import $ from "jquery"; import _ from "lodash"; import render_recent_topic_row from "../templates/recent_topic_row.hbs"; import render_recent_topics_filters from "../templates/recent_topics_filters.hbs"; import render_recent_topics_body from "../templates/recent_topics_table.hbs"; import * as compose_closed_ui from "./compose_closed_ui"; import * as hash_util from "./hash_util"; import {$t} from "./i18n"; import * as ListWidget from "./list_widget"; import * as loading from "./loading"; import {localstorage} from "./localstorage"; import * as message_store from "./message_store"; import * as message_util from "./message_util"; import * as message_view_header from "./message_view_header"; import * as muted_topics from "./muted_topics"; import * as narrow from "./narrow"; import * as narrow_state from "./narrow_state"; import * as navigate from "./navigate"; import {page_params} from "./page_params"; import * as people from "./people"; import * as recent_senders from "./recent_senders"; import {get, process_message, topics} from "./recent_topics_data"; import {get_topic_key, is_in_focus, is_visible, set_visible} from "./recent_topics_util"; import * as stream_data from "./stream_data"; import * as stream_list from "./stream_list"; import * as sub_store from "./sub_store"; import * as timerender from "./timerender"; import * as top_left_corner from "./top_left_corner"; import * as unread from "./unread"; let topics_widget; // Sets the number of avatars to display. // Rest of the avatars, if present, are displayed as {+x} const MAX_AVATAR = 4; const MAX_EXTRA_SENDERS = 10; // Use this to set the focused element. // // We set it's value to `table` in case the // focus in one of the table rows, since the // table rows are constantly updated and tracking // the selected element in them would be tedious via // jquery. // // So, we use table as a grid system and // track the coordinates of the focus element via // `row_focus` and `col_focus`. export let $current_focus_elem = "table"; // If user clicks a topic in recent topics, then // we store that topic here so that we can restore focus // to that topic when user revisits. let last_visited_topic = ""; let row_focus = 0; // Start focus on the topic column, so Down+Enter works to visit a topic. let col_focus = 1; export const COLUMNS = { stream: 0, topic: 1, mute: 2, read: 3, }; // The number of selectable actions in a recent_topics. Used to // implement wraparound of elements with the right/left keys. Must be // increased when we add new actions, or rethought if we add optional // actions that only appear in some rows. const MAX_SELECTABLE_COLS = 4; // we use localstorage to persist the recent topic filters const ls_key = "recent_topic_filters"; const ls = localstorage(); let filters = new Set(); export function clear_for_tests() { filters.clear(); topics.clear(); topics_widget = undefined; } export function save_filters() { ls.set(ls_key, Array.from(filters)); } export function load_filters() { filters = new Set(ls.get(ls_key)); } export function set_default_focus() { // If at any point we are confused about the currently // focused element, we switch focus to search. $current_focus_elem = $("#recent_topics_search"); $current_focus_elem.trigger("focus"); compose_closed_ui.set_standard_text_for_reply_button(); } function get_min_load_count(already_rendered_count, load_count) { const extra_rows_for_viewing_pleasure = 15; if (row_focus > already_rendered_count + load_count) { return row_focus + extra_rows_for_viewing_pleasure - already_rendered_count; } return load_count; } function is_table_focused() { return $current_focus_elem === "table"; } function set_table_focus(row, col, using_keyboard) { const $topic_rows = $("#recent_topics_table table tbody tr"); if ($topic_rows.length === 0 || row < 0 || row >= $topic_rows.length) { row_focus = 0; // return focus back to filters if we cannot focus on the table. set_default_focus(); return true; } const $topic_row = $topic_rows.eq(row); // We need to allow table to render first before setting focus. setTimeout( () => $topic_row.find(".recent_topics_focusable").eq(col).children().trigger("focus"), 0, ); $current_focus_elem = "table"; if (using_keyboard) { const scroll_element = document.querySelector( "#recent_topics_table .table_fix_head .simplebar-content-wrapper", ); const half_height_of_visible_area = scroll_element.offsetHeight / 2; const topic_offset = topic_offset_to_visible_area($topic_row); if (topic_offset === "above") { scroll_element.scrollBy({top: -1 * half_height_of_visible_area}); } else if (topic_offset === "below") { scroll_element.scrollBy({top: half_height_of_visible_area}); } } const message = { stream: $topic_row.find(".recent_topic_stream a").text(), topic: $topic_row.find(".recent_topic_name a").text(), }; compose_closed_ui.update_reply_recipient_label(message); return true; } export function get_focused_row_message() { if (is_table_focused()) { const recent_topic_id_prefix_len = "recent_topic:".length; const $topic_rows = $("#recent_topics_table table tbody tr"); if ($topic_rows.length === 0) { return undefined; } const $topic_row = $topic_rows.eq(row_focus); const topic_id = $topic_row.attr("id").slice(recent_topic_id_prefix_len); const topic_last_msg_id = topics.get(topic_id).last_msg_id; return message_store.get(topic_last_msg_id); } return undefined; } export function revive_current_focus() { // After re-render, the current_focus_elem is no longer linked // to the focused element, this function attempts to revive the // link and focus to the element prior to the rerender. // We try to avoid setting focus when user // is not focused on recent topics. if (!is_in_focus()) { return false; } if (!$current_focus_elem) { set_default_focus(); return false; } if (is_table_focused()) { if (last_visited_topic) { const topic_last_msg_id = topics.get(last_visited_topic).last_msg_id; const current_list = topics_widget.get_current_list(); const last_visited_topic_index = current_list.findIndex( (topic) => topic.last_msg_id === topic_last_msg_id, ); if (last_visited_topic_index >= 0) { row_focus = last_visited_topic_index; } last_visited_topic = ""; } set_table_focus(row_focus, col_focus); return true; } const filter_button = $"filter"); if (!filter_button) { set_default_focus(); } else { $current_focus_elem = $("#recent_topics_filter_buttons").find( `[data-filter='${CSS.escape(filter_button)}']`, ); $current_focus_elem.trigger("focus"); } return true; } export function show_loading_indicator() { loading.make_indicator($("#recent_topics_loading_messages_indicator")); } export function hide_loading_indicator() { $("#recent_topics_bottom_whitespace").hide(); loading.destroy_indicator($("#recent_topics_loading_messages_indicator"), { abs_positioned: false, }); // Show empty table text if there are no messages fetched. $("#recent_topics_table tbody").addClass("required-text"); } export function process_messages(messages) { // While this is inexpensive and handles all the cases itself, // the UX can be bad if user wants to scroll down the list as // the UI will be returned to the beginning of the list on every // update. // // Only rerender if topic_data actually // changed. let topic_data_changed = false; for (const msg of messages) { if (process_message(msg)) { topic_data_changed = true; } } if (topic_data_changed) { complete_rerender(); } } function format_topic(topic_data) { const last_msg = message_store.get(topic_data.last_msg_id); const stream =; const stream_id = last_msg.stream_id; const stream_info = sub_store.get(stream_id); if (stream_info === undefined) { // stream was deleted return {}; } const topic = last_msg.topic; const time = new Date(last_msg.timestamp * 1000); const last_msg_time = timerender.last_seen_status_from_date(time); const full_datetime = timerender.get_full_datetime(time); // We hide the row according to filters or if it's muted. // We only supply the data to the topic rows and let jquery // display / hide them according to filters instead of // doing complete re-render. const topic_muted = Boolean(muted_topics.is_topic_muted(stream_id, topic)); const stream_muted = stream_data.is_muted(stream_id); const muted = topic_muted || stream_muted; const unread_count = unread.num_unread_for_topic(stream_id, topic); // Display in most recent sender first order const all_senders = recent_senders.get_topic_recent_senders(stream_id, topic); const senders = all_senders.slice(-MAX_AVATAR); const senders_info = people.sender_info_for_recent_topics_row(senders); // Collect extra senders fullname for tooltip. const extra_sender_ids = all_senders.slice(0, -MAX_AVATAR); const displayed_other_senders = extra_sender_ids.slice(-MAX_EXTRA_SENDERS); const displayed_other_names = people.get_display_full_names(displayed_other_senders.reverse()); if (extra_sender_ids.length > MAX_EXTRA_SENDERS) { // We display only 10 extra senders in tooltips, // and just display remaining number of senders. const remaining_senders = extra_sender_ids.length - MAX_EXTRA_SENDERS; // Pluralization syntax from: // displayed_other_names.push( $t( { defaultMessage: "and {remaining_senders, plural, one {1 other} other {# others}}.", }, {remaining_senders}, ), ); } const other_sender_names_html = displayed_other_names .map((name) => _.escape(name)) .join("
"); return { // stream info stream_id, stream, stream_color: stream_info.color, invite_only: stream_info.invite_only, is_web_public: stream_info.is_web_public, stream_url: hash_util.by_stream_url(stream_id), topic, topic_key: get_topic_key(stream_id, topic), unread_count, last_msg_time, topic_url: hash_util.by_stream_topic_url(stream_id, topic), senders: senders_info, other_senders_count: Math.max(0, all_senders.length - MAX_AVATAR), other_sender_names_html, muted, topic_muted, participated: topic_data.participated, full_last_msg_date_time: full_datetime, }; } function get_topic_row(topic_data) { const msg = message_store.get(topic_data.last_msg_id); const topic_key = get_topic_key(msg.stream_id, msg.topic); return $(`#${CSS.escape("recent_topic:" + topic_key)}`); } export function process_topic_edit(old_stream_id, old_topic, new_topic, new_stream_id) { // See `recent_senders.process_topic_edit` for // logic behind this and important notes on use of this function. topics.delete(get_topic_key(old_stream_id, old_topic)); const old_topic_msgs = message_util.get_messages_in_topic(old_stream_id, old_topic); process_messages(old_topic_msgs); new_stream_id = new_stream_id || old_stream_id; const new_topic_msgs = message_util.get_messages_in_topic(new_stream_id, new_topic); process_messages(new_topic_msgs); } export function topic_in_search_results(keyword, stream, topic) { if (keyword === "") { return true; } const text = (stream + " " + topic).toLowerCase(); const search_words = keyword.toLowerCase().split(/\s+/); return search_words.every((word) => text.includes(word)); } export function update_topics_of_deleted_message_ids(message_ids) { const topics_to_rerender = message_util.get_topics_for_message_ids(message_ids); for (const [stream_id, topic] of topics_to_rerender.values()) { topics.delete(get_topic_key(stream_id, topic)); const msgs = message_util.get_messages_in_topic(stream_id, topic); process_messages(msgs); } } export function filters_should_hide_topic(topic_data) { const msg = message_store.get(topic_data.last_msg_id); const sub = sub_store.get(msg.stream_id); if (sub === undefined || !sub.subscribed) { // Never try to process deactivated & unsubscribed stream msgs. return true; } if (filters.has("unread")) { const unreadCount = unread.num_unread_for_topic(msg.stream_id, msg.topic); if (unreadCount === 0) { return true; } } if (!topic_data.participated && filters.has("participated")) { return true; } if (!filters.has("include_muted")) { const topic_muted = Boolean(muted_topics.is_topic_muted(msg.stream_id, msg.topic)); const stream_muted = stream_data.is_muted(msg.stream_id); if (topic_muted || stream_muted) { return true; } } const search_keyword = $("#recent_topics_search").val(); if (!topic_in_search_results(search_keyword,, msg.topic)) { return true; } return false; } export function inplace_rerender(topic_key) { if (!is_visible()) { return false; } if (!topics.has(topic_key)) { return false; } const topic_data = topics.get(topic_key); topics_widget.render_item(topic_data); const topic_row = get_topic_row(topic_data); if (filters_should_hide_topic(topic_data)) { topic_row.hide(); } else {; } revive_current_focus(); return true; } export function update_topic_is_muted(stream_id, topic) { const key = get_topic_key(stream_id, topic); if (!topics.has(key)) { // we receive mute request for a topic we are // not tracking currently return false; } inplace_rerender(key); return true; } export function update_topic_unread_count(message) { const topic_key = get_topic_key(message.stream_id, message.topic); inplace_rerender(topic_key); } export function set_filter(filter) { // This function updates the `filters` variable // after user clicks on one of the filter buttons // based on `btn-recent-selected` class and current // set `filters`. // Get the button which was clicked. const $filter_elem = $("#recent_topics_filter_buttons").find( `[data-filter="${CSS.escape(filter)}"]`, ); // If user clicks `All`, we clear all filters. if (filter === "all" && filters.size !== 0) { filters = new Set(); // If the button was already selected, remove the filter. } else if ($filter_elem.hasClass("btn-recent-selected")) { filters.delete(filter); // If the button was not selected, we add the filter. } else { filters.add(filter); } save_filters(); } function show_selected_filters() { // Add `btn-selected-filter` to the buttons to show // which filters are applied. if (filters.size === 0) { $("#recent_topics_filter_buttons") .find('[data-filter="all"]') .addClass("btn-recent-selected") .attr("aria-checked", "true"); } else { for (const filter of filters) { $("#recent_topics_filter_buttons") .find(`[data-filter="${CSS.escape(filter)}"]`) .addClass("btn-recent-selected") .attr("aria-checked", "true"); } } } export function update_filters_view() { const rendered_filters = render_recent_topics_filters({ filter_participated: filters.has("participated"), filter_unread: filters.has("unread"), filter_muted: filters.has("include_muted"), is_spectator: page_params.is_spectator, }); $("#recent_filters_group").html(rendered_filters); show_selected_filters(); topics_widget.hard_redraw(); } function stream_sort(a, b) { const a_stream = message_store.get(a.last_msg_id).stream; const b_stream = message_store.get(b.last_msg_id).stream; if (a_stream > b_stream) { return 1; } else if (a_stream === b_stream) { return 0; } return -1; } function topic_sort(a, b) { const a_topic = message_store.get(a.last_msg_id).topic; const b_topic = message_store.get(b.last_msg_id).topic; if (a_topic > b_topic) { return 1; } else if (a_topic === b_topic) { return 0; } return -1; } function topic_offset_to_visible_area(topic_row) { const $scroll_container = $("#recent_topics_table .table_fix_head"); const thead_height = 30; const under_closed_compose_region_height = 50; const scroll_container_top = $($scroll_container).offset().top + thead_height; const scroll_container_bottom = scroll_container_top + $($scroll_container).height() - under_closed_compose_region_height; const topic_row_top = $(topic_row).offset().top; const topic_row_bottom = topic_row_top + $(topic_row).height(); // Topic is above the visible scroll region. if (topic_row_top < scroll_container_top) { return "above"; // Topic is below the visible scroll region. } else if (topic_row_bottom > scroll_container_bottom) { return "below"; } // Topic is visible return "visible"; } function set_focus_to_element_in_center() { const table_wrapper_element = document.querySelector("#recent_topics_table .table_fix_head"); const $topic_rows = $("#recent_topics_table table tbody tr"); if (row_focus > $topic_rows.length) { // User used a filter which reduced // the number of visible rows. return; } let $topic_row = $topic_rows.eq(row_focus); const topic_offset = topic_offset_to_visible_area($topic_row); if (topic_offset !== "visible") { // Get the element at the center of the table. const position = table_wrapper_element.getBoundingClientRect(); const topic_center_x = (position.left + position.right) / 2; const topic_center_y = ( + position.bottom) / 2; $topic_row = $(document.elementFromPoint(topic_center_x, topic_center_y)).closest("tr"); row_focus = $topic_rows.index($topic_row); set_table_focus(row_focus, col_focus); } } function is_scroll_position_for_render(scroll_container) { const table_bottom_margin = 100; // Extra margin at the bottom of table. const table_row_height = 50; return ( scroll_container.scrollTop + scroll_container.clientHeight + table_bottom_margin + table_row_height > scroll_container.scrollHeight ); } export function complete_rerender() { if (!is_visible()) { return; } // Update header load_filters(); show_selected_filters(); // Show topics list const mapped_topic_values = Array.from(get().values()).map((value) => value); if (topics_widget) { topics_widget.replace_list_data(mapped_topic_values); return; } const rendered_body = render_recent_topics_body({ filter_participated: filters.has("participated"), filter_unread: filters.has("unread"), filter_muted: filters.has("include_muted"), search_val: $("#recent_topics_search").val() || "", is_spectator: page_params.is_spectator, }); $("#recent_topics_table").html(rendered_body); const $container = $("#recent_topics_table table tbody"); $container.empty(); topics_widget = ListWidget.create($container, mapped_topic_values, { name: "recent_topics_table", $parent_container: $("#recent_topics_table"), modifier(item) { return render_recent_topic_row(format_topic(item)); }, filter: { // We use update_filters_view & filters_should_hide_topic to do all the // filtering for us, which is called using click_handlers. predicate(topic_data) { return !filters_should_hide_topic(topic_data); }, }, sort_fields: { stream_sort, topic_sort, }, html_selector: get_topic_row, $simplebar_container: $("#recent_topics_table .table_fix_head"), callback_after_render: revive_current_focus, is_scroll_position_for_render, post_scroll__pre_render_callback: set_focus_to_element_in_center, get_min_load_count, }); } export function show() { if (narrow.has_shown_message_list_view) { narrow.save_pre_narrow_offset_for_reload(); } if (is_visible()) { // If we're already visible, E.g. because the user hit Esc // while already in the recent topics view, do nothing. return; } // Hide selected elements in the left sidebar. top_left_corner.narrow_to_recent_topics(); stream_list.handle_narrow_deactivated(); // Hide "middle-column" which has html for rendering // a messages narrow. We hide it and show recent topics. $("#message_feed_container").hide(); $("#recent_topics_view").show(); set_visible(true); $("#message_view_header_underpadding").hide(); $(".header").css("padding-bottom", "0px"); narrow.hide_mark_as_read_turned_off_banner(); // We want to show `new stream message` instead of // `new topic`, which we are already doing in this // function. So, we reuse it here. compose_closed_ui.update_buttons_for_recent_topics(); narrow_state.reset_current_filter(); narrow.set_narrow_title("Recent topics"); message_view_header.render_title_area(); narrow.handle_middle_pane_transition(); complete_rerender(); } function filter_buttons() { return $("#recent_filters_group").children(); } export function hide() { // On firefox (and flaky on other browsers), focus // remains on the focused element even after it is hidden. We // forcefully blur it so that focus returns to the visible // focused element. const $focused_element = $(document.activeElement); if ($("#recent_topics_view").has($focused_element)) { $focused_element.trigger("blur"); } $("#message_view_header_underpadding").show(); $("#message_feed_container").show(); $("#recent_topics_view").hide(); set_visible(false); $(".header").css("padding-bottom", "10px"); // This solves a bug with message_view_header // being broken sometimes when we narrow // to a filter and back to recent topics // before it completely re-rerenders. message_view_header.render_title_area(); // Fire our custom event $("#message_feed_container").trigger("message_feed_shown"); // This makes sure user lands on the selected message // and not always at the top of the narrow. navigate.plan_scroll_to_selected(); } function is_focus_at_last_table_row() { const $topic_rows = $("#recent_topics_table table tbody tr"); return row_focus === $topic_rows.length - 1; } export function focus_clicked_element(topic_row_index, col, topic_key) { $current_focus_elem = "table"; col_focus = col; row_focus = topic_row_index; if (col === COLUMNS.topic) { last_visited_topic = topic_key; } // Set compose_closed_ui reply button text. The rest of the table // focus logic should be a noop. set_table_focus(row_focus, col_focus); } export function change_focused_element($elt, input_key) { // Called from hotkeys.js; like all logic in that module, // returning true will cause the caller to do // preventDefault/stopPropagation; false will let the browser // handle the key. if ($elt.attr("id") === "recent_topics_search") { // Since the search box a text area, we want the browser to handle // Left/Right and selection within the widget; but if the user // arrows off the edges, we should move focus to the adjacent widgets.. const textInput = $("#recent_topics_search").get(0); const start = textInput.selectionStart; const end = textInput.selectionEnd; const text_length = textInput.value.length; let is_selected = false; if (end - start > 0) { is_selected = true; } switch (input_key) { // Allow browser to handle all // character keypresses. case "vim_left": case "vim_right": case "vim_down": case "vim_up": case "open_recent_topics": return false; case "shift_tab": $current_focus_elem = filter_buttons().last(); break; case "left_arrow": if (start !== 0 || is_selected) { return false; } $current_focus_elem = filter_buttons().last(); break; case "tab": $current_focus_elem = filter_buttons().first(); break; case "right_arrow": if (end !== text_length || is_selected) { return false; } $current_focus_elem = filter_buttons().first(); break; case "down_arrow": set_table_focus(row_focus, col_focus); return true; case "click": // Note: current_focus_elem can be different here, so we just // set current_focus_elem to the input box, we don't want .trigger("focus") on // it since it is already focused. // We only do this for search because we don't want the focus to // go away from the input box when `revive_current_focus` is called // on rerender when user is typing. $current_focus_elem = $("#recent_topics_search"); compose_closed_ui.set_standard_text_for_reply_button(); return true; case "escape": if (is_table_focused()) { return false; } set_table_focus(row_focus, col_focus); return true; } } else if ($elt.hasClass("btn-recent-filters")) { switch (input_key) { case "click": $current_focus_elem = $elt; return true; case "shift_tab": case "vim_left": case "left_arrow": if (filter_buttons().first()[0] === $elt[0]) { $current_focus_elem = $("#recent_topics_search"); } else { $current_focus_elem = $elt.prev(); } break; case "tab": case "vim_right": case "right_arrow": if (filter_buttons().last()[0] === $elt[0]) { $current_focus_elem = $("#recent_topics_search"); } else { $current_focus_elem = $; } break; case "vim_down": case "down_arrow": set_table_focus(row_focus, col_focus); return true; case "escape": if (is_table_focused()) { return false; } set_table_focus(row_focus, col_focus); return true; } } else if (is_table_focused()) { // For arrowing around the table of topics, we implement left/right // wraparound. Going off the top or the bottom takes one // to the navigation at the top (see set_table_focus). switch (input_key) { case "escape": return false; case "open_recent_topics": set_default_focus(); return true; case "shift_tab": case "vim_left": case "left_arrow": col_focus -= 1; if (col_focus < 0) { col_focus = MAX_SELECTABLE_COLS - 1; } break; case "tab": case "vim_right": case "right_arrow": col_focus += 1; if (col_focus >= MAX_SELECTABLE_COLS) { col_focus = 0; } break; case "vim_down": // We stop user at last table row // so that user doesn't end up in // input box where it is impossible to // get out of using vim_up / vim_down // keys. This also blocks the user from // having `jjjj` typed in the input box // when continuously pressing `j`. if (is_focus_at_last_table_row()) { return true; } row_focus += 1; break; case "down_arrow": row_focus += 1; break; case "vim_up": // See comment on vim_down. // Similarly, blocks the user from // having `kkkk` typed in the input box // when continuously pressing `k`. if (row_focus === 0) { return true; } row_focus -= 1; break; case "up_arrow": row_focus -= 1; } set_table_focus(row_focus, col_focus, true); return true; } if ($current_focus_elem && input_key !== "escape") { $current_focus_elem.trigger("focus"); if ($current_focus_elem.hasClass("btn-recent-filters")) { compose_closed_ui.set_standard_text_for_reply_button(); } return true; } return false; }