from import BaseCommand from django.utils.timezone import utc from django.contrib.auth.models import User from zephyr.models import Zephyr, UserProfile, ZephyrClass, Recipient, Subscription import datetime import random from optparse import make_option class Command(BaseCommand): help = "Populate a test database" option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + ( make_option('-n', '--num-zephyrs', dest='num_zephyrs', type='int', default=100, help='The number of zephyrs to create.'), ) def handle(self, **options): for klass in [Zephyr, ZephyrClass, UserProfile, User, Recipient, Subscription]: klass.objects.all().delete() # Create test Users (UserProfiles are automatically created, # as are subscriptions to the ability to receive personals). usernames = ["othello", "iago", "prospero", "cordelia", "hamlet"] for username in usernames: u = User.objects.create_user(username=username, password=username) # Create public classes. for name in ["Verona", "Denmark", "Scotland", "Venice", "Rome"]: new_class = ZephyrClass(name=name) recipient = Recipient(, type="class") # Create some test zephyrs, including: # - multiple classes # - multiple instances per class # - multiple zephyrs per instance # - both single and multi-line content users = [ for user in User.objects.all()] recipient_classes = [ for klass in Recipient.objects.filter(type="class")] texts = file("zephyr/management/commands/test_zephyrs.txt", "r").readlines() offset = 0 num_zephyrs = 0 while num_zephyrs < options["num_zephyrs"]: new_zephyr = Zephyr() new_zephyr.sender = UserProfile.objects.get(id=random.choice(users)) length = random.randint(1, 5) new_zephyr.content = "".join(texts[offset: offset + length]) offset += length offset = offset % len(texts) new_zephyr.recipient = Recipient.objects.get(id=random.choice(recipient_classes)) zephyr_class = ZephyrClass.objects.get(pk=new_zephyr.recipient.user_or_class) new_zephyr.instance = + str(random.randint(1, 3)) new_zephyr.pub_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=utc) num_zephyrs += 1 # Create subscriptions profiles = UserProfile.objects.all() for i, profile in enumerate(profiles): # Subscribe to some classes. for recipient in recipient_classes[:int(len(recipient_classes) * float(i)/len(profiles)) + 1]: new_subscription = Subscription(userprofile_id=profile, recipient_id=Recipient.objects.get(id=recipient)) self.stdout.write("Successfully populated test database.\n")