import re from itertools import zip_longest from typing import Any, Literal, TypeAlias, TypedDict, cast from zerver.lib.types import Validator from zerver.lib.validator import ( WildValue, check_dict, check_int, check_list, check_string, check_string_in, check_url, ) # stubs ZerverFieldsT: TypeAlias = dict[str, Any] SlackToZulipUserIDT: TypeAlias = dict[str, int] AddedChannelsT: TypeAlias = dict[str, tuple[str, int]] SlackFieldsT: TypeAlias = dict[str, Any] # Slack link can be in the format and LINK_REGEX = r""" (<) # match '>' (http:\/\/www\.|https:\/\/www\.|http:\/\/|https:\/\/|ftp:\/\/)? # protocol and www ([a-z0-9]+([\-\.]{1}[a-z0-9]+)*)(\.) # domain name ([a-z]{2,63}(:[0-9]{1,5})?) # domain (\/[^>]*)? # path (\|)?(?:\|([^>]+))? # char after pipe (for Slack links) (>) """ SLACK_MAILTO_REGEX = r""" <((mailto:)? # match ` # match email """ SLACK_USERMENTION_REGEX = r""" (<@) # Start with '<@' ([a-zA-Z0-9]+) # Here we have the Slack id (\|)? # We not always have a vertical line in mention ([a-zA-Z0-9]+)? # If vertical line is present, this is short name (>) # ends with '>' """ # Slack doesn't have mid-word message-formatting like Zulip. # Hence, ~stri~ke doesn't format the word in Slack, but ~~stri~~ke # formats the word in Zulip SLACK_STRIKETHROUGH_REGEX = r""" (^|[ -(]|[+-/]|\*|\_|[:-?]|\{|\[|\||\^) # Start after specified characters (\~) # followed by an asterisk ([ -)+-}—]*)([ -}]+) # any character except asterisk (\~) # followed by an asterisk ($|[ -']|[+-/]|[:-?]|\*|\_|\}|\)|\]|\||\^) # ends with specified characters """ SLACK_ITALIC_REGEX = r""" (^|[ -*]|[+-/]|[:-?]|\{|\[|\||\^|~) (\_) ([ -^`~—]*)([ -^`-~]+) # any character (\_) ($|[ -']|[+-/]|[:-?]|\}|\)|\]|\*|\||\^|~) """ SLACK_BOLD_REGEX = r""" (^|[ -(]|[+-/]|[:-?]|\{|\[|\_|\||\^|~) (\*) ([ -)+-~—]*)([ -)+-~]+) # any character (\*) ($|[ -']|[+-/]|[:-?]|\}|\)|\]|\_|\||\^|~) """ def get_user_full_name(user: ZerverFieldsT) -> str: if "deleted" in user and user["deleted"] is False: return user["real_name"] or user["name"] elif user["is_mirror_dummy"]: return user["profile"].get("real_name", user["name"]) else: return user["name"] # Markdown mapping def convert_to_zulip_markdown( text: str, users: list[ZerverFieldsT], added_channels: AddedChannelsT, slack_user_id_to_zulip_user_id: SlackToZulipUserIDT, ) -> tuple[str, list[int], bool]: mentioned_users_id = [] text = convert_markdown_syntax(text, SLACK_BOLD_REGEX, "**") text = convert_markdown_syntax(text, SLACK_STRIKETHROUGH_REGEX, "~~") text = convert_markdown_syntax(text, SLACK_ITALIC_REGEX, "*") # Map Slack's mention all: '' to '@**all** ' # Map Slack's mention all: '' to '@**all** ' # Map Slack's mention all: '' to '@**all** ' # No regex for this as it can be present anywhere in the sentence text = text.replace("", "@**all**") text = text.replace("", "@**all**") text = text.replace("", "@**all**") # Map Slack channel mention: '<#C5Z73A7RA|general>' to '#**general**' for cname, ids in added_channels.items(): cid = ids[0] text = text.replace(f"<#{cid}|{cname}>", "#**" + cname + "**") tokens = text.split(" ") for iterator in range(len(tokens)): # Check user mentions and change mention format from # '<@slack_id|short_name>' to '@**full_name**' if re.findall(SLACK_USERMENTION_REGEX, tokens[iterator], re.VERBOSE): tokens[iterator], user_id = get_user_mentions( tokens[iterator], users, slack_user_id_to_zulip_user_id ) if user_id is not None: mentioned_users_id.append(user_id) text = " ".join(tokens) # Check and convert link format text, has_link = convert_link_format(text) # convert `` to `` text, has_mailto_link = convert_mailto_format(text) message_has_link = has_link or has_mailto_link return text, mentioned_users_id, message_has_link def get_user_mentions( token: str, users: list[ZerverFieldsT], slack_user_id_to_zulip_user_id: SlackToZulipUserIDT ) -> tuple[str, int | None]: slack_usermention_match =, token, re.VERBOSE) assert slack_usermention_match is not None short_name = slack_id = for user in users: if (user["id"] == slack_id and user["name"] == short_name and short_name) or ( user["id"] == slack_id and short_name is None ): full_name = get_user_full_name(user) user_id = slack_user_id_to_zulip_user_id[slack_id] mention = "@**" + full_name + "**" token = re.sub(SLACK_USERMENTION_REGEX, mention, token, flags=re.VERBOSE) return token, user_id return token, None # Map italic, bold and strikethrough Markdown def convert_markdown_syntax(text: str, regex: str, zulip_keyword: str) -> str: """ Returns: 1. For strikethrough formatting: This maps Slack's '~strike~' to Zulip's '~~strike~~' 2. For bold formatting: This maps Slack's '*bold*' to Zulip's '**bold**' 3. For italic formatting: This maps Slack's '_italic_' to Zulip's '*italic*' """ for match in re.finditer(regex, text, re.VERBOSE): converted_token = ( + zulip_keyword + + + zulip_keyword + ) text = text.replace(, converted_token) return text def convert_link_format(text: str) -> tuple[str, bool]: """ 1. Converts '' to '' 2. Converts '' to '[foo](' """ has_link = False for match in re.finditer(LINK_REGEX, text, re.VERBOSE): slack_url = url_parts = slack_url[1:-1].split("|", maxsplit=1) # Check if there's a pipe with text after it if len(url_parts) == 2: converted_url = f"[{url_parts[1]}]({url_parts[0]})" else: converted_url = url_parts[0] has_link = True text = text.replace(slack_url, converted_url) return text, has_link def convert_mailto_format(text: str) -> tuple[str, bool]: """ 1. Converts '' to '' 2. Converts '' to '' """ has_link = False for match in re.finditer(SLACK_MAILTO_REGEX, text, re.VERBOSE): has_link = True text = text.replace(, return text, has_link def render_block(block: WildValue) -> str: # block_type = block["type"].tame( check_string_in(["actions", "context", "divider", "header", "image", "input", "section"]) ) if block_type == "actions": # Unhandled return "" elif block_type == "context" and block.get("elements"): pieces = [] # Slack renders these pieces left-to-right, packed in as # closely as possible. We just render them above each other, # for simplicity. for element in block["elements"]: element_type = element["type"].tame(check_string_in(["image", "plain_text", "mrkdwn"])) if element_type == "image": pieces.append(render_block_element(element)) else: pieces.append(element.tame(check_text_block())["text"]) return "\n\n".join(piece.strip() for piece in pieces if piece.strip() != "") elif block_type == "divider": return "----" elif block_type == "header": return "## " + block["text"].tame(check_text_block(plain_text_only=True))["text"] elif block_type == "image": image_url = block["image_url"].tame(check_url) alt_text = block["alt_text"].tame(check_string) if "title" in block: alt_text = block["title"].tame(check_text_block(plain_text_only=True))["text"] return f"[{alt_text}]({image_url})" elif block_type == "input": # Unhandled pass elif block_type == "section": pieces = [] if "text" in block: pieces.append(block["text"].tame(check_text_block())["text"]) if "accessory" in block: pieces.append(render_block_element(block["accessory"])) if "fields" in block: fields = block["fields"].tame(check_list(check_text_block())) if len(fields) == 1: # Special-case a single field to display a bit more # nicely, without extraneous borders and limitations # on its contents. pieces.append(fields[0]["text"]) else: # It is not possible to have newlines in a table, nor # escape the pipes that make it up; replace them with # whitespace. field_text = [f["text"].replace("\n", " ").replace("|", " ") for f in fields] # Because Slack formats this as two columns, but not # necessarily a table with a bold header, we emit a # blank header row first. table = "| | |\n|-|-|\n" # Then take the fields two-at-a-time to make the table iters = [iter(field_text)] * 2 for left, right in zip_longest(*iters, fillvalue=""): table += f"| {left} | {right} |\n" pieces.append(table) return "\n\n".join(piece.strip() for piece in pieces if piece.strip() != "") return "" class TextField(TypedDict): text: str type: Literal["plain_text", "mrkdwn"] def check_text_block(plain_text_only: bool = False) -> Validator[TextField]: if plain_text_only: type_validator = check_string_in(["plain_text"]) else: type_validator = check_string_in(["plain_text", "mrkdwn"]) def f(var_name: str, val: object) -> TextField: block = check_dict( [ ("type", type_validator), ("text", check_string), ], )(var_name, val) return cast(TextField, block) return f def render_block_element(element: WildValue) -> str: # # Zulip doesn't support interactive elements, so we only render images here element_type = element["type"].tame(check_string) if element_type == "image": image_url = element["image_url"].tame(check_url) alt_text = element["alt_text"].tame(check_string) return f"[{alt_text}]({image_url})" else: # Unsupported return "" def render_attachment(attachment: WildValue) -> str: # # Slack recommends the usage of "blocks" even within attachments; the # rest of the fields we handle here are legacy fields. These fields are # optional and may contain null values. pieces = [] if attachment.get("title"): title = attachment["title"].tame(check_string) if attachment.get("title_link"): title_link = attachment["title_link"].tame(check_url) pieces.append(f"## [{title}]({title_link})") else: pieces.append(f"## {title}") if attachment.get("pretext"): pieces.append(attachment["pretext"].tame(check_string)) if attachment.get("text"): pieces.append(attachment["text"].tame(check_string)) if "fields" in attachment: fields = [] for field in attachment["fields"]: if "title" in field and "value" in field and field["title"] and field["value"]: title = field["title"].tame(check_string) value = field["value"].tame(check_string) fields.append(f"*{title}*: {value}") elif field.get("title"): title = field["title"].tame(check_string) fields.append(f"*{title}*") elif field.get("value"): value = field["value"].tame(check_string) fields.append(f"{value}") pieces.append("\n".join(fields)) if attachment.get("blocks"): pieces += map(render_block, attachment["blocks"]) if attachment.get("image_url"): pieces.append("[]({})".format(attachment["image_url"].tame(check_url))) if attachment.get("footer"): pieces.append(attachment["footer"].tame(check_string)) if attachment.get("ts"): time = attachment["ts"].tame(check_int) pieces.append(f"") return "\n\n".join(piece.strip() for piece in pieces if piece.strip() != "")