import logging import re import secrets from email.headerregistry import Address, AddressHeader from email.message import EmailMessage from re import Match from django.conf import settings from django.utils.translation import gettext as _ from typing_extensions import override from zerver.actions.message_send import ( check_send_message, internal_send_group_direct_message, internal_send_private_message, internal_send_stream_message, ) from zerver.lib.display_recipient import get_display_recipient from zerver.lib.email_mirror_helpers import ( ZulipEmailForwardError, ZulipEmailForwardUserError, decode_email_address, get_email_gateway_message_string_from_address, ) from zerver.lib.email_notifications import convert_html_to_markdown from zerver.lib.exceptions import JsonableError, RateLimitedError from zerver.lib.message import normalize_body, truncate_content, truncate_topic from zerver.lib.queue import queue_json_publish from zerver.lib.rate_limiter import RateLimitedObject from zerver.lib.send_email import FromAddress from zerver.lib.streams import access_stream_for_send_message from zerver.lib.string_validation import is_character_printable from zerver.lib.upload import upload_message_attachment from zerver.models import ( ChannelEmailAddress, Message, MissedMessageEmailAddress, Realm, Recipient, Stream, UserProfile, ) from zerver.models.clients import get_client from zerver.models.streams import get_stream_by_id_in_realm from zerver.models.users import get_system_bot, get_user_profile_by_id from zproject.backends import is_user_active logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def redact_email_address(error_message: str) -> str: if not settings.EMAIL_GATEWAY_EXTRA_PATTERN_HACK: domain = Address(addr_spec=settings.EMAIL_GATEWAY_PATTERN).domain else: # EMAIL_GATEWAY_EXTRA_PATTERN_HACK is of the form '' domain = settings.EMAIL_GATEWAY_EXTRA_PATTERN_HACK.removeprefix("@") def redact(address_match: Match[str]) -> str: email_address = address_match[0] # Annotate basic info about the address before scrubbing: if is_missed_message_address(email_address): annotation = " " else: try: target_stream_id = decode_stream_email_address(email_address)[0].id annotation = f"
" except ZulipEmailForwardError: annotation = " " # Scrub the address from the message, to the form return "X" * len(address_match[1]) + address_match[2] + annotation return re.sub(rf"\b(\S*?)(@{re.escape(domain)})", redact, error_message) def log_error(email_message: EmailMessage, error_message: str, to: str | None) -> None: recipient = to or "No recipient found" error_message = "Sender: {}\nTo: {}\n{}".format( email_message.get("From"), recipient, error_message ) error_message = redact_email_address(error_message) logger.error(error_message) # Temporary missed message addresses def generate_missed_message_token() -> str: return "mm" + secrets.token_hex(16) def is_missed_message_address(address: str) -> bool: try: msg_string = get_email_gateway_message_string_from_address(address) except ZulipEmailForwardError: return False return is_mm_32_format(msg_string) def is_mm_32_format(msg_string: str | None) -> bool: """ Missed message strings are formatted with a little "mm" prefix followed by a randomly generated 32-character string. """ return msg_string is not None and msg_string.startswith("mm") and len(msg_string) == 34 def get_missed_message_token_from_address(address: str) -> str: msg_string = get_email_gateway_message_string_from_address(address) if not is_mm_32_format(msg_string): raise ZulipEmailForwardError("Could not parse missed message address") return msg_string def get_usable_missed_message_address(address: str) -> MissedMessageEmailAddress: token = get_missed_message_token_from_address(address) try: mm_address = MissedMessageEmailAddress.objects.select_related( "user_profile", "user_profile__realm", # Fetch group settings that are needed to determine whether a user # can send a direct message to a given recipient. "user_profile__realm__can_access_all_users_group", "user_profile__realm__can_access_all_users_group__named_user_group", "user_profile__realm__direct_message_initiator_group", "user_profile__realm__direct_message_initiator_group__named_user_group", "user_profile__realm__direct_message_permission_group", "user_profile__realm__direct_message_permission_group__named_user_group", "message", "message__sender", "message__recipient", "message__sender__recipient", ).get(email_token=token) except MissedMessageEmailAddress.DoesNotExist: raise ZulipEmailForwardError("Zulip notification reply address is invalid.") return mm_address def create_missed_message_address(user_profile: UserProfile, message: Message) -> str: # If the email gateway isn't configured, we specify a reply # address, since there's no useful way for the user to reply into # Zulip. if settings.EMAIL_GATEWAY_PATTERN == "": return FromAddress.NOREPLY mm_address = MissedMessageEmailAddress.objects.create( message=message, user_profile=user_profile, email_token=generate_missed_message_token(), ) return str(mm_address) def construct_zulip_body( message: EmailMessage, realm: Realm, *, sender: UserProfile, show_sender: bool = False, include_quotes: bool = False, include_footer: bool = False, prefer_text: bool = True, ) -> str: body = extract_body(message, include_quotes, prefer_text) # Remove null characters, since Zulip will reject body = body.replace("\x00", "") if not include_footer: body = filter_footer(body) if not body.endswith("\n"): body += "\n" if not body.rstrip(): body = "(No email body)" preamble = "" if show_sender: from_address = str(message.get("From", "")) preamble = f"From: {from_address}\n" postamble = extract_and_upload_attachments(message, realm, sender) if postamble != "": postamble = "\n" + postamble # Truncate the content ourselves, to ensure that the attachments # all make it into the body-as-posted body = truncate_content( body, settings.MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH - len(preamble) - len(postamble), "\n[message truncated]", ) return preamble + body + postamble ## Sending the Zulip ## def send_zulip(sender: UserProfile, stream: Stream, topic_name: str, content: str) -> None: internal_send_stream_message( sender, stream, truncate_topic(topic_name), normalize_body(content), email_gateway=True, ) def send_mm_reply_to_stream( user_profile: UserProfile, stream: Stream, topic_name: str, body: str ) -> None: try: check_send_message( sender=user_profile, client=get_client("Internal"), recipient_type_name="stream", message_to=[], topic_name=topic_name, message_content=body, ) except JsonableError as error: error_message = _( "Error sending message to channel {channel_name} via message notification email reply:\n{error_message}" ).format(, error_message=error.msg) internal_send_private_message( get_system_bot(settings.NOTIFICATION_BOT, user_profile.realm_id), user_profile, error_message, ) def get_message_part_by_type(message: EmailMessage, content_type: str) -> str | None: charsets = message.get_charsets() for idx, part in enumerate(message.walk()): if part.get_content_type() == content_type: content = part.get_payload(decode=True) assert isinstance(content, bytes) charset = charsets[idx] if charset is not None: try: return content.decode(charset, errors="ignore") except LookupError: # The RFCs do not define how to handle unknown # charsets, but treating as US-ASCII seems # reasonable; fall through to below. pass # If no charset has been specified in the header, assume us-ascii, # by RFC6657: return content.decode("us-ascii", errors="ignore") return None def extract_body( message: EmailMessage, include_quotes: bool = False, prefer_text: bool = True ) -> str: plaintext_content = extract_plaintext_body(message, include_quotes) html_content = extract_html_body(message, include_quotes) if plaintext_content is None and html_content is None: logger.warning("Content types: %s", [part.get_content_type() for part in message.walk()]) raise ZulipEmailForwardUserError("Unable to find plaintext or HTML message body") if not plaintext_content and not html_content: raise ZulipEmailForwardUserError("Email has no nonempty body sections; ignoring.") if prefer_text: if plaintext_content: return plaintext_content else: assert html_content # Needed for mypy. Ensured by the validating block above. return html_content else: if html_content: return html_content else: assert plaintext_content # Needed for mypy. Ensured by the validating block above. return plaintext_content talon_initialized = False def extract_plaintext_body(message: EmailMessage, include_quotes: bool = False) -> str | None: import talon_core global talon_initialized if not talon_initialized: talon_core.init() talon_initialized = True plaintext_content = get_message_part_by_type(message, "text/plain") if plaintext_content is not None: if include_quotes: return plaintext_content else: return talon_core.quotations.extract_from_plain(plaintext_content) else: return None def extract_html_body(message: EmailMessage, include_quotes: bool = False) -> str | None: import talon_core global talon_initialized if not talon_initialized: # nocoverage talon_core.init() talon_initialized = True html_content = get_message_part_by_type(message, "text/html") if html_content is not None: if include_quotes: return convert_html_to_markdown(html_content) else: return convert_html_to_markdown(talon_core.quotations.extract_from_html(html_content)) else: return None def filter_footer(text: str) -> str: # Try to filter out obvious footers. possible_footers = [line for line in text.split("\n") if line.strip() == "--"] if len(possible_footers) != 1: # Be conservative and don't try to scrub content if there # isn't a trivial footer structure. return text return re.split(r"^\s*--\s*$", text, maxsplit=1, flags=re.MULTILINE)[0].strip() def extract_and_upload_attachments(message: EmailMessage, realm: Realm, sender: UserProfile) -> str: attachment_links = [] for part in message.walk(): content_type = part.get_content_type() filename = part.get_filename() if filename: attachment = part.get_payload(decode=True) if isinstance(attachment, bytes): upload_url, filename = upload_message_attachment( filename, content_type, attachment, sender, target_realm=realm, ) # Our markdown has no escaping, so we cannot link any # text containing brackets; strip them from the # filename we're linking. filename = re.sub(r"\[|\]", "", filename) formatted_link = f"[{filename}]({upload_url})" attachment_links.append(formatted_link) else: logger.warning( "Payload is not bytes (invalid attachment %s in message from %s).", filename, message.get("From"), ) return "\n".join(attachment_links) def decode_stream_email_address(email: str) -> tuple[Stream, dict[str, bool]]: token, options = decode_email_address(email) try: channel_email_address = ChannelEmailAddress.objects.select_related("channel").get( email_token=token ) except ChannelEmailAddress.DoesNotExist: raise ZulipEmailForwardError("Bad stream token from email recipient " + email) return, options def find_emailgateway_recipient(message: EmailMessage) -> str: # We can't use Delivered-To; if there is a X-Gm-Original-To # it is more accurate, so try to find the most-accurate # recipient list in descending priority order recipient_headers = [ "X-Gm-Original-To", "Delivered-To", "Envelope-To", "Resent-To", "Resent-CC", "To", "CC", ] pattern_parts = [re.escape(part) for part in settings.EMAIL_GATEWAY_PATTERN.split("%s")] match_email_re = re.compile(r".*?".join(pattern_parts)) for header_name in recipient_headers: for header_value in message.get_all(header_name, []): if isinstance(header_value, AddressHeader): emails = [addr.addr_spec for addr in header_value.addresses] else: emails = [str(header_value)] for email in emails: if match_email_re.match(email): return email raise ZulipEmailForwardError("Missing recipient in mirror email") def strip_from_subject(subject: str) -> str: # strips RE and FWD from the subject # from: reg = r"([\[\(] *)?\b(RE|AW|FWD?) *([-:;)\]][ :;\])-]*|$)|\]+ *$" stripped = re.sub(reg, "", subject, flags=re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE) return stripped.strip() def is_forwarded(subject: str) -> bool: # regex taken from strip_from_subject, we use it to detect various forms # of FWD at the beginning of the subject. reg = r"([\[\(] *)?\b(FWD?) *([-:;)\]][ :;\])-]*|$)|\]+ *$" return bool(re.match(reg, subject, flags=re.IGNORECASE)) def process_stream_message(to: str, message: EmailMessage) -> None: subject_header = message.get("Subject", "") subject = strip_from_subject(subject_header) # We don't want to reject email messages with disallowed characters in the Subject, # so we just remove them to make it a valid Zulip topic name. subject = "".join([char for char in subject if is_character_printable(char)]) # If the subject gets stripped to the empty string, we need to set some # default value for the message topic. We can't use the usual # "(no topic)" as that value is not permitted if the realm enforces # that all messages must have a topic. subject = subject or _("Email with no subject") stream, options = decode_stream_email_address(to) # Don't remove quotations if message is forwarded, unless otherwise specified: if "include_quotes" not in options: options["include_quotes"] = is_forwarded(subject_header) user_profile = get_system_bot(settings.EMAIL_GATEWAY_BOT, stream.realm_id) try: access_stream_for_send_message(user_profile, stream, forwarder_user_profile=None) except JsonableError as e: "Failed to process email to %s (%s): %s",, stream.realm.string_id, e ) return body = construct_zulip_body(message, stream.realm, sender=user_profile, **options) send_zulip(user_profile, stream, subject, body) "Successfully processed email to %s (%s)",, stream.realm.string_id, ) def process_missed_message(to: str, message: EmailMessage) -> None: mm_address = get_usable_missed_message_address(to) mm_address.increment_times_used() user_profile = mm_address.user_profile topic_name = mm_address.message.topic_name() if mm_address.message.recipient.type == Recipient.PERSONAL: # We need to reply to the sender so look up their personal recipient_id recipient = mm_address.message.sender.recipient else: recipient = mm_address.message.recipient if not is_user_active(user_profile): logger.warning("Sending user is not active. Ignoring this message notification email.") return body = construct_zulip_body(message, user_profile.realm, sender=user_profile) assert recipient is not None if recipient.type == Recipient.STREAM: stream = get_stream_by_id_in_realm(recipient.type_id, user_profile.realm) send_mm_reply_to_stream(user_profile, stream, topic_name, body) recipient_str = elif recipient.type == Recipient.PERSONAL: recipient_user_id = recipient.type_id recipient_user = get_user_profile_by_id(recipient_user_id) recipient_str = internal_send_private_message(user_profile, recipient_user, body) elif recipient.type == Recipient.DIRECT_MESSAGE_GROUP: display_recipient = get_display_recipient(recipient) emails = [user_dict["email"] for user_dict in display_recipient] recipient_str = ", ".join(emails) internal_send_group_direct_message(user_profile.realm, user_profile, body, emails=emails) else: raise AssertionError("Invalid recipient type!") "Successfully processed email from user %s to %s",, recipient_str, ) def process_message(message: EmailMessage, rcpt_to: str | None = None) -> None: to: str | None = None try: if rcpt_to is not None: to = rcpt_to else: to = find_emailgateway_recipient(message) if is_missed_message_address(to): process_missed_message(to, message) else: process_stream_message(to, message) except ZulipEmailForwardUserError as e: # TODO: notify sender of error, retry if appropriate.[0]) except ZulipEmailForwardError as e: log_error(message, e.args[0], to) def validate_to_address(rcpt_to: str) -> None: if is_missed_message_address(rcpt_to): get_usable_missed_message_address(rcpt_to) else: decode_stream_email_address(rcpt_to) def mirror_email_message(rcpt_to: str, msg_base64: str) -> dict[str, str]: try: validate_to_address(rcpt_to) except ZulipEmailForwardError as e: return { "status": "error", "msg": f"5.1.1 Bad destination mailbox address: {e}", } queue_json_publish( "email_mirror", { "rcpt_to": rcpt_to, "msg_base64": msg_base64, }, ) return {"status": "success"} # Email mirror rate limiter code: class RateLimitedRealmMirror(RateLimitedObject): def __init__(self, realm: Realm) -> None: self.realm = realm super().__init__() @override def key(self) -> str: return f"{type(self).__name__}:{self.realm.string_id}" @override def rules(self) -> list[tuple[int, int]]: return settings.RATE_LIMITING_MIRROR_REALM_RULES def rate_limit_mirror_by_realm(recipient_realm: Realm) -> None: ratelimited, secs_to_freedom = RateLimitedRealmMirror(recipient_realm).rate_limit() if ratelimited: raise RateLimitedError(secs_to_freedom)