[ { "original_subject": "Normal subject", "stripped_subject": "Normal subject" }, { "original_subject": "", "stripped_subject": "" }, { "original_subject": "Re: Fwd: Re: Software", "stripped_subject": "Software" }, { "original_subject": "Fwd : Re : Re: Many", "stripped_subject": "Many" }, { "original_subject": "Re : Re: Many", "stripped_subject": "Many" }, { "original_subject": "Re : : Re: Many", "stripped_subject": "Many" }, { "original_subject": "Re:: Many", "stripped_subject": "Many" }, { "original_subject": "Re; Many", "stripped_subject": "Many" }, { "original_subject": ": noah - should not match anything", "stripped_subject": ": noah - should not match anything" }, { "original_subject": "RE--", "stripped_subject": "" }, { "original_subject": "RE: : Presidential Ballots for Florida", "stripped_subject": "Presidential Ballots for Florida" }, { "original_subject": "[RE: (no subject)]", "stripped_subject": "(no subject)" }, { "original_subject": "Request - should not match anything", "stripped_subject": "Request - should not match anything" }, { "original_subject": "this is the subject (fwd)", "stripped_subject": "this is the subject" }, { "original_subject": "Re: [Fwd: ] Blonde Joke", "stripped_subject": "Blonde Joke" }, { "original_subject": "Re: [Fwd: [Fwd: FW: Policy]]", "stripped_subject": "Policy" }, { "original_subject": "Re: Fwd: [Fwd: FW: \"Drink Plenty of Water\"]", "stripped_subject": "\"Drink Plenty of Water\"" }, { "original_subject": "FW: FW: (fwd) FW: Warning from XYZ...", "stripped_subject": "Warning from XYZ..." }, { "original_subject": "FW: (Fwd) (Fwd) ", "stripped_subject": "" }, { "original_subject": "Fwd: [Fwd: [Fwd: Big, Bad Surf Moving]]", "stripped_subject": "Big, Bad Surf Moving" }, { "original_subject": "FW: [Fwd: Fw: drawing by a school age child in PA (fwd)]", "stripped_subject": "drawing by a school age child in PA" }, { "original_subject": "Re: Fwd", "stripped_subject": "" }, { "original_subject": "Fwd: Re: fwd is an acronym (four-wheel drive)", "stripped_subject": "fwd is an acronym (four-wheel drive)" } ]