{{! Client-side Mustache template for rendering messages.}} {{! Because we use table-layout: fixed for the Message table, all the column widths are computed from the first row; these CSS classes specify the widths for that first, collapsed row. (Otherwise, colspan breaks everything).}} {{#include_layout_row}} {{/include_layout_row}} {{#each messages}} {{#with this}} {{#include_bookend}} {{#if subscribed}} --- Subscribed to stream {{subscribed}} --- {{/if}} {{#if unsubscribed}} --- Unsubscribed from stream {{unsubscribed}} --- {{/if}} {{/include_bookend}} {{#if show_date}} {{{show_date}}} {{/if}} {{#if is_summary}} {{#if is_stream}} {{display_recipient}}  >  {{subject}} ({{count}} {{summary_adjective}}) {{else}} You and {{display_reply_to}} ({{count}} {{summary_adjective}}) {{/if}} {{else}} {{#include_recipient}} {{#if is_stream}} {{#if invite_only}}{{/if}} {{display_recipient}}  >  {{#if ../../../../use_match_properties}}{{{match_subject}}}{{else}}{{subject}}{{/if}} {{#if empty_subject}} {{/if}} {{#each subject_links}}{{/each}} {{else}} You and {{display_reply_to}} {{/if}} {{/include_recipient}}
{{#include_sender}} {{! See ../js/notifications.js for another user of avatar_url. }}
{{sender_full_name}} {{/include_sender}} {{timestr}}
{{#if ../../../use_match_properties}}{{{match_content}}}{{else}}{{{content}}}{{/if}}
[Condense this message]
{{#if last_edit_timestr}}
Last edited: {{{last_edit_timestr}}}
{{/if}} {{/if}} {{/with}} {{/each}} {{#if trailing_bookend}}
