from optparse import make_option import logging import sys from import BaseCommand from zephyr.lib.actions import do_deactivate from zephyr.lib import utils from zephyr.models import UserMessage, get_user_profile_by_email from django.db import transaction, models class Command(BaseCommand): help = """Sets user message flags. Used internally by Marks all Expects a comma-delimited list of user message ids via stdin, and an EOF to terminate.""" option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + ( make_option('-r', '--for-real', dest='for_real', action='store_true', default=False, help="Actually change message flags. Default is a dry run."), make_option('-f', '--flag', dest='flag', type='string', help="The flag to add of remove"), make_option('-o', '--op', dest='op', type='string', help="The operation to do: 'add' or 'remove'"), make_option('-u', '--until', dest='all_until', type='string', help="Mark all messages <= specific usermessage id"), make_option('-m', '--email', dest='email', type='string', help="Email to set messages for"), ) def handle(self, *args, **options): if not options["flag"] or not options["op"] or not options["email"]: print "Please specify an operation, a flag and an email" exit(1) op = options['op'] flag = getattr(UserMessage.flags, options['flag']) all_until = options['all_until'] email = options['email'] user_profile = get_user_profile_by_email(email) if all_until: filt = models.Q(id__lte=all_until) else: filt = models.Q(message__id__in=[mid.strip() for mid in',')]) mids = [ for m in UserMessage.objects.filter(filt, user_profile=user_profile).order_by('-id')] if options["for_real"]: sys.stdin.close() sys.stdout.close() sys.stderr.close() def do_update(batch): with transaction.commit_on_success(): msgs = UserMessage.objects.filter(id__in=batch) if op == 'add': msgs.update(flags=models.F('flags').bitor(flag)) elif op == 'remove': msgs.update(flags=models.F('flags').bitand(~flag)) if not options["for_real"]:"Updating %s by %s %s" % (mids, op, flag))"Dry run completed. Run with --for-real to change message flags.") exit(1) utils.run_in_batches(mids, 400, do_update, sleep_time=3) exit(0)