#!/usr/bin/env bash set -xe # Assumes we've already been untarred # Specify options for apt. APT_OPTIONS="${APT_OPTIONS:-}" # Install additional packages using apt. ADDITIONAL_PACKAGES=${ADDITIONAL_PACKAGES:-} # Deployment type is almost always voyager. DEPLOYMENT_TYPE="${DEPLOYMENT_TYPE:-voyager}" # Comma-separated list of puppet manifests to install. default is # zulip::voyager for an all-in-one system or zulip::dockervoyager for # Docker. Use e.g. zulip::app_frontend for a Zulip frontend server. PUPPET_CLASSES="${PUPPET_CLASSES:-zulip::voyager}" VIRTUALENV_NEEDED="${VIRTUALENV_NEEDED:-yes}" # Check for at least ~1.9GB of RAM before starting installation; # otherwise users will find out about insufficient RAM via weird # errors like a segfault running `pip install`. mem_kb=$(cat /proc/meminfo | head -n1 | awk '{print $2}') if [ "$mem_kb" -lt 1900000 ]; then echo "Insufficient RAM. Zulip requires at least 2GB of RAM." exit 1 fi if ! [ -e /usr/bin/realpath ]; then # realpath is in coreutils on Xenial, but not in Trusty apt-get install -y realpath fi ZULIP_PATH="$(realpath $(dirname $0)/../..)" # setup-apt-repo does an `apt-get update` "$ZULIP_PATH"/scripts/lib/setup-apt-repo apt-get -y dist-upgrade $APT_OPTIONS apt-get install -y puppet git python python3 python-six python3-six crudini $ADDITIONAL_PACKAGES # Handle issues around upstart on Ubuntu Xenial "$ZULIP_PATH"/scripts/lib/check-upstart # Create and activate a virtualenv if [ "$VIRTUALENV_NEEDED" = "yes" ]; then "$ZULIP_PATH"/scripts/lib/create-production-venv "$ZULIP_PATH" fi "$ZULIP_PATH"/scripts/lib/install-node # puppet apply mkdir -p /etc/zulip ( echo -e "[machine]\npuppet_classes = $PUPPET_CLASSES\ndeploy_type = $DEPLOYMENT_TYPE"; # Note: there are four dpkg-query outputs to consider: # # root@host# dpkg-query --showformat '${Status}\n' -W rabbitmq-server 2>/dev/null # root@host# apt install rabbitmq-server # root@host# dpkg-query --showformat '${Status}\n' -W rabbitmq-server 2>/dev/null # install ok installed # root@host# apt remove rabbitmq-server # root@host# dpkg-query --showformat '${Status}\n' -W rabbitmq-server 2>/dev/null # deinstall ok config-files # root@host# apt purge rabbitmq-server # root@host# dpkg-query --showformat '${Status}\n' -W rabbitmq-server 2>/dev/null # unknown ok not-installed # # (There are more possibilities in the case of dpkg errors.) Here # we are checking for either empty or not-installed. if [ -n "$TRAVIS" ] || ! dpkg-query --showformat '${Status}\n' -W rabbitmq-server 2>/dev/null | grep -vq ' not-installed$'; then echo -e "\n[rabbitmq]\nnodename = zulip@localhost" fi ) > /etc/zulip/zulip.conf "$ZULIP_PATH"/scripts/zulip-puppet-apply -f # Detect which features were selected for the below set +e [ -e "/etc/init.d/camo" ]; has_camo=$? [ -e "/etc/init.d/nginx" ]; has_nginx=$? [ -e "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/zulip.conf" ]; has_appserver=$? [ -e "/etc/cron.d/rabbitmq-numconsumers" ]; has_rabbit=$? [ -e "/etc/init.d/postgresql" ]; has_postgres=$? set -e # Docker service setup is done in the docker config, not here if [ "$DEPLOYMENT_TYPE" = "dockervoyager" ]; then has_camo=1 has_nginx=1 has_appserver=1 has_rabbit=1 has_postgres=1 fi # These server restarting bits should be moveable into puppet-land, ideally apt-get -y upgrade if [ "$has_nginx" = 0 ]; then # Check nginx was configured properly now that we've installed it. # Most common failure mode is certs not having been installed. nginx -t service nginx restart fi if [ "$has_appserver" = 0 ]; then "$ZULIP_PATH"/scripts/setup/generate_secrets.py --production cp -a "$ZULIP_PATH"/zproject/prod_settings_template.py /etc/zulip/settings.py ln -nsf /etc/zulip/settings.py "$ZULIP_PATH"/zproject/prod_settings.py fi # Restart camo since generate_secrets.py likely replaced its secret key if [ "$has_camo" = 0 ] && [ -z "$TRAVIS" ]; then # We don't run this in Travis CI due to a weird hang bug service camo restart fi if [ "$has_rabbit" = 0 ]; then if ! rabbitmqctl status >/dev/null; then set +x echo; echo "RabbitMQ seems to not have started properly after the installation process." echo "Often, this can be caused by misconfigured /etc/hosts in virtualized environments" echo "See https://github.com/zulip/zulip/issues/53#issuecomment-143805121" echo "for more information" echo set -x exit 1 fi "$ZULIP_PATH"/scripts/setup/configure-rabbitmq fi if [ "$has_postgres" = 0 ]; then "$ZULIP_PATH"/scripts/setup/postgres-init-db fi if [ "$has_appserver" = 0 ]; then deploy_path=$("$ZULIP_PATH"/scripts/lib/zulip_tools.py make_deploy_path) mv "$ZULIP_PATH" "$deploy_path" ln -nsf /home/zulip/deployments/next "$ZULIP_PATH" ln -nsf "$deploy_path" /home/zulip/deployments/next ln -nsf "$deploy_path" /home/zulip/deployments/current ln -nsf /etc/zulip/settings.py "$deploy_path"/zproject/prod_settings.py mkdir -p "$deploy_path"/prod-static/serve cp -rT "$deploy_path"/prod-static/serve /home/zulip/prod-static chown -R zulip:zulip /home/zulip /var/log/zulip /etc/zulip/settings.py fi if [ -e "/var/run/supervisor.sock" ]; then # If supervisor isn't running, no need to chown its socket chown zulip:zulip /var/run/supervisor.sock fi set +x cat <