import render_subscription_type from "../templates/subscription_type.hbs"; import * as peer_data from "./peer_data"; import * as stream_data from "./stream_data"; export function initialize_disable_btn_hint_popover( btn_wrapper, popover_btn, disabled_btn, hint_text, ) { // Disabled button blocks mouse events(hover) from reaching // to it's parent div element, so popover don't get triggered. // Add css to prevent this. disabled_btn.css("pointer-events", "none"); popover_btn.popover({ placement: "bottom", content: $("
", {class: "sub_disable_btn_hint"}).text(hint_text).prop("outerHTML"), trigger: "manual", html: true, animation: false, }); btn_wrapper.on("mouseover", (e) => { popover_btn.popover("show"); e.stopPropagation(); }); btn_wrapper.on("mouseout", (e) => { popover_btn.popover("hide"); e.stopPropagation(); }); } export function initialize_cant_subscribe_popover(sub) { const button_wrapper = stream_edit.settings_for_sub(sub).find(".sub_unsub_button_wrapper"); const settings_button = subs.settings_button_for_sub(sub); initialize_disable_btn_hint_popover( button_wrapper, settings_button, settings_button, i18n.t("Only stream members can add users to a private stream"), ); } export function update_settings_button_for_sub(sub) { // This is for the Subscribe/Unsubscribe button in the right panel. const settings_button = subs.settings_button_for_sub(sub); if (sub.subscribed) { settings_button.text(i18n.t("Unsubscribe")).removeClass("unsubscribed"); } else { settings_button.text(i18n.t("Subscribe")).addClass("unsubscribed"); } if (sub.should_display_subscription_button) { settings_button.prop("disabled", false); settings_button.popover("destroy"); settings_button.css("pointer-events", ""); } else { settings_button.attr("title", ""); initialize_cant_subscribe_popover(sub); settings_button.prop("disabled", true); } } export function update_regular_sub_settings(sub) { // These are in the right panel. if (!stream_edit.is_sub_settings_active(sub)) { return; } const $settings = $(`.subscription_settings[data-stream-id='${CSS.escape(sub.stream_id)}']`); if (sub.subscribed) { if ($settings.find(".email-address").val().length === 0) { // Rerender stream email address, if not. $settings.find(".email-address").text(sub.email_address); $settings.find(".stream-email-box").show(); } $settings.find(".regular_subscription_settings").addClass("in"); } else { $settings.find(".regular_subscription_settings").removeClass("in"); // Clear email address widget $settings.find(".email-address").html(""); } } export function update_change_stream_privacy_settings(sub) { // This is in the right panel. const stream_privacy_btn = $(".change-stream-privacy"); if (sub.can_change_stream_permissions) {; } else { stream_privacy_btn.hide(); } } export function update_notification_setting_checkbox(notification_name) { // This is in the right panel (Personal settings). const stream_row = $("#subscriptions_table"); if (!stream_row.length) { return; } const stream_id ="stream-id"); $(`#${CSS.escape(notification_name)}_${CSS.escape(stream_id)}`).prop( "checked", stream_data.receives_notifications(stream_id, notification_name), ); } export function update_stream_row_in_settings_tab(sub) { // This is in the left panel. // This function display/hide stream row in stream settings tab, // used to display immediate effect of add/removal subscription event. // If user is subscribed to stream, it will show sub row under // "Subscribed" tab, otherwise if stream is not public hide // stream row under tab. if (subs.is_subscribed_stream_tab_active()) { const sub_row = subs.row_for_stream_id(sub.stream_id); if (sub.subscribed) { sub_row.removeClass("notdisplayed"); } else if (sub.invite_only || page_params.is_guest) { sub_row.addClass("notdisplayed"); } } } export function update_stream_subscription_type_text(sub) { // This is in the right panel. const stream_settings = stream_edit.settings_for_sub(sub); const template_data = { ...sub, stream_post_policy_values: stream_data.stream_post_policy_values, message_retention_text: stream_edit.get_retention_policy_text_for_subscription_type(sub), }; const html = render_subscription_type(template_data); if (stream_edit.is_sub_settings_active(sub)) { stream_settings.find(".subscription-type-text").expectOne().html(html); } } export function update_subscribers_list(sub) { // This is for the "Stream membership" section of the right panel. // Render subscriptions only if stream settings is open if (!stream_edit.is_sub_settings_active(sub)) { return; } if (!sub.can_access_subscribers) { $(".subscriber_list_settings_container").hide(); } else { const subscribers = peer_data.get_subscribers(sub.stream_id); const users = stream_edit.get_users_from_subscribers(subscribers); /* We try to find a subscribers list that is already in the cache that list_widget.js maintains. The list we are looking for would have been created in the function stream_edit.show_subscription_settings, using the same naming scheme as below for the `name` parameter. */ const subscribers_list = ListWidget.get("stream_subscribers/" + sub.stream_id); // Changing the data clears the rendered list and the list needs to be re-rendered. // Perform re-rendering only when the stream settings form of the corresponding // stream is open. if (subscribers_list) { stream_edit.sort_but_pin_current_user_on_top(users); subscribers_list.replace_list_data(users); } $(".subscriber_list_settings_container").show(); } } export function update_add_subscriptions_elements(sub) { if (!stream_edit.is_sub_settings_active(sub)) { return; } if (page_params.is_guest) { // For guest users, we just hide the add_subscribers feature. $(".add_subscribers_container").hide(); return; } // Otherwise, we adjust whether the widgets are disabled based on // whether this user is authorized to add subscribers. const input_element = $(".add_subscribers_container").find(".input").expectOne(); const button_element = $(".add_subscribers_container") .find('button[name="add_subscriber"]') .expectOne(); const allow_user_to_add_subs = sub.can_add_subscribers; if (allow_user_to_add_subs) { input_element.prop("disabled", false); button_element.prop("disabled", false); button_element.css("pointer-events", ""); $(".add_subscribers_container input").popover("destroy"); } else { input_element.prop("disabled", true); button_element.prop("disabled", true); initialize_disable_btn_hint_popover( $(".add_subscribers_container"), input_element, button_element, i18n.t("Only stream members can add users to a private stream"), ); } }