#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys import optparse import ConfigParser import humbug CONFIGFILE = os.path.expanduser("~/.humbug_twitterrc") def write_config(config, since_id, user): config.set('twitter', 'since_id', since_id) config.set('twitter', 'user_id', user) with open(CONFIGFILE, 'wb') as configfile: config.write(configfile) parser = optparse.OptionParser(r""" %prog --user foo@humbughq.com --twitter-id twitter_handle Slurp tweets on your timeline into a specific humbug stream. Run this on your personal machine. Your API key and twitter id are revealed to local users through the command line or config file. This bot uses OAuth to authenticate with twitter. Please create a ~/.humbug_twitterrc with the following contents: [twitter] consumer_key = consumer_secret = access_token_key = access_token_secret = In order to obtain a consumer key & secret, you must register a new application under your twitter account: 1. Go to http://dev.twitter.com 2. Log in 3. In the menu under your username, click My Applications 4. Create a new application Make sure to go the application you created and click "create my access token" as well. Fill in the values displayed. Depends on: twitter-python """) parser.add_option('--user', help='Humbug user email address', metavar='EMAIL') parser.add_option('--api-key', help='API key for that user [default: read ~/.humbugrc]') parser.add_option('--twitter-id', help='Twitter username to poll for new tweets from"', metavar='URL') parser.add_option('--site', default="https://humbughq.com", help='Humbug site [default: https://humbughq.com]', metavar='URL') parser.add_option('--stream', help='Default humbug stream to write tweets to') parser.add_option('--limit-tweets', default=15, type='int', help='Maximum number of tweets to push at once') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not options.twitter_id: parser.error('You must specify --twitter-id') try: config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.read(CONFIGFILE) consumer_key = config.get('twitter', 'consumer_key') consumer_secret = config.get('twitter', 'consumer_secret') access_token_key = config.get('twitter', 'access_token_key') access_token_secret = config.get('twitter', 'access_token_secret') except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError): parser.error("Please provide a ~/.humbug_twitterrc") if not consumer_key or not consumer_secret or not access_token_key or not access_token_secret: parser.error("Please provide a ~/.humbug_twitterrc") try: import twitter except ImportError: parser.error("Please install twitter-python") api = twitter.Api(consumer_key=consumer_key, consumer_secret=consumer_secret, access_token_key=access_token_key, access_token_secret=access_token_secret) user = api.VerifyCredentials() if not user.GetId(): print "Unable to log in to twitter with supplied credentials. Please double-check and try again" sys.exit() try: since_id = config.getint('twitter', 'since_id') except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: since_id = -1 try: user_id = config.get('twitter', 'user_id') except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: user_id = options.twitter_id client = humbug.Client( email=options.user, api_key=options.api_key, site=options.site, verbose=True) if since_id < 0 or options.twitter_id != user_id: # No since id yet, fetch the latest and then start monitoring from next time # Or, a different user id is being asked for, so start from scratch # Either way, fetch last 5 tweets to start off statuses = api.GetFriendsTimeline(user=options.twitter_id, count=5) else: # We have a saved last id, so insert all newer tweets into the humbug stream statuses = api.GetFriendsTimeline(user=options.twitter_id, since_id=since_id) for status in statuses[::-1][:options.limit_tweets]: composed = "%s (%s)" % (status.GetUser().GetName(), status.GetUser().GetScreenName()) message = { "type": "stream", "to": [options.stream], "subject": composed, "content": status.GetText(), } ret = client.send_message(message) if ret['result'] == 'error': # If sending failed (e.g. no such stream), abort and retry next time print "Error sending message to humbug: %s" % ret['msg'] break else: since_id = status.GetId() write_config(config, since_id, user_id)