"use strict"; const {strict: assert} = require("assert"); const {mock_stream_header_colorblock} = require("./lib/compose"); const {mock_banners} = require("./lib/compose_banner"); const {mock_esm, set_global, zrequire, with_overrides} = require("./lib/namespace"); const {run_test, noop} = require("./lib/test"); const $ = require("./lib/zjquery"); const {user_settings} = require("./lib/zpage_params"); const blueslip = zrequire("blueslip"); const compose_pm_pill = zrequire("compose_pm_pill"); const user_pill = zrequire("user_pill"); const people = zrequire("people"); const compose_state = zrequire("compose_state"); const compose_recipient = zrequire("compose_recipient"); const sub_store = zrequire("sub_store"); const stream_data = zrequire("stream_data"); const aaron = { email: "aaron@zulip.com", user_id: 6, full_name: "Aaron", }; people.add_active_user(aaron); const setTimeout_delay = 3000; set_global("setTimeout", (f, delay) => { assert.equal(delay, setTimeout_delay); f(); }); mock_esm("../src/markdown", { apply_markdown: noop, }); mock_esm("../src/overlays", { open_overlay: noop, }); const tippy_sel = ".top_left_drafts .unread_count"; let tippy_args; let tippy_show_called; let tippy_destroy_called; mock_esm("tippy.js", { default(sel, opts) { assert.equal(sel, tippy_sel); assert.deepEqual(opts, tippy_args); return [ { show() { tippy_show_called = true; }, destroy() { tippy_destroy_called = true; }, }, ]; }, }); user_settings.twenty_four_hour_time = false; const {localstorage} = zrequire("localstorage"); const drafts = zrequire("drafts"); const drafts_overlay_ui = zrequire("drafts_overlay_ui"); const messages_overlay_ui = zrequire("messages_overlay_ui"); const timerender = zrequire("timerender"); const draft_1 = { stream_id: 30, topic: "topic", type: "stream", content: "Test stream message", }; const draft_2 = { private_message_recipient: "aaron@zulip.com", reply_to: "aaron@zulip.com", type: "private", content: "Test direct message", }; const short_msg = { stream_id: 30, topic: "topic", type: "stream", content: "a", }; function test(label, f) { run_test(label, (helpers) => { $("#draft_overlay").css = noop; window.localStorage.clear(); f(helpers); }); } test("draft_model add", ({override}) => { const draft_model = drafts.draft_model; const ls = localstorage(); assert.equal(ls.get("draft"), undefined); const $unread_count = $(""); $(".top_left_drafts").set_find_results(".unread_count", $unread_count); override(Date, "now", () => 1); const expected = {...draft_1}; expected.updatedAt = 1; const id = draft_model.addDraft({...draft_1}); assert.deepEqual(draft_model.getDraft(id), expected); }); test("draft_model edit", () => { const draft_model = drafts.draft_model; const ls = localstorage(); assert.equal(ls.get("draft"), undefined); let id; const $unread_count = $(""); $(".top_left_drafts").set_find_results(".unread_count", $unread_count); with_overrides(({override}) => { override(Date, "now", () => 1); const expected = {...draft_1}; expected.updatedAt = 1; id = draft_model.addDraft({...draft_1}); assert.deepEqual(draft_model.getDraft(id), expected); }); with_overrides(({override}) => { override(Date, "now", () => 2); const expected = {...draft_2}; expected.updatedAt = 2; draft_model.editDraft(id, {...draft_2}); assert.deepEqual(draft_model.getDraft(id), expected); }); }); test("draft_model delete", ({override}) => { const draft_model = drafts.draft_model; const ls = localstorage(); assert.equal(ls.get("draft"), undefined); const $unread_count = $(""); $(".top_left_drafts").set_find_results(".unread_count", $unread_count); override(Date, "now", () => 1); const expected = {...draft_1}; expected.updatedAt = 1; const id = draft_model.addDraft({...draft_1}); assert.deepEqual(draft_model.getDraft(id), expected); draft_model.deleteDraft(id); assert.deepEqual(draft_model.getDraft(id), false); }); test("snapshot_message", ({override_rewire}) => { override_rewire(user_pill, "get_user_ids", () => [aaron.user_id]); override_rewire(compose_pm_pill, "set_from_emails", noop); mock_banners(); $(".narrow_to_compose_recipients").toggleClass = noop; mock_stream_header_colorblock(); let curr_draft; function set_compose_state() { compose_state.set_message_type(curr_draft.type); compose_state.message_content(curr_draft.content); if (curr_draft.type === "private") { compose_state.set_compose_recipient_id(compose_recipient.DIRECT_MESSAGE_ID); } else { compose_state.set_stream_id(curr_draft.stream_id); } compose_state.topic(curr_draft.topic); compose_state.private_message_recipient(curr_draft.private_message_recipient); } const stream = { stream_id: draft_1.stream_id, name: "stream name", }; stream_data.add_sub(stream); compose_state.set_stream_id(stream.stream_id); curr_draft = draft_1; set_compose_state(); assert.deepEqual(drafts.snapshot_message(), draft_1); curr_draft = draft_2; set_compose_state(); assert.deepEqual(drafts.snapshot_message(), draft_2); curr_draft = short_msg; set_compose_state(); assert.deepEqual(drafts.snapshot_message(), undefined); curr_draft = {type: false}; set_compose_state(); assert.equal(drafts.snapshot_message(), undefined); }); test("initialize", ({override_rewire}) => { window.addEventListener = (event_name, f) => { assert.equal(event_name, "beforeunload"); let called = false; override_rewire(drafts, "update_draft", () => { called = true; }); f(); assert.ok(called); }; const $unread_count = $(""); $(".top_left_drafts").set_find_results(".unread_count", $unread_count); drafts.initialize(); drafts_overlay_ui.initialize(); }); test("remove_old_drafts", () => { const draft_3 = { topic: "topic", type: "stream", content: "Test stream message", updatedAt: Date.now(), }; const draft_4 = { private_message_recipient: "aaron@zulip.com", reply_to: "aaron@zulip.com", type: "private", content: "Test direct message", updatedAt: new Date().setDate(-30), }; const draft_model = drafts.draft_model; const ls = localstorage(); const data = {id3: draft_3, id4: draft_4}; ls.set("drafts", data); assert.deepEqual(draft_model.get(), data); const $unread_count = $(""); $(".top_left_drafts").set_find_results(".unread_count", $unread_count); drafts.remove_old_drafts(); assert.deepEqual(draft_model.get(), {id3: draft_3}); }); test("update_draft", ({override, override_rewire}) => { compose_state.set_message_type(undefined); let draft_id = drafts.update_draft(); assert.equal(draft_id, undefined); override_rewire(compose_pm_pill, "set_from_emails", noop); override_rewire(user_pill, "get_user_ids", () => [aaron.user_id]); compose_state.set_message_type("private"); compose_state.message_content("dummy content"); compose_state.private_message_recipient(aaron.email); const $container = $(".top_left_drafts"); const $child = $(".unread_count"); $container.set_find_results(".unread_count", $child); tippy_args = { content: "translated: Saved as draft", arrow: true, placement: "right", }; tippy_show_called = false; tippy_destroy_called = false; override(Date, "now", () => 5); override(Math, "random", () => 2); draft_id = drafts.update_draft(); assert.equal(draft_id, "5-2"); assert.ok(tippy_show_called); assert.ok(tippy_destroy_called); override(Date, "now", () => 6); compose_state.message_content("dummy content edited once"); tippy_show_called = false; tippy_destroy_called = false; draft_id = drafts.update_draft(); assert.equal(draft_id, "5-2"); assert.ok(tippy_show_called); assert.ok(tippy_destroy_called); override(Date, "now", () => 7); // message contents not edited tippy_show_called = false; tippy_destroy_called = false; draft_id = drafts.update_draft(); assert.equal(draft_id, "5-2"); assert.ok(!tippy_show_called); assert.ok(!tippy_destroy_called); override(Date, "now", () => 8); compose_state.message_content("dummy content edited a second time"); tippy_show_called = false; tippy_destroy_called = false; draft_id = drafts.update_draft({no_notify: true}); assert.equal(draft_id, "5-2"); assert.ok(!tippy_show_called); assert.ok(!tippy_destroy_called); }); test("rename_stream_recipient", ({override_rewire}) => { override_rewire(drafts, "set_count", noop); const stream_A = { subscribed: false, name: "A", stream_id: 1, }; stream_data.add_sub(stream_A); const stream_B = { subscribed: false, name: "B", stream_id: 2, }; stream_data.add_sub(stream_B); const draft_1 = { stream_id: stream_A.stream_id, topic: "a", type: "stream", content: "Test stream message", updatedAt: Date.now(), }; const draft_2 = { stream_id: stream_A.stream_id, topic: "b", type: "stream", content: "Test stream message", updatedAt: Date.now(), }; const draft_3 = { stream_id: stream_B.stream_id, topic: "a", type: "stream", content: "Test stream message", updatedAt: Date.now(), }; const draft_4 = { stream_id: stream_B.stream_id, topic: "c", type: "stream", content: "Test stream message", updatedAt: Date.now(), }; const data = {id1: draft_1, id2: draft_2, id3: draft_3, id4: draft_4}; const ls = localstorage(); ls.set("drafts", data); const draft_model = drafts.draft_model; function assert_draft(draft_id, stream_id, topic_name) { const draft = draft_model.getDraft(draft_id); assert.equal(draft.topic, topic_name); assert.equal(draft.stream_id, stream_id); } // There are no drafts in B>b, so moving messages from there doesn't change drafts drafts.rename_stream_recipient(stream_B.stream_id, "b", undefined, "c"); assert_draft("id1", stream_A.stream_id, "a"); assert_draft("id2", stream_A.stream_id, "b"); assert_draft("id3", stream_B.stream_id, "a"); assert_draft("id4", stream_B.stream_id, "c"); // Update with both stream and topic changes Bc -> Aa drafts.rename_stream_recipient(stream_B.stream_id, "c", stream_A.stream_id, "a"); assert_draft("id1", stream_A.stream_id, "a"); assert_draft("id2", stream_A.stream_id, "b"); assert_draft("id3", stream_B.stream_id, "a"); assert_draft("id4", stream_A.stream_id, "a"); // Update with only stream change Aa -> Ba drafts.rename_stream_recipient(stream_A.stream_id, "a", stream_B.stream_id, undefined); assert_draft("id1", stream_B.stream_id, "a"); assert_draft("id2", stream_A.stream_id, "b"); assert_draft("id3", stream_B.stream_id, "a"); assert_draft("id4", stream_B.stream_id, "a"); // Update with only topic change, affecting three messages drafts.rename_stream_recipient(stream_B.stream_id, "a", undefined, "e"); assert_draft("id1", stream_B.stream_id, "e"); assert_draft("id2", stream_A.stream_id, "b"); assert_draft("id3", stream_B.stream_id, "e"); assert_draft("id4", stream_B.stream_id, "e"); }); // There were some buggy drafts that had their topics // renamed to `undefined` in #23238. // TODO/compatibility: The next two tests can be deleted // when we get to delete drafts.fix_drafts_with_undefined_topics. test("catch_buggy_draft_error", () => { const stream_A = { subscribed: false, name: "A", stream_id: 1, }; stream_data.add_sub(stream_A); const stream_B = { subscribed: false, name: "B", stream_id: 2, }; stream_data.add_sub(stream_B); const buggy_draft = { stream_id: stream_B.stream_id, topic: undefined, type: "stream", content: "Test stream message", updatedAt: Date.now(), }; const data = {id1: buggy_draft}; const ls = localstorage(); ls.set("drafts", data); const draft_model = drafts.draft_model; // An error is logged but the draft isn't fixed in this codepath. blueslip.expect("error", "Cannot compare strings; at least one value is undefined"); drafts.rename_stream_recipient( stream_B.stream_id, "old_topic", stream_A.stream_id, "new_topic", ); const draft = draft_model.getDraft("id1"); assert.equal(draft.stream_id, stream_B.stream_id); assert.equal(draft.topic, undefined); }); test("fix_buggy_draft", ({override_rewire}) => { override_rewire(drafts, "set_count", noop); const buggy_draft = { stream_id: 1, // This is the bug: topic never be undefined for a stream // message draft. topic: undefined, type: "stream", content: "Test stream message", updatedAt: Date.now(), }; const data = {id1: buggy_draft}; const ls = localstorage(); ls.set("drafts", data); const draft_model = drafts.draft_model; drafts.fix_drafts_with_undefined_topics(); const draft = draft_model.getDraft("id1"); assert.equal(draft.stream_id, buggy_draft.stream_id); assert.equal(draft.topic, ""); }); test("delete_all_drafts", () => { const draft_model = drafts.draft_model; const ls = localstorage(); const data = {draft_1, draft_2, short_msg}; ls.set("drafts", data); assert.deepEqual(draft_model.get(), data); const $unread_count = $(""); $(".top_left_drafts").set_find_results(".unread_count", $unread_count); drafts.delete_all_drafts(); assert.deepEqual(draft_model.get(), {}); }); test("format_drafts", ({override_rewire, mock_template}) => { override_rewire(stream_data, "get_color", () => "#FFFFFF"); function feb12() { return new Date(1549958107000); // 2/12/2019 07:55:07 AM (UTC+0) } function date(offset) { return feb12().setDate(offset); } const draft_1 = { topic: "topic", type: "stream", content: "Test stream message", stream_id: 30, updatedAt: feb12().getTime(), }; const draft_2 = { private_message_recipient: "aaron@zulip.com", reply_to: "aaron@zulip.com", type: "private", content: "Test direct message", updatedAt: date(-1), }; const draft_3 = { topic: "topic", type: "stream", stream_id: 40, content: "Test stream message 2", updatedAt: date(-10), }; const draft_4 = { private_message_recipient: "aaron@zulip.com", reply_to: "iago@zulip.com", type: "private", content: "Test direct message 2", updatedAt: date(-5), }; const draft_5 = { private_message_recipient: "aaron@zulip.com", reply_to: "zoe@zulip.com", type: "private", content: "Test direct message 3", updatedAt: date(-2), }; const expected = [ { draft_id: "id1", is_stream: true, stream_name: "stream", stream_id: 30, recipient_bar_color: "#ebebeb", stream_privacy_icon_color: "#9a9a9a", topic: "topic", raw_content: "Test stream message", time_stamp: "7:55 AM", invite_only: undefined, is_web_public: undefined, }, { draft_id: "id2", is_stream: false, recipients: "Aaron", raw_content: "Test direct message", time_stamp: "Jan 30", }, { draft_id: "id5", is_stream: false, recipients: "Aaron", raw_content: "Test direct message 3", time_stamp: "Jan 29", }, { draft_id: "id4", is_stream: false, recipients: "Aaron", raw_content: "Test direct message 2", time_stamp: "Jan 26", }, { draft_id: "id3", is_stream: true, stream_name: "stream 2", stream_id: 40, recipient_bar_color: "#ebebeb", stream_privacy_icon_color: "#9a9a9a", topic: "topic", raw_content: "Test stream message 2", time_stamp: "Jan 21", invite_only: false, is_web_public: false, }, ]; $("#drafts_table").append = noop; const draft_model = drafts.draft_model; const ls = localstorage(); const data = {id1: draft_1, id2: draft_2, id3: draft_3, id4: draft_4, id5: draft_5}; ls.set("drafts", data); assert.deepEqual(draft_model.get(), data); const stub_render_now = timerender.render_now; override_rewire(timerender, "render_now", (time) => stub_render_now(time, new Date(1549958107000)), ); override_rewire(sub_store, "get", (stream_id) => { assert.ok([30, 40].includes(stream_id)); if (stream_id === 30) { return {name: "stream", stream_id}; } return {name: "stream 2", stream_id, invite_only: false, is_web_public: false}; }); override_rewire(user_pill, "get_user_ids", () => []); compose_state.set_message_type("private"); compose_state.private_message_recipient(null); mock_template("draft_table_body.hbs", false, (data) => { // Tests formatting and time-sorting of drafts assert.deepEqual(data.narrow_drafts, []); assert.deepEqual(data.other_drafts, expected); return ""; }); override_rewire(messages_overlay_ui, "set_initial_element", noop); const $unread_count = $(""); $(".top_left_drafts").set_find_results(".unread_count", $unread_count); $.create("#drafts_table .overlay-message-row", {children: []}); $(".draft-selection-checkbox").filter = () => []; drafts_overlay_ui.launch(); $.clear_all_elements(); $.create("#drafts_table .overlay-message-row", {children: []}); $("#draft_overlay").css = noop; override_rewire(sub_store, "get", (stream_id) => { assert.ok([30, 40].includes(stream_id)); if (stream_id === 30) { return {name: "stream-rename", stream_id}; } return {name: "stream 2", stream_id, invite_only: false, is_web_public: false}; }); expected[0].stream_name = "stream-rename"; $(".top_left_drafts").set_find_results(".unread_count", $unread_count); $(".draft-selection-checkbox").filter = () => []; drafts_overlay_ui.launch(); }); test("filter_drafts", ({override_rewire, mock_template}) => { override_rewire(stream_data, "get_color", () => "#FFFFFF"); function feb12() { return new Date(1549958107000); // 2/12/2019 07:55:07 AM (UTC+0) } function date(offset) { return feb12().setDate(offset); } const stream_draft_1 = { topic: "topic", type: "stream", content: "Test stream message", stream_id: 30, updatedAt: feb12().getTime(), }; const pm_draft_1 = { private_message_recipient: "aaron@zulip.com", reply_to: "aaron@zulip.com", type: "private", content: "Test direct message", updatedAt: date(-1), }; const stream_draft_2 = { topic: "topic", type: "stream", stream_id: 40, content: "Test stream message 2", updatedAt: date(-10), }; const pm_draft_2 = { private_message_recipient: "aaron@zulip.com", reply_to: "iago@zulip.com", type: "private", content: "Test direct message 2", updatedAt: date(-5), }; const pm_draft_3 = { private_message_recipient: "aaron@zulip.com", reply_to: "zoe@zulip.com", type: "private", content: "Test direct message 3", updatedAt: date(-2), }; const expected_pm_drafts = [ { draft_id: "id2", is_stream: false, recipients: "Aaron", raw_content: "Test direct message", time_stamp: "Jan 30", }, { draft_id: "id5", is_stream: false, recipients: "Aaron", raw_content: "Test direct message 3", time_stamp: "Jan 29", }, { draft_id: "id4", is_stream: false, recipients: "Aaron", raw_content: "Test direct message 2", time_stamp: "Jan 26", }, ]; const expected_other_drafts = [ { draft_id: "id1", is_stream: true, stream_name: "stream", stream_id: 30, recipient_bar_color: "#ebebeb", stream_privacy_icon_color: "#9a9a9a", topic: "topic", raw_content: "Test stream message", time_stamp: "7:55 AM", invite_only: false, is_web_public: false, }, { draft_id: "id3", is_stream: true, stream_name: "stream 2", stream_id: 40, recipient_bar_color: "#ebebeb", stream_privacy_icon_color: "#9a9a9a", topic: "topic", raw_content: "Test stream message 2", time_stamp: "Jan 21", invite_only: false, is_web_public: false, }, ]; $("#drafts_table").append = noop; const draft_model = drafts.draft_model; const ls = localstorage(); const data = { id1: stream_draft_1, id2: pm_draft_1, id3: stream_draft_2, id4: pm_draft_2, id5: pm_draft_3, }; ls.set("drafts", data); assert.deepEqual(draft_model.get(), data); const stub_render_now = timerender.render_now; override_rewire(timerender, "render_now", (time) => stub_render_now(time, new Date(1549958107000)), ); override_rewire(sub_store, "get", (stream_id) => { assert.ok([30, 40].includes(stream_id)); if (stream_id === 30) { return {name: "stream", stream_id, invite_only: false, is_web_public: false}; } return {name: "stream 2", stream_id, invite_only: false, is_web_public: false}; }); mock_template("draft_table_body.hbs", false, (data) => { // Tests splitting up drafts by current narrow. assert.deepEqual(data.narrow_drafts, expected_pm_drafts); assert.deepEqual(data.other_drafts, expected_other_drafts); return ""; }); override_rewire(messages_overlay_ui, "set_initial_element", noop); const $unread_count = $(""); $(".top_left_drafts").set_find_results(".unread_count", $unread_count); override_rewire(user_pill, "get_user_ids", () => [aaron.user_id]); override_rewire(compose_pm_pill, "set_from_emails", noop); compose_state.set_message_type("private"); compose_state.private_message_recipient(aaron.email); $.create("#drafts_table .overlay-message-row", {children: []}); $(".draft-selection-checkbox").filter = () => []; drafts_overlay_ui.launch(); });