#!/bin/sh if [ "$#" -lt 4 ]; then echo "Usage:" echo " sha256-tarball-to SHA256 http://FETCH/FROM.tar.gz SRC1 DST1 [SRC2 DST2 [...]]" echo echo "SHA256 is the sha256sum of the tarball fetched; each SRC (which may be a" echo "directory) is expected to be a relative path into the unpacked tarball," echo "and each DST is the absolute path it should be moved to." exit 1 fi set -e set -x SHA256="$1" URL="$2" shift shift # Work in a tmpdir which we clean up at the end tmpdir="$(mktemp -d)" trap 'rm -r "$tmpdir"' EXIT cd "$tmpdir" # Fetch to a predictable name, not whatever curl guesses from the URL LOCALFILE="archive.tar.gz" wget -qO "$LOCALFILE" "$URL" # Check the hash against what was passed in echo "$SHA256 $LOCALFILE" >"$LOCALFILE.sha256" sha256sum -c "$LOCALFILE.sha256" tar xzf "$LOCALFILE" # Take the rest of the arguments two-at-a-time, as source and # destination to move out of the unpacked tarball. while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do mv "$1" "$2" shift shift done