from http.cookies import SimpleCookie from typing import Any from unittest import mock import orjson from django.conf import settings from django.core import mail from django.http import HttpResponse from django.utils import translation from zerver.lib.email_notifications import enqueue_welcome_emails from zerver.lib.test_classes import ZulipTestCase from import makemessages from zerver.models import get_realm_stream class EmailTranslationTestCase(ZulipTestCase): def test_email_translation(self) -> None: def check_translation(phrase: str, request_type: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: if request_type == "post": self.client_post(*args, **kwargs) elif request_type == "patch": # nocoverage: see comment below self.client_patch(*args, **kwargs) email_message = mail.outbox[0] self.assertIn(phrase, email_message.body) for i in range(len(mail.outbox)): mail.outbox.pop() hamlet = self.example_user("hamlet") hamlet.default_language = "de" realm = hamlet.realm realm.default_language = "de" stream = get_realm_stream("Denmark", self.login_user(hamlet) # TODO: Uncomment and replace with translation once we have German translations for the strings # in confirm_new_email.txt. # Also remove the "nocoverage" from check_translation above. # check_translation("Viele Grüße", "patch", "/json/settings", {"email": ""}) check_translation( "Incrível!", "post", "/accounts/home/", {"email": ""}, HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE="pt", ) check_translation( "Danke, dass du", "post", "/accounts/find/", {"emails": hamlet.delivery_email} ) check_translation( "Hallo", "post", "/json/invites", { "invitee_emails": "", "stream_ids": orjson.dumps([]).decode(), }, ) with self.settings(DEVELOPMENT_LOG_EMAILS=True): enqueue_welcome_emails(hamlet) check_translation("Viele Grüße", "") class TranslationTestCase(ZulipTestCase): """ Translations strings should change with locale. URLs should be locale aware. """ def tearDown(self) -> None: translation.activate(settings.LANGUAGE_CODE) super().tearDown() # e.g. self.client_post(url) if method is "post" def fetch(self, method: str, url: str, expected_status: int, **kwargs: Any) -> HttpResponse: response = getattr(self.client, method)(url, **kwargs) self.assertEqual( response.status_code, expected_status, msg=f"Expected {expected_status}, received {response.status_code} for {method} to {url}", ) return response def test_accept_language_header(self) -> None: languages = [ ("en", "Sign up"), ("de", "Registrieren"), ("sr", "Упишите се"), ("zh-hans", "注册"), ] for lang, word in languages: response = self.fetch("get", "/integrations/", 200, HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE=lang) self.assert_in_response(word, response) def test_cookie(self) -> None: languages = [ ("en", "Sign up"), ("de", "Registrieren"), ("sr", "Упишите се"), ("zh-hans", "注册"), ] for lang, word in languages: # Applying str function to LANGUAGE_COOKIE_NAME to convert Unicode # into an ascii otherwise SimpleCookie will raise an exception self.client.cookies = SimpleCookie({str(settings.LANGUAGE_COOKIE_NAME): lang}) response = self.fetch("get", "/integrations/", 200) self.assert_in_response(word, response) def test_i18n_urls(self) -> None: languages = [ ("en", "Sign up"), ("de", "Registrieren"), ("sr", "Упишите се"), ("zh-hans", "注册"), ] for lang, word in languages: response = self.fetch("get", f"/{lang}/integrations/", 200) self.assert_in_response(word, response) class JsonTranslationTestCase(ZulipTestCase): def tearDown(self) -> None: translation.activate(settings.LANGUAGE_CODE) super().tearDown() @mock.patch("zerver.lib.request._") def test_json_error(self, mock_gettext: Any) -> None: dummy_value = "this arg is bad: '{var_name}' (translated to German)" mock_gettext.return_value = dummy_value self.login("hamlet") result = self.client_post("/json/invites", HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE="de") expected_error = "this arg is bad: 'invitee_emails' (translated to German)" self.assert_json_error_contains(result, expected_error, status_code=400) @mock.patch("zerver.views.auth._") def test_jsonable_error(self, mock_gettext: Any) -> None: dummy_value = "Some other language" mock_gettext.return_value = dummy_value self.login("hamlet") result = self.client_get("/de/accounts/login/jwt/") self.assert_json_error_contains(result, dummy_value, status_code=400) class FrontendRegexTestCase(ZulipTestCase): def test_regexes(self) -> None: command = makemessages.Command() data = [ ( "{{#tr context}}english text with __variable__{{/tr}}{{/tr}}", "english text with __variable__", ), ('{{t "english text" }}, "extra"}}', "english text"), ("{{t 'english text' }}, 'extra'}}", "english text"), ("{{> template var=(t 'english text') }}, 'extra'}}", "english text"), ('i18n.t("english text"), "extra",)', "english text"), ('i18n.t("english text", context), "extra",)', "english text"), ("i18n.t('english text'), 'extra',)", "english text"), ("i18n.t('english text', context), 'extra',)", "english text"), ] for input_text, expected in data: result = command.extract_strings(input_text) self.assertEqual(len(result), 1) self.assertEqual(result[0], expected)