from __future__ import absolute_import from django.conf import settings import pika import logging import simplejson import random import time import threading import atexit from collections import defaultdict from zephyr.lib.utils import statsd # This simple queuing library doesn't expose much of the power of # rabbitmq/pika's queuing system; its purpose is to just provide an # interface for external files to put things into queues and take them # out from bots without having to import pika code all over our codebase. class SimpleQueueClient(object): def __init__(self): self.log = logging.getLogger('humbug.queue') self.queues = set() = None self.consumers = defaultdict(set) self._connect() def _connect(self): self.connection = pika.BlockingConnection(self._get_parameters()) ='SimpleQueueClient connected') def _reconnect(self): self.connection = None = None self.queues = set() self._connect() def _get_parameters(self): return pika.ConnectionParameters('localhost', credentials = pika.PlainCredentials( 'humbug', settings.RABBITMQ_PASSWORD)) def _generate_ctag(self, queue_name): return "%s_%s" % (queue_name, str(random.getrandbits(16))) def _reconnect_consumer_callbacks(self): for queue, consumers in self.consumers.items(): for consumer in consumers:"Queue reconnecting saved consumer %s to queue %s" % (consumer, queue)) self.ensure_queue(queue, lambda: consumer, queue=queue, consumer_tag=self._generate_ctag(queue))) def close(self): if self.connection: self.connection.close() def ready(self): return is not None def ensure_queue(self, queue_name, callback): '''Ensure that a given queue has been declared, and then call the callback with no arguments.''' if not self.connection.is_open: self._connect() if queue_name not in self.queues:, durable=True) self.queues.add(queue_name) callback() def publish(self, queue_name, body): def do_publish(): exchange='', routing_key=queue_name, properties=pika.BasicProperties(delivery_mode=2), body=body) statsd.incr("rabbitmq.publish.%s" % (queue_name,)) self.ensure_queue(queue_name, do_publish) def json_publish(self, queue_name, body): try: return self.publish(queue_name, simplejson.dumps(body)) except (AttributeError, pika.exceptions.AMQPConnectionError): self.log.warning("Failed to send to rabbitmq, trying to reconnect and send again") self._reconnect() return self.publish(queue_name, simplejson.dumps(body)) def register_consumer(self, queue_name, consumer): def wrapped_consumer(ch, method, properties, body): consumer(ch, method, properties, body) ch.basic_ack(delivery_tag=method.delivery_tag) self.consumers[queue_name].add(wrapped_consumer) self.ensure_queue(queue_name, lambda:, queue=queue_name, consumer_tag=self._generate_ctag(queue_name))) def register_json_consumer(self, queue_name, callback): def wrapped_callback(ch, method, properties, body): return callback(ch, method, properties, simplejson.loads(body)) return self.register_consumer(queue_name, wrapped_callback) def drain_queue(self, queue_name, json=False): "Returns all messages in the desired queue" messages =[] def opened(): while True: (meta, _, message) = if not message: break; if json: message = simplejson.loads(message) messages.append(message) self.ensure_queue(queue_name, opened) return messages def start_consuming(self): def stop_consuming(self): # Patch pika.adapters.TornadoConnection so that a socket error doesn't # throw an exception and disconnect the tornado process from the rabbitmq # queue. Instead, just re-connect as usual class ExceptionFreeTornadoConnection(pika.adapters.TornadoConnection): def _adapter_disconnect(self): try: super(ExceptionFreeTornadoConnection, self)._adapter_disconnect() except (pika.exceptions.ProbableAuthenticationError, pika.exceptions.ProbableAccessDeniedError, pika.exceptions.IncompatibleProtocolError) as e: logging.warning("Caught exception '%r' in ExceptionFreeTornadoConnection when \ calling _adapter_disconnect, ignoring" % (e,)) class TornadoQueueClient(SimpleQueueClient): # Based on: # def __init__(self): super(TornadoQueueClient, self).__init__() self._on_open_cbs = [] def _connect(self, on_open_cb = None):"Beginning TornadoQueueClient connection") if on_open_cb: self._on_open_cbs.append(on_open_cb) self.connection = ExceptionFreeTornadoConnection( self._get_parameters(), on_open_callback = self._on_open, stop_ioloop_on_close = False) self.connection.add_on_close_callback(self._on_connection_closed) def _reconnect(self): self.connection = None = None self.queues = set() self._connect() def _on_open(self, connection): on_open_callback = self._on_channel_open) def _on_channel_open(self, channel): = channel for callback in self._on_open_cbs: callback() self._reconnect_consumer_callbacks()'TornadoQueueClient connected') def _on_connection_closed(self, method_frame): self.log.warning("TornadoQueueClient lost connection to RabbitMQ, reconnecting...") from tornado import ioloop # Try to reconnect in two seconds retry_seconds = 2 def on_timeout(): try: self._reconnect() except pika.exceptions.AMQPConnectionError: self.log.critical("Failed to reconnect to RabbitMQ, retrying...") ioloop.IOLoop.instance().add_timeout(time.time() + retry_seconds, on_timeout) ioloop.IOLoop.instance().add_timeout(time.time() + retry_seconds, on_timeout) def ensure_queue(self, queue_name, callback): def finish(frame): self.queues.add(queue_name) callback() if queue_name not in self.queues: # If we're not connected yet, send this message # once we have created the channel if not self.ready(): self._on_open_cbs.append(lambda: self.ensure_queue(queue_name, callback)) return, durable=True, callback=finish) else: callback() def register_consumer(self, queue_name, consumer): def wrapped_consumer(ch, method, properties, body): consumer(ch, method, properties, body) ch.basic_ack(delivery_tag=method.delivery_tag) if not self.ready(): self.consumers[queue_name].add(wrapped_consumer) return self.consumers[queue_name].add(wrapped_consumer) self.ensure_queue(queue_name, lambda:, queue=queue_name, consumer_tag=self._generate_ctag(queue_name))) if settings.RUNNING_INSIDE_TORNADO and settings.USING_RABBITMQ: queue_client = TornadoQueueClient() elif settings.USING_RABBITMQ: queue_client = SimpleQueueClient() def setup_tornado_rabbitmq(): # When tornado is shut down, disconnect cleanly from rabbitmq atexit.register(lambda: queue_client.close()) # We using a simple lock to prevent multiple RabbitMQ messages being # sent to the SimpleQueueClient at the same time; this is a workaround # for an issue with the pika BlockingConnection where using # BlockingConnection for multiple queues causes the channel to # randomly close. queue_lock = threading.RLock() def queue_json_publish(queue_name, event, processor): with queue_lock: if settings.USING_RABBITMQ: queue_client.json_publish(queue_name, event) else: processor(event)