import $ from "jquery"; import render_widgets_todo_widget from "../templates/widgets/todo_widget.hbs"; import render_widgets_todo_widget_tasks from "../templates/widgets/todo_widget_tasks.hbs"; import * as blueslip from "./blueslip"; import {$t} from "./i18n"; import {page_params} from "./page_params"; import * as people from "./people"; import {todo_widget_extra_data_schema} from "./submessage"; // Any single user should send add a finite number of tasks // to a todo list. We arbitrarily pick this value. const MAX_IDX = 1000; export class TaskData { task_map = new Map(); my_idx = 1; constructor({ message_sender_id, current_user_id, is_my_task_list, task_list_title, tasks, report_error_function, }) { this.message_sender_id = message_sender_id; = current_user_id; this.is_my_task_list = is_my_task_list; // input_mode indicates if the task list title is being input currently this.input_mode = is_my_task_list; // for now this.report_error_function = report_error_function; if (task_list_title) { this.set_task_list_title(task_list_title); } else { this.set_task_list_title($t({defaultMessage: "Task list"})); } for (const [i, data] of tasks.entries()) { this.handle.new_task.inbound("canned", { key: i, task: data.task, desc: data.desc, }); } } set_task_list_title(new_title) { this.input_mode = false; this.task_list_title = new_title; } get_task_list_title() { return this.task_list_title; } set_input_mode() { this.input_mode = true; } clear_input_mode() { this.input_mode = false; } get_input_mode() { return this.input_mode; } get_widget_data() { const all_tasks = [...this.task_map.values()]; const widget_data = { all_tasks, }; return widget_data; } name_in_use(name) { for (const item of this.task_map.values()) { if (item.task === name) { return true; } } return false; } handle = { new_task_list_title: { outbound: (title) => { const event = { type: "new_task_list_title", title, }; if (this.is_my_task_list) { return event; } return undefined; }, inbound: (sender_id, data) => { // Only the message author can edit questions. if (sender_id !== this.message_sender_id) { this.report_error_function( `user ${sender_id} is not allowed to edit the task list title`, ); return; } if (typeof data.title !== "string") { this.report_error_function("todo widget: bad type for inbound task list title"); return; } this.set_task_list_title(data.title); }, }, new_task: { outbound: (task, desc) => { this.my_idx += 1; const event = { type: "new_task", key: this.my_idx, task, desc, completed: false, }; if (!this.name_in_use(task)) { return event; } return undefined; }, inbound: (sender_id, data) => { // All readers may add tasks. For legacy reasons, the // inbound idx is called key in the event. const idx = data.key; const task = data.task; const desc = data.desc; if (!Number.isInteger(idx) || idx < 0 || idx > MAX_IDX) { blueslip.warn("todo widget: bad type for inbound task idx"); return; } if (typeof task !== "string") { blueslip.warn("todo widget: bad type for inbound task title"); return; } if (typeof desc !== "string") { blueslip.warn("todo widget: bad type for inbound task desc"); return; } const key = idx + "," + sender_id; const completed = data.completed; const task_data = { task, desc, idx, key, completed, }; if (!this.name_in_use(task)) { this.task_map.set(key, task_data); } // I may have added a task from another device. if (sender_id === && this.my_idx <= idx) { this.my_idx = idx + 1; } }, }, strike: { outbound(key) { const event = { type: "strike", key, }; return event; }, inbound: (_sender_id, data) => { // All message readers may strike/unstrike todo tasks. const key = data.key; if (typeof key !== "string") { blueslip.warn("todo widget: bad type for inbound strike key"); return; } const item = this.task_map.get(key); if (item === undefined) { blueslip.warn("Do we have legacy data? unknown key for tasks: " + key); return; } item.completed = !item.completed; }, }, }; handle_event(sender_id, data) { const type = data.type; if (this.handle[type] && this.handle[type].inbound) { this.handle[type].inbound(sender_id, data); } else { blueslip.warn(`todo widget: unknown inbound type: ${type}`); } } } export function activate({$elem, callback, extra_data, message}) { const parse_result = todo_widget_extra_data_schema.safeParse(extra_data); if (!parse_result.success) { blueslip.warn("invalid todo extra data", parse_result.error.issues); return; } const {data} = parse_result; const {task_list_title = "", tasks = []} = data || {}; const is_my_task_list = people.is_my_user_id(message.sender_id); const task_data = new TaskData({ message_sender_id: message.sender_id, current_user_id: people.my_current_user_id(), is_my_task_list, task_list_title, tasks, report_error_function: blueslip.warn, }); function update_edit_controls() { const has_title = $elem.find("input.todo-task-list-title").val().trim() !== ""; $elem.find("button.todo-task-list-title-check").toggle(has_title); } function render_task_list_title() { const task_list_title = task_data.get_task_list_title(); const input_mode = task_data.get_input_mode(); const can_edit = is_my_task_list && !input_mode; $elem.find(".todo-task-list-title-header").toggle(!input_mode); $elem.find(".todo-task-list-title-header").text(task_list_title); $elem.find(".todo-edit-task-list-title").toggle(can_edit); update_edit_controls(); $elem.find(".todo-task-list-title-bar").toggle(input_mode); } function start_editing() { task_data.set_input_mode(); const task_list_title = task_data.get_task_list_title(); $elem.find("input.todo-task-list-title").val(task_list_title); render_task_list_title(); $elem.find("input.todo-task-list-title").trigger("focus"); } function abort_edit() { task_data.clear_input_mode(); render_task_list_title(); } function submit_task_list_title() { const $task_list_title_input = $elem.find("input.todo-task-list-title"); let new_task_list_title = $task_list_title_input.val().trim(); const old_task_list_title = task_data.get_task_list_title(); // We should disable the button for blank task list title, // so this is just defensive code. if (new_task_list_title.trim() === "") { new_task_list_title = old_task_list_title; } // Optimistically set the task list title locally. task_data.set_task_list_title(new_task_list_title); render_task_list_title(); // If there were no actual edits, we can exit now. if (new_task_list_title === old_task_list_title) { return; } // Broadcast the new task list title to our peers. const data = task_data.handle.new_task_list_title.outbound(new_task_list_title); callback(data); } function build_widget() { const html = render_widgets_todo_widget(); $elem.html(html); $elem.find("input.todo-task-list-title").on("keyup", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); update_edit_controls(); }); $elem.find("input.todo-task-list-title").on("keydown", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); if (e.key === "Enter") { submit_task_list_title(); return; } if (e.key === "Escape") { abort_edit(); return; } }); $elem.find(".todo-edit-task-list-title").on("click", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); start_editing(); }); $elem.find("button.todo-task-list-title-check").on("click", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); submit_task_list_title(); }); $elem.find("button.todo-task-list-title-remove").on("click", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); abort_edit(); }); $elem.find("button.add-task").on("click", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); $elem.find(".widget-error").text(""); const task = $elem.find("input.add-task").val().trim(); const desc = $elem.find("input.add-desc").val().trim(); if (task === "") { return; } $elem.find("input.add-task").val("").trigger("focus"); $elem.find("input.add-desc").val(""); const task_exists = task_data.name_in_use(task); if (task_exists) { $elem.find(".widget-error").text($t({defaultMessage: "Task already exists"})); return; } const data = task_data.handle.new_task.outbound(task, desc); callback(data); }); } function render_results() { const widget_data = task_data.get_widget_data(); const html = render_widgets_todo_widget_tasks(widget_data); $elem.find("ul.todo-widget").html(html); $elem.find(".widget-error").text(""); $elem.find("input.task").on("click", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); if (page_params.is_spectator) { // Logically, spectators should not be able to toggle // TODO checkboxes. However, the browser changes the // checkbox's state before calling handlers like this, // so we need to just toggle the checkbox back to its // previous state. $("checked", !$(":checked")); $("blur"); return; } const key = $("data-key"); const data = task_data.handle.strike.outbound(key); callback(data); }); } $elem.handle_events = function (events) { for (const event of events) { task_data.handle_event(event.sender_id,; } render_task_list_title(); render_results(); }; build_widget(); render_task_list_title(); render_results(); }