# Installing manually on UNIX * [Debian or Ubuntu systems](#on-debian-or-ubuntu-systems) * [Fedora 22 (experimental)](#on-fedora-22-experimental) * [CentOS 7 Core (experimental)](#on-centos-7-core-experimental) * [OpenBSD 5.8 (experimental)](#on-openbsd-5-8-experimental) * [Fedora/CentOS common steps](#common-to-fedora-centos-instructions) * [Steps for all systems](#all-systems) If you really want to install everything manually, the below instructions should work. Install the following non-Python dependencies: * libffi-dev — needed for some Python extensions * postgresql 9.1 or later — our database (client, server, headers) * nodejs 0.10 (and npm) * memcached (and headers) * rabbitmq-server * libldap2-dev * python-dev * redis-server — rate limiting * tsearch-extras — better text search * libfreetype6-dev — needed before you pip install Pillow to properly generate emoji PNGs ### On Debian or Ubuntu systems: #### Using the official Ubuntu repositories and `tsearch-extras` deb package: Start by cloning this repository: `git clone https://github.com/zulip/zulip.git` ``` sudo apt-get install closure-compiler libfreetype6-dev libffi-dev \ memcached rabbitmq-server libldap2-dev redis-server \ postgresql-server-dev-all libmemcached-dev python-dev \ hunspell-en-us nodejs nodejs-legacy npm git yui-compressor \ puppet gettext postgresql # Next, install Zulip's tsearch-extras postgresql extension # If on 14.04 or 16.04, you can use the Zulip PPA for tsearch-extras: cd zulip sudo apt-add-repository -yus ppa:tabbott/zulip # On 14.04 sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.3-tsearch-extras # On 16.04 sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.5-tsearch-extras # Otherwise, you can download a .deb directly # If on 12.04 or wheezy: wget https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/283158365/zuliposs/postgresql-9.1-tsearch-extras_0.1.2_amd64.deb sudo dpkg -i postgresql-9.1-tsearch-extras_0.1.2_amd64.deb # If on 14.04: https://launchpad.net/~tabbott/+archive/ubuntu/zulip/+files/postgresql-9.3-tsearch-extras_0.1.3_amd64.deb sudo dpkg -i postgresql-9.3-tsearch-extras_0.1.3_amd64.deb # If on 15.04 or jessie: wget https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/283158365/zuliposs/postgresql-9.4-tsearch-extras_0.1_amd64.deb sudo dpkg -i postgresql-9.4-tsearch-extras_0.1_amd64.deb # If on 16.04 or stretch wget https://launchpad.net/~tabbott/+archive/ubuntu/zulip/+files/postgresql-9.5-tsearch-extras_0.2_amd64.deb sudo dpkg -i postgresql-9.5-tsearch-extras_0.2_amd64.deb ``` Alternatively, you can always build the package from [tsearch-extras git](https://github.com/zulip/tsearch_extras). Now continue with the [All Systems](#all-systems) instructions below. #### Using the [official Zulip PPA](https://launchpad.net/~tabbott/+archive/ubuntu/zulip/+packages) (for 14.04 Trusty or 16.04 Xenial): Start by cloning this repository: `git clone https://github.com/zulip/zulip.git` ``` sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tabbott/zulip sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install closure-compiler libfreetype6-dev libffi-dev \ memcached rabbitmq-server libldap2-dev redis-server \ postgresql-server-dev-all libmemcached-dev python-dev \ hunspell-en-us nodejs nodejs-legacy npm git yui-compressor \ puppet gettext tsearch-extras ``` Now continue with the [All Systems](#all-systems) instructions below. ### On Fedora 22 (experimental): These instructions are experimental and may have bugs; patches welcome! Start by cloning this repository: `git clone https://github.com/zulip/zulip.git` ``` sudo dnf install libffi-devel memcached rabbitmq-server \ openldap-devel python-devel redis postgresql-server \ postgresql-devel postgresql libmemcached-devel freetype-devel \ nodejs npm yuicompressor closure-compiler gettext ``` Now continue with the [Common to Fedora/CentOS](#common-to-fedora-centos-instructions) instructions below. ### On CentOS 7 Core (experimental): These instructions are experimental and may have bugs; patches welcome! Start by cloning this repository: `git clone https://github.com/zulip/zulip.git` ``` # Add user zulip to the system (not necessary if you configured zulip # as the administrator user during the install process of CentOS 7). useradd zulip # Create a password for zulip user passwd zulip # Allow zulip to sudo visudo # Add this line after line `root ALL=(ALL) ALL` zulip ALL=(ALL) ALL # Switch to zulip user su zulip # Enable EPEL 7 repo so we can install rabbitmq-server, redis and # other dependencies sudo yum install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm # Install dependencies sudo yum install libffi-devel memcached rabbitmq-server openldap-devel \ python-devel redis postgresql-server postgresql-devel postgresql \ libmemcached-devel wget python-pip openssl-devel freetype-devel \ libjpeg-turbo-devel zlib-devel nodejs yuicompressor \ closure-compiler gettext # We need these packages to compile tsearch-extras sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools" # clone Zulip's git repo and cd into it cd && git clone https://github.com/zulip/zulip && cd zulip/ ## NEEDS TESTING: The next few DB setup items may not be required at all. # Initialize the postgres db sudo postgresql-setup initdb # Edit the postgres settings: sudo vi /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf # Change these lines: host all all ident host all all ::1/128 ident # to this: host all all md5 host all all ::1/128 md5 ``` Now continue with the [Common to Fedora/CentOS](#common-to-fedora-centos-instructions) instructions below. ### On OpenBSD 5.8 (experimental): These instructions are experimental and may have bugs; patches welcome! Start by cloning this repository: `git clone https://github.com/zulip/zulip.git` ``` doas pkg_add sudo bash gcc postgresql-server redis rabbitmq \ memcached node libmemcached py-Pillow py-cryptography py-cffi # Get tsearch_extras and build it (using a modified version which # aliases int4 on OpenBSD): git clone https://github.com/blablacio/tsearch_extras cd tsearch_extras gmake && sudo gmake install # Point environment to custom include locations and use newer GCC # (needed for Node modules): export CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/sasl" export CXX=eg++ # Create tsearch_data directory: sudo mkdir /usr/local/share/postgresql/tsearch_data # Hack around missing dictionary files -- need to fix this to get the # proper dictionaries from what in debian is the hunspell-en-us # package. sudo touch /usr/local/share/postgresql/tsearch_data/english.stop sudo touch /usr/local/share/postgresql/tsearch_data/en_us.dict sudo touch /usr/local/share/postgresql/tsearch_data/en_us.affix ``` Finally continue with the [All Systems](#all-systems) instructions below. ### Common to Fedora/CentOS instructions Start by cloning this repository: `git clone https://github.com/zulip/zulip.git` ``` # Build and install postgres tsearch-extras module wget https://launchpad.net/~tabbott/+archive/ubuntu/zulip/+files/tsearch-extras_0.1.3.tar.gz tar xvzf tsearch-extras_0.1.3.tar.gz cd ts2 make sudo make install # Hack around missing dictionary files -- need to fix this to get the # proper dictionaries from what in debian is the hunspell-en-us # package. sudo touch /usr/share/pgsql/tsearch_data/english.stop sudo touch /usr/share/pgsql/tsearch_data/en_us.dict sudo touch /usr/share/pgsql/tsearch_data/en_us.affix # Edit the postgres settings: sudo vi /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf # Add this line before the first uncommented line to enable password # auth: host all all md5 # Start the services sudo systemctl start redis memcached rabbitmq-server postgresql # Enable automatic service startup after the system startup sudo systemctl enable redis rabbitmq-server memcached postgresql ``` Finally continue with the [All Systems](#all-systems) instructions below. ### All Systems: Make sure you have followed the steps specific for your platform: * [Debian or Ubuntu systems](#on-debian-or-ubuntu-systems) * [Fedora 22 (experimental)](#on-fedora-22-experimental) * [CentOS 7 Core (experimental)](#on-centos-7-core-experimental) * [OpenBSD 5.8 (experimental)](#on-openbsd-5-8-experimental) * [Fedora/CentOS](#common-to-fedora-centos-instructions) For managing Zulip's python dependencies, we recommend using [virtualenvs](https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/stable/). You must create two virtualenvs. One for Python 2 and one for Python 3. You must also install appropriate python packages in them. You should either install the virtualenvs in `/srv`, or put symlinks to them in `/srv`. If you don't do that, some scripts might not work correctly. You can run `tools/setup/setup_venvs.py` to do this. This script will create two virtualenvs - /srv/zulip-venv and /srv/zulip-py3-venv. If you want to do it manually, here are the steps: ``` virtualenv /srv/zulip-venv -p python2 # Create a python2 virtualenv source /srv/zulip-venv/bin/activate # Activate python2 virtualenv pip install --upgrade pip # upgrade pip itself because older versions have known issues pip install --no-deps -r requirements/py2_dev.txt # install python packages required for development virtualenv /srv/zulip-py3-venv -p python3 # Create a python3 virtualenv source /srv/zulip-py3-venv/bin/activate # Activate python3 virtualenv pip install --upgrade pip # upgrade pip itself because older versions have known issues pip install --no-deps -r requirements/py3_dev.txt # install python packages required for development ``` Now run these commands: ``` ./tools/setup/install-phantomjs ./tools/install-mypy ./tools/setup/download-zxcvbn ./tools/setup/emoji_dump/build_emoji ./scripts/setup/generate_secrets.py -d if [ $(uname) = "OpenBSD" ]; then sudo cp ./puppet/zulip/files/postgresql/zulip_english.stop /var/postgresql/tsearch_data/; else sudo cp ./puppet/zulip/files/postgresql/zulip_english.stop /usr/share/postgresql/9.*/tsearch_data/; fi ./scripts/setup/configure-rabbitmq ./tools/setup/postgres-init-dev-db ./tools/do-destroy-rebuild-database ./tools/setup/postgres-init-test-db ./tools/do-destroy-rebuild-test-database ./manage.py compilemessages npm install ``` If `npm install` fails, the issue may be that you need a newer version of `npm`. You can use `npm install -g npm` to update your version of `npm` and try again. To start the development server: ``` ./tools/run-dev.py ``` … and visit [http://localhost:9991/](http://localhost:9991/). #### Proxy setup for by-hand installation If you are building the development environment on a network where a proxy is required to access the Internet, you will need to set the proxy in the environment as follows: - On Ubuntu, set the proxy environment variables using: ``` export https_proxy=http://proxy_host:port export http_proxy=http://proxy_host:port ``` - And set the npm proxy and https-proxy using: ``` npm config set proxy http://proxy_host:port npm config set https-proxy http://proxy_host:port ```