{{#unless is_admin}} {{#if (eq realm_user_group_edit_policy USER_GROUP_EDIT_POLICY_MEMBERS) }}
{{t 'Only group members and organization administrators can modify a group.' }}
{{t 'Only organization administrators can modify user groups in this organization.' }}
{{/if}} {{/unless}} {{#unless is_guest}}

{{#tr}} User groups allow you to mention multiple users at once. When you mention a user group, everyone in the group is notified as if they were individually mentioned. {{#*inline "z-link"}}{{> @partial-block}}{{/inline}} {{/tr}}

{{#if (or is_admin (eq realm_user_group_edit_policy USER_GROUP_EDIT_POLICY_MEMBERS))}}
{{t "Add a new user group" }}
{{/if}} {{/unless}}