var settings_profile_fields = (function () { var exports = {}; var meta = { loaded: false, }; var order = []; var field_types = page_params.custom_profile_field_types; exports.field_type_id_to_string = function (type_id) { var field_type_str; _.every(field_types, function (field_type) { if ( === type_id) { // Few necessary modifications in field-type-name for // table-list view of custom fields UI in org settings if ( === "Date picker") { field_type_str = "Date"; } else if ( === "Person picker") { field_type_str = "Person"; } else if ( === "List of options") { field_type_str = "List"; } else { field_type_str =; } return false; } return true; }); return field_type_str; }; function update_profile_fields_table_element() { var profile_fields_table = $("#admin_profile_fields_table").expectOne(); // If there are no custom fields, hide the table headers at the top if (page_params.custom_profile_fields.length < 1) { profile_fields_table.hide(); } else {; } } function delete_profile_field(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); settings_ui.do_settings_change( channel.del, "/json/realm/profile_fields/" + encodeURIComponent($(this).attr('data-profile-field-id')), {}, $('#admin-profile-field-status').expectOne()); update_profile_fields_table_element(); } function read_field_data_from_form(selector) { var field_data = {}; var field_order = 1; selector.each(function () { var text = $(this).find("input")[0].value; if (text) { field_data[field_order - 1] = {text: text, order: field_order.toString()}; field_order += 1; } }); return field_data; } function update_choice_delete_btn(container, display_flag) { var no_of_choice_row = container.find(".choice-row").length; // Disable delete button if there only one choice row // Enable choice delete button more one than once choice if (no_of_choice_row === 1) { if (display_flag === true) { container.find(".choice-row .delete-choice").show(); } else { container.find(".choice-row .delete-choice").hide(); } } } function create_choice_row(container) { var context = {}; var row = templates.render("profile-field-choice", context); $(container).append(row); } function clear_form_data() { $("#profile_field_name").val(""); $("#profile_field_hint").val(""); // Set default type "Short Text" in field type dropdown $("#profile_field_type").val(; // Clear data from choice field form $("#profile_field_choices").html(""); create_choice_row($("#profile_field_choices")); update_choice_delete_btn($("#profile_field_choices"), false); $("#profile_field_choices_row").hide(); } function create_profile_field(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var selector = $('.admin-profile-field-form div.choice-row'); var field_data = {}; var field_type = $('#profile_field_type').val(); if (parseInt(field_type, 10) === { // Only read choice data if we are creating a choice field. field_data = read_field_data_from_form(selector); } var opts = { success_continuation: clear_form_data, }; var form_data = { name: $("#profile_field_name").val(), field_type: field_type, hint: $("#profile_field_hint").val(), field_data: JSON.stringify(field_data), }; settings_ui.do_settings_change(, "/json/realm/profile_fields", form_data, $('#admin-profile-field-status').expectOne(), opts); update_profile_fields_table_element(); } function add_choice_row(e) { if ($("choice-row")) { return; } var choices_div = e.delegateTarget; update_choice_delete_btn($(choices_div), true); create_choice_row(choices_div); } function delete_choice_row(e) { var row = $(e.currentTarget).parent(); var container = row.parent(); row.remove(); update_choice_delete_btn(container, false); } function get_profile_field_info(id) { var info = {}; info.row = $("tr.profile-field-row[data-profile-field-id='" + id + "']"); info.form = $("tr.profile-field-form[data-profile-field-id='" + id + "']"); return info; } function get_profile_field(id) { var all_custom_fields = page_params.custom_profile_fields; var field; for (var i = 0; i < all_custom_fields.length; i += 1) { if (all_custom_fields[i].id === id) { field = all_custom_fields[i]; break; } } return field; } exports.parse_field_choices_from_field_data = function (field_data) { var choices = []; _.each(field_data, function (choice, value) { choices.push({ value: value, text: choice.text, order: choice.order, }); }); return choices; }; function open_edit_form(e) { var field_id = $(e.currentTarget).attr("data-profile-field-id"); var profile_field = get_profile_field_info(field_id); profile_field.row.hide();; var field = get_profile_field(parseInt(field_id,10)); // Set initial value in edit form profile_field.form.find('input[name=name]').val(; profile_field.form.find('input[name=hint]').val(field.hint); if (parseInt(field.type, 10) === { // Re-render field choices in edit form to load initial choice data var choice_list = profile_field.form.find('.edit_profile_field_choices_container');; choice_list.html(""); var field_data = {}; if (field.field_data !== "") { field_data = JSON.parse(field.field_data); } var choices_data = exports.parse_field_choices_from_field_data(field_data); _.each(choices_data, function (choice) { choice_list.append( templates.render("profile-field-choice", { text: choice.text, }) ); }); // Add blank choice at last create_choice_row(choice_list); update_choice_delete_btn(choice_list, false); Sortable.create(choice_list[0], { onUpdate: function () {}, }); } profile_field.form.find('.reset').on("click", function () { profile_field.form.hide();; }); profile_field.form.find('.submit').on("click", function () { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var profile_field_status = $('#admin-profile-field-status').expectOne(); // For some reason jQuery's serialize() is not working with // channel.patch even though it is supported by $.ajax. var data = {}; = profile_field.form.find('input[name=name]').val(); data.hint = profile_field.form.find('input[name=hint]').val(); var selector = profile_field.form.find('div.choice-row'); data.field_data = JSON.stringify(read_field_data_from_form(selector)); settings_ui.do_settings_change(channel.patch, "/json/realm/profile_fields/" + field_id, data, profile_field_status); }); profile_field.form.find(".edit_profile_field_choices_container").on("input", ".choice-row input", add_choice_row); profile_field.form.find(".edit_profile_field_choices_container").on("click", "button.delete-choice", delete_choice_row); } exports.reset = function () { meta.loaded = false; }; function update_field_order() { order = []; $('.profile-field-row').each(function () { order.push(parseInt($(this).attr('data-profile-field-id'), 10)); }); settings_ui.do_settings_change(channel.patch, "/json/realm/profile_fields", {order: JSON.stringify(order)}, $('#admin-profile-field-status').expectOne()); } exports.populate_profile_fields = function (profile_fields_data) { if (!meta.loaded) { // If outside callers call us when we're not loaded, just // exit and we'll draw the widgets again during set_up(). return; } exports.do_populate_profile_fields(profile_fields_data); }; exports.do_populate_profile_fields = function (profile_fields_data) { // We should only call this internally or from tests. var profile_fields_table = $("#admin_profile_fields_table").expectOne(); profile_fields_table.find("tr.profile-field-row").remove(); // Clear all rows. profile_fields_table.find("tr.profile-field-form").remove(); // Clear all rows. order = []; _.each(profile_fields_data, function (profile_field) { order.push(; var field_data = {}; if (profile_field.field_data !== "") { field_data = JSON.parse(profile_field.field_data); } var choices = exports.parse_field_choices_from_field_data(field_data); var is_choice_field = false; if (profile_field.type === { is_choice_field = true; } profile_fields_table.append( templates.render( "admin_profile_field_list", { profile_field: { id:, name:, hint: profile_field.hint, type: exports.field_type_id_to_string(profile_field.type), choices: choices, is_choice_field: is_choice_field, }, can_modify: page_params.is_admin, } ) ); }); if (page_params.is_admin) { var field_list = $("#admin_profile_fields_table")[0]; Sortable.create(field_list, { onUpdate: update_field_order, }); } update_profile_fields_table_element(); loading.destroy_indicator($('#admin_page_profile_fields_loading_indicator')); }; function set_up_choices_field() { create_choice_row('#profile_field_choices'); update_choice_delete_btn($("#profile_field_choices"), false); var choice_list = $("#profile_field_choices")[0]; var field_type = $('#profile_field_type').val(); Sortable.create(choice_list, { onUpdate: function () {}, }); if (parseInt(field_type, 10) !== { // If 'Choice' type is already selected, show choice row. $("#profile_field_choices_row").hide(); } $('#profile_field_type').on('change', function (e) { if (parseInt($(, 10) === { $("#profile_field_choices_row").show(); } else { $("#profile_field_choices_row").hide(); } }); $("#profile_field_choices").on("input", ".choice-row input", add_choice_row); $("#profile_field_choices").on("click", "button.delete-choice", delete_choice_row); } exports.set_up = function () { // create loading indicators loading.make_indicator($('#admin_page_profile_fields_loading_indicator')); // Populate profile_fields table exports.do_populate_profile_fields(page_params.custom_profile_fields); meta.loaded = true; $('#admin_profile_fields_table').on('click', '.delete', delete_profile_field); $("#profile-field-settings").on("click", "#add-custom-profile-field-btn", create_profile_field); $("#admin_profile_fields_table").on("click", ".open-edit-form", open_edit_form); set_up_choices_field(); clear_form_data(); }; return exports; }()); if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = settings_profile_fields; } window.settings_profile_fields = settings_profile_fields;