import time from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse from zerver.decorator import webhook_view from zerver.lib.exceptions import UnsupportedWebhookEventType from zerver.lib.request import REQ, has_request_variables from zerver.lib.response import json_success from zerver.lib.validator import ( WildValue, check_anything, check_int, check_list, check_string, to_wild_value, ) from zerver.lib.webhooks.common import check_send_webhook_message from zerver.models import UserProfile ALL_EVENT_TYPES = ["error_notification", "error_activity"] @webhook_view("Raygun", all_event_types=ALL_EVENT_TYPES) @has_request_variables def api_raygun_webhook( request: HttpRequest, user_profile: UserProfile, payload: WildValue = REQ(argument_type="body", converter=to_wild_value), ) -> HttpResponse: # The payload contains 'event' key. This 'event' key has a value of either # 'error_notification' or 'error_activity'. 'error_notification' happens # when an error is caught in an application, where as 'error_activity' # happens when an action is being taken for the error itself # (ignored/resolved/assigned/etc.). event = payload["event"].tame(check_string) # Because we wanted to create a message for all of the payloads, it is best # to handle them separately. This is because some payload keys don't exist # in the other event. if event == "error_notification": message = compose_notification_message(payload) elif event == "error_activity": message = compose_activity_message(payload) else: raise UnsupportedWebhookEventType(event) topic = "test" check_send_webhook_message(request, user_profile, topic, message, event) return json_success(request) def make_user_stats_chunk(error_dict: WildValue) -> str: """Creates a stat chunk about total occurrences and users affected for the error. Example: usersAffected: 2, totalOccurrences: 10 Output: 2 users affected with 10 total occurrences :param error_dict: The error dictionary containing the error keys and values :returns: A message chunk that will be added to the main message """ users_affected = error_dict["usersAffected"].tame(check_int) total_occurrences = error_dict["totalOccurrences"].tame(check_int) # One line is subjectively better than two lines for this. return f"* {users_affected} users affected with {total_occurrences} total occurrences\n" def make_time_chunk(error_dict: WildValue) -> str: """Creates a time message chunk. Example: firstOccurredOn: "X", lastOccurredOn: "Y" Output: First occurred: X Last occurred: Y :param error_dict: The error dictionary containing the error keys and values :returns: A message chunk that will be added to the main message """ # Make the timestamp more readable to a human. time_first = parse_time(error_dict["firstOccurredOn"].tame(check_string)) time_last = parse_time(error_dict["lastOccurredOn"].tame(check_string)) # Provide time information about this error, return f"* **First occurred**: {time_first}\n* **Last occurred**: {time_last}\n" def make_message_chunk(message: str) -> str: """Creates a message chunk if exists. Example: message: "This is an example message" returns "Message: This is an example message". Whereas message: "" returns "". :param message: The value of message inside of the error dictionary :returns: A message chunk if there exists an additional message, otherwise returns an empty string. """ # "Message" shouldn't be included if there is none supplied. return f"* **Message**: {message}\n" if message != "" else "" def make_app_info_chunk(app_dict: WildValue) -> str: """Creates a message chunk that contains the application info and the link to the Raygun dashboard about the application. :param app_dict: The application dictionary obtained from the payload :returns: A message chunk that will be added to the main message """ app_name = app_dict["name"].tame(check_string) app_url = app_dict["url"].tame(check_string) return f"* **Application details**: [{app_name}]({app_url})\n" def notification_message_follow_up(payload: WildValue) -> str: """Creates a message for a repeating error follow up :param payload: Raygun payload :return: Returns the message, somewhat beautifully formatted """ message = "" # Link to Raygun about the follow up followup_link_md = "[follow-up error]({})".format(payload["error"]["url"].tame(check_string)) followup_type = payload["eventType"].tame(check_string) if followup_type == "HourlyFollowUp": prefix = "Hourly" else: # Cut the "MinuteFollowUp" from the possible event types, then add " # minute" after that. So prefix for "OneMinuteFollowUp" is "One # minute", where "FiveMinuteFollowUp" is "Five minute". prefix = followup_type[: len(followup_type) - 14] + " minute" message += f"{prefix} {followup_link_md}:\n" # Get the message of the error. payload_msg = payload["error"]["message"].tame(check_string) message += make_message_chunk(payload_msg) message += make_time_chunk(payload["error"]) message += make_user_stats_chunk(payload["error"]) message += make_app_info_chunk(payload["application"]) return message def notification_message_error_occurred(payload: WildValue) -> str: """Creates a message for a new error or reoccurred error :param payload: Raygun payload :return: Returns the message, somewhat beautifully formatted """ message = "" # Provide a clickable link that goes to Raygun about this error. error_link_md = "[Error]({})".format(payload["error"]["url"].tame(check_string)) # Stylize the message based on the event type of the error. if payload["eventType"].tame(check_string) == "NewErrorOccurred": message += "{}:\n".format(f"New {error_link_md} occurred") elif payload["eventType"].tame(check_string) == "ErrorReoccurred": message += "{}:\n".format(f"{error_link_md} reoccurred") # Get the message of the error. This value can be empty (as in ""). payload_msg = payload["error"]["message"].tame(check_string) message += make_message_chunk(payload_msg) message += make_time_chunk(payload["error"]) message += make_user_stats_chunk(payload["error"]) # Only NewErrorOccurred and ErrorReoccurred contain an error instance. error_instance = payload["error"]["instance"] # Extract each of the keys and values in error_instance for easier handle # Contains list of tags for the error. Can be empty (null) tags = error_instance["tags"] # Contains the identity of affected user at the moment this error # happened. This surprisingly can be null. Somehow. affected_user = error_instance["affectedUser"] # Contains custom data for this particular error (if supplied). Can be # null. custom_data = error_instance["customData"] if tags is not None: message += "* **Tags**: {}\n".format(", ".join(tags.tame(check_list(check_string)))) if affected_user is not None: user_uuid = affected_user["UUID"].tame(check_string) message += f"* **Affected user**: {user_uuid[:6]}...{user_uuid[-5:]}\n" if custom_data is not None: # We don't know what the keys and values beforehand, so we are forced # to iterate. for key in sorted(custom_data.keys()): message += f"* **{key}**: {custom_data[key].tame(check_anything)}\n" message += make_app_info_chunk(payload["application"]) return message def compose_notification_message(payload: WildValue) -> str: """Composes a message that contains information on the error :param payload: Raygun payload :return: Returns a response message """ # Get the event type of the error. This can be "NewErrorOccurred", # "ErrorReoccurred", "OneMinuteFollowUp", "FiveMinuteFollowUp", ..., # "HourlyFollowUp" for notification error. event_type = payload["eventType"].tame(check_string) # "NewErrorOccurred" and "ErrorReoccurred" contain error instance # information, meaning that it has payload['error']['instance']. The other # event type (the follow ups) doesn't have this instance. # We now split this main function again into two functions. One is for # "NewErrorOccurred" and "ErrorReoccurred", and one is for the rest. Both # functions will return a text message that is formatted for the chat. if event_type == "NewErrorOccurred" or event_type == "ErrorReoccurred": return notification_message_error_occurred(payload) elif "FollowUp" in event_type: return notification_message_follow_up(payload) else: raise UnsupportedWebhookEventType(event_type) def activity_message(payload: WildValue) -> str: """Creates a message from an activity that is being taken for an error :param payload: Raygun payload :return: Returns the message, somewhat beautifully formatted """ message = "" error_link_md = "[Error]({})".format(payload["error"]["url"].tame(check_string)) event_type = payload["eventType"].tame(check_string) user = payload["error"]["user"].tame(check_string) if event_type == "StatusChanged": error_status = payload["error"]["status"].tame(check_string) message += f"{error_link_md} status changed to **{error_status}** by {user}:\n" elif event_type == "CommentAdded": comment = payload["error"]["comment"].tame(check_string) message += f"{user} commented on {error_link_md}:\n\n``` quote\n{comment}\n```\n" elif event_type == "AssignedToUser": assigned_to = payload["error"]["assignedTo"].tame(check_string) message += f"{user} assigned {error_link_md} to {assigned_to}:\n" message += "* **Timestamp**: {}\n".format( parse_time(payload["error"]["activityDate"].tame(check_string)) ) message += make_app_info_chunk(payload["application"]) return message def compose_activity_message(payload: WildValue) -> str: """Composes a message that contains an activity that is being taken to an error, such as commenting, assigning an error to a user, ignoring the error, etc. :param payload: Raygun payload :return: Returns a response message """ event_type = payload["eventType"].tame(check_string) # Activity is separated into three main categories: status changes ( # ignores, resolved), error is assigned to user, and comment added to # an error, # But, they all are almost identical and the only differences between them # are the keys at line 9 (check fixtures). So there's no need to split # the function like the notification one. if ( event_type == "StatusChanged" or event_type == "AssignedToUser" or event_type == "CommentAdded" ): return activity_message(payload) else: raise UnsupportedWebhookEventType(event_type) def parse_time(timestamp: str) -> str: """Parses and returns the timestamp provided :param timestamp: The timestamp provided by the payload :returns: A string containing the time """ # Raygun provides two timestamp format, one with the Z at the end, # and one without the Z. format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" format += "Z" if timestamp[-1:] == "Z" else "" parsed_time = time.strftime("%c", time.strptime(timestamp, format)) return parsed_time