class zulip_internal::munin { include zulip::supervisor $munin_packages = [# Packages needed for munin "munin", "autossh", ] package { $munin_packages: ensure => "installed" } # If you add a new Munin node, change the number of autossh processes that we # check for with Nagios. $hosts = ["trac", "zmirror", "staging", "git", "bots", "prod0", "stats", "postgres1", "postgres2", "redis0", ] file { "/etc/munin": require => Package["munin"], recurse => true, owner => "root", group => "root", mode => 644, source => "puppet:///modules/zulip_internal/munin" } file { "/etc/munin/munin.conf": require => [ Package["munin"], File["/etc/munin"] ], ensure => file, owner => "root", group => "root", mode => 644, content => template("zulip_internal/munin/munin.conf.erb") } file { "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/munin_tunnels.conf": require => Package["supervisor", "autossh"], ensure => file, mode => 644, owner => "root", group => "root", content => template("zulip_internal/supervisor/conf.d/munin_tunnels.conf.erb"), notify => Service["supervisor"] } }