"use strict"; const emoji_codes = require("../generated/emoji/emoji_codes.json"); const emoji = require("../shared/js/emoji"); const typeahead = require("../shared/js/typeahead"); const render_emoji_popover = require("../templates/emoji_popover.hbs"); const render_emoji_popover_content = require("../templates/emoji_popover_content.hbs"); const render_emoji_popover_search_results = require("../templates/emoji_popover_search_results.hbs"); const render_emoji_showcase = require("../templates/emoji_showcase.hbs"); const message_store = require("./message_store"); const popovers = require("./popovers"); const rows = require("./rows"); // Emoji picker is of fixed width and height. Update these // whenever these values are changed in `reactions.css`. const APPROX_HEIGHT = 375; const APPROX_WIDTH = 255; // The functionalities for reacting to a message with an emoji // and composing a message with an emoji share a single widget, // implemented as the emoji_popover. exports.complete_emoji_catalog = []; let current_message_emoji_popover_elem; let emoji_catalog_last_coordinates = { section: 0, index: 0, }; let current_section = 0; let current_index = 0; let search_is_active = false; const search_results = []; let section_head_offsets = []; let edit_message_id = null; const EMOJI_CATEGORIES = [ {name: "Popular", icon: "fa-star-o"}, {name: "Smileys & Emotion", icon: "fa-smile-o"}, {name: "People & Body", icon: "fa-thumbs-o-up"}, {name: "Animals & Nature", icon: "fa-leaf"}, {name: "Food & Drink", icon: "fa-cutlery"}, {name: "Activities", icon: "fa-soccer-ball-o"}, {name: "Travel & Places", icon: "fa-car"}, {name: "Objects", icon: "fa-lightbulb-o"}, {name: "Symbols", icon: "fa-hashtag"}, {name: "Flags", icon: "fa-flag"}, {name: "Custom", icon: "fa-cog"}, ]; function get_total_sections() { if (search_is_active) { return 1; } return exports.complete_emoji_catalog.length; } function get_max_index(section) { if (search_is_active) { return search_results.length; } else if (section >= 0 && section < get_total_sections()) { return exports.complete_emoji_catalog[section].emojis.length; } return undefined; } function get_emoji_id(section, index) { let type = "emoji_picker_emoji"; if (search_is_active) { type = "emoji_search_result"; } const emoji_id = [type, section, index].join(","); return emoji_id; } function get_emoji_coordinates(emoji_id) { // Emoji id is of the following form: // __. // See `get_emoji_id()`. const emoji_info = emoji_id.split(","); return { section: Number.parseInt(emoji_info[1], 10), index: Number.parseInt(emoji_info[2], 10), }; } function show_search_results() { $(".emoji-popover-emoji-map").hide(); $(".emoji-popover-category-tabs").hide(); $(".emoji-search-results-container").show(); emoji_catalog_last_coordinates = { section: current_section, index: current_index, }; current_section = 0; current_index = 0; search_is_active = true; } function show_emoji_catalog() { $(".emoji-popover-emoji-map").show(); $(".emoji-popover-category-tabs").show(); $(".emoji-search-results-container").hide(); current_section = emoji_catalog_last_coordinates.section; current_index = emoji_catalog_last_coordinates.index; search_is_active = false; } exports.rebuild_catalog = function () { const realm_emojis = emoji.active_realm_emojis; const catalog = new Map(); catalog.set( "Custom", Array.from(realm_emojis.keys(), (realm_emoji_name) => emoji.emojis_by_name.get(realm_emoji_name), ), ); for (const [category, codepoints] of Object.entries(emoji_codes.emoji_catalog)) { const emojis = []; for (const codepoint of codepoints) { const name = emoji.get_emoji_name(codepoint); if (name !== undefined) { const emoji_dict = emoji.emojis_by_name.get(name); if (emoji_dict !== undefined && emoji_dict.is_realm_emoji !== true) { emojis.push(emoji_dict); } } } catalog.set(category, emojis); } const popular = []; for (const codepoint of typeahead.popular_emojis) { const name = emoji.get_emoji_name(codepoint); if (name !== undefined) { const emoji_dict = emoji.emojis_by_name.get(name); if (emoji_dict !== undefined) { popular.push(emoji_dict); } } } catalog.set("Popular", popular); const categories = EMOJI_CATEGORIES.filter((category) => catalog.has(category.name)); exports.complete_emoji_catalog = categories.map((category) => ({ name: category.name, icon: category.icon, emojis: catalog.get(category.name), })); }; const generate_emoji_picker_content = function (id) { let emojis_used = []; if (id !== undefined) { emojis_used = reactions.get_emojis_used_by_user_for_message_id(id); } for (const emoji_dict of emoji.emojis_by_name.values()) { emoji_dict.has_reacted = emoji_dict.aliases.some((alias) => emojis_used.includes(alias)); } return render_emoji_popover_content({ message_id: id, emoji_categories: exports.complete_emoji_catalog, }); }; function refill_section_head_offsets(popover) { section_head_offsets = []; popover.find(".emoji-popover-subheading").each(function () { section_head_offsets.push({ section: $(this).attr("data-section"), position_y: $(this).position().top, }); }); } exports.reactions_popped = function () { return current_message_emoji_popover_elem !== undefined; }; exports.hide_emoji_popover = function () { $(".has_popover").removeClass("has_popover has_emoji_popover"); if (exports.reactions_popped()) { const orig_title = current_message_emoji_popover_elem.data("original-title"); current_message_emoji_popover_elem.popover("destroy"); current_message_emoji_popover_elem.prop("title", orig_title); current_message_emoji_popover_elem.removeClass("reaction_button_visible"); current_message_emoji_popover_elem = undefined; } }; function get_selected_emoji() { return $(".emoji-popover-emoji:focus")[0]; } function get_rendered_emoji(section, index) { const emoji_id = get_emoji_id(section, index); const emoji = $(`.emoji-popover-emoji[data-emoji-id='${CSS.escape(emoji_id)}']`); if (emoji.length > 0) { return emoji; } return undefined; } function filter_emojis() { const elt = $(".emoji-popover-filter").expectOne(); const query = elt.val().trim().toLowerCase(); const message_id = $(".emoji-search-results-container").data("message-id"); const search_results_visible = $(".emoji-search-results-container").is(":visible"); if (query !== "") { const categories = exports.complete_emoji_catalog; const search_terms = query.split(" "); search_results.length = 0; for (const category of categories) { if (category.name === "Popular") { continue; } const emojis = category.emojis; for (const emoji_dict of emojis) { for (const alias of emoji_dict.aliases) { const match = search_terms.every((search_term) => alias.includes(search_term)); if (match) { search_results.push({...emoji_dict, emoji_name: alias}); break; // We only need the first matching alias per emoji. } } } } const sorted_search_results = typeahead.sort_emojis(search_results, query); const rendered_search_results = render_emoji_popover_search_results({ search_results: sorted_search_results, message_id, }); $(".emoji-search-results").html(rendered_search_results); ui.reset_scrollbar($(".emoji-search-results-container")); if (!search_results_visible) { show_search_results(); } } else { show_emoji_catalog(); } } function toggle_reaction(emoji_name, event) { const message_id = current_msg_list.selected_id(); const message = message_store.get(message_id); if (!message) { blueslip.error("reactions: Bad message id: " + message_id); return; } reactions.toggle_emoji_reaction(message_id, emoji_name, event); if (event === undefined || !event.shiftKey) { exports.hide_emoji_popover(); } $(event.target).closest(".reaction").toggleClass("reacted"); } function is_composition(emoji) { return $(emoji).hasClass("composition"); } function process_enter_while_filtering(e) { if (e.keyCode === 13) { // Enter key e.preventDefault(); const first_emoji = get_rendered_emoji(0, 0); if (first_emoji) { if (is_composition(first_emoji)) { first_emoji.trigger("click"); } else { toggle_reaction(first_emoji.attr("data-emoji-name"), e); } } } } function toggle_selected_emoji(e) { // Toggle the currently selected emoji. const selected_emoji = get_selected_emoji(); if (selected_emoji === undefined) { return; } const emoji_name = $(selected_emoji).attr("data-emoji-name"); toggle_reaction(emoji_name, e); } function round_off_to_previous_multiple(number_to_round, multiple) { return number_to_round - (number_to_round % multiple); } function reset_emoji_showcase() { $(".emoji-showcase-container").html(""); } function update_emoji_showcase($focused_emoji) { // Don't use jQuery's data() function here. It has the side-effect // of converting emoji names like :100:, :1234: etc to number. const focused_emoji_name = $focused_emoji.attr("data-emoji-name"); const canonical_name = emoji.get_canonical_name(focused_emoji_name); if (!canonical_name) { blueslip.error("Invalid focused_emoji_name: " + focused_emoji_name); return; } const focused_emoji_dict = emoji.emojis_by_name.get(canonical_name); const emoji_dict = { ...focused_emoji_dict, name: focused_emoji_name.replace(/_/g, " "), }; const rendered_showcase = render_emoji_showcase({ emoji_dict, }); $(".emoji-showcase-container").html(rendered_showcase); } function maybe_change_focused_emoji($emoji_map, next_section, next_index, preserve_scroll) { const next_emoji = get_rendered_emoji(next_section, next_index); if (next_emoji) { current_section = next_section; current_index = next_index; if (!preserve_scroll) { next_emoji.trigger("focus"); } else { const start = ui.get_scroll_element($emoji_map).scrollTop(); next_emoji.trigger("focus"); if (ui.get_scroll_element($emoji_map).scrollTop() !== start) { ui.get_scroll_element($emoji_map).scrollTop(start); } } update_emoji_showcase(next_emoji); return true; } return false; } function maybe_change_active_section(next_section) { const $emoji_map = $(".emoji-popover-emoji-map"); if (next_section >= 0 && next_section < get_total_sections()) { current_section = next_section; current_index = 0; const offset = section_head_offsets[current_section]; if (offset) { ui.get_scroll_element($emoji_map).scrollTop(offset.position_y); maybe_change_focused_emoji($emoji_map, current_section, current_index); } } } function get_next_emoji_coordinates(move_by) { let next_section = current_section; let next_index = current_index + move_by; let max_len; if (next_index < 0) { next_section = next_section - 1; if (next_section >= 0) { next_index = get_max_index(next_section) - 1; if (move_by === -6) { max_len = get_max_index(next_section); const prev_multiple = round_off_to_previous_multiple(max_len, 6); next_index = prev_multiple + current_index; next_index = next_index >= max_len ? prev_multiple + current_index - 6 : next_index; } } } else if (next_index >= get_max_index(next_section)) { next_section = next_section + 1; if (next_section < get_total_sections()) { next_index = 0; if (move_by === 6) { max_len = get_max_index(next_index); next_index = current_index % 6; next_index = next_index >= max_len ? max_len - 1 : next_index; } } } return { section: next_section, index: next_index, }; } function change_focus_to_filter() { $(".emoji-popover-filter").trigger("focus"); // If search is active reset current selected emoji to first emoji. if (search_is_active) { current_section = 0; current_index = 0; } reset_emoji_showcase(); } exports.navigate = function (event_name, e) { if ( event_name === "toggle_reactions_popover" && exports.reactions_popped() && (search_is_active === false || search_results.length === 0) ) { exports.hide_emoji_popover(); return true; } // If search is active and results are empty then return immediately. if (search_is_active === true && search_results.length === 0) { // We don't want to prevent default for keys like Backspace and space. return false; } if (event_name === "enter") { if (is_composition(e.target)) { e.target.click(); } else { toggle_selected_emoji(e); } return true; } const $popover = $(".emoji-popover").expectOne(); const $emoji_map = $popover.find(".emoji-popover-emoji-map").expectOne(); const selected_emoji = get_rendered_emoji(current_section, current_index); const is_filter_focused = $(".emoji-popover-filter").is(":focus"); let next_section = 0; // special cases if (is_filter_focused) { // Move down into emoji map. const filter_text = $(".emoji-popover-filter").val(); const is_cursor_at_end = $(".emoji-popover-filter").caret() === filter_text.length; if (event_name === "down_arrow" || (is_cursor_at_end && event_name === "right_arrow")) { selected_emoji.trigger("focus"); if (current_section === 0 && current_index < 6) { ui.get_scroll_element($emoji_map).scrollTop(0); } update_emoji_showcase(selected_emoji); return true; } if (event_name === "tab") { selected_emoji.trigger("focus"); update_emoji_showcase(selected_emoji); return true; } return false; } else if ( (current_section === 0 && current_index < 6 && event_name === "up_arrow") || (current_section === 0 && current_index === 0 && event_name === "left_arrow") ) { if (selected_emoji) { // In this case, we're move up into the reaction // filter. Here, we override the default browser // behavior, which in Firefox is good (preserving // the cursor position) and in Chrome is bad (cursor // goes to beginning) with something reasonable and // consistent (cursor goes to the end of the filter // string). $(".emoji-popover-filter").trigger("focus").caret(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); ui.get_scroll_element($emoji_map).scrollTop(0); ui.get_scroll_element($(".emoji-search-results-container")).scrollTop(0); current_section = 0; current_index = 0; reset_emoji_showcase(); return true; } } else if (event_name === "tab") { change_focus_to_filter(); return true; } else if (event_name === "shift_tab") { if (!is_filter_focused) { change_focus_to_filter(); } return true; } else if (event_name === "page_up") { next_section = current_section - 1; maybe_change_active_section(next_section); return true; } else if (event_name === "page_down") { next_section = current_section + 1; maybe_change_active_section(next_section); return true; } else if (!is_filter_focused) { let next_coord = {}; switch (event_name) { case "down_arrow": next_coord = get_next_emoji_coordinates(6); break; case "up_arrow": next_coord = get_next_emoji_coordinates(-6); break; case "left_arrow": next_coord = get_next_emoji_coordinates(-1); break; case "right_arrow": next_coord = get_next_emoji_coordinates(1); break; } return maybe_change_focused_emoji($emoji_map, next_coord.section, next_coord.index); } return false; }; function process_keypress(e) { const is_filter_focused = $(".emoji-popover-filter").is(":focus"); const pressed_key = e.which; if ( !is_filter_focused && // ':' => 58, is a hotkey for toggling reactions popover. pressed_key !== 58 && ((pressed_key >= 32 && pressed_key <= 126) || pressed_key === 8) ) { // Handle only printable characters or Backspace. e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const emoji_filter = $(".emoji-popover-filter"); const old_query = emoji_filter.val(); let new_query = ""; if (pressed_key === 8) { // Handles Backspace. new_query = old_query.slice(0, -1); } else { // Handles any printable character. const key_str = String.fromCharCode(e.which); new_query = old_query + key_str; } emoji_filter.val(new_query); change_focus_to_filter(); filter_emojis(); } } exports.emoji_select_tab = function (elt) { const scrolltop = elt.scrollTop(); const scrollheight = elt.prop("scrollHeight"); const elt_height = elt.height(); let currently_selected = ""; for (const o of section_head_offsets) { if (scrolltop + elt_height / 2 >= o.position_y) { currently_selected = o.section; } } // Handles the corner case of the last category being // smaller than half of the emoji picker height. if (elt_height + scrolltop === scrollheight) { currently_selected = section_head_offsets[section_head_offsets.length - 1].section; } // Handles the corner case of the scrolling back to top. if (scrolltop === 0) { currently_selected = section_head_offsets[0].section; } if (currently_selected) { $(".emoji-popover-tab-item.active").removeClass("active"); $(`.emoji-popover-tab-item[data-tab-name="${CSS.escape(currently_selected)}"]`).addClass( "active", ); } }; function register_popover_events(popover) { const $emoji_map = popover.find(".emoji-popover-emoji-map"); ui.get_scroll_element($emoji_map).on("scroll", () => { exports.emoji_select_tab(ui.get_scroll_element($emoji_map)); }); $(".emoji-popover-filter").on("input", filter_emojis); $(".emoji-popover-filter").on("keydown", process_enter_while_filtering); $(".emoji-popover").on("keypress", process_keypress); $(".emoji-popover").on("keydown", (e) => { // Because of cross-browser issues we need to handle Backspace // key separately. Firefox fires `keypress` event for Backspace // key but chrome doesn't so we need to trigger the logic for // handling Backspace in `keydown` event which is fired by both. if (e.which === 8) { process_keypress(e); } }); } exports.build_emoji_popover = function (elt, id) { const template_args = { class: "emoji-info-popover", }; let placement = popovers.compute_placement(elt, APPROX_HEIGHT, APPROX_WIDTH, true); if (placement === "viewport_center") { // For legacy reasons `compute_placement` actually can // return `viewport_center`, but bootstrap doesn't actually // support that. placement = "left"; } let template = render_emoji_popover(template_args); // if the window is mobile sized, add the `.popover-flex` wrapper to the emoji // popover so that it will be wrapped in flex and centered in the screen. if (window.innerWidth <= 768) { template = "
" + template + "
"; } elt.popover({ // temporary patch for handling popover placement of `viewport_center` placement, fix_positions: true, template, title: "", content: generate_emoji_picker_content(id), html: true, trigger: "manual", }); elt.popover("show"); elt.prop("title", i18n.t("Add emoji reaction (:)")); const popover = elt.data("popover").$tip; popover.find(".emoji-popover-filter").trigger("focus"); current_message_emoji_popover_elem = elt; emoji_catalog_last_coordinates = { section: 0, index: 0, }; show_emoji_catalog(); elt.ready(() => refill_section_head_offsets(popover)); register_popover_events(popover); }; exports.toggle_emoji_popover = function (element, id) { const last_popover_elem = current_message_emoji_popover_elem; popovers.hide_all(); if (last_popover_elem !== undefined && last_popover_elem.get()[0] === element) { // We want it to be the case that a user can dismiss a popover // by clicking on the same element that caused the popover. return; } $(element).closest(".message_row").toggleClass("has_popover has_emoji_popover"); const elt = $(element); if (id !== undefined) { current_msg_list.select_id(id); } if (elt.data("popover") === undefined) { // Keep the element over which the popover is based off visible. elt.addClass("reaction_button_visible"); exports.build_emoji_popover(elt, id); } reset_emoji_showcase(); }; exports.register_click_handlers = function () { $(document).on("click", ".emoji-popover-emoji.reaction", function (e) { // When an emoji is clicked in the popover, // if the user has reacted to this message with this emoji // the reaction is removed // otherwise, the reaction is added const emoji_name = $(this).attr("data-emoji-name"); toggle_reaction(emoji_name, e); }); $(document).on("click", ".emoji-popover-emoji.composition", function (e) { const emoji_name = $(this).attr("data-emoji-name"); const emoji_text = ":" + emoji_name + ":"; // The following check will return false if emoji was not selected in // message edit form. if (edit_message_id !== null) { const edit_message_textarea = $(`#message_edit_content_${CSS.escape(edit_message_id)}`); // Assign null to edit_message_id so that the selection of emoji in new // message composition form works correctly. edit_message_id = null; compose_ui.insert_syntax_and_focus(emoji_text, edit_message_textarea); } else { compose_ui.insert_syntax_and_focus(emoji_text); } e.stopPropagation(); exports.hide_emoji_popover(); }); $("body").on("click", "#emoji_map", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); // The data-message-id attribute is only present in the emoji icon present in // the message edit form. So the following check will return false if this // event was not fired from message edit form. if ($(this).attr("data-message-id") !== undefined) { // Store data-message-id value in global variable edit_message_id so that // its value can be further used to correctly find the message textarea element. edit_message_id = $(this).attr("data-message-id"); } else { edit_message_id = null; } exports.toggle_emoji_popover(this); }); $("#main_div").on("click", ".reaction_button", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); const message_id = rows.get_message_id(this); exports.toggle_emoji_popover(this, message_id); }); $("#main_div").on("mouseenter", ".reaction_button", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); const elem = $(e.currentTarget); const title = i18n.t("Add emoji reaction"); elem.tooltip({ title: title + " (:)", trigger: "hover", placement: "bottom", animation: false, }); elem.tooltip("show"); $(".tooltip-arrow").remove(); }); $("#main_div").on("mouseleave", ".reaction_button", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); $(e.currentTarget).tooltip("hide"); }); $("body").on("click", ".actions_popover .reaction_button", (e) => { const message_id = $(e.currentTarget).data("message-id"); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); // HACK: Because we need the popover to be based off an // element that definitely exists in the page even if the // message wasn't sent by us and thus the .reaction_hover // element is not present, we use the message's // .fa-chevron-down element as the base for the popover. const elem = $(".selected_message .actions_hover")[0]; exports.toggle_emoji_popover(elem, message_id); }); $("body").on("click", ".emoji-popover-tab-item", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); const $popover = $(e.currentTarget).closest(".emoji-info-popover").expectOne(); const $emoji_map = $popover.find(".emoji-popover-emoji-map"); const offset = section_head_offsets.find( (o) => o.section === $(this).attr("data-tab-name"), ); if (offset) { ui.get_scroll_element($emoji_map).scrollTop(offset.position_y); } }); $("body").on("click", ".emoji-popover-filter", () => { reset_emoji_showcase(); }); $("body").on("mouseenter", ".emoji-popover-emoji", (e) => { const emoji_id = $(e.currentTarget).data("emoji-id"); const emoji_coordinates = get_emoji_coordinates(emoji_id); const $emoji_map = $(e.currentTarget) .closest(".emoji-popover") .expectOne() .find(".emoji-popover-emoji-map"); maybe_change_focused_emoji( $emoji_map, emoji_coordinates.section, emoji_coordinates.index, true, ); }); }; exports.initialize = function () { exports.rebuild_catalog(); }; window.emoji_picker = exports;