# After editing this file, you MUST afterward run # /tools/update-locked-requirements to update requirements/dev.txt # and requirements/prod.txt. # See requirements/README.md for more detail. # Django itself Django==1.11.6 # needed for mypy TypedDict mypy_extensions==0.3.0 # Needed for rendering backend templates Jinja2==2.10 # Needed for markdown processing Markdown==2.6.11 MarkupSafe==1.0 Pygments==2.2.0 # Needed for manage.py ipython==6.2.1 # Needed for Image Processing Pillow==5.0.0 # Needed for building complex DB queries SQLAlchemy==1.2.4 # Needed for password hashing argon2-cffi==18.1.0 # Needed for Tornado >3.2 compatibility backports-abc==0.5 # Needed for Tornado 4 compatibility backports.ssl-match-hostname== # Needed for S3 file uploads boto==2.48.0 certifi==2018.1.18 # Used for scrapy as well as argon2 cffi==1.11.4 chardet==3.0.4 # Pinned version because older versions don't compile on newer Linux. # Not actually a direct dependency. cryptography==2.1.4 # Needed for integrations defusedxml==0.5.0 # Needed for LDAP support django-auth-ldap==1.3.0 # Django extension providing bitfield support django-bitfield==1.9.3 # Django extension for sending data to statsd django-statsd-mozilla==0.4.0 docopt==0.6.2 # Needed for Android push notifications python-gcm==0.4 gitdb==0.6.4 # Needed for Google Apps mobile auth google-api-python-client==1.6.5 # Needed for the email mirror html2text==2018.1.9 httplib2==0.10.3 -e git+https://github.com/zulip/talon.git@7d8bdc4dbcfcc5a73298747293b99fe53da55315#egg=talon==1.2.10.zulip1 # Needed for inlining the CSS in emails premailer==3.1.1 # Needed for JWT-based auth PyJWT==1.5.3 # Needed for including other markdown files for user docs markdown-include==0.5.1 # Needed for mock objects in decorators mock==2.0.0 oauth2client==4.1.2 oauthlib==2.0.6 # Enhanced HTTPS support for httplib and urllib2 using PyOpenSSL # Needed by requests to send https request to some sites. ndg-httpsclient==0.4.4 # Needed to access rabbitmq pika==0.11.0 # Needed to access our database psycopg2==2.7.4 --no-binary psycopg2 pyasn1==0.4.2 pyasn1-modules==0.2.1 pycrypto==2.6.1 # Needed for memcached usage pylibmc==1.5.2 # Needed for zerver/tests/test_timestamp.py python-dateutil==2.6.1 # Needed for timezone work pytz==2018.3 # Needed for redis redis==2.10.6 requests_oauthlib==0.8.0 rsa==3.4.2 # Needed for Python 2+3 compatibility six==1.11.0 smmap==0.9.0 # Needed for Tornado websockets support sockjs-tornado==1.0.3 # Needed to parse source maps for error reporting sourcemap==0.2.1 # Tornado used for server->client push system tornado==4.5.3 # Needed for Python static typing typing==3.6.4 # Fast JSON parser -e git+https://github.com/zulip/ultrajson@70ac02bec#egg=ujson==1.35+git uritemplate==3.0.0 # Django extension for static asset pipeline django-pipeline==1.6.14 # Django extension for serving webpack modules django-webpack-loader==0.5.0 # Needed for iOS push notifications apns2==0.3.0 python-twitter==3.3 # To parse po files polib==1.1.0 # Needed for cloning virtual environments virtualenv-clone==0.3.0 # Needed for reading json as stream ijson==2.3 # Needed for link preview beautifulsoup4==4.6.0 pyoembed==0.1.2 # The Zulip API bindings, from its own repository. # We integrate with these tightly, so often it makes sense to pin a # version from Git rather than a release. -e "git+https://github.com/zulip/python-zulip-api.git@0.4.1#egg=zulip==0.4.1_git&subdirectory=zulip" -e "git+https://github.com/zulip/python-zulip-api.git@192e9e101d934a3171677ada511a11c26899cc96#egg=zulip_bots&subdirectory=zulip_bots" # Used for Hesiod lookups, etc. py3dns==3.1.0 # Needed for LDAP integration pyldap==2.4.37 # Install Python Social Auth social-auth-app-django==2.1.0 # Needed for messages' rendered content parsing in push notifications. lxml==4.1.1 # Needed for 2-factor authentication django-two-factor-auth==1.7.0 twilio==6.10.3 # Needed for processing payments (in zilencer) stripe==1.77.2 # Needed for serving uploaded files from nginx but perform auth checks in django. django-sendfile==0.3.11 # For checking whether email of the user is from a disposable email provider. disposable-email-domains==0.0.20