"use strict"; const funcs = { setZoom(meta, zoom) { // condition to handle zooming event by zoom hotkeys if (zoom === "+") { zoom = meta.zoom * 1.2; } else if (zoom === "-") { zoom = meta.zoom / 1.2; } // make sure the zoom is above 1 and below the maxZoom. meta.zoom = Math.min(Math.max(zoom, 1), meta.maxZoom); }, // this is a function given a canvas that attaches all of the events // required to pan and zoom. attachEvents(canvas, context, meta) { let mousedown = false; // wheelEvent.deltaMode is a value that describes what the unit is // for the `deltaX`, `deltaY`, and `deltaZ` properties. const DELTA_MODE = { PIXEL: 0, LINE: 1, PAGE: 2, }; // use the wheel event rather than scroll because this isn't // actually an element that can scroll. The wheel event will // detect the *gesture* of scrolling over an element, without actually // worrying about scrollable content. canvas.addEventListener("wheel", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); // this is to reverse scrolling directions for the image. let delta = meta.direction * e.deltaY; if (e.deltaMode === DELTA_MODE.LINE) { // the vertical height in pixels of an approximate line. delta *= 15; } if (e.deltaMode === DELTA_MODE.PAGE) { // the vertical height in pixels of an approximate page. delta *= 300; } // this is calculated as the user defined speed times the normalizer // (which just is what it takes to take the raw delta and transform // it to a normal speed), multiply it against the current zoom. // Example: // delta = 8 // normalizedDelta = delta * (1 / 20) * 1 = 0.4 // zoom = zoom * (0.4 / 100) + 1 const zoom = meta.zoom * ((meta.speed * meta.internalSpeedMultiplier * delta) / 100 + 1); funcs.setZoom(meta, zoom); funcs.displayImage(canvas, context, meta); return false; }); // the only valid mousedown events should originate inside of the // canvas. canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", () => { mousedown = true; }); // on mousemove, actually run the pan events. canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", (e) => { // to pan, there must be mousedown and mousemove, check if valid. if (mousedown === true) { // find the percent of movement relative to the canvas width // since e.movementX, e.movementY are in px. const percentMovement = { x: e.movementX / canvas.width, y: e.movementY / canvas.height, }; // add the percentMovement to the meta coordinates but divide // out by the zoom ratio because when zoomed in 10x for example // moving the photo by 1% will appear like 10% on the . meta.coords.x += (percentMovement.x * 2) / meta.zoom; meta.coords.y += (percentMovement.y * 2) / meta.zoom; // redraw the image. funcs.displayImage(canvas, context, meta); } }); // event listener to handle zoom in and out from using keyboard keys z/Z and +/- // in the canvas // these hotkeys are not implemented in static/js/hotkey.js as the code in // static/js/lightbox_canvas.js and static/js/lightbox.js isn't written a way // that the LightboxCanvas instance created in lightbox.js can be // accessed from hotkey.js. Major code refactoring is required in lightbox.js // to implement these keyboard shortcuts in hotkey.js document.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => { if (!overlays.lightbox_open()) { return; } if (e.key === "Z" || e.key === "+") { funcs.setZoom(meta, "+"); funcs.displayImage(canvas, context, meta); } else if (e.key === "z" || e.key === "-") { funcs.setZoom(meta, "-"); funcs.displayImage(canvas, context, meta); } else if (e.key === "v") { overlays.close_overlay("lightbox"); } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }); // make sure that when the mousedown is lifted on to prevent // panning events. canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", () => { mousedown = false; }); // do so on the document.body as well, though depending on the infra, // these are less reliable as preventDefault may prevent these events // from propagating all the way to the . document.body.addEventListener("mouseup", function body_mouseup() { if (document.body.contains(canvas)) { mousedown = false; } else { document.body.removeEventListener("mouseup", body_mouseup); } }); window.addEventListener("resize", function window_resize() { if (document.body.contains(canvas)) { funcs.sizeCanvas(canvas, meta); funcs.displayImage(canvas, context, meta); } else { window.removeEventListener("resize", window_resize); } }); }, imageRatio(image) { return image.naturalWidth / image.naturalHeight; }, displayImage(canvas, context, meta) { meta.coords.x = Math.max(1 / (meta.zoom * 2), meta.coords.x); meta.coords.x = Math.min(1 - 1 / (meta.zoom * 2), meta.coords.x); meta.coords.y = Math.max(1 / (meta.zoom * 2), meta.coords.y); meta.coords.y = Math.min(1 - 1 / (meta.zoom * 2), meta.coords.y); const c = { x: meta.coords.x - 1, y: meta.coords.y - 1, }; const x = meta.zoom * c.x * canvas.width + canvas.width / 2; const y = meta.zoom * c.y * canvas.height + canvas.height / 2; const w = canvas.width * meta.zoom; const h = canvas.height * meta.zoom; context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); context.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; context.drawImage(meta.image, x, y, w, h); }, // the `sizeCanvas` method figures out the appropriate bounding box for // the canvas given a parent that has constraints. // for example, if a photo has a ration of 1.5:1 (w:h), and the parent // box is 1:1 respectively, we want to stretch the photo to be as large // as we can, which means that we check if having the photo width = 100% // means that the height is less than 100% of the parent height. If so, // then we size the photo as w = 100%, h = 100% / 1.5. sizeCanvas(canvas, meta) { if (canvas.parentNode === null) { return; } if (typeof meta.resize_handler === "function") { meta.resize_handler(canvas); } const parent = { width: canvas.parentNode.clientWidth, height: canvas.parentNode.clientHeight, }; if (parent.height * meta.ratio > parent.width) { canvas.width = parent.width * 2; canvas.style.width = parent.width + "px"; canvas.height = (parent.width / meta.ratio) * 2; canvas.style.height = parent.width / meta.ratio + "px"; } else { canvas.height = parent.height * 2; canvas.style.height = parent.height + "px"; canvas.width = parent.height * meta.ratio * 2; canvas.style.width = parent.height * meta.ratio + "px"; } blueslip.warn("Please specify a 'data-width' or 'data-height' argument for canvas."); }, }; class LightboxCanvas { meta = { direction: -1, zoom: 1, image: null, coords: { x: 0.5, y: 0.5, }, speed: 1, // this is to normalize the speed to what I would consider to be // "standard" zoom speed. internalSpeedMultiplier: 0.05, maxZoom: 10, }; constructor(el) { if (el instanceof Node) { this.canvas = el; } else if (typeof el === "string") { this.canvas = document.querySelector(el); } else { throw new TypeError("'LightboxCanvas' accepts either string selector or node."); } this.context = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); this.meta.image = new Image(); this.meta.image.src = this.canvas.getAttribute("data-src"); this.meta.image.addEventListener("load", () => { this.meta.ratio = funcs.imageRatio(this.meta.image); funcs.sizeCanvas(this.canvas, this.meta); funcs.displayImage(this.canvas, this.context, this.meta); }); this.canvas.image = this.meta.image; funcs.attachEvents(this.canvas, this.context, this.meta); } // set the speed at which scrolling zooms in on a photo. speed(speed) { this.meta.speed = speed; } // set the max zoom of the `LightboxCanvas` canvas as a mult of the total width. maxZoom(maxZoom) { this.meta.maxZoom = maxZoom; } reverseScrollDirection() { this.meta.direction = 1; } setZoom(zoom) { funcs.setZoom(this.meta, zoom); funcs.displayImage(this.canvas, this.context, this.meta); } resize(callback) { this.meta.resize_handler = callback; } } module.exports = LightboxCanvas; window.LightboxCanvas = LightboxCanvas;