zrequire('people'); set_global('md5', function (s) { return 'md5-' + s; }); zrequire('user_pill'); set_global('page_params', { }); var alice = { email: 'alice@example.com', user_id: 99, full_name: 'Alice Barson', }; var isaac = { email: 'isaac@example.com', user_id: 102, full_name: 'Isaac Newton', }; var bogus_item = { email: 'bogus@example.com', display_value: 'bogus@example.com', }; var isaac_item = { email: 'isaac@example.com', display_value: 'Isaac Newton', user_id: isaac.user_id, img_src: 'https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/md5-isaac@example.com?d=identicon&s=50', }; run_test('setup', () => { people.add_in_realm(alice); people.add_in_realm(isaac); }); run_test('create_item', () => { function test_create_item(email, current_items, expected_item) { var item = user_pill.create_item_from_email(email, current_items); assert.deepEqual(item, expected_item); } page_params.realm_is_zephyr_mirror_realm = true; test_create_item('bogus@example.com', [], bogus_item); test_create_item('bogus@example.com', [bogus_item], undefined); test_create_item('isaac@example.com', [], isaac_item); test_create_item('isaac@example.com', [isaac_item], undefined); page_params.realm_is_zephyr_mirror_realm = false; test_create_item('bogus@example.com', [], undefined); test_create_item('isaac@example.com', [], isaac_item); test_create_item('isaac@example.com', [isaac_item], undefined); }); run_test('get_email', () => { assert.equal(user_pill.get_email_from_item({email: 'foo@example.com'}), 'foo@example.com'); }); run_test('append', () => { var appended; var cleared; function fake_append(opts) { appended = true; assert.equal(opts.email, isaac.email); assert.equal(opts.display_value, isaac.full_name); assert.equal(opts.user_id, isaac.user_id); assert.equal(opts.img_src, isaac_item.img_src); } function fake_clear() { cleared = true; } var pill_widget = { appendValidatedData: fake_append, clear_text: fake_clear, }; user_pill.append_person({ person: isaac, pill_widget: pill_widget, }); assert(appended); assert(cleared); }); run_test('get_items', () => { var items = [isaac_item, bogus_item]; var pill_widget = { items: function () { return items; }, }; assert.deepEqual(user_pill.get_user_ids(pill_widget), [isaac.user_id]); }); run_test('typeahead', () => { var items = [isaac_item, bogus_item]; var pill_widget = { items: function () { return items; }, }; // Both alice and isaac are in our realm, but isaac will be // excluded by virtue of already being one of the widget items. // And then bogus_item is just a red herring to test robustness. var result = user_pill.typeahead_source(pill_widget); assert.deepEqual(result, [alice]); });