require('ts-node').register({ project: 'static/js/tsconfig.json', compilerOptions: { typeRoots: ["node_modules/@types", "../../static/js/js_typings"], // We don't have webpack to handle es6 modules here so directly // transpile to CommonJS format. module: "commonjs", }, }); var path = require('path'); var fs = require('fs'); global.assert = require('assert'); require('node_modules/string.prototype.codepointat/codepointat.js'); global._ = require('node_modules/underscore/underscore.js'); var _ = global._; const windowObj = { location: { hash: '#', }, }; global.window = _.extend({}, windowObj, { to_$: () => { return windowObj; }, }); global.Dict = require('js/dict').Dict; // Create a helper function to avoid sneaky delays in tests. function immediate(f) { return () => { return f(); }; } // Find the files we need to run. var finder = require('./finder.js'); var files = finder.find_files_to_run(); // may write to console if (_.isEmpty(files)) { throw "No tests found"; } // Set up our namespace helpers. var namespace = require('./namespace.js'); global.set_global = namespace.set_global; global.patch_builtin = namespace.patch_builtin; global.zrequire = namespace.zrequire; global.stub_out_jquery = namespace.stub_out_jquery; global.with_overrides = namespace.with_overrides; // Set up stub helpers. var stub = require('./stub.js'); global.with_stub = stub.with_stub; // Set up helpers to render templates. var render = require('./render.js'); global.find_included_partials = render.find_included_partials; global.compile_template = render.compile_template; global.render_template = render.render_template; global.walk = render.walk; // Set up fake jQuery global.make_zjquery = require('./zjquery.js').make_zjquery; // Set up fake blueslip global.make_zblueslip = require('./zblueslip.js').make_zblueslip; // Set up fake translation global.stub_i18n = require('./i18n.js'); var noop = function () {}; // Set up fake // eslint-disable-next-line no-native-reassign module = require('module'); = { accept: noop, }; // Set up fixtures. global.read_fixture_data = (fn) => { var full_fn = path.join(__dirname, '../../zerver/tests/fixtures/', fn); var data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(full_fn, 'utf8', 'r')); return data; }; function short_tb(tb) { const lines = tb.split('\n'); var i = _.findIndex(lines, (line) => { return line.includes('run_test') || line.includes('run_one_module'); }); if (i === -1) { return tb; } return lines.splice(0, i + 1).join('\n') + '\n(...)\n'; } // Set up bugdown comparison helper global.bugdown_assert = require('./bugdown_assert.js'); function run_one_module(file) {'running tests for ' +; require(file.full_name); } global.run_test = (label, f) => { if (files.length === 1) {' test: ' + label); } f(); }; try { files.forEach(function (file) { global.patch_builtin('setTimeout', noop); global.patch_builtin('setInterval', noop); _.throttle = immediate; _.debounce = immediate; render.init(); run_one_module(file); namespace.restore(); }); } catch (e) { if (e.stack) {; } else {; } process.exit(1); }