import $ from "jquery"; import _ from "lodash"; import * as emoji from "../shared/js/emoji"; import render_message_reaction from "../templates/message_reaction.hbs"; import * as blueslip from "./blueslip"; import * as channel from "./channel"; import * as emoji_picker from "./emoji_picker"; import {$t} from "./i18n"; import * as message_lists from "./message_lists"; import * as message_store from "./message_store"; import {page_params} from "./page_params"; import * as people from "./people"; import * as spectators from "./spectators"; import {user_settings} from "./user_settings"; export const view = {}; // function namespace export function get_local_reaction_id(reaction_info) { return [reaction_info.reaction_type, reaction_info.emoji_code].join(","); } export function open_reactions_popover() { const message = message_lists.current.selected_message(); let target; // Use verbose style to ensure we test both sides of the condition. if (message.sent_by_me) { target = $(message_lists.current.selected_row()).find(".actions_hover")[0]; } else { target = $(message_lists.current.selected_row()).find(".reaction_button")[0]; } emoji_picker.toggle_emoji_popover(target, message_lists.current.selected_id()); return true; } export function current_user_has_reacted_to_emoji(message, local_id) { set_clean_reactions(message); const r = message.clean_reactions.get(local_id); return r && r.user_ids.includes(page_params.user_id); } function get_message(message_id) { const message = message_store.get(message_id); if (!message) { blueslip.error("reactions: Bad message id: " + message_id); return undefined; } set_clean_reactions(message); return message; } function create_reaction(message_id, reaction_info) { return { message_id, user_id: page_params.user_id, local_id: get_local_reaction_id(reaction_info), reaction_type: reaction_info.reaction_type, emoji_name: reaction_info.emoji_name, emoji_code: reaction_info.emoji_code, }; } function update_ui_and_send_reaction_ajax(message_id, reaction_info) { if (page_params.is_spectator) { // Spectators can't react, since they don't have accounts. We // stop here to avoid a confusing reaction local echo. spectators.login_to_access(); return; } const message = get_message(message_id); const local_id = get_local_reaction_id(reaction_info); const has_reacted = current_user_has_reacted_to_emoji(message, local_id); const operation = has_reacted ? "remove" : "add"; const reaction = create_reaction(message_id, reaction_info); if (operation === "add") { add_reaction(reaction); } else { remove_reaction(reaction); } const args = { url: "/json/messages/" + message_id + "/reactions", data: reaction_info, success() {}, error(xhr) { const response = channel.xhr_error_message("Error sending reaction", xhr); // Errors are somewhat common here, due to race conditions // where the user tries to add/remove the reaction when there is already // an in-flight request. We eventually want to make this a blueslip // error, rather than a warning, but we need to implement either // #4291 or #4295 first. blueslip.warn(response); }, }; if (operation === "add") {; } else if (operation === "remove") { channel.del(args); } } export function toggle_emoji_reaction(message_id, emoji_name) { // This codepath doesn't support toggling a deactivated realm emoji. // Since an user can interact with a deactivated realm emoji only by // clicking on a reaction and that is handled by `process_reaction_click()` // method. This codepath is to be used only where there is no chance of an // user interacting with a deactivated realm emoji like emoji picker. const reaction_info = emoji.get_emoji_details_by_name(emoji_name); update_ui_and_send_reaction_ajax(message_id, reaction_info); } export function process_reaction_click(message_id, local_id) { const message = get_message(message_id); if (!message) { blueslip.error("message_id for reaction click is unknown: " + message_id); return; } const r = message.clean_reactions.get(local_id); if (!r) { blueslip.error( "Data integrity problem for reaction " + local_id + " (message " + message_id + ")", ); return; } const reaction_info = { reaction_type: r.reaction_type, emoji_name: r.emoji_name, emoji_code: r.emoji_code, }; update_ui_and_send_reaction_ajax(message_id, reaction_info); } function generate_title(emoji_name, user_ids) { const usernames = people.get_display_full_names( user_ids.filter((user_id) => user_id !== page_params.user_id), ); const current_user_reacted = user_ids.length !== usernames.length; const context = { emoji_name: ":" + emoji_name + ":", }; if (user_ids.length === 1) { if (current_user_reacted) { return $t({defaultMessage: "You (click to remove) reacted with {emoji_name}"}, context); } context.username = usernames[0]; return $t({defaultMessage: "{username} reacted with {emoji_name}"}, context); } if (user_ids.length === 2 && current_user_reacted) { context.other_username = usernames[0]; return $t( { defaultMessage: "You (click to remove) and {other_username} reacted with {emoji_name}", }, context, ); } context.comma_separated_usernames = _.initial(usernames).join(", "); context.last_username = _.last(usernames); if (current_user_reacted) { return $t( { defaultMessage: "You (click to remove), {comma_separated_usernames} and {last_username} reacted with {emoji_name}", }, context, ); } return $t( { defaultMessage: "{comma_separated_usernames} and {last_username} reacted with {emoji_name}", }, context, ); } // Add a tooltip showing who reacted to a message. export function get_reaction_title_data(message_id, local_id) { const message = get_message(message_id); const r = message.clean_reactions.get(local_id); const user_list = r.user_ids; const emoji_name = r.emoji_name; const title = generate_title(emoji_name, user_list); return title; } export function get_reaction_section(message_id) { const message_element = $(".message_table").find(`[zid='${CSS.escape(message_id)}']`); const section = message_element.find(".message_reactions"); return section; } export function find_reaction(message_id, local_id) { const reaction_section = get_reaction_section(message_id); const reaction = reaction_section.find(`[data-reaction-id='${CSS.escape(local_id)}']`); return reaction; } export function get_add_reaction_button(message_id) { const reaction_section = get_reaction_section(message_id); const add_button = reaction_section.find(".reaction_button"); return add_button; } export function set_reaction_count(reaction, count) { const count_element = reaction.find(".message_reaction_count"); count_element.text(count); } export function add_reaction(event) { const message_id = event.message_id; const message = message_store.get(message_id); if (message === undefined) { // If we don't have the message in cache, do nothing; if we // ever fetch it from the server, it'll come with the // latest reactions attached return; } set_clean_reactions(message); const local_id = get_local_reaction_id(event); const user_id = event.user_id; const r = message.clean_reactions.get(local_id); if (r && r.user_ids.includes(user_id)) { return; } if (r) { r.user_ids.push(user_id); update_user_fields(r); } else { message.clean_reactions.set( local_id, make_clean_reaction({ local_id, user_ids: [user_id], reaction_type: event.reaction_type, emoji_name: event.emoji_name, emoji_code: event.emoji_code, }), ); } const opts = { message_id, reaction_type: event.reaction_type, emoji_name: event.emoji_name, emoji_code: event.emoji_code, user_id, }; if (r) { opts.user_list = r.user_ids; view.update_existing_reaction(opts); } else { view.insert_new_reaction(opts); } } view.update_existing_reaction = function ({ message_id, emoji_name, user_list, user_id, reaction_type, emoji_code, }) { // Our caller ensures that this message already has a reaction // for this emoji and sets up our user_list. This function // simply updates the DOM. const local_id = get_local_reaction_id({reaction_type, emoji_code}); const reaction = find_reaction(message_id, local_id); set_reaction_count(reaction, user_list.length); const new_label = generate_title(emoji_name, user_list); reaction.attr("aria-label", new_label); if (user_id === page_params.user_id) { reaction.addClass("reacted"); } }; view.insert_new_reaction = function ({message_id, user_id, emoji_name, emoji_code, reaction_type}) { // Our caller ensures we are the first user to react to this // message with this emoji, and it populates user_list for // us. We then render the emoji/title/count and insert it // before the add button. const user_list = [user_id]; const context = { message_id, ...emoji.get_emoji_details_for_rendering({emoji_name, emoji_code, reaction_type}), }; const new_label = generate_title(emoji_name, user_list); context.count = 1; context.label = new_label; context.local_id = get_local_reaction_id({reaction_type, emoji_code}); context.emoji_alt_code = user_settings.emojiset === "text"; context.is_realm_emoji = context.reaction_type === "realm_emoji" || context.reaction_type === "zulip_extra_emoji"; if (user_id === page_params.user_id) { context.class = "message_reaction reacted"; } else { context.class = "message_reaction"; } const new_reaction = $(render_message_reaction(context)); // Now insert it before the add button. const reaction_button_element = get_add_reaction_button(message_id); new_reaction.insertBefore(reaction_button_element); }; export function remove_reaction(event) { const reaction_type = event.reaction_type; const emoji_name = event.emoji_name; const emoji_code = event.emoji_code; const message_id = event.message_id; const user_id = event.user_id; const message = message_store.get(message_id); const local_id = get_local_reaction_id(event); if (message === undefined) { // If we don't have the message in cache, do nothing; if we // ever fetch it from the server, it'll come with the // latest reactions attached return; } set_clean_reactions(message); const r = message.clean_reactions.get(local_id); if (!r) { return; } if (!r.user_ids.includes(user_id)) { return; } r.user_ids = r.user_ids.filter((id) => id !== user_id); if (r.user_ids.length > 0) { update_user_fields(r); } else { message.clean_reactions.delete(local_id); } view.remove_reaction({ message_id, reaction_type, emoji_name, emoji_code, user_list: r.user_ids, user_id, }); } view.remove_reaction = function ({ message_id, emoji_name, user_list, user_id, reaction_type, emoji_code, }) { const local_id = get_local_reaction_id({reaction_type, emoji_code}); const reaction = find_reaction(message_id, local_id); if (user_list.length === 0) { // If this user was the only one reacting for this emoji, we simply // remove the reaction and exit. reaction.remove(); return; } // The emoji still has reactions from other users, so we need to update // the title/count and, if the user is the current user, turn off the // "reacted" class. const new_label = generate_title(emoji_name, user_list); reaction.attr("aria-label", new_label); // If the user is the current user, turn off the "reacted" class. set_reaction_count(reaction, user_list.length); if (user_id === page_params.user_id) { reaction.removeClass("reacted"); } }; export function get_emojis_used_by_user_for_message_id(message_id) { const user_id = page_params.user_id; const message = message_store.get(message_id); set_clean_reactions(message); const names = []; for (const r of message.clean_reactions.values()) { if (r.user_ids.includes(user_id)) { names.push(r.emoji_name); } } return names; } export function get_message_reactions(message) { set_clean_reactions(message); return Array.from(message.clean_reactions.values()); } export function set_clean_reactions(message) { /* The server sends us a single structure for each reaction, even if two users are reacting with the same emoji. Our first loop creates a map of distinct reactions and a map of local_id -> user_ids. The `local_id` is basically a key for the emoji name. Then in our second loop we build a more compact data structure that's easier for our message list view templates to work with. */ if (message.clean_reactions) { return; } const distinct_reactions = new Map(); const user_map = new Map(); for (const reaction of message.reactions) { const local_id = get_local_reaction_id(reaction); const user_id = reaction.user_id; if (!people.is_known_user_id(user_id)) { blueslip.warn("Unknown user_id " + user_id + " in reaction for message " +; continue; } if (!distinct_reactions.has(local_id)) { distinct_reactions.set(local_id, reaction); user_map.set(local_id, []); } const user_ids = user_map.get(local_id); if (user_ids.includes(user_id)) { blueslip.error( "server sent duplicate reactions for user " + user_id + " (key=" + local_id + ")", ); continue; } user_ids.push(user_id); } /* It might feel a little janky to attach clean_reactions directly to the message object, but this allows the server to send us a new copy of the message, and then the next time we try to get reactions from it, we won't have `clean_reactions`, and we will re-process the server's latest copy of the reactions. */ message.clean_reactions = new Map(); for (const local_id of distinct_reactions.keys()) { const reaction = distinct_reactions.get(local_id); const user_ids = user_map.get(local_id); message.clean_reactions.set( local_id, make_clean_reaction({ local_id, user_ids, reaction_type: reaction.reaction_type, emoji_name: reaction.emoji_name, emoji_code: reaction.emoji_code, }), ); } } function make_clean_reaction({local_id, user_ids, emoji_name, emoji_code, reaction_type}) { const r = { local_id, user_ids, ...emoji.get_emoji_details_for_rendering({emoji_name, emoji_code, reaction_type}), }; update_user_fields(r); r.emoji_alt_code = user_settings.emojiset === "text"; r.is_realm_emoji = r.reaction_type === "realm_emoji" || r.reaction_type === "zulip_extra_emoji"; return r; } export function update_user_fields(r) { r.count = r.user_ids.length; r.label = generate_title(r.emoji_name, r.user_ids); if (r.user_ids.includes(page_params.user_id)) { r.class = "message_reaction reacted"; } else { r.class = "message_reaction"; } }