global.stub_out_jquery(); set_global('page_params', { development_environment: true, }); set_global('compose_ui', {}); const { JSDOM } = require("jsdom"); const { window } = new JSDOM('

Hello world

'); const { DOMParser, document } = window; set_global('$', require('jquery')(window)); set_global('DOMParser', DOMParser); set_global('document', document); const copy_and_paste = zrequire('copy_and_paste'); // Super stripped down version of the code in the drag-mock library // const DataTransfer = function () { this.dataByFormat = {}; }; DataTransfer.prototype.getData = function (dataFormat) { return this.dataByFormat[dataFormat]; }; DataTransfer.prototype.setData = function (dataFormat, data) { this.dataByFormat[dataFormat] = data; }; const createPasteEvent = function () { const clipboardData = new DataTransfer(); const pasteEvent = new window.Event('paste'); pasteEvent.clipboardData = clipboardData; return $.Event(pasteEvent); }; run_test('paste_handler', () => { let input = ' love the Zulip Organization.'; assert.equal(copy_and_paste.paste_handler_converter(input), ' love the **Zulip** **Organization**.'); input = 'The JSDOM constructor'; assert.equal(copy_and_paste.paste_handler_converter(input), 'The `JSDOM` constructor'); input = ''; assert.equal(copy_and_paste.paste_handler_converter(input), ''); input = 'Contributing to Zulip'; assert.equal(copy_and_paste.paste_handler_converter(input), '[Contributing to Zulip]('); input = '1. text'; assert.equal(copy_and_paste.paste_handler_converter(input), '1. text'); input = '

Zulip overview

'; assert.equal(copy_and_paste.paste_handler_converter(input), 'Zulip overview'); input = 'This text is italic'; assert.equal(copy_and_paste.paste_handler_converter(input), '*This text is italic*'); input = '

Test List:

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
'; assert.equal(copy_and_paste.paste_handler_converter(input), 'Test List:\n* Item 1\n* Item 2'); input = '
Test List:
'; assert.equal(copy_and_paste.paste_handler_converter(input), 'Test List:\n* Item 1\n* Item 2'); let data = '


'; let event = createPasteEvent(); event.originalEvent.clipboardData.setData('text/html', data); let insert_syntax_and_focus_called = false; compose_ui.insert_syntax_and_focus = function () { insert_syntax_and_focus_called = true; }; copy_and_paste.paste_handler(event); assert(insert_syntax_and_focus_called); data = ''; event = createPasteEvent(); event.originalEvent.clipboardData.setData('text/html', data); insert_syntax_and_focus_called = false; copy_and_paste.paste_handler(event); assert(!insert_syntax_and_focus_called); });