Get Zulip notifications for your Librato alerts or snapshots!

First, create the stream you'd like to use for Librato notifications, and subscribe all interested parties to this stream. We recommend the name librato.

Next, on your Zulip settings page, create a Librato bot. Please note the bot name and API key. Then:

Alerts configuration

1. Login into your Librato account and switch to the integrations page:

2. From there, select "Webhook" integration:

3. Fill in the title and URL fields using your bot's API key

The default stream name is librato and default topic name is Alert alert_name.

  URL = {{ external_api_uri }}/v1/external/librato?api_key=your_api_key

You can customize the stream name and topic name:

  URL = {{ external_api_uri }}/v1/external/librato?stream=your_stream_name&topic=your_topic_name&api_key=your_api_key

4. Next, go to your alerts page:

5. Choose the alert conditions and enable the your new webhook under "Notification Services":

Congratulations! You're done!
When an alert triggers, you'll get a Zulip notification that looks like this:

Snapshot configuration

Because of limitations in Librato's API, you need to use the Slack integration to get Librato snapshots sent into Zulip.

Default stream name is librato and default topic name is snapshots.

To send a snapshot, just click at one of your chart, use the send a snapshot option and add the proper integration.

Congratulations! You're done!
When a snapshot comes, you'll get a Zulip notification that looks like this: