stream_groups.same_as_before) { return; } const parent = $('#stream_filters'); const elems = []; function add_sidebar_li(stream) { const sub = stream_data.get_sub(stream); const sidebar_row = exports.stream_sidebar.get_row(sub.stream_id); sidebar_row.update_whether_active(); elems.push(sidebar_row.get_li()); } parent.empty(); _.each(stream_groups.pinned_streams, add_sidebar_li); const any_pinned_streams = stream_groups.pinned_streams.length > 0; const any_normal_streams = stream_groups.normal_streams.length > 0; const any_dormant_streams = stream_groups.dormant_streams.length > 0; if (any_pinned_streams && (any_normal_streams || any_dormant_streams)) { elems.push('
'); } _.each(stream_groups.normal_streams, add_sidebar_li); if (any_dormant_streams && any_normal_streams) { elems.push('
'); } _.each(stream_groups.dormant_streams, add_sidebar_li); parent.append(elems); }; exports.get_stream_li = function (stream_id) { const row = exports.stream_sidebar.get_row(stream_id); if (!row) { // Not all streams are in the sidebar, so we don't report // an error here, and it's up for the caller to error if // they expected otherwise. return; } const li = row.get_li(); if (!li) { blueslip.error('Cannot find li for id ' + stream_id); return; } if (li.length > 1) { blueslip.error('stream_li has too many elements for ' + stream_id); return; } return li; }; function stream_id_for_elt(elt) { return parseInt(elt.attr('data-stream-id'), 10); } exports.zoom_in_topics = function (options) { // This only does stream-related tasks related to zooming // in to more topics, which is basically hiding all the // other streams. $("#streams_list").expectOne().removeClass("zoom-out").addClass("zoom-in"); // Hide stream list titles and pinned stream splitter $(".stream-filters-label").each(function () { $(this).hide(); }); $(".stream-split").each(function () { $(this).hide(); }); $("#stream_filters li.narrow-filter").each(function () { const elt = $(this); const stream_id = options.stream_id; if (stream_id_for_elt(elt) === stream_id) {; } else { elt.hide(); } }); }; exports.zoom_out_topics = function () { // Show stream list titles and pinned stream splitter $(".stream-filters-label").each(function () { $(this).show(); }); $(".stream-split").each(function () { $(this).show(); }); $("#streams_list").expectOne().removeClass("zoom-in").addClass("zoom-out"); $("#stream_filters li.narrow-filter").show(); }; exports.set_in_home_view = function (stream_id, in_home) { const li = exports.get_stream_li(stream_id); if (!li) { blueslip.error('passed in bad stream id ' + stream_id); return; } if (in_home) { li.removeClass("out_of_home_view"); } else { li.addClass("out_of_home_view"); } }; function build_stream_sidebar_li(sub) { const name =; const args = { name: name, id: sub.stream_id, uri: hash_util.by_stream_uri(sub.stream_id), is_muted: stream_data.is_muted(sub.stream_id) === true, invite_only: sub.invite_only, is_web_public: sub.is_web_public, color: sub.color, pin_to_top: sub.pin_to_top, }; args.dark_background = stream_color.get_color_class(args.color); const list_item = $(render_stream_sidebar_row(args)); return list_item; } function build_stream_sidebar_row(sub) { const self = {}; const list_item = build_stream_sidebar_li(sub); self.update_whether_active = function () { if (stream_data.is_active(sub) || sub.pin_to_top === true) { list_item.removeClass('inactive_stream'); } else { list_item.addClass('inactive_stream'); } }; self.get_li = function () { return list_item; }; self.remove = function () { list_item.remove(); }; self.update_unread_count = function () { const count = unread.num_unread_for_stream(sub.stream_id); exports.update_count_in_dom(list_item, count); }; self.update_unread_count(); exports.stream_sidebar.set_row(sub.stream_id, self); } exports.create_sidebar_row = function (sub) { if (exports.stream_sidebar.has_row_for(sub.stream_id)) { // already exists blueslip.warn('Dup try to build sidebar row for stream ' + sub.stream_id); return; } build_stream_sidebar_row(sub); }; exports.redraw_stream_privacy = function (sub) { const li = exports.get_stream_li(sub.stream_id); if (!li) { // We don't want to raise error here, if we can't find stream in subscription // stream list. Cause we allow org admin to update stream privacy // even if they don't subscribe to public stream. return; } const div = li.find('.stream-privacy'); const dark_background = stream_color.get_color_class(sub.color); const args = { invite_only: sub.invite_only, dark_background: dark_background, }; const html = render_stream_privacy(args); div.html(html); }; function set_stream_unread_count(stream_id, count) { const unread_count_elem = exports.get_stream_li(stream_id); if (!unread_count_elem) { // This can happen for legitimate reasons, but we warn // just in case. blueslip.warn('stream id no longer in sidebar: ' + stream_id); return; } exports.update_count_in_dom(unread_count_elem, count); } exports.update_streams_sidebar = function () { const finish = blueslip.start_timing('build_stream_list'); exports.build_stream_list(); finish(); exports.stream_cursor.redraw(); if (! { return; } const filter = narrow_state.filter(); exports.update_stream_sidebar_for_narrow(filter); }; exports.update_dom_with_unread_counts = function (counts) { // counts.stream_count maps streams to counts counts.stream_count.each(function (count, stream_id) { set_stream_unread_count(stream_id, count); }); // counts.topic_count maps streams to hashes of topics to counts counts.topic_count.each(function (topic_hash, stream_id) { // Because the topic_list data structure doesn't keep track of // which topics the "more topics" unread count came from, we // need to compute the correct value from scratch here. let more_topics_total = 0; topic_hash.each(function (count, topic) { const in_more_topics = topic_list.set_count(stream_id, topic, count); if (in_more_topics === true) { more_topics_total += count; } }); if (topic_list.active_stream_id() === stream_id) { // Update the "more topics" unread count; we communicate // this to the `topic_list` library by passing `null` as // the topic. topic_list.set_count(stream_id, null, more_topics_total); } }); }; exports.rename_stream = function (sub) { // The sub object is expected to already have the updated name build_stream_sidebar_row(sub); exports.update_streams_sidebar(); // big hammer }; exports.refresh_pinned_or_unpinned_stream = function (sub) { // Pinned/unpinned streams require re-ordering. // We use kind of brute force now, which is probably fine. build_stream_sidebar_row(sub); exports.update_streams_sidebar(); // Only scroll pinned topics into view. If we're unpinning // a topic, we may be literally trying to get it out of // our sight. if (sub.pin_to_top) { const stream_li = exports.get_stream_li(sub.stream_id); if (!stream_li) { blueslip.error('passed in bad stream id ' + sub.stream_id); return; } exports.scroll_stream_into_view(stream_li); } }; exports.get_sidebar_stream_topic_info = function (filter) { const result = { stream_id: undefined, topic_selected: false, }; const op_stream = filter.operands('stream'); if (op_stream.length === 0) { return result; } const stream_name = op_stream[0]; const stream_id = stream_data.get_stream_id(stream_name); if (!stream_id) { return result; } if (!stream_data.id_is_subscribed(stream_id)) { return result; } result.stream_id = stream_id; const op_topic = filter.operands('topic'); result.topic_selected = op_topic.length === 1; return result; }; function deselect_stream_items() { $("ul#stream_filters li").removeClass('active-filter active-sub-filter'); } exports.update_stream_sidebar_for_narrow = function (filter) { const info = exports.get_sidebar_stream_topic_info(filter); deselect_stream_items(); const stream_id = info.stream_id; if (!stream_id) { topic_zoom.clear_topics(); return; } const stream_li = exports.get_stream_li(stream_id); if (!stream_li) { // It should be the case then when we have a subscribed // stream, there will always be a stream list item // corresponding to that stream in our sidebar. We have // evidence that this assumption breaks down for some users, // but we are not clear why it happens. blueslip.error('No stream_li for subscribed stream ' + stream_id); topic_zoom.clear_topics(); return; } if (!info.topic_selected) { stream_li.addClass('active-filter'); } if (stream_id !== topic_list.active_stream_id()) { topic_zoom.clear_topics(); } topic_list.rebuild(stream_li, stream_id); return stream_li; }; exports.handle_narrow_activated = function (filter) { const stream_li = exports.update_stream_sidebar_for_narrow(filter); if (stream_li) { exports.scroll_stream_into_view(stream_li); } }; exports.handle_narrow_deactivated = function () { deselect_stream_items(); topic_zoom.clear_topics(); }; function focus_stream_filter(e) { exports.stream_cursor.reset(); e.stopPropagation(); } function keydown_enter_key() { const stream_id = exports.stream_cursor.get_key(); if (stream_id === undefined) { // This can happen for empty searches, no need to warn. return; } const sub = stream_data.get_sub_by_id(stream_id); if (sub === undefined) { blueslip.error('Unknown stream_id for search/enter: ' + stream_id); return; } exports.clear_and_hide_search();'stream',, {trigger: 'sidebar enter key'}); } function actually_update_streams_for_search() { exports.update_streams_sidebar(); resize.resize_page_components(); exports.stream_cursor.reset(); } const update_streams_for_search = _.throttle(actually_update_streams_for_search, 50); exports.initialize = function () { exports.create_initial_sidebar_rows(); // We build the stream_list now. It may get re-built again very shortly // when new messages come in, but it's fairly quick. exports.build_stream_list(); exports.set_event_handlers(); }; exports.set_event_handlers = function () { $(document).on('subscription_add_done.zulip', function (event) { exports.create_sidebar_row(event.sub); exports.build_stream_list(); exports.stream_cursor.redraw(); }); $(document).on('subscription_remove_done.zulip', function (event) { exports.remove_sidebar_row(event.sub.stream_id); }); $('#stream_filters').on('click', 'li .subscription_block', function (e) { if (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) { return; } const stream_id = stream_id_for_elt($('li')); const sub = stream_data.get_sub_by_id(stream_id); popovers.hide_all();'stream',, {trigger: 'sidebar'}); exports.clear_and_hide_search(); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }); $('#clear_search_stream_button').on('click', exports.clear_search); $("#streams_header").expectOne().click(function (e) { exports.toggle_filter_displayed(e); }); // check for user scrolls on streams list for first time ui.get_scroll_element($('#stream-filters-container')).on('scroll', function () { has_scrolled = true; // remove listener once user has scrolled $(this).off('scroll'); }); exports.stream_cursor = list_cursor({ list: { scroll_container_sel: '#stream-filters-container', find_li: function (opts) { const stream_id = opts.key; const li = exports.get_stream_li(stream_id); return li; }, first_key: stream_sort.first_stream_id, prev_key: stream_sort.prev_stream_id, next_key: stream_sort.next_stream_id, }, highlight_class: 'highlighted_stream', }); const $search_input = $('.stream-list-filter').expectOne(); keydown_util.handle({ elem: $search_input, handlers: { enter_key: function () { keydown_enter_key(); return true; }, up_arrow: function () { exports.stream_cursor.prev(); return true; }, down_arrow: function () {; return true; }, }, }); $search_input.on('click', focus_stream_filter); $search_input.on('focusout', exports.stream_cursor.clear); $search_input.on('input', update_streams_for_search); }; exports.searching = function () { return $('.stream-list-filter').expectOne().is(':focus'); }; exports.escape_search = function () { const filter = $('.stream-list-filter').expectOne(); if (filter.val() === '') { exports.clear_and_hide_search(); return; } filter.val(''); update_streams_for_search(); }; exports.clear_search = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); const filter = $('.stream-list-filter').expectOne(); if (filter.val() === '') { exports.clear_and_hide_search(); return; } filter.val(''); filter.blur(); update_streams_for_search(); }; exports.show_search_section = function () { $('.stream_search_section').expectOne().removeClass('notdisplayed'); resize.resize_stream_filters_container(); }; exports.hide_search_section = function () { $('.stream_search_section').expectOne().addClass('notdisplayed'); resize.resize_stream_filters_container(); }; exports.initiate_search = function () { exports.show_search_section(); const filter = $('.stream-list-filter').expectOne(); if (!$(".app-main .column-left").hasClass("expanded")) { popovers.hide_all(); stream_popover.show_streamlist_sidebar(); } filter.focus(); exports.stream_cursor.reset(); }; exports.clear_and_hide_search = function () { const filter = $('.stream-list-filter'); if (filter.val() !== '') { filter.val(''); update_streams_for_search(); } exports.stream_cursor.clear(); filter.blur(); exports.hide_search_section(); }; exports.toggle_filter_displayed = function (e) { if ($('.stream_search_section.notdisplayed').length === 0) { exports.clear_and_hide_search(); } else { exports.initiate_search(); } e.preventDefault(); }; exports.scroll_stream_into_view = function (stream_li) { const container = $('#stream-filters-container'); if (stream_li.length !== 1) { blueslip.error('Invalid stream_li was passed in'); return; } scroll_util.scroll_element_into_container(stream_li, container); }; exports.maybe_scroll_narrow_into_view = function () { // we don't want to interfere with user scrolling once the page loads if (has_scrolled) { return; } const stream_li = exports.get_current_stream_li(); if (stream_li) { exports.scroll_stream_into_view(stream_li); } }; exports.get_current_stream_li = function () { const stream_id = topic_list.active_stream_id(); if (!stream_id) { // stream_id is undefined in non-stream narrows return; } const stream_li = exports.get_stream_li(stream_id); if (!stream_li) { // This code path shouldn't ever be reached. blueslip.warn('No active stream_li found for defined id ' + stream_id); return; } return stream_li; }; window.stream_list = exports;