"use strict"; const {strict: assert} = require("assert"); const {mock_esm, set_global, zrequire} = require("./lib/namespace"); const {run_test, noop} = require("./lib/test"); const $ = require("./lib/zjquery"); set_global("document", {}); class ClipboardEvent {} set_global("ClipboardEvent", ClipboardEvent); mock_esm("../src/ui_util", { place_caret_at_end: noop, }); set_global("getSelection", () => ({ anchorOffset: 0, })); const input_pill = zrequire("input_pill"); function pill_html(value) { const opts = { display_value: value, }; return require("../templates/input_pill.hbs")(opts); } run_test("basics", ({mock_template}) => { mock_template("input_pill.hbs", true, (data, html) => { assert.equal(data.display_value, "JavaScript"); return html; }); const $pill_input = $.create("pill_input"); const $container = $.create("container"); $container.set_find_results(".input", $pill_input); const widget = input_pill.create({ $container, create_item_from_text: noop, get_text_from_item: noop, get_display_value_from_item: (item) => item.language, }); // type for a pill can be any string but it needs to be // defined while creating any pill. const item = { language: "JavaScript", type: "language", }; let inserted_before; const expected_html = pill_html("JavaScript"); $pill_input.before = ($elem) => { inserted_before = true; assert.equal($elem.html(), expected_html); }; widget.appendValidatedData(item); assert.ok(inserted_before); assert.deepEqual(widget.items(), [item]); }); function set_up() { const items = { blue: { color_name: "BLUE", description: "color of the sky", type: "color", }, red: { color_name: "RED", type: "color", description: "color of stop signs", }, yellow: { color_name: "YELLOW", type: "color", description: "color of bananas", }, }; const $pill_input = $.create("pill_input"); $pill_input[0] = {}; $pill_input.length = 1; $pill_input.before = noop; const create_item_from_text = (text) => items[text]; const $container = $.create("container"); $container.set_find_results(".input", $pill_input); const config = { $container, create_item_from_text, get_text_from_item: (item) => item.color_name, get_display_value_from_item: (item) => item.color_name, }; return { config, $pill_input, items, $container, }; } run_test("copy from pill", ({mock_template}) => { mock_template("input_pill.hbs", true, (data, html) => { assert.ok(["BLUE", "RED"].includes(data.display_value)); $(html)[0] = ``; $(html).length = 1; return html; }); const info = set_up(); const config = info.config; const $container = info.$container; const widget = input_pill.create(config); widget.appendValue("blue,red"); const copy_handler = $container.get_on_handler("copy", ".pill"); let copied_text; const $pill_stub = ""; const originalEvent = new ClipboardEvent(); originalEvent.clipboardData = { setData(format, text) { assert.equal(format, "text/plain"); copied_text = text; }, }; const e = { originalEvent, preventDefault: noop, }; copy_handler.call($pill_stub, e); assert.equal(copied_text, "RED"); }); run_test("paste to input", ({mock_template}) => { mock_template("input_pill.hbs", true, (_data, html) => html); const info = set_up(); const config = info.config; const $container = info.$container; const items = info.items; const widget = input_pill.create(config); const paste_handler = $container.get_on_handler("paste", ".input"); const paste_text = "blue,yellow"; const originalEvent = new ClipboardEvent(); originalEvent.clipboardData = { getData(format) { assert.equal(format, "text/plain"); return paste_text; }, }; const e = { originalEvent, preventDefault: noop, }; document.execCommand = (cmd, _, text) => { assert.equal(cmd, "insertText"); $container.find(".input").text(text); }; paste_handler(e); assert.deepEqual(widget.items(), [items.blue, items.yellow]); let entered = false; widget.createPillonPaste(() => { entered = true; }); paste_handler(e); assert.ok(entered); }); run_test("arrows on pills", ({mock_template}) => { mock_template("input_pill.hbs", true, (_data, html) => html); const info = set_up(); const config = info.config; const $container = info.$container; const widget = input_pill.create(config); widget.appendValue("blue,red"); const key_handler = $container.get_on_handler("keydown", ".pill"); function test_key(c) { key_handler({ key: c, }); } let prev_focused = false; let next_focused = false; const $pill_stub = { prev: () => ({ trigger(type) { if (type === "focus") { prev_focused = true; } }, }), next: () => ({ trigger(type) { if (type === "focus") { next_focused = true; } }, }), }; $container.set_find_results(".pill:focus", $pill_stub); // We use the same stub to test both arrows, since we don't // actually cause any real state changes here. We stub out // the only interaction, which is to move the focus. test_key("ArrowLeft"); assert.ok(prev_focused); test_key("ArrowRight"); assert.ok(next_focused); }); run_test("left arrow on input", ({mock_template}) => { mock_template("input_pill.hbs", true, (data, html) => { assert.equal(typeof data.display_value, "string"); return html; }); const info = set_up(); const config = info.config; const $container = info.$container; const widget = input_pill.create(config); widget.appendValue("blue,red"); const key_handler = $container.get_on_handler("keydown", ".input"); let last_pill_focused = false; $container.set_find_results(".pill", { last: () => ({ trigger(type) { if (type === "focus") { last_pill_focused = true; } }, }), }); key_handler({ key: "ArrowLeft", }); assert.ok(last_pill_focused); }); run_test("comma", ({mock_template}) => { mock_template("input_pill.hbs", true, (data, html) => { assert.equal(typeof data.display_value, "string"); return html; }); const info = set_up(); const config = info.config; const items = info.items; const $pill_input = info.$pill_input; const $container = info.$container; const widget = input_pill.create(config); widget.appendValue("blue,red"); assert.deepEqual(widget.items(), [items.blue, items.red]); const key_handler = $container.get_on_handler("keydown", ".input"); $pill_input.text(" yel"); key_handler({ key: ",", preventDefault: noop, }); assert.deepEqual(widget.items(), [items.blue, items.red]); $pill_input.text(" yellow"); key_handler({ key: ",", preventDefault: noop, }); assert.deepEqual(widget.items(), [items.blue, items.red, items.yellow]); }); run_test("Enter key with text", ({mock_template}) => { mock_template("input_pill.hbs", true, (data, html) => { assert.equal(typeof data.display_value, "string"); return html; }); const info = set_up(); const config = info.config; const items = info.items; const $container = info.$container; const widget = input_pill.create(config); widget.appendValue("blue,red"); assert.deepEqual(widget.items(), [items.blue, items.red]); const key_handler = $container.get_on_handler("keydown", ".input"); key_handler.call( { textContent: " yellow ", }, { key: "Enter", preventDefault: noop, stopPropagation: noop, }, ); assert.deepEqual(widget.items(), [items.blue, items.red, items.yellow]); }); run_test("insert_remove", ({mock_template}) => { mock_template("input_pill.hbs", true, (data, html) => { assert.equal(typeof data.display_value, "string"); assert.ok(html.startsWith, "
`; return html; }); const info = set_up(); const config = info.config; const $pill_input = info.$pill_input; const items = info.items; const $container = info.$container; const inserted_html = []; $pill_input.before = ($elem) => { inserted_html.push($elem.html()); }; const widget = input_pill.create(config); let created; let removed; widget.onPillCreate(() => { created = true; }); widget.onPillRemove(() => { removed = true; }); widget.appendValue("blue,chartreuse,red,yellow,mauve"); assert.ok(created); assert.ok(!removed); assert.deepEqual(inserted_html, [pill_html("BLUE"), pill_html("RED"), pill_html("YELLOW")]); assert.deepEqual(widget.items(), [items.blue, items.red, items.yellow]); assert.equal($pill_input.text(), "chartreuse, mauve"); assert.equal(widget.is_pending(), true); widget.clear_text(); assert.equal($pill_input.text(), ""); assert.equal(widget.is_pending(), false); let color_removed; function set_colored_removed_func(color) { return () => { color_removed = color; }; } const pills = widget._get_pills_for_testing(); for (const pill of pills) { pill.$element.remove = set_colored_removed_func(pill.item.color_name); } let key_handler = $container.get_on_handler("keydown", ".input"); key_handler.call( { textContent: "", }, { key: "Backspace", preventDefault: noop, }, ); assert.ok(removed); assert.equal(color_removed, "YELLOW"); assert.deepEqual(widget.items(), [items.blue, items.red]); let next_pill_focused = false; const $next_pill_stub = { trigger(type) { if (type === "focus") { next_pill_focused = true; } }, }; const $focus_pill_stub = { next: () => $next_pill_stub, [0]: "", length: 1, }; $container.set_find_results(".pill:focus", $focus_pill_stub); key_handler = $container.get_on_handler("keydown", ".pill"); key_handler({ key: "Backspace", preventDefault: noop, }); assert.equal(color_removed, "BLUE"); assert.ok(next_pill_focused); }); run_test("exit button on pill", ({mock_template}) => { mock_template("input_pill.hbs", true, (data, html) => { assert.equal(typeof data.display_value, "string"); assert.ok(html.startsWith, "
`; $(html).length = 1; return html; }); $(".narrow_to_compose_recipients").toggleClass = noop; const info = set_up(); const config = info.config; const items = info.items; const $container = info.$container; const widget = input_pill.create(config); widget.appendValue("blue,red"); const pills = widget._get_pills_for_testing(); for (const pill of pills) { pill.$element.remove = noop; } const $curr_pill_stub = { [0]: "", length: 1, }; const exit_button_stub = { to_$: () => ({ closest(sel) { assert.equal(sel, ".pill"); return $curr_pill_stub; }, }), }; const e = { stopPropagation: noop, }; const exit_click_handler = $container.get_on_handler("click", ".exit"); exit_click_handler.call(exit_button_stub, e); assert.deepEqual(widget.items(), [items.red]); }); run_test("misc things", () => { const info = set_up(); const $container = info.$container; const $pill_input = info.$pill_input; input_pill.create(info.config); // animation const animation_end_handler = $container.get_on_handler("animationend", ".input"); let shake_class_removed = false; const input_stub = { to_$: () => ({ removeClass(cls) { assert.equal(cls, "shake"); shake_class_removed = true; }, }), }; animation_end_handler.call(input_stub); assert.ok(shake_class_removed); // click on container const container_click_handler = $container.get_on_handler("click"); const $stub = $.create("the-pill-container"); $stub.set_find_results(".input", $pill_input); $stub.is = (sel) => { assert.equal(sel, ".pill-container"); return true; }; const this_ = { to_$: () => $stub, }; container_click_handler.call(this_, {target: this_}); }); run_test("appendValue/clear", ({mock_template}) => { mock_template("input_pill.hbs", true, (data, html) => { assert.equal(typeof data.display_value, "string"); assert.ok(html.startsWith, "
({type: "color", color_name: s}), get_text_from_item: /* istanbul ignore next */ (s) => s.color_name, get_display_value_from_item: (s) => s.color_name, }; $pill_input.before = noop; $pill_input[0] = {}; $pill_input.length = 1; const widget = input_pill.create(config); // First test some early-exit code. widget.appendValue(""); assert.deepEqual(widget._get_pills_for_testing(), []); // Now set up real data. widget.appendValue("red,yellow,blue"); const pills = widget._get_pills_for_testing(); const removed_colors = []; for (const pill of pills) { pill.$element.remove = () => { removed_colors.push(pill.item.color_name); }; } widget.clear(); // Note that we remove colors in the reverse order that we inserted. assert.deepEqual(removed_colors, ["blue", "yellow", "red"]); assert.equal($pill_input[0].textContent, ""); }); run_test("getCurrentText", ({mock_template}) => { mock_template("input_pill.hbs", true, (data, html) => { assert.equal(typeof data.display_value, "string"); return html; }); const info = set_up(); const config = info.config; const items = info.items; const $pill_input = info.$pill_input; const $container = info.$container; const widget = input_pill.create(config); widget.appendValue("blue,red"); assert.deepEqual(widget.items(), [items.blue, items.red]); $pill_input.text("yellow"); assert.equal(widget.getCurrentText(), "yellow"); const key_handler = $container.get_on_handler("keydown", ".input"); key_handler({ key: " ", preventDefault: noop, }); key_handler({ key: ",", preventDefault: noop, }); assert.deepEqual(widget.items(), [items.blue, items.red, items.yellow]); }); run_test("onTextInputHook", () => { const info = set_up(); const config = info.config; const widget = input_pill.create(config); const $container = info.$container; const $pill_input = info.$pill_input; let hookCalled = false; let currentText = "re"; const onTextInputHook = () => { hookCalled = true; // Test that the hook always gets the correct updated text. assert.equal(widget.getCurrentText(), currentText); }; widget.onTextInputHook(onTextInputHook); const input_handler = $container.get_on_handler("input", ".input"); $pill_input.text(currentText); input_handler(); currentText += "d"; $pill_input.text(currentText); input_handler(); assert.ok(hookCalled); });