# Get user presence {generate_api_description(/users/{email}/presence:get)} ## Usage examples {start_tabs} {tab|python} {generate_code_example(python)|/users/{email}/presence:get|example} {tab|curl} {generate_code_example(curl)|/users/{email}/presence:get|example} {end_tabs} ## Arguments {generate_api_arguments_table|zulip.yaml|/users/{email}/presence:get} ## Response #### Return values * `presence`: An object containing the presence details for every type of client the user has ever logged into. * `{client_name}` or `aggregated`: the keys for these objects are the names of the different clients where this user is logged in, like `website`, `ZulipDesktop`, `ZulipTerminal`, or `ZulipMobile`. There is also an `aggregated` key, which matches the contents of the object that has been updated most recently. For most applications, you'll just want to look at the `aggregated` key. * `timestamp`: when this update was received; if the timestamp is more than a few minutes in the past, the user is offline. * `status`: either `active` or `idle`: whether the user had recently interacted with Zulip at the time in the timestamp (this distinguishes orange vs. green dots in the Zulip web UI; orange/idle means we don't know whether the user is actually at their computer or just left the Zulip app open on their desktop). #### Example response A typical successful JSON response may look like: {generate_code_example|/users/{email}/presence:get|fixture(200)}