import $ from "jquery"; import render_mark_as_read_turned_off_banner from "../templates/mark_as_read_turned_off_banner.hbs"; import * as activity from "./activity"; import * as message_lists from "./message_lists"; import * as notifications from "./notifications"; import {page_params} from "./page_params"; import * as pm_list from "./pm_list"; import * as stream_list from "./stream_list"; import * as top_left_corner from "./top_left_corner"; import * as topic_list from "./topic_list"; import * as unread from "./unread"; import {notify_server_messages_read} from "./unread_ops"; let last_mention_count = 0; function do_new_messages_animation($li) { $li.addClass("new_messages"); function mid_animation() { $li.removeClass("new_messages"); $li.addClass("new_messages_fadeout"); } function end_animation() { $li.removeClass("new_messages_fadeout"); } setTimeout(mid_animation, 3000); setTimeout(end_animation, 6000); } export function animate_mention_changes($li, new_mention_count) { if (new_mention_count > last_mention_count) { do_new_messages_animation($li); } last_mention_count = new_mention_count; } export function set_count_toggle_button($elem, count) { if (count === 0) { if ($":animated")) { return $elem.stop(true, true).hide(); } return $elem.hide(500); } else if (count > 0 && count < 1000) { $; return $elem.text(count); } $; return $elem.text("1k+"); } export function update_unread_counts() { // Pure computation: const res = unread.get_counts(); // Side effects from here down: // This updates some DOM elements directly, so try to // avoid excessive calls to this. activity.update_dom_with_unread_counts(res); top_left_corner.update_dom_with_unread_counts(res); stream_list.update_dom_with_unread_counts(res); pm_list.update_dom_with_unread_counts(res); topic_list.update(); const notifiable_unread_count = unread.calculate_notifiable_count(res); notifications.update_unread_counts(notifiable_unread_count, res.private_message_count); // Set the unread counts that we show in the buttons that // toggle open the sidebar menus when we have a thin window. set_count_toggle_button($("#streamlist-toggle-unreadcount"), res.home_unread_messages); set_count_toggle_button($("#userlist-toggle-unreadcount"), res.private_message_count); } export function should_display_bankruptcy_banner() { // Until we've handled possibly declaring bankruptcy, don't show // unread counts since they only consider messages that are loaded // client side and may be different from the numbers reported by // the server. if (!page_params.furthest_read_time) { // We've never read a message. return false; } const now = / 1000; if ( page_params.unread_msgs.count > 500 && now - page_params.furthest_read_time > 60 * 60 * 24 * 2 ) { // 2 days. return true; } return false; } export function notify_messages_remain_unread() { $("#mark_as_read_turned_off_banner").show(); } export function initialize() { update_unread_counts(); $("#mark_as_read_turned_off_banner").html(render_mark_as_read_turned_off_banner()); $("#mark_as_read_turned_off_banner").hide(); $("#mark_view_read").on("click", () => { // Mark all messages in the current view as read. // // BUG: This logic only supports marking messages visible in // the present view as read; we need a server API to mark // every message matching the current search as read. const unread_messages = .all_messages() .filter((message) => unread.message_unread(message)); notify_server_messages_read(unread_messages); $("#mark_as_read_turned_off_banner").hide(); }); }