/*jslint browser: true, devel: true, sloppy: true, plusplus: true, nomen: true, regexp: true */ /*global $: false, jQuery: false, ich: false, zephyr_json: false, initial_pointer: false, username: false, class_list: false, instance_list: false, people_list: false */ $(function () { $('#zephyr-type-tabs a[href="#class-message"]').on('shown', function (e) { $('#class-message input:not(:hidden):first').focus().select(); }); $('#zephyr-type-tabs a[href="#personal-message"]').on('shown', function (e) { $('#personal-message input:not(:hidden):first').focus().select(); }); // Prepare the click handler for subbing to a new class to which // you have composed a zephyr. $('#create-it').click(function () { sub(compose_class_name()); $("#class-message form").ajaxSubmit(); $('#class-dne').stop(true).fadeOut(500); }); // Prepare the click handler for subbing to an existing class. $('#sub-it').click(function () { sub(compose_class_name()); $("#class-message form").ajaxSubmit(); $('#class-nosub').stop(true).fadeOut(500); }); }); $.ajaxSetup({ beforeSend: function (xhr, settings) { function getCookie(name) { var i, cookies, cookieValue = null; if (document.cookie && document.cookie !== '') { cookies = document.cookie.split(';'); for (i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { var cookie = jQuery.trim(cookies[i]); // Does this cookie string begin with the name we want? if (cookie.substring(0, name.length + 1) === (name + '=')) { cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length + 1)); break; } } } return cookieValue; } if (!(/^http:.*/.test(settings.url) || /^https:.*/.test(settings.url))) { // Only send the token to relative URLs i.e. locally. xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRFToken", getCookie('csrftoken')); } } }); function sub(zephyr_class) { // Supports multiple classes, separate by commas. // TODO: check the return value and handle an error condition $.post('/subscriptions/add/', {new_subscriptions: zephyr_class}); } function hide_compose() { $('input, textarea, button').blur(); $('.zephyr_compose').slideUp('fast'); } function show_compose(tabname) { $('.zephyr_compose').slideDown('fast'); if (tabname) { $('#zephyr-type-tabs a[href="#' + tabname + '-message"]').tab('show'); } } function compose_class_name() { return $.trim($("#class").val()); } $(function () { var status_classes = 'alert-error alert-success alert-info'; var send_status = $('#send-status'); var buttons = $('#class-message, #personal-message').find('input[type="submit"]'); var options = { dataType: 'json', // This seems to be ignored. We still get back an xhr. beforeSubmit: function (form, _options) { send_status.removeClass(status_classes) .addClass('alert-info') .text('Sending') .stop(true).fadeTo(0,1); buttons.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); buttons.blur(); if ($("#class-message:visible")[0] === undefined) {// we're not dealing with classes return true; } var zephyr_class = compose_class_name(); if (zephyr_class === "") { // You can't try to send to an empty class. send_status.removeClass(status_classes) .addClass('alert-error') .text('Please specify a class') .stop(true).fadeTo(0,1); buttons.removeAttr('disabled'); $('#class-message input:not(:hidden):first').focus().select(); return false; } var okay = true; $.ajax({ url: "subscriptions/exists/" + zephyr_class, async: false, success: function (data) { if (data === "False") { // The class doesn't exist okay = false; send_status.removeClass(status_classes); send_status.toggle(); $('#class-dne-name').text(zephyr_class); $('#class-dne').show(); $('#create-it').focus(); buttons.removeAttr('disabled'); hide_compose(); } } }); if (okay && class_list.indexOf(zephyr_class) === -1) { // You're not subbed to the class okay = false; send_status.removeClass(status_classes); send_status.toggle(); $('#class-nosub-name').text(zephyr_class); $('#class-nosub').show(); $('#sub-it').focus(); buttons.removeAttr('disabled'); hide_compose(); } return okay; }, success: function (resp, statusText, xhr, form) { form.find('textarea').val(''); send_status.removeClass(status_classes) .addClass('alert-success') .text('Sent message') .stop(true).fadeTo(0,1).delay(1000).fadeOut(1000, hide_compose); buttons.removeAttr('disabled'); clear_compose_box(); }, error: function (xhr) { var response = "Error sending message"; if (xhr.status.toString().charAt(0) === "4") { // Only display the error response for 4XX, where we've crafted // a nice response. response += ": " + $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText).msg; } send_status.removeClass(status_classes) .addClass('alert-error') .text(response) .append($('') .addClass('send-status-close').html('×') .click(function () { send_status.stop(true).fadeOut(500); })) .stop(true).fadeTo(0,1); buttons.removeAttr('disabled'); } }; send_status.hide(); $("#class-message form").ajaxForm(options); $("#personal-message form").ajaxForm(options); }); var selected_zephyr_id = 0; /* to be filled in on document.ready */ var last_received = -1; function get_all_zephyr_rows() { return $('tr.zephyr_row'); } function get_next_visible(zephyr_row) { return zephyr_row.nextAll(':visible:first'); } function get_prev_visible(zephyr_row) { return zephyr_row.prevAll(':visible:first'); } function get_id(zephyr_row) { return zephyr_row.attr('id'); } function get_zephyr(zephyr_id) { return $("#" + zephyr_id); } function scroll_to_selected() { var main_div = $('#main_div'); main_div.scrollTop(0); main_div.scrollTop(get_zephyr(selected_zephyr_id).offset().top - main_div.height()/1.5); } function respond_to_zephyr() { var parent, zephyr; var recipient, recipients; parent = get_zephyr(selected_zephyr_id); zephyr = zephyr_dict[parent.attr('id')]; $('.zephyr_compose').slideToggle('fast'); if (zephyr.type === 'class') { $('#zephyr-type-tabs a[href="#class-message"]').tab('show'); $("#class").val(zephyr.display_recipient); $("#instance").val(zephyr.instance); $("#new_zephyr").focus(); $("#new_zephyr").select(); } else if (zephyr.type === 'huddle') { $('#zephyr-type-tabs a[href="#personal-message"]').tab('show'); recipient = ''; for (i in zephyr.display_recipient) { recipient += zephyr.display_recipient[i].name + ', '; } $("#recipient").val(recipient); $("#new_personal_zephyr").focus(); $("#new_personal_zephyr").select(); } else if (zephyr.type === 'personal') { // Until we allow sending zephyrs based on multiple meaningful // representations of a user (name, username, email, etc.), just // deal with usernames. recipient = zephyr.display_recipient; if ( recipient === username) { // that is, we sent the original message recipient = zephyr.sender; } prepare_huddle(recipient); } } function update_pointer(zephyr) { var new_selected = get_id(zephyr); if (new_selected == selected_zephyr_id) return; selected_zephyr_id = new_selected; $('.selected_zephyr').removeClass('selected_zephyr'); zephyr.addClass('selected_zephyr'); $.post("update", { pointer: selected_zephyr_id }); } function update_pointer_by_id(zephyr_id) { update_pointer(get_zephyr(zephyr_id)); } function select_zephyr(zephyr_id) { var next_zephyr = get_zephyr(zephyr_id); var main_div = $("#main_div"); /* If the zephyr exists but is hidden, try to find the next visible one. */ if (next_zephyr.length !== 0 && next_zephyr.is(':hidden')) { next_zephyr = get_next_visible(next_zephyr); } /* Fall back to the first visible zephyr. */ if (next_zephyr.length === 0) { next_zephyr = $('tr:not(:hidden):first'); } update_pointer(next_zephyr); if ((next_zephyr.offset().top < main_div.offset().top) || (next_zephyr.offset().top + next_zephyr.height() > main_div.offset().top + main_div.height())) { scroll_to_selected(); } } /* We use 'visibility' rather than 'display' and jQuery's show() / hide(), because we want to reserve space for the email address. This avoids things jumping around slightly when the email address is shown. */ function show_email(zephyr_id) { get_zephyr(zephyr_id).find('.zephyr_sender_email').removeClass('invisible'); } function hide_email(zephyr_id) { get_zephyr(zephyr_id).find('.zephyr_sender_email').addClass('invisible'); } function process_hotkey(code) { var next_zephyr; switch (code) { case 40: // down arrow case 38: // up arrow if (code === 40) { next_zephyr = get_next_visible(get_zephyr(selected_zephyr_id)); } else { next_zephyr = get_prev_visible(get_zephyr(selected_zephyr_id)); } if (next_zephyr.length !== 0) { select_zephyr(get_id(next_zephyr)); } if ((next_zephyr.length === 0) && (code === 40)) { // At the last zephyr, scroll to the bottom so we have // lots of nice whitespace for new zephyrs coming in. $("#main_div").scrollTop($("#main_div").prop("scrollHeight")); } return process_hotkey; case 27: // Esc: hide compose pane hide_compose(); return process_hotkey; case 82: // 'r': respond to zephyr respond_to_zephyr(); return process_key_in_input; case 71: // 'g': start of "go to" command return process_goto_hotkey; } return false; } function process_goto_hotkey(code) { switch (code) { case 67: // 'c': narrow by recipient parent = get_zephyr(selected_zephyr_id); zephyr_class = parent.find(".zephyr_class").text(); zephyr_huddle = parent.find(".zephyr_huddle_recipient").text(); if (zephyr_class == '' && zephyr_huddle == '') { narrow_personals(); } else if (zephyr_class == '') { narrow_huddle(); } else { narrow_class(); } break; case 73: // 'i': narrow by instance narrow_instance(); break; case 80: // 'p': narrow to personals narrow_all_personals(); break; case 65: // 'a': un-narrow show_all_messages(); break; case 27: // Esc: hide compose pane hide_compose(); break; } /* Always return to the initial hotkey mode, even with an unrecognized "go to" command. */ return process_hotkey; } function process_key_in_input(code) { if (code === 27) { // User hit Escape key hide_compose(); return process_hotkey; } return false; } /* The current handler function for keydown events. It should return a new handler, or 'false' to decline to handle the event. */ var keydown_handler = process_hotkey; $(document).keydown(function (event) { var result = keydown_handler(event.keyCode); if (typeof result === 'function') { keydown_handler = result; event.preventDefault(); } }); // NB: This just binds to current elements, and won't bind to elements // created after ready() is called. $(function () { $('input, textarea, button').focus(function () { keydown_handler = process_key_in_input; }); $('input, textarea, button').blur(function () { keydown_handler = process_hotkey; }); }); function home_view(element) { return true; } var current_view_predicate = home_view; function apply_view(element) { if (current_view_predicate(element)) { element.show(); } else { element.hide(); } } function prepare_huddle(recipients) { // Used for both personals and huddles. show_compose('personal'); $("#recipient").val(recipients); $("#new_personal_zephyr").focus(); $("#new_personal_zephyr").select(); } function do_narrow(description, filter_function) { // Hide the messages temporarily, so the browser doesn't waste time // incrementally recalculating the layout. $("#main_div").hide(); // We want the zephyr on which the narrow happened to stay in the same place if possible. var old_top = $("#main_div").offset().top - get_zephyr(selected_zephyr_id).offset().top; current_view_predicate = filter_function; get_all_zephyr_rows().each(function () { apply_view($(this)); }); // Show the new set of messages. $("#main_div").show(); select_zephyr(selected_zephyr_id); scroll_to_selected(); $("#show_all_messages").removeAttr("disabled"); $("#narrowbox").show(); $("#currently_narrowed_to").html(description); } function narrow_huddle() { var recipients = get_zephyr(selected_zephyr_id).find(".zephyr_huddle_recipients_list").text(); var message = "Group chats with " + recipients; do_narrow(message, function (element) { return (element.find(".zephyr_huddle_recipient").length > 0 && element.find(".zephyr_huddle_recipients_list").text() === recipients); }); } function narrow_all_personals() { // Narrow to all personals var message = "All huddles with you"; do_narrow(message, function (element) { return (element.find(".zephyr_personal_recipient").length > 0); }); } function narrow_personals() { // Narrow to personals with a specific user var target_zephyr = get_zephyr(selected_zephyr_id); var zephyr_obj = zephyr_dict[target_zephyr.attr('id')]; var other_party; if (zephyr_obj.display_recipient === username) { other_party = zephyr_obj.sender; } else { other_party = zephyr_obj.display_recipient; } var message = "Huddles with " + other_party; do_narrow(message, function (element) { var other_zephyr_obj = zephyr_dict[target_zephyr.attr('id')]; var recipient = element.find(".zephyr_personal_recipient"); var sender = element.find(".zephyr_sender"); return (recipient.length > 0) && (((other_zephyr_obj.display_recipient === zephyr_obj.display_recipient) && (other_zephyr_obj.sender === zephyr_obj.sender)) || ((other_zephyr_obj.display_recipient === zephyr_obj.sender) && (other_zephyr_obj.sender === zephyr_obj.display_recipient))); }); } function narrow_class() { var parent = get_zephyr(selected_zephyr_id); var zephyr_class = parent.find(".zephyr_class").text(); var message = "" + zephyr_class + ""; do_narrow(message, function (element) { return (element.find(".zephyr_class").length > 0 && element.find(".zephyr_class").text() === zephyr_class); }); } function narrow_instance() { var parent = get_zephyr(selected_zephyr_id); var zephyr_class = parent.find(".zephyr_class").text(); var zephyr_instance = parent.find(".zephyr_instance").text(); var message = "" + zephyr_class + " | " + zephyr_instance + ""; do_narrow(message, function (element) { return (element.find(".zephyr_class").length > 0 && element.find(".zephyr_class").text() === zephyr_class && element.find(".zephyr_instance").text() === zephyr_instance); }); } function show_all_messages() { current_view_predicate = home_view; get_all_zephyr_rows().show(); scroll_to_selected(); $("#narrowbox").hide(); $("#show_all_messages").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $("#currently_narrowed_to").html(""); } function newline2br(content) { return content.replace(/\n/g, '
'); } function update_autocomplete() { class_list.sort(); instance_list.sort(); people_list.sort(); $( "#class" ).autocomplete({ source: class_list }); $( "#instance" ).autocomplete({ source: instance_list }); $( "#recipient" ).autocomplete({ source: people_list }); } function add_message(index, zephyr) { last_received = Math.max(last_received, zephyr.id); if (zephyr.type === 'class') { zephyr.is_class = true; if ($.inArray(zephyr.display_recipient, class_list) === -1) { class_list.push(zephyr.display_recipient); update_autocomplete(); } if ($.inArray(zephyr.instance, instance_list) === -1) { instance_list.push(zephyr.instance); update_autocomplete(); } } else if (zephyr.type === "huddle") { zephyr.is_huddle = true; } else { zephyr.is_personal = true; if (zephyr.display_recipient !== username && $.inArray(zephyr.display_recipient, people_list) === -1) { people_list.push(zephyr.display_recipient); update_autocomplete(); } if (zephyr.sender !== username && $.inArray(zephyr.sender, people_list) === -1) { people_list.push(zephyr.sender); update_autocomplete(); } } zephyr.html_content = newline2br(zephyr.content); var time = new Date(zephyr.timestamp * 1000); var two_digits = function (x) { return ('0' + x).slice(-2); } zephyr.timestr = two_digits(time.getHours()) + ':' + two_digits(time.getMinutes()); zephyr.full_date_str = time.toLocaleString(); var new_tr = $('').attr('id', zephyr.id).addClass('zephyr_row'); $('#table').append(new_tr); new_tr.append(ich.zephyr(zephyr)); apply_view(new_tr); } $(function () { $(initial_zephyr_array).each(add_message); select_zephyr(initial_pointer); get_updates_longpoll(); }); function clear_compose_box() { $("#zephyr_compose").find('input[type=text], textarea').val(''); } var longpoll_failures = 0; function get_updates_longpoll() { console.log(new Date() + ': longpoll started'); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'get_updates_longpoll', data: { last_received: last_received }, dataType: 'json', timeout: 10*60*1000, // 10 minutes in ms success: function (data) { console.log(new Date() + ': longpoll success'); longpoll_failures = 0; $('#connection-error').hide(); if (data && data.zephyrs) { $.each(data.zephyrs, add_message); for (i in data.zephyrs) { console.log(data.zephyrs[i]); console.log(data.zephyrs[i].id); zephyr_dict[data.zephyrs[i].id] = data.zephyrs[i]; } } setTimeout(get_updates_longpoll, 0); }, error: function (xhr, error_type, exn) { if (error_type === 'timeout') { // Retry indefinitely on timeout. console.log(new Date() + ': longpoll timed out'); longpoll_failures = 0; $('#connection-error').hide(); } else { console.log(new Date() + ': longpoll failed with ' + error_type + ' (' + longpoll_failures + ' failures)'); longpoll_failures += 1; } if (longpoll_failures >= 5) { $('#connection-error').show(); } else { $('#connection-error').hide(); } var retry_sec = Math.min(90, Math.exp(longpoll_failures/2)); console.log(new Date() + ': longpoll retrying in ' + retry_sec + ' seconds'); setTimeout(get_updates_longpoll, retry_sec*1000); } }); } $(function () { update_autocomplete(); $('.button-slide').click(show_compose); });