"use strict"; const {strict: assert} = require("assert"); const {mock_cjs, mock_esm, set_global, zrequire} = require("../zjsunit/namespace"); const {run_test} = require("../zjsunit/test"); const blueslip = require("../zjsunit/zblueslip"); // We need these stubs to get by instanceof checks. // The ListWidget library allows you to insert objects // that are either jQuery, Element, or just raw HTML // strings. We initially test with raw strings. const ui = mock_esm("../../static/js/ui"); set_global("Element", () => {}); // We only need very simple jQuery wrappers for when the // "real" code wraps html or sets up click handlers. // We'll simulate most other objects ourselves. mock_cjs("jquery", (arg) => { if (arg.to_jquery) { return arg.to_jquery(); } return { replace: (regex, string) => { arg = arg.replace(regex, string); }, html: () => arg, }; }); const ListWidget = zrequire("list_widget"); // We build objects here that simulate jQuery containers. // The main thing to do at first is simulate that our // scroll container is the nearest ancestor to our main // container that has a max-height attribute, and then // the scroll container will have a scroll event attached to // it. This is a good time to read set_up_event_handlers // in the real code. function make_container() { const container = {}; container.length = () => 1; container.is = () => false; container.css = (prop) => { assert.equal(prop, "max-height"); return "none"; }; // Make our append function just set a field we can // check in our tests. container.append = (data) => { container.appended_data = data; }; return container; } function make_scroll_container() { const scroll_container = {}; scroll_container.cleared = false; // Capture the scroll callback so we can call it in // our tests. scroll_container.on = (ev, f) => { assert.equal(ev, "scroll.list_widget_container"); scroll_container.call_scroll = () => { f.call(scroll_container); }; }; scroll_container.off = (ev) => { assert.equal(ev, "scroll.list_widget_container"); scroll_container.cleared = true; }; return scroll_container; } function make_sort_container() { const sort_container = {}; sort_container.cleared = false; sort_container.on = (ev, sel, f) => { assert.equal(ev, "click.list_widget_sort"); assert.equal(sel, "[data-sort]"); sort_container.f = f; }; sort_container.off = (ev) => { assert.equal(ev, "click.list_widget_sort"); sort_container.cleared = true; }; return sort_container; } function make_filter_element() { const element = {}; element.cleared = false; element.on = (ev, f) => { assert.equal(ev, "input.list_widget_filter"); element.f = f; }; element.off = (ev) => { assert.equal(ev, "input.list_widget_filter"); element.cleared = true; }; return element; } function make_search_input() { const $element = {}; // Allow ourselves to be wrapped by $(...) and // return ourselves. $element.to_jquery = () => $element; $element.on = (event_name, f) => { assert.equal(event_name, "input.list_widget_filter"); $element.simulate_input_event = () => { const elem = { value: $element.val(), }; f.call(elem); }; }; return $element; } function div(item) { return "
" + item + "
"; } run_test("scrolling", () => { const container = make_container(); const scroll_container = make_scroll_container(); const items = []; let get_scroll_element_called = false; ui.get_scroll_element = (element) => { get_scroll_element_called = true; return element; }; for (let i = 0; i < 200; i += 1) { items.push("item " + i); } const opts = { modifier: (item) => item, simplebar_container: scroll_container, }; container.html = (html) => { assert.equal(html, ""); }; ListWidget.create(container, items, opts); assert.deepEqual(container.appended_data.html(), items.slice(0, 80).join("")); assert.equal(get_scroll_element_called, true); // Set up our fake geometry so it forces a scroll action. scroll_container.scrollTop = 180; scroll_container.clientHeight = 100; scroll_container.scrollHeight = 260; // Scrolling gets the next two elements from the list into // our widget. scroll_container.call_scroll(); assert.deepEqual(container.appended_data.html(), items.slice(80, 100).join("")); }); run_test("not_scrolling", () => { const container = make_container(); const scroll_container = make_scroll_container(); const items = []; let get_scroll_element_called = false; ui.get_scroll_element = (element) => { get_scroll_element_called = true; return element; }; let post_scroll__pre_render_callback_called = false; const post_scroll__pre_render_callback = () => { post_scroll__pre_render_callback_called = true; }; let get_min_load_count_called = false; const get_min_load_count = (offset, load_count) => { get_min_load_count_called = true; return load_count; }; for (let i = 0; i < 200; i += 1) { items.push("item " + i); } const opts = { modifier: (item) => item, simplebar_container: scroll_container, is_scroll_position_for_render: () => false, post_scroll__pre_render_callback, get_min_load_count, }; container.html = (html) => { assert.equal(html, ""); }; ListWidget.create(container, items, opts); assert.deepEqual(container.appended_data.html(), items.slice(0, 80).join("")); assert.equal(get_scroll_element_called, true); // Set up our fake geometry. scroll_container.scrollTop = 180; scroll_container.clientHeight = 100; scroll_container.scrollHeight = 260; // Since `should_render` is always false, no elements will be // added regardless of scrolling. scroll_container.call_scroll(); // appended_data remains the same. assert.deepEqual(container.appended_data.html(), items.slice(0, 80).join("")); assert.equal(post_scroll__pre_render_callback_called, true); assert.equal(get_min_load_count_called, true); }); run_test("filtering", () => { const container = make_container(); const scroll_container = make_scroll_container(); const search_input = make_search_input(); const list = ["apple", "banana", "carrot", "dog", "egg", "fence", "grape"]; const opts = { filter: { element: search_input, predicate: (item, value) => item.includes(value), }, modifier: (item) => div(item), simplebar_container: scroll_container, }; container.html = (html) => { assert.equal(html, ""); }; const widget = ListWidget.create(container, list, opts); let expected_html = "
" + "
" + "
" + "
" + "
" + "
" + "
"; assert.deepEqual(container.appended_data.html(), expected_html); // Filtering will pick out dog/egg/grape when we put "g" // into our search input. (This uses the default filter, which // is a glorified indexOf call.) search_input.val = () => "g"; search_input.simulate_input_event(); assert.deepEqual(widget.get_current_list(), ["dog", "egg", "grape"]); expected_html = "
"; assert.deepEqual(container.appended_data.html(), expected_html); // We can insert new data into the widget. const new_data = ["greta", "faye", "gary", "frank", "giraffe", "fox"]; widget.replace_list_data(new_data); expected_html = "
"; assert.deepEqual(container.appended_data.html(), expected_html); }); run_test("no filtering", () => { const container = make_container(); const scroll_container = make_scroll_container(); container.html = () => {}; let callback_called = false; // Opts does not require a filter key. const opts = { modifier: (item) => div(item), simplebar_container: scroll_container, callback_after_render: () => { callback_called = true; }, }; const widget = ListWidget.create(container, ["apple", "banana"], opts); widget.render(); assert.deepEqual(callback_called, true); const expected_html = "
"; assert.deepEqual(container.appended_data.html(), expected_html); }); function sort_button(opts) { // The complications here are due to needing to find // the list via complicated HTML assumptions. Also, we // don't have any abstraction for the button and its // siblings other than direct jQuery actions. function data(sel) { switch (sel) { case "sort": return opts.sort_type; case "sort-prop": return opts.prop_name; default: throw new Error("unknown selector: " + sel); } } function lookup(sel, value) { return (selector) => { assert.equal(sel, selector); return value; }; } const classList = new Set(); const button = { data, closest: lookup(".progressive-table-wrapper", { data: lookup("list-widget", opts.list_name), }), addClass: (cls) => { classList.add(cls); }, hasClass: (cls) => classList.has(cls), removeClass: (cls) => { classList.delete(cls); }, siblings: lookup(".active", { removeClass: (cls) => { assert.equal(cls, "active"); button.siblings_deactivated = true; }, }), siblings_deactivated: false, to_jquery: () => button, }; return button; } run_test("wire up filter element", () => { const lst = ["alice", "JESSE", "moses", "scott", "Sean", "Xavier"]; const container = make_container(); const scroll_container = make_scroll_container(); const filter_element = make_filter_element(); // We don't care about what gets drawn initially. container.html = () => {}; const opts = { filter: { filterer: (list, value) => list.filter((item) => item.toLowerCase().includes(value)), element: filter_element, }, modifier: (s) => "(" + s + ")", simplebar_container: scroll_container, }; ListWidget.create(container, lst, opts); filter_element.f.apply({value: "se"}); assert.equal(container.appended_data.html(), "(JESSE)(moses)(Sean)"); }); run_test("sorting", () => { const container = make_container(); const scroll_container = make_scroll_container(); const sort_container = make_sort_container(); let cleared; container.html = (html) => { assert.equal(html, ""); cleared = true; }; const alice = {name: "alice", salary: 50}; const bob = {name: "Bob", salary: 40}; const cal = {name: "cal", salary: 30}; const dave = {name: "dave", salary: 25}; const ellen = {name: "ellen", salary: 95}; const list = [bob, ellen, dave, alice, cal]; const opts = { name: "sorting-list", parent_container: sort_container, modifier: (item) => div(item.name) + div(item.salary), filter: { predicate: () => true, }, simplebar_container: scroll_container, }; function html_for(people) { return people.map((item) => opts.modifier(item)).join(""); } ListWidget.create(container, list, opts); let button_opts; let button; let expected_html; button_opts = { sort_type: "alphabetic", prop_name: "name", list_name: "my-list", active: false, }; button = sort_button(button_opts); sort_container.f.apply(button); assert.ok(cleared); assert.ok(button.siblings_deactivated); expected_html = html_for([alice, bob, cal, dave, ellen]); assert.deepEqual(container.appended_data.html(), expected_html); // Hit same button again to reverse the data. cleared = false; sort_container.f.apply(button); assert.ok(cleared); expected_html = html_for([ellen, dave, cal, bob, alice]); assert.deepEqual(container.appended_data.html(), expected_html); assert.ok(button.hasClass("descend")); // And then hit a third time to go back to the forward sort. cleared = false; sort_container.f.apply(button); assert.ok(cleared); expected_html = html_for([alice, bob, cal, dave, ellen]); assert.deepEqual(container.appended_data.html(), expected_html); assert.ok(!button.hasClass("descend")); // Now try a numeric sort. button_opts = { sort_type: "numeric", prop_name: "salary", list_name: "my-list", active: false, }; button = sort_button(button_opts); cleared = false; button.siblings_deactivated = false; sort_container.f.apply(button); assert.ok(cleared); assert.ok(button.siblings_deactivated); expected_html = html_for([dave, cal, bob, alice, ellen]); assert.deepEqual(container.appended_data.html(), expected_html); // Hit same button again to reverse the numeric sort. cleared = false; sort_container.f.apply(button); assert.ok(cleared); expected_html = html_for([ellen, alice, bob, cal, dave]); assert.deepEqual(container.appended_data.html(), expected_html); assert.ok(button.hasClass("descend")); }); run_test("custom sort", () => { const container = make_container(); const scroll_container = make_scroll_container(); container.html = () => {}; const n42 = {x: 6, y: 7}; const n43 = {x: 1, y: 43}; const n44 = {x: 4, y: 11}; const list = [n42, n43, n44]; function sort_by_x(a, b) { return a.x - b.x; } function sort_by_product(a, b) { return a.x * a.y - b.x * b.y; } ListWidget.create(container, list, { name: "custom-sort-list", modifier: (n) => "(" + n.x + ", " + n.y + ")", sort_fields: { product: sort_by_product, x_value: sort_by_x, }, init_sort: [sort_by_product], simplebar_container: scroll_container, }); assert.deepEqual(container.appended_data.html(), "(6, 7)(1, 43)(4, 11)"); const widget = ListWidget.get("custom-sort-list"); widget.sort("x_value"); assert.deepEqual(container.appended_data.html(), "(1, 43)(4, 11)(6, 7)"); // We can sort without registering the function, too. function sort_by_y(a, b) { return a.y - b.y; } widget.sort(sort_by_y); assert.deepEqual(container.appended_data.html(), "(6, 7)(4, 11)(1, 43)"); }); run_test("clear_event_handlers", () => { const container = make_container(); const scroll_container = make_scroll_container(); const sort_container = make_sort_container(); const filter_element = make_filter_element(); // We don't care about actual data for this test. const list = []; container.html = () => {}; const opts = { name: "list-we-create-twice", parent_container: sort_container, modifier: () => {}, filter: { element: filter_element, predicate: () => true, }, simplebar_container: scroll_container, }; // Create it the first time. ListWidget.create(container, list, opts); assert.equal(sort_container.cleared, false); assert.equal(scroll_container.cleared, false); assert.equal(filter_element.cleared, false); // The second time we'll clear the old events. ListWidget.create(container, list, opts); assert.equal(sort_container.cleared, true); assert.equal(scroll_container.cleared, true); assert.equal(filter_element.cleared, true); }); run_test("errors", () => { // We don't care about actual data for this test. const list = ["stub"]; const container = make_container(); const scroll_container = make_scroll_container(); blueslip.expect("error", "Need opts to create widget."); ListWidget.create(container, list); blueslip.reset(); blueslip.expect("error", "simplebar_container is missing."); ListWidget.create(container, list, { modifier: "hello world", }); blueslip.reset(); blueslip.expect("error", "get_item should be a function"); ListWidget.create(container, list, { get_item: "not a function", simplebar_container: scroll_container, }); blueslip.reset(); blueslip.expect("error", "Filter predicate is not a function."); ListWidget.create(container, list, { filter: { predicate: "wrong type", }, simplebar_container: scroll_container, }); blueslip.reset(); blueslip.expect("error", "Filterer and predicate are mutually exclusive."); ListWidget.create(container, list, { filter: { filterer: () => true, predicate: () => true, }, simplebar_container: scroll_container, }); blueslip.reset(); blueslip.expect("error", "Filter filterer is not a function (or missing)."); ListWidget.create(container, list, { filter: {}, simplebar_container: scroll_container, }); blueslip.reset(); container.html = () => {}; blueslip.expect("error", "List item is not a string: 999"); ListWidget.create(container, list, { modifier: () => 999, simplebar_container: scroll_container, }); blueslip.reset(); }); run_test("sort helpers", () => { /* We mostly test our sorting helpers using the actual widget, but this test gets us a bit more line coverage. */ const alice2 = {name: "alice", id: 2}; const alice10 = {name: "alice", id: 10}; const bob2 = {name: "bob", id: 2}; const bob10 = {name: "bob", id: 10}; const alpha_cmp = ListWidget.alphabetic_sort("name"); const num_cmp = ListWidget.numeric_sort("id"); assert.equal(alpha_cmp(alice2, alice10), 0); assert.equal(alpha_cmp(alice2, bob2), -1); assert.equal(alpha_cmp(bob2, alice10), 1); assert.equal(num_cmp(alice2, bob2), 0); assert.equal(num_cmp(alice2, bob10), -1); assert.equal(num_cmp(alice10, bob2), 1); }); run_test("replace_list_data w/filter update", () => { const container = make_container(); const scroll_container = make_scroll_container(); container.html = () => {}; const list = [1, 2, 3, 4]; let num_updates = 0; ListWidget.create(container, list, { name: "replace-list", modifier: (n) => "(" + n.toString() + ")", filter: { predicate: (n) => n % 2 === 0, onupdate: () => { num_updates += 1; }, }, simplebar_container: scroll_container, }); assert.equal(num_updates, 0); assert.deepEqual(container.appended_data.html(), "(2)(4)"); const widget = ListWidget.get("replace-list"); widget.replace_list_data([5, 6, 7, 8]); assert.equal(num_updates, 1); assert.deepEqual(container.appended_data.html(), "(6)(8)"); }); run_test("opts.get_item", () => { const items = {}; items[1] = "one"; items[2] = "two"; items[3] = "three"; items[4] = "four"; const list = [1, 2, 3, 4]; const boring_opts = { get_item: (n) => items[n], }; assert.deepEqual(ListWidget.get_filtered_items("whatever", list, boring_opts), [ "one", "two", "three", "four", ]); const predicate = (item, value) => item.startsWith(value); const predicate_opts = { get_item: (n) => items[n], filter: { predicate, }, }; assert.deepEqual(ListWidget.get_filtered_items("t", list, predicate_opts), ["two", "three"]); const filterer_opts = { get_item: (n) => items[n], filter: { filterer: (items, value) => items.filter((item) => predicate(item, value)), }, }; assert.deepEqual(ListWidget.get_filtered_items("t", list, filterer_opts), ["two", "three"]); }); run_test("render item", () => { const container = make_container(); const scroll_container = make_scroll_container(); const INITIAL_RENDER_COUNT = 80; // Keep this in sync with the actual code. container.html = () => {}; let called = false; scroll_container.find = (query) => { const expected_queries = [ `tr[data-item='${INITIAL_RENDER_COUNT}']`, `tr[data-item='${INITIAL_RENDER_COUNT - 1}']`, ]; const item = INITIAL_RENDER_COUNT - 1; const new_html = `updated: ${item}\n`; const regex = new RegExp(`\\.*?<\\/tr\\>`); assert.ok(expected_queries.includes(query)); if (query.includes(`data-item='${INITIAL_RENDER_COUNT}'`)) { return undefined; // This item is not rendered, so we find nothing } return { // Return a JQuery stub for the original HTML. // We want this to be called when we replace // the existing HTML with newly rendered HTML. replaceWith: (html) => { assert.equal(new_html, html); called = true; container.appended_data.replace(regex, new_html); }, }; }; const list = [...Array.from({length: 100}).keys()]; let text = "initial"; const get_item = (item) => ({text: `${text}: ${item}`, value: item}); const widget = ListWidget.create(container, list, { name: "replace-list", modifier: (item) => `${item.text}\n`, get_item, html_selector: (item) => `tr[data-item='${item}']`, simplebar_container: scroll_container, }); const item = INITIAL_RENDER_COUNT - 1; assert.ok(container.appended_data.html().includes("initial: 2")); assert.ok(container.appended_data.html().includes("initial: 3")); text = "updated"; called = false; widget.render_item(INITIAL_RENDER_COUNT - 1); assert.ok(called); assert.ok(container.appended_data.html().includes("initial: 2")); assert.ok( container.appended_data.html().includes(`updated: ${item}`), ); // Item 80 should not be in the rendered list. (0 indexed) assert.ok( !container.appended_data .html() .includes( `initial: ${INITIAL_RENDER_COUNT}`, ), ); called = false; widget.render_item(INITIAL_RENDER_COUNT); assert.ok(!called); widget.render_item(INITIAL_RENDER_COUNT - 1); assert.ok(called); // Tests below this are for the corner cases, where we abort the rerender. blueslip.expect("error", "html_selector should be a function."); ListWidget.create(container, list, { name: "replace-list", modifier: (item) => `${item.text}\n`, get_item, html_selector: "hello world", simplebar_container: scroll_container, }); blueslip.reset(); let get_item_called; const widget_2 = ListWidget.create(container, list, { name: "replace-list", modifier: (item) => `${item.text}\n`, get_item: (item) => { get_item_called = true; return item; }, simplebar_container: scroll_container, }); get_item_called = false; widget_2.render_item(item); // Test that we didn't try to render the item. assert.ok(!get_item_called); let rendering_item = false; const widget_3 = ListWidget.create(container, list, { name: "replace-list", modifier: (item) => (rendering_item ? undefined : `${item}\n`), get_item, html_selector: (item) => `tr[data-item='${item}']`, simplebar_container: scroll_container, }); // Once we have initially rendered the widget, change the // behavior of the modifier function. rendering_item = true; blueslip.expect("error", "List item is not a string: undefined"); widget_3.render_item(item); blueslip.reset(); });