import * as input_pill from "./input_pill"; import * as keydown_util from "./keydown_util"; import * as pill_typeahead from "./pill_typeahead"; import * as stream_pill from "./stream_pill"; import * as user_group_pill from "./user_group_pill"; import * as user_pill from "./user_pill"; function create_item_from_text(text, current_items) { const funcs = [ stream_pill.create_item_from_stream_name, user_group_pill.create_item_from_group_name, user_pill.create_item_from_email, ]; for (const func of funcs) { const item = func(text, current_items); if (item) { return item; } } return undefined; } function get_text_from_item(item) { const funcs = [ stream_pill.get_stream_name_from_item, user_group_pill.get_group_name_from_item, user_pill.get_email_from_item, ]; for (const func of funcs) { const text = func(item); if (text) { return text; } } return undefined; } function set_up_pill_typeahead({pill_widget, $pill_container, get_users}) { const opts = { user_source: get_users, stream: true, user_group: true, user: true, }; pill_typeahead.set_up($pill_container.find(".input"), pill_widget, opts); } export function create({$pill_container, get_potential_subscribers}) { const pill_widget = input_pill.create({ $container: $pill_container, create_item_from_text, get_text_from_item, }); function get_users() { const potential_subscribers = get_potential_subscribers(); return user_pill.filter_taken_users(potential_subscribers, pill_widget); } set_up_pill_typeahead({pill_widget, $pill_container, get_users}); const $pill_widget_input = $pill_container.find(".input"); const $pill_widget_button = $pill_container.parent().find(".add-subscriber-button"); // Disable the add button first time the pill container is created. $pill_widget_button.prop("disabled", true); // If all the pills are removed, disable the add button. pill_widget.onPillRemove(() => $pill_widget_button.prop("disabled", pill_widget.items().length === 0), ); // Disable the add button when there is no pending text that can be converted // into a pill and the number of existing pills is zero. $pill_widget_input.on("input", () => $pill_widget_button.prop( "disabled", !pill_widget.is_pending() && pill_widget.items().length === 0, ), ); return pill_widget; } function get_pill_user_ids(pill_widget) { const user_ids = user_pill.get_user_ids(pill_widget); const stream_user_ids = stream_pill.get_user_ids(pill_widget); const group_user_ids = user_group_pill.get_user_ids(pill_widget); return [...user_ids, ...stream_user_ids, ...group_user_ids]; } export function set_up_handlers({ get_pill_widget, $parent_container, pill_selector, button_selector, action, }) { /* This function handles events for any UI that looks like this: [pill-enabled input box for subscribers] [Add button] In an ideal world the above two widgets would be enclosed in a
section and we would have a single submit handler, but our current implementation of input pills has some magic that prevents the pills from playing nice with the vanilla HTML form/submit mechanism. So, instead, we provide this helper function to manage the two events needed to make it look like the widgets are inside an actual HTML
tag. This abstraction also automatically retrieves the user_ids from the input pill and sends them back to the `action` function passed in. The subscriber input-pill widgets lets you provide user_ids by creating pills for either: * single user * user group * stream (i.e. subscribed users for the stream) */ function callback() { const pill_widget = get_pill_widget(); const pill_user_ids = get_pill_user_ids(pill_widget); action({pill_user_ids}); } $parent_container.on("keyup", pill_selector, (e) => { if (keydown_util.is_enter_event(e)) { e.preventDefault(); callback(); } }); $parent_container.on("click", button_selector, (e) => { e.preventDefault(); callback(); }); }