import $ from "jquery"; import render_all_messages_sidebar_actions from "../templates/all_messages_sidebar_actions.hbs"; import render_delete_topic_modal from "../templates/delete_topic_modal.hbs"; import render_move_topic_to_stream from "../templates/move_topic_to_stream.hbs"; import render_starred_messages_sidebar_actions from "../templates/starred_messages_sidebar_actions.hbs"; import render_stream_sidebar_actions from "../templates/stream_sidebar_actions.hbs"; import render_topic_sidebar_actions from "../templates/topic_sidebar_actions.hbs"; import render_unstar_messages_modal from "../templates/unstar_messages_modal.hbs"; import * as blueslip from "./blueslip"; import * as channel from "./channel"; import * as hash_util from "./hash_util"; import * as hashchange from "./hashchange"; import * as message_edit from "./message_edit"; import * as message_flags from "./message_flags"; import * as muting from "./muting"; import * as muting_ui from "./muting_ui"; import * as narrow from "./narrow"; import * as popovers from "./popovers"; import * as resize from "./resize"; import * as stream_color from "./stream_color"; import * as stream_data from "./stream_data"; import * as subs from "./subs"; import * as ui_util from "./ui_util"; import * as unread_ops from "./unread_ops"; // We handle stream popovers and topic popovers in this // module. Both are popped up from the left sidebar. let current_stream_sidebar_elem; let current_topic_sidebar_elem; let all_messages_sidebar_elem; let starred_messages_sidebar_elem; function get_popover_menu_items(sidebar_elem) { if (!sidebar_elem) { blueslip.error("Trying to get menu items when action popover is closed."); return undefined; } const popover_data = $(sidebar_elem).data("popover"); if (!popover_data) { blueslip.error("Cannot find popover data for stream sidebar menu."); return undefined; } return $("li:not(.divider):visible > a", popover_data.$tip); } export function stream_sidebar_menu_handle_keyboard(key) { const items = get_popover_menu_items(current_stream_sidebar_elem); popovers.popover_items_handle_keyboard(key, items); } export function topic_sidebar_menu_handle_keyboard(key) { const items = get_popover_menu_items(current_topic_sidebar_elem); popovers.popover_items_handle_keyboard(key, items); } export function all_messages_sidebar_menu_handle_keyboard(key) { const items = get_popover_menu_items(all_messages_sidebar_elem); popovers.popover_items_handle_keyboard(key, items); } export function starred_messages_sidebar_menu_handle_keyboard(key) { const items = get_popover_menu_items(starred_messages_sidebar_elem); popovers.popover_items_handle_keyboard(key, items); } function elem_to_stream_id(elem) { const stream_id = Number.parseInt(elem.attr("data-stream-id"), 10); if (stream_id === undefined) { blueslip.error("could not find stream id"); } return stream_id; } function topic_popover_stream_id(e) { return elem_to_stream_id($(e.currentTarget)); } export function stream_popped() { return current_stream_sidebar_elem !== undefined; } export function topic_popped() { return current_topic_sidebar_elem !== undefined; } export function all_messages_popped() { return all_messages_sidebar_elem !== undefined; } export function starred_messages_popped() { return starred_messages_sidebar_elem !== undefined; } export function hide_stream_popover() { if (stream_popped()) { $(current_stream_sidebar_elem).popover("destroy"); current_stream_sidebar_elem = undefined; } } export function hide_topic_popover() { if (topic_popped()) { $(current_topic_sidebar_elem).popover("destroy"); current_topic_sidebar_elem = undefined; } } export function hide_all_messages_popover() { if (all_messages_popped()) { $(all_messages_sidebar_elem).popover("destroy"); all_messages_sidebar_elem = undefined; } } export function hide_starred_messages_popover() { if (starred_messages_popped()) { $(starred_messages_sidebar_elem).popover("destroy"); starred_messages_sidebar_elem = undefined; } } // These are the only two functions that is really shared by the // two popovers, so we could split out topic stuff to // another module pretty easily. export function show_streamlist_sidebar() { $(".app-main .column-left").addClass("expanded"); resize.resize_page_components(); } export function hide_streamlist_sidebar() { $(".app-main .column-left").removeClass("expanded"); } function stream_popover_sub(e) { const elem = $(e.currentTarget).parents("ul"); const stream_id = elem_to_stream_id(elem); const sub = stream_data.get_sub_by_id(stream_id); if (!sub) { blueslip.error("Unknown stream: " + stream_id); return undefined; } return sub; } // This little function is a workaround for the fact that // Bootstrap popovers don't properly handle being resized -- // so after resizing our popover to add in the spectrum color // picker, we need to adjust its height accordingly. function update_spectrum(popover, update_func) { const initial_height = popover[0].offsetHeight; const colorpicker = popover.find(".colorpicker-container").find(".colorpicker"); update_func(colorpicker); const after_height = popover[0].offsetHeight; const popover_root = popover.closest(".popover"); const current_top_px = Number.parseFloat(popover_root.css("top").replace("px", "")); const height_delta = after_height - initial_height; let top = current_top_px - height_delta / 2; if (top < 0) { top = 0; popover_root.find("div.arrow").hide(); } else if (top + after_height > $(window).height() - 20) { top = $(window).height() - after_height - 20; if (top < 0) { top = 0; } popover_root.find("div.arrow").hide(); } popover_root.css("top", top + "px"); } function build_stream_popover(opts) { const elt = opts.elt; const stream_id = opts.stream_id; if (stream_popped() && current_stream_sidebar_elem === elt) { // If the popover is already shown, clicking again should toggle it. hide_stream_popover(); return; } popovers.hide_all(); show_streamlist_sidebar(); const content = render_stream_sidebar_actions({ stream: stream_data.get_sub_by_id(stream_id), }); $(elt).popover({ content, html: true, trigger: "manual", fixed: true, fix_positions: true, }); $(elt).popover("show"); const popover = $(`.streams_popover[data-stream-id="${CSS.escape(stream_id)}"]`); update_spectrum(popover, (colorpicker) => { colorpicker.spectrum(stream_color.sidebar_popover_colorpicker_options); }); current_stream_sidebar_elem = elt; } function build_topic_popover(opts) { const elt = opts.elt; const stream_id = opts.stream_id; const topic_name = opts.topic_name; if (topic_popped() && current_topic_sidebar_elem === elt) { // If the popover is already shown, clicking again should toggle it. hide_topic_popover(); return; } const sub = stream_data.get_sub_by_id(stream_id); if (!sub) { blueslip.error("cannot build topic popover for stream: " + stream_id); return; } popovers.hide_all(); show_streamlist_sidebar(); const is_muted = muting.is_topic_muted(sub.stream_id, topic_name); const can_mute_topic = !is_muted; const can_unmute_topic = is_muted; const content = render_topic_sidebar_actions({ stream_name:, stream_id: sub.stream_id, topic_name, can_mute_topic, can_unmute_topic, is_realm_admin: sub.is_realm_admin, color: sub.color, }); $(elt).popover({ content, html: true, trigger: "manual", fixed: true, }); $(elt).popover("show"); current_topic_sidebar_elem = elt; } function build_all_messages_popover(e) { const elt =; if (all_messages_popped() && all_messages_sidebar_elem === elt) { hide_all_messages_popover(); e.stopPropagation(); return; } popovers.hide_all(); exports.show_streamlist_sidebar(); const content = render_all_messages_sidebar_actions(); $(elt).popover({ content, html: true, trigger: "manual", fixed: true, }); $(elt).popover("show"); all_messages_sidebar_elem = elt; e.stopPropagation(); } function build_starred_messages_popover(e) { const elt =; if (starred_messages_popped() && starred_messages_sidebar_elem === elt) { hide_starred_messages_popover(); e.stopPropagation(); return; } popovers.hide_all(); exports.show_streamlist_sidebar(); const content = render_starred_messages_sidebar_actions({ starred_message_counts: page_params.starred_message_counts, }); $(elt).popover({ content, html: true, trigger: "manual", fixed: true, }); $(elt).popover("show"); starred_messages_sidebar_elem = elt; e.stopPropagation(); } function build_move_topic_to_stream_popover(e, current_stream_id, topic_name) { // TODO: Add support for keyboard-alphabet navigation. Some orgs // many streams and scrolling can be a painful process in that // case. // // NOTE: Private streams are also included in this list. We // likely will make it possible to move messages to/from private // streams in the future. const available_streams = stream_data .subscribed_subs() .filter((s) => s.stream_id !== current_stream_id); const current_stream_name = stream_data.maybe_get_stream_name(current_stream_id); const args = { available_streams, topic_name, current_stream_id, current_stream_name, notify_new_thread: message_edit.notify_new_thread_default, notify_old_thread: message_edit.notify_old_thread_default, }; hide_topic_popover(); $("#move-a-topic-modal-holder").html(render_move_topic_to_stream(args)); const stream_header_colorblock = $(".topic_stream_edit_header").find( ".stream_header_colorblock", ); ui_util.decorate_stream_bar(current_stream_name, stream_header_colorblock, false); $("#select_stream_id").on("change", function () { const stream_name = stream_data.maybe_get_stream_name(Number.parseInt(this.value, 10)); ui_util.decorate_stream_bar(stream_name, stream_header_colorblock, false); }); $("#move_topic_modal").modal("show"); } export function register_click_handlers() { $("#stream_filters").on("click", ".stream-sidebar-menu-icon", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); const elt =; const stream_li = $(elt).parents("li"); const stream_id = elem_to_stream_id(stream_li); build_stream_popover({ elt, stream_id, }); }); $("#stream_filters").on("click", ".topic-sidebar-menu-icon", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); const elt = $(".topic-sidebar-menu-icon").expectOne()[0]; const stream_li = $(elt).closest(".narrow-filter").expectOne(); const stream_id = elem_to_stream_id(stream_li); const topic_name = $(elt).closest("li").expectOne().attr("data-topic-name"); build_topic_popover({ elt, stream_id, topic_name, }); }); $("#global_filters").on("click", ".all-messages-sidebar-menu-icon", build_all_messages_popover); $("#global_filters").on( "click", ".starred-messages-sidebar-menu-icon", build_starred_messages_popover, ); register_stream_handlers(); register_topic_handlers(); } export function register_stream_handlers() { // Stream settings $("body").on("click", ".open_stream_settings", (e) => { const sub = stream_popover_sub(e); hide_stream_popover(); const stream_edit_hash = hash_util.stream_edit_uri(sub); hashchange.go_to_location(stream_edit_hash); }); // Pin/unpin $("body").on("click", ".pin_to_top", (e) => { const sub = stream_popover_sub(e); hide_stream_popover(); subs.toggle_pin_to_top_stream(sub); e.stopPropagation(); }); // Mark all messages in stream as read $("body").on("click", ".mark_stream_as_read", (e) => { const sub = stream_popover_sub(e); hide_stream_popover(); unread_ops.mark_stream_as_read(sub.stream_id); e.stopPropagation(); }); // Mark all messages as read $("body").on("click", "#mark_all_messages_as_read", (e) => { hide_all_messages_popover(); unread_ops.mark_all_as_read(); e.stopPropagation(); }); // Unstar all messages $("body").on("click", "#unstar_all_messages", (e) => { hide_starred_messages_popover(); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $(".left-sidebar-modal-holder").empty(); $(".left-sidebar-modal-holder").html(render_unstar_messages_modal()); $("#unstar-messages-modal").modal("show"); }); $("body").on("click", "#do_unstar_messages_button", (e) => { $("#unstar-messages-modal").modal("hide"); message_flags.unstar_all_messages(); e.stopPropagation(); }); // Toggle displaying starred message count $("body").on("click", "#toggle_display_starred_msg_count", (e) => { hide_starred_messages_popover(); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const starred_msg_counts = page_params.starred_message_counts; const data = {}; data.starred_message_counts = JSON.stringify(!starred_msg_counts); channel.patch({ url: "/json/settings/display", data, }); }); // Mute/unmute $("body").on("click", ".toggle_stream_muted", (e) => { const sub = stream_popover_sub(e); hide_stream_popover(); subs.set_muted(sub, !sub.is_muted); e.stopPropagation(); }); // Unsubscribe $("body").on("click", ".popover_sub_unsub_button", function (e) { $(this).toggleClass("unsub"); $(this).closest(".popover").fadeOut(500).delay(500).remove(); const sub = stream_popover_sub(e); subs.sub_or_unsub(sub); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }); // Choose a different color. $("body").on("click", ".choose_stream_color", (e) => { update_spectrum($(".streams_popover"), (colorpicker) => { $(".colorpicker-container").show(); colorpicker.spectrum("destroy"); colorpicker.spectrum(stream_color.sidebar_popover_colorpicker_options_full); // In theory this should clean up the old color picker, // but this seems a bit flaky -- the new colorpicker // doesn't fire until you click a button, but the buttons // have been hidden. We work around this by just manually // fixing it up here. colorpicker.parent().find(".sp-container").removeClass("sp-buttons-disabled"); $(; }); $(".streams_popover").on("click", "a.sp-cancel", () => { hide_stream_popover(); }); if ($(window).width() <= 768) { $(".popover-inner").hide().fadeIn(300); $(".popover").addClass("colorpicker-popover"); } }); } function topic_popover_sub(e) { const stream_id = topic_popover_stream_id(e); if (!stream_id) { blueslip.error("cannot find stream id"); return undefined; } const sub = stream_data.get_sub_by_id(stream_id); if (!sub) { blueslip.error("Unknown stream: " + stream_id); return undefined; } return sub; } export function register_topic_handlers() { // Narrow to topic $("body").on("click", ".narrow_to_topic", (e) => { hide_topic_popover(); const sub = topic_popover_sub(e); if (!sub) { return; } const topic = $(e.currentTarget).attr("data-topic-name"); const operators = [ {operator: "stream", operand:}, {operator: "topic", operand: topic}, ]; narrow.activate(operators, {trigger: "sidebar"}); e.stopPropagation(); }); // Mute the topic $("body").on("click", ".sidebar-popover-mute-topic", (e) => { const stream_id = topic_popover_stream_id(e); if (!stream_id) { return; } const topic = $(e.currentTarget).attr("data-topic-name"); muting_ui.mute_topic(stream_id, topic); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); // Unmute the topic $("body").on("click", ".sidebar-popover-unmute-topic", (e) => { const stream_id = topic_popover_stream_id(e); if (!stream_id) { return; } const topic = $(e.currentTarget).attr("data-topic-name"); muting_ui.unmute_topic(stream_id, topic); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); // Mark all messages as read $("body").on("click", ".sidebar-popover-mark-topic-read", (e) => { const stream_id = topic_popover_stream_id(e); if (!stream_id) { return; } const topic = $(e.currentTarget).attr("data-topic-name"); hide_topic_popover(); unread_ops.mark_topic_as_read(stream_id, topic); e.stopPropagation(); }); // Deleting all message in a topic $("body").on("click", ".sidebar-popover-delete-topic-messages", (e) => { const stream_id = topic_popover_stream_id(e); if (!stream_id) { return; } const topic = $(e.currentTarget).attr("data-topic-name"); const args = { topic_name: topic, }; hide_topic_popover(); $("#delete-topic-modal-holder").html(render_delete_topic_modal(args)); $("#do_delete_topic_button").on("click", () => { message_edit.delete_topic(stream_id, topic); }); $("#delete_topic_modal").modal("show"); e.stopPropagation(); }); $("body").on("click", ".sidebar-popover-move-topic-messages", (e) => { const topic_row = $(e.currentTarget); const stream_id = Number.parseInt(topic_row.attr("data-stream-id"), 10); const topic_name = topic_row.attr("data-topic-name"); build_move_topic_to_stream_popover(e, stream_id, topic_name); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); $("body").on("click", "#topic_stream_edit_form_error .send-status-close", () => { $("#topic_stream_edit_form_error").hide(); }); $("body").on("click", "#do_move_topic_button", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); function show_error_msg(msg) { $("#topic_stream_edit_form_error .error-msg").text(msg); $("#topic_stream_edit_form_error").show(); } const params = Object.fromEntries( $("#move_topic_form") .serializeArray() .map(({name, value}) => [name, value]), ); const {old_topic_name, select_stream_id} = params; let { current_stream_id, new_topic_name, send_notification_to_new_thread, send_notification_to_old_thread, } = params; new_topic_name = new_topic_name.trim(); send_notification_to_new_thread = send_notification_to_new_thread === "on"; send_notification_to_old_thread = send_notification_to_old_thread === "on"; current_stream_id = Number.parseInt(current_stream_id, 10); if ( current_stream_id === Number.parseInt(select_stream_id, 10) && new_topic_name.toLowerCase() === old_topic_name.toLowerCase() ) { show_error_msg("Please select a different stream or change topic name."); return; } // The API endpoint for editing messages to change their // content, topic, or stream requires a message ID. // // Because we don't have full data in the browser client, it's // possible that we might display a topic in the left sidebar // (and thus expose the UI for moving its topic to another // stream) without having a message ID that is definitely // within the topic. (The comments in stream_topic_history.js // discuss the tricky issues around message deletion that are // involved here). // // To ensure this option works reliably at a small latency // cost for a rare operation, we just ask the server for the // latest message ID in the topic. const data = { anchor: "newest", num_before: 1, num_after: 0, narrow: JSON.stringify([ {operator: "stream", operand: current_stream_id}, {operator: "topic", operand: old_topic_name}, ]), }; message_edit.show_topic_move_spinner(); channel.get({ url: "/json/messages", data, idempotent: true, success(data) { const message_id = data.messages[0].id; if (old_topic_name.trim() === new_topic_name.trim()) { // We use `undefined` to tell the server that // there has been no change in the topic name. new_topic_name = undefined; } if (old_topic_name && select_stream_id) { message_edit.move_topic_containing_message_to_stream( message_id, select_stream_id, new_topic_name, send_notification_to_new_thread, send_notification_to_old_thread, ); } }, error(xhr) { message_edit.hide_topic_move_spinner(); show_error_msg(xhr.responseJSON.msg); }, }); }); }