{{#tr}} When you deactivate , they will be immediately logged out. {{#*inline "z-user"}}{{username}}{{#if email}} <{{email}}>{{/if}}{{/inline}} {{/tr}}

{{t "Their password will be cleared from our systems, and any bots they maintain will be disabled." }}

{{#tr}} {username} has {number_of_invites_by_user} unexpired invitations. {{/tr}} {{#if bots_owned_by_user}} {{t "They administer the following bots:"}}


{{t "Subject" }}: {{t "Notification of account deactivation on {realm_name}" }}

{{#tr}} Your Zulip account on has been deactivated, and you will no longer be able to log in. {{#*inline "z-link"}}{{realm_uri}}{{/inline}} {{/tr}}

{{t "The administrators provided the following comment:" }}