Get WordPress notifications in Zulip! If you're hosting your WordPress blog yourself (i.e., not on, first install the [HookPress plugin]( (experimental). 1. {!!} 1. {!!} 1. {!!} **Important:** The HookPress plugin requires URL parameters to be delimited by semicolons instead of ampersands. If you have a self-hosted blog, replace every `&` with `;` in the URL above. 1. Go to `https://YOUR-WORDPRESS-BLOG/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=webhooks`, after replacing `YOUR-WORDPRESS-BLOG` appropriately. Click **Add webhook**. 1. Select the **Action** that you'd like to be notified about, along with the corresponding **Fields**. The list of currently supported actions is: * **publish_post**: Use fields *post_title*, *post_type*, and *post_url* * **publish_page**: Use fields *post_title*, *post_type*, and *post_url* * **user_register**: Use fields *display_name* and *user_email* (available on self-hosted blogs only) * **wp_login**: Use field *user_login* (available on self-hosted blogs only) 1. Set **URL** to the URL constructed above, and click **Add new webhook**. {!!} ![](/static/images/integrations/wordpress/wordpress_post_created.png)