New Relic can send messages to a Zulip stream for incidents. 1. {!!} 1. {!!} 1. {!!} 1. On [New Relic](, select **Alerts & AI**. 1. Navigate to **Notification channels**. 1. Create a new notification channel. Select channel type of **Webhook**, choose a name (e.g. "Zulip"), enter the webhook url created earlier as **Base Url**. 1. It should look like: ![](/static/images/integrations/newrelic/newrelic.png) 1. The webhook works with the default payload, click **Create channel**. 1. After creating the channel send a test notification to make sure it works. {!!} ![](/static/images/integrations/newrelic/001.png) ![](/static/images/integrations/newrelic/002.png) ![](/static/images/integrations/newrelic/003.png)